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Catching the Baron

Page 14

by Jenn Langston

  Samantha noted the horror running across the maid’s face. Surely her grandmother wasn’t serious. So much effort had already been put into tonight.

  “No. I think it will be lovely. I’m simply mystified by all the work involved in setting up for one night’s festivities.”

  With a chuckle, her grandmother shook her head. “It isn’t the one evening I’m worried about. I wish it to be the talk of the Season.”

  Settling down at the table, Samantha tried to understand. “Why?”

  “Mostly because of your mother.” Her grandmother leaned back in her chair and pierced her with a stare. “These balls were her idea.”

  Samantha recalled how her mother loved to dance. She could easily picture her there, among the elite members of Society. The idea she willingly left still plagued Samantha.

  “What happened? Why did she want to leave all this?”

  With a long sigh, her grandmother ran a hand across her brow, looking much older than she had moments ago. The pain in her face seemed to age her.

  “We were in the country when she met Douglas. The young man was apprenticing with a carpenter. They fell in love so swiftly, I didn’t have a chance to sway her feelings.”

  A lump formed in Samantha’s throat at the thought of her mother falling into a forbidden love. After all, Samantha had done the same thing with Kenneth. The difference being he didn’t reciprocate her feelings.

  “Was my father so bad for her?”

  “No,” her grandmother quickly assured. “He was a wonderful young man. I often lamented that he hadn’t been a member of peerage. You see, this world is harsh and unforgiving.”

  Anger brought heat to Samantha’s cheeks. “So you decided to become the same to her? Didn’t you consider her feelings?”

  Her grandmother regarded her calmly, but her eyes held sadness. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised my daughter didn’t speak of me at all.”

  “The only time any of my grandparents were mentioned was to say how they didn’t approve of the marriage. I was never offered anything in a way of explanation,” Samantha said, feeling the need to defend her parents.

  “Your grandfather opposed the match without reservations, but I . . . I could see how Georgina sparkled. She had found the illusive love most of us were denied.”

  Pride welled in Samantha’s chest. “Yes she did. Growing up, I never doubted their love for one another.”

  “Faced with this, I couldn’t refuse them. The earl forbade the relationship, whereas I encouraged it.”

  Silence echoed in the room. Samantha found she could hardly breathe. How could this be true? Her mother never indicated that anyone approved.

  After drawing in a ragged breath, her grandmother began again. “I helped her get away. I told everyone, including my husband, she and a young lord eloped and didn’t intend to come back to London. In return, I only asked her to keep my secret.”


  “Your grandfather was a great man, but he became overly strict regarding Society’s rules in regard to Georgina. I didn’t want him to use me to find her.”

  Seeing a hint of sorrow in her grandmother’s eyes made Samantha’s throat close. The woman sacrificed so much to ensure her daughter’s happiness. Pride welled inside her to be a part of this family.

  Crossing the room, Samantha took her grandmother into her arms. The delicate scent of roses and crisp linen clung to her. Silent tears fell from Samantha’s eyes. Tears for the relationship they should have had. Tears for all the lost memories they could have enjoyed. Tears of joy for the amazing woman her grandmother was.

  “What is all this about?” She patted Samantha’s hand, then held her at arm’s length and made eye contact.

  “My parents never had the opportunity to thank you, but they would have. We were very happy. My father worked hard and Mother never wanted for anything.”

  “Thank you. That is balm to my soul. Now, enough about this, we have much to do to prepare for tomorrow night.”

  The next day, as Samantha looked around the ballroom, she couldn’t believe they actually managed to pull everything together. Her grandmother had been insistent on seeing to every detail herself, and the result certainly had been worth the effort.

  The large gondola erected in the middle of the ballroom provided a perfect place for dancing. With the other gondolas, simulated water, and artwork they purchased in Venice, Samantha definitely got the feeling of Italy.

  “Does Venice really look like this?” Grace asked from behind her.

  “Nothing can compare to the real place,” Samantha replied honestly.

  “Maybe I will go one day. That is, if I can talk my husband into traveling. Most of these boorish gentlemen haven’t left the confines of London or the estates immediately surrounding it.”

  Samantha faced her friend. To date, she’d never mentioned a husband. Had Grace found someone already?

  “Tell me about this future husband of yours. Is he in the room?”

  Grace giggled. “There are only a few gentlemen here I can stand to be around, so marriage to any of them is out of the question. I’m merely speaking of the future in which I find someone I can handle for more than one day.”

  “Sadly, I know what you mean. I don’t believe I will marry.”

  With rounded eyes, Grace slowly shook her head. “The Season has barely begun. Don’t make such a harsh decision too quickly.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but as we’ve lamented many times, there are too few good gentlemen out there.”

  “What about Baron Berwick? The two of you seem to have some kind of special flirtation I can’t seem to figure out.”

  Instinctively Samantha’s eyes sought him out. As usual, he had Miss Doutree on his arm as they visited with other guests. Part of her wished he would just marry the woman and end the torture, but the thought of it made her ache just as much.

  “An occasional flirtation with a handsome man doesn’t mean I wish to marry him.”

  “I didn’t say you wanted to right now. I’m only offering options for you.”

  As if he heard their conversation, Kenneth’s eyes locked on hers. The dark desire in his face gave her pause. His expression cleared as he looked away, but it had been enough to set her pulse to racing and her limbs trembling.

  “If I had a man looking at me like that, I may reconsider my stance on marriage.”

  “He’s just-”

  Grace tossed up her hands. “I won’t say any more. I should excuse myself anyway. Lord Stonemede owes me a dance, and I don’t see my sister attached to his side at the moment.”

  Shaking her head, Samantha watched her friend walk away before settling her eyes back on Kenneth. Her breath caught. He was alone. Without waiting for him, she turned and walked away. He would follow. She was sure of it.

  Anxiousness pumped through Kenneth’s blood. He’d never understood the point of spending so much money on a ball, but he knew now. If it would make Samantha wear that dress, he’d gladly pay any price.

  The shimmering purple material caressed her body, mimicking what he would be doing to her in a short time. Although the dress clasped around her neck, the lace did nothing to hide the glorious cleavage from being displayed. Her brown hair was teased into curls and piled on her head. The complete look made every man in the room harden with desire, he was certain of it. But he would be the one who possessed her tonight.

  Catching sight of her self-satisfied smile as she turned and walked from him made his heart leap with joy. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Anticipation made his feet move faster as he followed an appropriate distance behind her.

  She slipped outside through the open terrace doors, then disappeared. Walking over to the railing, he glanced down the garden path that had somehow been turned blue. No sign of Samantha. Only two couples strolled on the terrace, no doubt the others were trying to figure out how the ground had been dyed to resemble water.


  The w
hispered voice touched his ear, making him spin around. There was no sign of her, but one of the blocked off doors had been cracked open. When he approached it, a hand shot out, grabbed him, and pulled him inside.

  Before his eyes could adjust to the darkness, a warm female body pressed up against him and attacked his mouth. The urgency fueled his desire, and he spun around to pin her to the wall.

  The feeling of coming home after an extended trip engulfed him. Too long had he suffered life without her. Unable to think much past the blood roaring in his ears, he inched her skirts up, but she pulled away.

  “No, Kenneth.” Samantha’s breathless voice protested. “Not here.”

  Unable to speak, he stepped back and allowed her to lead them out of what he now realized was the gondola constructed along the wall. When they emerged into a dark hallway, Kenneth applauded his decision to force Samantha to choose the places they met. No one would ever find them here.

  She took him into a small lit room before facing him with an excited smile. Although he wanted to take her in his arms right now, he also wanted to allow her the opportunity to see this through as she planned. To distract himself, he moved about the room which was obviously an unused servant’s room.

  He appreciated her choice as well as her foresight. Not only had candles been lit in preparation for their arrival, but fresh linens covered the bed. Clasping his hands behind his back, he attempted to hold himself back from ripping the dress off her.

  “So, do you approve? Not only is this room the furthest away from the occupied rooms, but every staff member is assisting with the ball tonight.” Her voice held pride.

  “This is perfect.” He let his eyes slide down her body. “Now that you have me here, what do you intend to do with me?”

  She smiled sensuously as she approached him. “Whatever I wish.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, she tugged his coat off and began unfastening his waistcoat. Knowing time wasn’t on their side, he stilled her quick fingers.

  “It would be better if we don’t undress.”

  Disappointment passed through her eyes but was quickly replaced by mischief. “Just your trousers then?”

  Immediately her hand dropped to rub across him. His breath caught, and he could not respond even as she worked at the buttons. He’d never felt this urgent or needy in his life as she slowly drew the garment down his body, running her hands along his legs in the process.

  When she knelt before him, he clenched his fist so tight, his blunt fingernails dug into his palm. Determination shot through him. He would remain still and allow her examination. Her hand reached out and stroked him with the boldness he’d come to love about her.

  He closed his eyes as the image before him and her touch nearly sent him over the edge. His blood rushed, pounding in his ears and . . . other places. He couldn’t take the blissful torture much longer.

  She stopped, and he opened his eyes to look down at her. She regarded his member with curiosity etched on her face. She looked as if she’d never seen it before.

  “I’ve been wondering,” she began, then cleared her throat. “I mean . . . You’ve done it to me, and I . . .”

  He couldn’t talk. He couldn’t move. But he needed her to finish her thought. Life stood still, suspended in that moment. What did she want to ask?

  “What?” His voice scratched against his throat, barely escaping his lips.

  “What does it taste like?”

  All thought, everything ceased as her pink tongue darted out of her mouth and caressed the top of him. An agonized groan escaped through his lips. She smiled, then put the tip of him in her mouth and sucked.

  Nearly undone, Kenneth grasped her arms and drew her against him. He captured her mouth as his hand dove under her skirts. Yanking her drawers out of the way, his fingers delved into her sensitive flesh. She was wet, ready for him, and he could wait no longer.

  To his frustration, she drew back again.

  “Lie back on the bed,” she ordered and pointed in the direction she wanted as if he wouldn’t understand her clear instruction.

  He followed her command, then watched as she seductively drew her drawers down her legs. His mouth dried as his member painfully strained toward her. If she didn’t come to him soon, he would be forced to deny her the game she wanted to play.

  Before he could complain, she pulled her skirts up to her knees and straddled him. Relief flooded every part of his body as she eased his member inside of her. He pressed his head back into the mattress at the wonderful sensation of being fully inside her.

  As she moved in an intoxicating pattern, he felt like a young boy taking in his first experience. Clenching his teeth, he grasped her hips and pumped into her, compelling her to increase the motion.

  She called out his name as her spasms squeezed and massaged him. Releasing his control, he allowed the miracle of her body to saturate him until the white hot lights of pleasure exploded before his eyes.

  Every inch of his flesh seared as the flames licked at him. His sensitivity intensified as he felt each movement of Samantha’s body and clothes brushing against him. The sight of her passion-filled face and fully dressed form served to make him curse the time. What he wouldn’t give to have the entire night with her.

  “That was wonderful,” she said between gasps for air.

  He grinned as his pride swelled. She was magnificent. He’d never met a woman like her, and he imagined he never would again. The urge to take her in his arms and never let her escape overtook him and wiped the smile from his face.

  Immediately, she climbed off him and went in search of her drawers. By the time he pulled his trousers on, she had reached the door and turned back to him with her hand on the knob.

  “Thank you.” She cleared her throat. “This was lovely.”

  Anger assaulted him and melted all good feelings. “Leaving so soon?”

  “Of course, I must get back to the guests. I promised Monsieur Gerard a waltz.”

  Fury squeezed his heart. How could she willingly give him her body and then turn to another man in the next instant? He couldn’t allow her to use him so callously.

  Charging across the room, he backed her against the door and roughly took her mouth. He threw everything he could into the kiss. Willing her to feel an ounce of what he did. Running one hand down her body, he pulled her in tighter, while he unclasped the lace at her throat, allowing him access.

  Trailing kisses down her face, he didn’t stop until he reached her neck. He sucked hard while she shivered and moaned in his arms. Her hands clutched his shoulders, whether to keep him there or hold herself up, he didn’t know.

  Easing back, he smiled to see the purplish spot on her neck. She glanced up at him with curiosity in her gaze while he reattached her garment.

  “You can return to your guests now. Although you can dance and flirt with every gentleman present, know that I’ve left my mark on you.”

  After one last confused glance, she slipped out of the door.

  He righted his clothing and sat on the side of the bed. All these years he’d never been particularly fond of Lady Laramie’s balls, and the idea of going in there now brought a sour taste to his mouth. How could he stand back and watch while the woman he loved moved from man to man? Especially while her body still glistened from the experience she shared with him?

  Knowing he couldn’t handle anything tonight, he followed the hall through the servant’s quarters until he found a way out. He didn’t care what Samantha would say about his absence. He only wondered if she would notice.

  The next day as he sat in the drawing room with his cousin he kept wondering if Samantha had cared about his early escape. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask Catherine, but he couldn’t allow himself to do so. It would raise too many questions.

  “Are you even listening to a word I’m saying?” Catherine demanded.

  He heard her exasperation louder than her words. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”

She let out a long sigh and cast her eyes Heavenward. “I just don’t know what to do with you.”

  “What do you mean? You are forcing me to sit through your At-Home. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Don’t jest with me. You know very well I refer to you selecting a bride. As far as I can see, you only spend time with three ladies and don’t spare a second for anyone else.”

  “How many ladies would you prefer I associate with?”

  She lowered her chin and regarded him as she would a small child. The trouble was he had no idea what she wanted from him. Women were maddening.

  “Do you intend to marry Miss Doutree?”

  He reared his head back, surprised by the question. “No.”

  “What about Lady Grace?”


  “And Lady Samantha, what about her?”

  Kenneth straightened before he forced himself to relax. “No.”

  “Why not? All three are ladies of quality. All three are heiresses. All three are available. In addition, it is clear you enjoy spending time with them.”

  “None of them want to marry me.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “Really? They all regard you with worship in their eyes. While two of them hold playfulness in their gaze, the other one, she . . .”

  “Yes?” Kenneth asked, desperate to know how Samantha watched him.

  Catherine pinched her lips tight before responding. “Like you have not acted as a perfect gentleman around her and perhaps have taken a liberty or two.”

  He winced. If his cousin noticed, others might have as well. He would hate to have Samantha’s reputation ruined because of him. She trusted him as her lover, and he refused to let her down.


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