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The Harvest (Book 2): Eve of Man

Page 18

by Anne Ferretti

  “I’m sorry mother.” Caleb appeared shaken and dazed. “I don’t know what happened.”

  Eve pulled him to her. She knew he was not playing games, he was telling the truth. Much like her, Caleb had no idea the strength or the power he possessed. Eve knelt next to Caleb and whispered in his ear. He nodded. Eve stood and watched Caleb return to the humans. She waited until they loaded Madison into the vehicle and drove away, before turning on Za.

  “You over step your position Za.”

  “Who do you think I represent? Myself? I am a member of your father’s council, his eyes and ears. I am here on his behalf. You question my authority? You are very stupid.”

  The guards snickered. Eve ignored them, for the day was not far when they would snicker at her no longer. “You are nothing more than an errand boy.”

  Za bristled. “Agra has asked that you stay here on Earth. He does not want the human brought back to Paru until he is ready for him.”

  Eve stood still for a long moment.

  “Do you understand? Or are you dimwitted like the humans?” he demanded. “Have you lived so long amongst them you’ve lost the ability to think? To speak?”

  Eve folded her hands behind her back and looked in Za’s direction, but not at him. She heard more of what he was not saying than the drone of his lecture. A piece of information was missing, a piece not being shared with her father’s lackey. Agra was hiding something important, something that made him on edge about the time, about the harvest. Za might have an idea what it was, but Agra was shielding him from her. In the same manner Eve shielded Caleb from Agra.

  “If you do not answer I will be forced to tell your father you have disobeyed him and you—”

  “Why didn’t Agra ask me himself? Why send you?” Eve asked, her contempt obvious.

  “I do not question his actions and neither should you. Now do you understand this order—”

  “I understand. I will await to hear further instruction from my father,” Eve replied, cutting him off.

  Za’s shoulders relaxed. “Agra will be pleased.” With a wave of his arm Za and the guards vanished in the same way they had arrived. Eve waited several minutes to be certain they had returned home. Soon Agra would search and listen. Eve waited, but Agra did not come to her. That he trusted Za to carry out something as important as delivering this order confirmed Eve’s suspicions. She was tempted to follow Za, but other matters required her attention.


  Inside the bunker’s infirmary Zack stood over a bruised and unconscious Madison. Behind him Luke and Ed wore expressions that said everything about what they were thinking and feeling. In the corner Jenny watched, quiet and unnoticed.

  “Why don’t you do something?” Luke demanded.

  Zack didn’t respond. He stared at Madison’s still body, her face, once beautiful, now a swollen purple and red mess. Zack reached out pushing aside her hair.

  “Zack,” Luke called to him. “Zack man, don’t just stand there.”

  Zack slammed his fist into his palm and turned. “What do you want me to do, damn it? What? I’m no fucking doctor. I had one year in medical school. One fucking year.”

  “Well you can’t let her die,” Luke insisted.

  “Take it easy Luke,” Ed said.

  “Take it easy? Are you fucking kidding me? She’s going to die because ya’ll wanted to go Christmas shopping. Fucking Christmas shopping.”

  The door to the infirmary opened, hitting Luke’s pressure release at the precise moment before an emotional explosion erupted. Austin rushed in followed by Roxanne. The sight of Madison stopped him in his tracks. “How bad is it Zack?”

  Zack lowered his head and covered his face with his hands. He shook his head back and forth. “I think it’s really bad. I don’t know for sure, but I think there’s internal bleeding. I have nothing. I can’t fix this. I’m not a goddamn surgeon.”

  The weight of the world landed on Austin’s shoulders. In fear and anger he turned on Roxanne. “You heal her,” he demanded.

  “It’s not that simple,” she replied.

  “It is that simple. Just do it.”

  “You don’t know what you are asking?”

  “I do, damn it,” Austin insisted. “You did it for me, for Ed’s wife, why not Madison?”

  “You and Jenny were not damaged internally. It is as I explained to you before. To do this would mean changing her into something other than human.”

  “What did she do for Jenny?” Ed interrupted, but was ignored.

  Austin walked up to Roxanne and grabbed her by the shoulders. “You have to do something. I know you don’t care about them, but if you ever cared about me, then do this for me. Heal her. I’m begging you.”

  Roxanne stared up into Austin’s eyes. If ever she wanted to understand a human’s emotions it would have been right at that moment. His thoughts swirled in a rapid chaotic manner that were difficult to follow. She sensed guilt, anguish and love. The latter annoyed her at some level, but she didn’t understand why. Eve looked away towards Madison. She was going to die and soon. Only a few minutes remained before the blood would fill her lungs. Roxanne removed Austin’s hands from her shoulders and walked over to Madison, stepping out of Roxanne and becoming Eve as she did so. She laid a hand on Madison’s mid-section.

  Turning to Zack, she said, “I can’t save her as she is, as a human, but I can save the baby.”

  Zack’s face rushed through a gamut of expressions; everything he’d witnessed over the past year threatened to rush forth and derail his sanity. “What baby? She’s not pregnant. We only, it’s only been...” He glanced at his watch. “Are you sure.”

  “I am sure,” Eve replied. “The baby can be saved, but a host is needed.”

  “Host? What do you mean?” Zack pulled on his hair, turning back and forth between Madison and Eve.

  “A womb to carry the baby.”

  “A womb? Where the fuck do I get one of those? Oh wait I have a spare in the back room. Are you fucking kidding me?”

  From the corner of the room Jenny spoke, “I’ll do it.” She walked up to Zack. “I’ll do it, if you want me to.”

  Zack stared at Jenny, speechless, unable to make sense of what was happening, of what they were asking him to decide. Madison wasn’t pregnant. What an absurd notion.

  “Jenny you can’t,” Ed protested.

  Eve turned to Ed. “Yes she can. She is in optimal shape for reproduction. Her body is healthy and free of disease. She would serve well as the baby’s carrier,” Eve replied, turning back to Zack. “Her time is running out.”

  Eve knew the decision Zack would arrive at, but she could not wait for him to get there. If Madison died before she removed the baby, the baby would also die. She gestured for Jenny to come stand next to her. Eve laid one hand on Madison’s stomach and the other on Jenny’s. From all around she pulled forth energy, using her newly discovered powers to control the force. The life energy flowed from her fingertips into Madison first and from her into Jenny’s body, glowing brighter as each second ticked by. A sphere of brilliant light surrounded the trio. The room came alive, the walls expanded outward allowing space for the immense amount of energy being generated.

  Jenny screamed from inside the sphere. Ed tried to reach her, but the force drove him backward. She screamed again, a tortuous scream that shattered a glass sitting on a nearby table and brought Ed to his knees covering his ears.

  Inside the sphere, Eve’s entire body glowed. From her hands flowed a life giving source older than time itself. She transferred the baby from Madison’s womb to Jenny’s and in the process improved the baby’s genetic code sequence. There would be consequences for breaking the laws of the Adita, but for that instant she didn’t care. Eve withdrew her hands in a slow and precise manner. As she moved away from them, the light dimmed until it went out. Ed rushed to Jenny, catching her before she collapsed to the ground.

  Eve staggered and almost lost her balance. Saving the baby required
more strength than she’d anticipated, and proved much more taxing than Jenny’s transformation had been. Exhausted, Eve fell to the floor.

  Austin rushed to Eve’s side. “Are you ok?”

  Eve knelt, head bent, motionless. From behind them Zack moaned and Austin left Eve to go to him, to Madison. Eve felt Austin’s pain and something akin to rejection pierced her heart. She sank further to the floor, too exhausted to protect against the rise of human like emotions threatening to overcome her.

  Jenny stared up at the ceiling before rolling dazed eyes over in Ed’s direction. Something was wrong with her tongue. It felt too big, too heavy. “Am I ok?” This came out slurred.

  “Yes. You’re fine.”

  “Don’t...lie,” she replied using great effort to form these words. She tried to frown, but her facial muscles refused to move. She tried to move her hands, her legs, but nothing responded. A panicked look filled her eyes. “Wrong...what’s...can’t move.” Her eyes darted around the room.

  From the corner Eve spoke, her voice weak. “Tell her to be calm. She will regain control in a few hours.”

  Ed repeated this, ensuring Jenny she was going to be ok and to trust him. He held and stroked her hand. Jenny tried to reply, but her lips felt sloppy on her face. Using what little control she had she squeezed Ed’s hand. Behind him, Austin and Zack stood on opposite sides of each other looking down at Madison’s lifeless body. She was no longer bruised, as Eve was at the least able to heal her exterior wounds.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Zack said, quiet and more to himself than anyone else in the room.

  Luke came to stand next Zack.

  “Hey man, is she ok?” Ed tapped Austin’s shoulder, pointing to Eve who was crumpled over.

  Austin went to her and knelt down. “Are you ok?”

  Eve pushed herself into a sitting position. “I need blood,” she whispered before falling over into Austin’s arms.

  Austin picked her up and carried her into the adjacent room, closing the door behind him. He lay her on the examination table. From his side pocket he pulled out a small knife and sliced open the palm of his hand. He didn’t feel the pain as he held his hand over Eve’s mouth, allowing his blood to drip onto her lips. It only took a few drops before Eve’s eyes snapped open. She grabbed hold of his hand, bringing it to her lips, but she didn’t sink her teeth into the open cut. As quickly as she grabbed him, she shoved him away from her. The desire to take more was almost too much, the consequences too great.

  “I could have killed you,” she said.

  “I knew you wouldn’t.”

  Eve swung her legs over the side of the table and slid to the floor. Her instincts were on edge, awareness aroused to its peak. Something had changed in her, an energy existed that she’d only before experienced through the feelings of another, but was now feeling first hand. Eve resisted the urge to circle Austin as the female Svan would do to her chosen mate. Now was not the time for such pursuits.

  Austin also felt the charge between them, but was too wrapped in grief to take much notice or make sense of what it meant.

  “You loved the woman?”

  “Madison? Yes, I loved her.”

  “But not the same as Zack. How you loved her was different.”

  “She was... she was like family to me. We went through a lot together.”

  “And different than your feelings for Roxanne.”

  Austin paused at the mention of Roxanne. Hearing Eve say her name, in a voice that had been Roxanne’s once upon a time, created a painful longing in his heart and soul.

  “I loved Roxanne, she was my life, but she wasn’t Roxanne, she was you. And you have been in my life always, you’re a part of who I am.” He looked up at her. A sudden desire to be near her, to hold her close, surprised him. That he had these thoughts brought guilt and shame. How could he be thinking such things when Madison was lying dead in the other room? While his friends grieved and needed him, he was thinking about Eve and how much he wanted her.

  “What you feel for me is not love, but something more pure.”

  Austin didn’t care what she called it. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, knowing she wouldn’t resist. He kissed her hard on the lips, holding her thin frame against his unconcerned if he hurt her, knowing it wasn’t possible. He kissed her on the mouth and neck, his touch far from tender.

  Eve welcomed his touch, experiencing it for the first time and feeling somewhat surprised by the intensity. During the time she’d been Roxanne, Austin was never rough. He’d treated his wife like a delicate flower, always using great tenderness, always holding back for fear he might hurt her. No such restraints held him now. Eve felt her body responding to his demands.

  Eve pushed away from him. “Caleb is coming.”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth when their son burst into the room. “Mother!” He stopped short, noticing his father’s expression, sensing his mother’s energy.

  “What is it Caleb?” Eve asked, distracting the child from thinking too deeply about them.


  “What do you mean nothing? I don’t have time for your games.”

  “I can’t hear grandfather anymore.

  “What do you mean?” Eve demanded.

  “I can always hear him, even when I’m not listening, but I can’t anymore. Do you think he’s alright?”

  “If you can’t hear him it’s because he doesn’t want you to. I’ve told you about eavesdropping Caleb. Not only is it against the Adita law, but if your grandfather ever caught you he would be beyond angry.”

  “Yes mother I know. He would terminate me.”

  “He would what?” Austin asked.

  “Nothing,” Eve snapped.

  “Nothing?” Austin looked from one to the other.

  “Agra threatens many things, but terminating Caleb is not one he will ever carry out.” She knelt in front of Caleb. “Grandfather is fine. I would know if something was wrong, so stop worrying.”

  “But mother.”

  “This conversation is over.” She stood and turned to Austin. “I must go to Russia.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Austin said, stepping toward her. “I want to go with you.”

  “It’s easier if I go alone. Besides you need to keep your son out of trouble.”

  “And what about you?”

  “I can take care of myself and will do much better not having to worry about you or Caleb. Your friends need you here and I’ll only be gone a few days.” Eve would have preferred having him with her, but she had no idea what to expect. Agra’s intentions were constantly shifting and she couldn’t get a clear handle on them. Caleb’s announcement bothered her more than she let on. She knew Caleb was aware of her concerns and was relieved he didn’t press the issue in front of Austin

  “What’s in Russia?” Austin asked.

  “I don’t know, but before coming back to Earth, I saw an image in Agra’s mind. His thoughts were on returning to Russia. There was more, but not within my reach.” Eve moved towards the door. “It is urgent that I leave immediately.”

  “What did you see?” Austin walked over to her.

  “Many things. Agra traveling to Russia alone. Which I can’t imagine why he’d risk such a thing with his fear of disease. I saw Agra traveling with the Elders, which makes less sense. He wouldn’t leave the safety of Paru before the harvest.”

  “Why not? What happens at the harvest?”

  Eve opened her mouth to speak, closing it without saying a word.

  “Tell me,” Austin pleaded.

  “It will only serve to cloud your judgment, to give you false hopes of winning a battle already lost. The Adita will come and they will thrive. You are powerless to stop them.”

  “I don’t believe that,” Austin argued. “When I was in my coma I had visions of armies of Svan fighting against the Adita. Humans fought alongside the Svan and I was leading them in the battle.”

  “It was not you leading th
em.” Eve nodded at Caleb. “Your dreams were a glimpse of one possible future, but one that will result in bloodshed and death for your race. Please hear me when I say this, the Adita do not lose.”

  Austin ran his hand over his head. “The harvest. What is it?”

  “She won’t say in front of me,” Caleb informed him.

  “It doesn’t concern you Caleb.”

  “It will one day though. Father’s dreams are truer than you allow yourself to believe or admit.” He smiled up at his mother.

  Speaking the truth came natural to her son and was not meant to provoke Eve, this she knew as much as she knew her son was right. She turned back to Austin. “I will be back in a few days, maybe a week.”

  “And you’re leaving Caleb with me?” Austin asked.

  “Yes. He’s to stay here with you,” Eve replied. “Agra sees Caleb as a threat. I can no longer predict how he will react and will not risk his life.”

  “What if he decides to come here? To get Caleb?”

  “He wouldn’t risk being exposed to so many humans. He’d send Za or his guard and Caleb can handle them,” Eve replied.

  “If they come down here I will eradicate them.” Caleb added, his voice heavy with confidence and maybe a touch of something less noble.

  A chill ran down Austin’s spine hearing his son speak this way about taking a life. He thought of the kid in the movie The Omen, but quickly shrugged those thoughts away.

  “I will come see you as soon as I return.” Eve touched Austin’s arm.

  Austin tore his eyes from his son. He wanted to tell Eve to be careful, but refrained. His sudden desire to protect her was befuddling and unnecessary.

  “You don’t have to worry.”

  Austin nodded, wanting to take her in his arms, to kiss her, to finish what they’d started, but before he could act or speak she vanished from the room. With her departure the spell broke, and guilt washed over him. He returned to the other room, to his friends who were in a state of shock. They needed him now.

  17 Chance Meeting


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