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Breaking into Prison

Page 24

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “That’s fantastic,” Trudie responded. “Um, Blake, I need a favor from you. A very unique favor.”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “I need to see your right foot,” Trudie said sheepishly, feeling suddenly embarrassed.

  “My foot? That’s not unique, that’s just plain weird,” he laughed.

  “Bear with me on this one. I’m writing a story that requires a description of a man’s foot. My father is out of town so I can’t use him, so you were my next pick. I was hoping you would model your foot for me so I can get a visual in my head.”

  “Oh, okay, that makes sense,” Blake said as he picked up his laptop, turned it around and propped his already bare feet on top of the desk.

  “You ridge looks good. Have you ever broken your foot, Blake?”

  “No. I’ve broken my leg before, playing football, but not my foot,” he replied.

  “Turn it sideways for me, please,” Trudie requested. She didn’t see anything unusual, not that she knew what a broken foot looked like in the first place. “Okay, got it. Thank you so much, Blake.”

  Blake took his foot down and set the laptop back on the desk. “Thank you. It was a nice break in my stressful day.”

  “Blake, if you need to reach me before our scheduled meeting, text me and I’ll get online if I can.”

  “Okay, will do. Sorry about your computer problems. Let me know if you need a new one. I’m sure the producer can pony up for a laptop.”

  “Thanks, I might take you up on that,” Trudie replied. “Talk with you later.”

  “Bye for now,” Blake said and ended the call.

  Trudie grimaced and turned to Annie. “Well, that was not pleasant.”

  “I can only imagine. Shut down the laptop, and—”

  “No, wait. I need to set up my email first in case my parents are looking for me,” Trudie insisted.

  “Okay, but keep it brief,” Annie requested. “I’m going to go to your doctor’s office and see if I can catch her between patients.”

  “All right, but I’m telling you, it’s a waste of time,” Trudie reiterated.

  “I hope you’re right, baby.” Annie kissed her forehead, but Trudie pulled back.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, but that is not good enough.” She stood up and tapped her lips a couple of times.

  “This being in love stuff is a lot of fun,” Annie said, as she pulled Trudie close and kissed her passionately.

  Donny looked at Annabelle, with a longing of his own.


  “Dr. Bowman, thank you for making time for me,” Annie said as she shook the doctor’s hand.

  “I remembered you were the one who nursed Trudie back to health,” Dr. Bowman said, showing Annie back to her office. “I should thank you for taking such good care of my patient.”

  Dr. Bowman was middle-aged with laugh lines around her blue eyes, and the slightest hint of gray around her temples. She preferred to wear a blouse and slacks, with tennis shoes, which gave her the presence of being laid-back and easygoing.

  Annie sat down in a chair in front of the doctor’s desk. “I know you’re a very busy woman, so may I get right to the point?”

  “I would appreciate it,” Dr. Bowman said, sitting in the opposite chair from Annie.

  Her office was typical for a family physician. Diplomas hung on the wall behind the dark brown, wooden desk. Peacock feathers stuck up from a tall vase in the corner. Brown cloth chairs with wooden arms sat in front of the desk, and a large window, covered with closed wooden blinds, was on the exterior wall.

  “Trudie is being stalked by a person who has already killed once.”

  “Yes, I am aware. Her mother and I are on the Apple-a-day committee together. I understand that they never caught the person.”

  “Correct. But we are about to. I’m investigating the stalker and need to ask a favor of you.”

  “You’re a nurse and a private investigator, too?” the doctor asked jokingly.

  “Something like that,” Annie answered with a grin.

  “What is your favor?”

  “I need to see your feet.”

  The doctor looked at her strangely. “Excuse me?”

  “I have a list of suspects that have close, personal contact with Trudie, and you’re on that list. By looking at your foot, I can cross you off of that list. It’s merely a formality at this point.” Annie thought she sounded rather sophisticated and hoped that the doctor thought so too.

  “As a doctor I’ve heard a lot of farfetched excuses from patients who did things that inevitably got them hurt. But this is the first time anyone has ever asked to see my foot to prove my innocence.”

  “Does that mean you won’t comply, Doctor?” Annie was afraid that she had blown it, and she wasn’t sure what to do if the doctor said no.

  “Of course I will. As I said, I’m friends with the family. I will help anyway I can.”

  “Wow. Uh, I mean, thank you. Just the right foot, please.”

  Dr. Bowman took off her blue flowered Klogs and set it on the floor. “Now what?”

  “I would like to feel the bones in your foot, if I may?” Annie asked, waiting for the doctor’s answer before she moved closer.

  The doctor picked up a hand sanitizer and handed it to Annie. “I don’t know where your hands have been,” she said with a smile.

  Annie chuckled and pumped the foam onto her hands, rubbing it in until it disappeared. Then she ran her fingers over the doctor’s arch, pressing the bones, poking the bottom of her foot. “Thank you, Doctor,” she said as she foamed her hands again with the sanitizer. “Have you ever broken your foot before?”

  “No, never have. Is that who you’re looking for? Someone with a broken foot?”

  “Yes, ma’am. When the stalker attacked Trudie and Leigh, Trudie stomped on their foot and she’s positive that she heard bones breaking.”

  “If that’s so, and the stalker didn’t seek medical care, then they most likely healed badly and may have a lot of pain when walking. You’re probably looking for someone with a limp.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. That’s very helpful. At this point, none of my suspects limp, but I still have one more to interview.”

  “Of course, they could have gone to a medical student from the university and had it looked at. I read the other day about a student who got caught setting a broken arm of a wanted criminal, because they needed the money for college. With the cost of tuition these days, things like this happen.”

  “I hadn’t considered that possibility. That would mean I might have examined the foot of the killer and not have known it,” Annie said dejectedly.

  “No, there would be some tell-tale sign. A pronounced bump on the bone that shouldn’t be there. The foot may appear swollen compared to the other foot. A toe out of line with the rest, that sort of thing.”

  “Damn,” Annie said. “I should have come to you first, Dr. Bowman.” Annie knew to look for the bump on the bone, but not the other things. She very well might have missed the signs.

  Laughing, Dr. Bowman slipped into her shoe and stood up. “Here’s my card. Call me anytime if you have more questions. And give Trudie my love.”

  “Thanks again, Doctor.” Annie took the card and shook her hand.

  On the drive back to Trudie’s condo, Annie worried about what she should do now. There was only one suspect left to trap and if they weren’t the stalker, then she would have to start all over again, and she knew that on the next go-around, people would not be so cooperative. She was beginning to wonder if the stalker could be caught.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  The second Annie walked through the door, she looked at Trudie and said, “This isn’t working.”

  Trudie was insecure enough to fear that Annie was talking about their relationship. “It could work, if we wanted it to bad enough. I know I want it to work, um, do you?”

  “What?” Annie looked at her, confused. “No, wait. I’m talking about trapping the stalker. W
hat were you talking about?”

  Trudie exhaled the anxiety she was holding in. “Yes, of course. That’s what I meant.”

  “Liar,” Annie teased. “I meant trying to trap the suspect the way we have been isn’t working.”

  “But we’ve still got one person to go,” Trudie argued.

  “Yeah, and unlike Dr. Bowman, who sends her love, by the way, Dr. Ramirez will not be so accommodating.”

  “What makes you say that?” Trudie asked.

  “For one thing, she doesn’t like me. For another, I would imagine that shrinks would be uncooperative when it comes to patient confidentiality.”

  “As well they should be,” Trudie inserted. “But why do you think she doesn’t like you?”

  “Just a feeling I got when I talked with her. You were sick with pneumonia and she was Skyping you… and…” Annie looked away, as if she were computing something in her mind.

  “What is it, Annie?” Trudie asked.

  “We’ve been going about this all wrong. The only reason for the stalker to give up their stalking is if you’re dead—”

  “Heaven forbid!” Annabelle exclaimed.

  “Agreed,” Annie declared and looked back at Trudie. “Or if you move away where they can’t find you.”

  “But neither option is viable, honey. I’d prefer not to die right now, and I can’t take a step out the door without fainting.” Trudie lowered her head, the embarrassment still causing her cheeks to turn red.

  “It’s okay, baby.”

  Trudie looked back at Annie. “I had an idea once that I would hire a private jet and fly to Italy to be with my parents. I would take a sedative and not wake up until I got there.”

  “Why didn’t you go?” Annie asked.

  “Noella tried to talk me out of it, but when I got your note, I decided I wanted the fairytale ending.”

  “But it’s a brilliant idea, Trudie. All you need is me by your side to ensure your safety.”

  “Annie, you aren’t seriously thinking of flying her to Italy like that, are you?”

  “No, Mom. But no one else has to know that. We spread the word that Trudie is leaving, not the how or why, except for Noella, who already knows that it’s a possibility. And we let people know that she’s leaving for good and I’m going with her.” Annie began pacing, the ideas firing off like bullets. “We turn the computer back on and create an itinerary so the stalker sees it. We tell the celebrity magazine rags, and the fan club, and ramp up the media. We have a bon voyage party the eve of our departure and invite all the suspects.”

  “And if they call you on your bluff?” Annabelle asked.

  “Then we actually do it. Where’s Uncle Donny? I’m going to need both of you to help with this if you’re willing.”

  “He went back to work, and I’m certainly willing. It sounds like fun,” Annabelle stated.

  Trudie squeezed Annabelle’s arm in gratitude. “Annie, I have to tell my family, especially my parents.”

  “I think that would be okay. Just make sure they know not to tell anyone else the truth.”

  “Of course. By the way, I’m doing another interview Monday morning. Wouldn’t that be a good time to announce our trip?”

  “Yeah, that’s perfect! I have to work the graveyard shift, but I can—”

  “Oh, no. Can’t you quit that job, Annie? I need you with me,” Trudie pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, baby, but I’ve got to work to pay off the loan you gave my mom.”

  “Wait, what loan? What are you talking about, Annie?” Annabelle asked.

  “Damn. I forgot to tell you, Mom. Trudie paid off all your medical bills.”

  “She did not. You’re making up tall tales again, Annie.”

  “It’s true, Mom.”

  Annabelle looked at Trudie, the shock evident on her pale face. “Why would you do such a thing?”

  “I thought it would keep Annie safe and away from me if she didn’t have to work so many jobs anymore,” Trudie explained.

  Annabelle embraced Trudie, tears streaming down her cheeks. “That is the sweetest thing…” she said, and then held Trudie at arm’s length. “But of course I won’t hear of it. I know you didn’t mean it this way, but the Nichols don’t accept handouts. Annie and I will pay you back as soon as we can.”

  “Don’t worry, Mom, I’ve already started,” Annie stated.

  Trudie stepped back, her face flushing red. “What the hell good is it to have all this money when I can’t spend it the way I want?” She walked up to Annie and glared at her. Then an idea came to mind. “Okay, you’re a proud woman, I get that. I even admire it. But don’t be a stupid woman.”

  Annie frowned and was about to reply when Trudie continued with her tirade.

  “I’ve got the perfect job for you and it pays more than your three jobs combined. I need a personal security guard, and you would be perfect.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so,” Annie quipped. “Besides, you’ve got a guard on the door already.”

  “He doesn’t love me. You do… don’t you?”

  “Yes, which is exactly why I won’t be your personal concubine,” Annie retorted.

  “Like I said, don’t be stupid. Now, hear me out. I don’t want you to pay me back. Either of you. It isn’t necessary. But I know you will anyway, so why not work for me, all very legal and above board.”

  “Because, at some point, you would start wondering if I was doing it for the money or because I loved you. I’d rather love you than be beholden to you.”

  Trudie walked over to the window, stalling for time to gather her thoughts. A different tactic was needed that would allow Annie to keep her pride and pay back the money, but Trudie wasn’t sure what that was. She’d given money, lots of money, to her family, to charities and employees. Why couldn’t she give it to the one she loved the most? The one who deserved it the most.

  “Look, I don’t want your money, I want you!”

  “But don’t you see, my money is me. It’s part of who I am, for better or for worse. Say the word, and I’ll give it all away right this instant. Then we can live off of your three jobs and I’m sure we’d be perfectly happy together.”

  Annie threw up her hands in the air. “Damn it!”

  “Honey,” Annabelle interfered. “I want Trudie to be paid back as much as you do. She’s right, we are proud women, but don’t be so quick to dismiss her idea. You’re not thinking it through.” She walked over to Trudie. “Trudie, if you were able to resume a normal life where you could travel again, speak at conferences, that sort of thing, would you still require a bodyguard?”

  “Oh, yes. I don’t think I would ever be able to leave here without one. Even if the stalker is caught and imprisoned, I still wouldn’t feel completely safe anymore.”

  “And Annie…” Annabelle looked over at her daughter. “You say you love this woman and intend to be with her the rest of your life, true?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to be paid to be with her.”

  “God, you’re stubborn. You get that from your father,” Annabelle added pointedly.

  “But, honey, if you’re working three jobs, you won’t be with me,” Trudie pointed out. “I’ll be in Paris enjoying tea under the Eiffel Tower, and you’ll be standing guard over the frozen turkeys in some grocery store. Wouldn’t you rather stand guard over me?”

  “Yes, with all my heart. But I’ll say it again, I do not want to be a kept woman. You paid off my mother’s medical bills to push me away, now you want to pay me to keep me close. That’s not a foundation for a good relationship.”

  “Well, shit. I guess I’ll just have to die so you won’t feel so beholden to me.” Frustrated, Trudie turned back to the window.

  “Don’t say that,” Annie said, rushing to her side. “Don’t even put that out there. Look, I don’t know what the answer is, but we’ll figure it out somehow, I promise.”

  An idea came to mind and Trudie took a deep breath. “Will you consider doing one thing for me, for
us?” She didn’t wait for an answer. “Will you get your job back with your uncle, quit the security guard job, and pay me back as you can? That way you will still be free to live here with me and see me as your equal, and hopefully soon, your lover?”

  “I, um, think I need something in the back bedroom. Carry on,” Annabelle said, and left the room.

  Trudie shook her head. “Oh gosh. I think I embarrassed her.”

  “You want me to move in with you?”

  “Yes. I love you and want to be closer to you. I’m hoping that you still want to make love to me, and—”

  “Oh, yeah, like you wouldn’t believe, baby. It keeps me up at night, dreaming about it,” Annie extolled.

  “Well, you can’t do that if you’re exhausted. Please, just consider it. I don’t know what I’ll do if we can’t be together in every sense of the word.”

  “Okay, princess. I think it’s a good alternative… for now. Only because I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t be with you either.”

  Trudie’s eyes welled up with gratitude. Annie opened her arms and she melted into them.

  Late that afternoon, Trudie and Annabelle sat in the living room, designing the party, while Annie and Donny sat at the dining room table, designing the trap. By mid-evening, just as everyone was getting hungry, their plans were set. They ordered Chinese delivery, and forty-five minutes later, were discussing their ideas over Kung Pao Chicken. Annie suggested a new twist to the interview that everyone agreed would be just the thing to piss off the stalker and hopefully get them to make a mistake and reveal themselves.

  The next three days were spent preparing for the party. Annie and Trudie avoided physical contact because they knew they wouldn’t be able to control their urges. Still, they stole longing glances at each other, and accidental touches whenever they could.

  Annie plugged the computer back in and when she could see on her laptop that the stalker was watching, Trudie made a big show of throwing the stalker’s laptop into a trash bin. Then she sat down and typed up an email to all the suspects, inviting them to her going away party on Monday.


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