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Building the Family

Page 13

by Amy DeMeritt

“Whitney, that’s not good. That’s a dangerous behavior. Sam was never that bad. She only made accusations about girls she knew wanted me.”

  “I know. Lately he’s been scaring me. When we go out with a group, he’s constantly on me. I can’t stand it. It’s not like he’s trying to be romantic or affectionate. He’s trying to claim what’s his and make it clear to everyone around us that I’m not available. It makes me feel like he thinks I’m his property or something.”

  “Are you afraid to break up with him?”

  She slides her arm under me, wrapping both arms around me and squeezes in closer to me. I pull her in closer and she starts to cry.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry about this. What good am I as your roommate if I can’t be here for you like this?” She laughs in between sobs. “You’re really sweet. I really didn’t plan on unloading all of this on you.”

  “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I guess my anti-social tendencies were a good thing today.” She laughs a little and lifts her head to kiss my cheek, before laying back down on my chest. “Would it be really weird for you if I just stay like this for a while?”

  “Nope. Feel free to lay on me all you need.”

  “What if I fall asleep?” I run my hand through her hair a few times before wrapping my arm around her again. “Then you fall asleep.”

  “Thanks, Kayla.”

  I really thought that Whitney had the perfect relationship. We don’t talk that much, but she never let on that anything was wrong with her relationship. I knew they had some fights or arguments, but she never went into detail about them so I figured they were just normal disagreements or misunderstandings that most couples have. I had no idea it was this bad. I wish I knew how to help her. It really concerns me that she feels scared to break up with him. Whitney is a very pretty girl and she is petite like Sam. Her boyfriend is several inches taller and much bigger than her. He is very broad and thick with muscle. I don’t think she would be able to defend herself against him if he became physically violent with her.

  This thought makes me squeeze her tighter to myself. Whitney releases a small sigh and buries her face into my neck, and whispers, “I’m really comfortable in your arms. I think I’m going to fall asleep soon.”

  “Ok. I’m not letting you go.”

  Whitney ends up falling asleep very quickly. She doesn’t snore, but I can tell by her breathing that she’s asleep. She didn’t come home last night, so I have no idea if she stayed with Darren or a friend. If she stayed with Darren, there’s a good chance she didn’t get enough sleep and that’s why she fell asleep so quickly.

  A couple hours after she falls asleep, my phone vibrates with Madison’s signature pattern.

  Madison: Hey, baby. Just got out of class. You want to get dinner with me?

  Me: I do. I’m kind of pinned down at the moment though.

  Madison: What do you mean?

  Me: It’s too much for text, but Whitney confided in me some stuff about her boyfriend and started crying. She’s sleeping on my chest right now.

  Madison: Ok. I need to go back to my dorm and drop my stuff off. The temperature dropped, so I’d like to change into something a bit warmer. Can you wake her up and see if she wants to join us? You can hold her again later if she needs more comfort.

  I smile and feel heat burst in my chest. This is one of the many examples of why Madison is so amazing. If I had told Sam that a girl is sleeping on my chest, she would have asked if I had sex with her. And Sam definitely would not have suggested inviting her to dinner or comforting her again later.

  Me: Ok, I’ll wake her up and see if she’s interested. Text me when you’re on your way so I can meet you outside.

  Madison: Ok, see you soon.

  I place my phone down on the bed and gently stroke Whitney’s cheek a few times with my thumb. She inhales and squeezes me tighter. I gently squeeze her shoulder and she inhales again and slowly starts to stir. She lifts her head and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

  “Hey, are you interested in grabbing dinner with me and Madison?” She pulls her arm out from under me and sits up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, and stretches. “Dinner sounds good. I haven’t eaten since early this morning. You sure you don’t mind me tagging along?”

  “Nope. I think the roommate bonding is long overdue. Might as well overdo it in one day to make up for lost time.” She laughs and bends down to kiss my cheek. “Ok, thank you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Madison presses in close as we move through the crowded house to get to the dance room. She’s wrapped around my waist from behind with her hand up under my tank top holding my stomach. Her hand pressed against me is making me very excited to start dancing with her.

  As soon as we break through the crowd and enter the dance room, Candi spots us from the middle of the crowd and disentangles from another girl she’s dancing with. She smiles brightly and skips over to us. Last time, she was wearing a pair of very short shorts with just a hot pink bra. Tonight, she has the short shorts, but she’s wearing a tank top.

  Just as Madison releases my waist to stand next to me, Candi throws her arms around Madison first, getting a good grip on her ass with one hand and cooing into her ear, “Hey, Mommy.” Madison laughs and wraps her arms around her with blushing cheeks. “Hey, Candi.”

  Candi smiles and kisses Madison on the lips before she releases her and turns to me. She presses in close to me, running her hands up my stomach and chest and wraps her arms around my neck. She hovers above my lips, and breathlessly whispers, “Hey, Daddy.” I smile and go with her nicknames. “Hey, Baby Girl.”

  She giggles and kisses the tip of my nose. I grab the back of her thighs and she hops up with a big grin and wraps her legs around my waist. I take Madison’s hand and walk us out to the center of the dance area. Candi hops off my waist and steps back with her hands on her hips and a big teasing grin.

  “So, can Daddy puppet me and Mommy at once?” I smile and look at Madison. She’s smiling and looks excited. I shrug my shoulders and take a step back dusting my shoulder off in a cocky way. “Haven’t tried it before, but I think I can handle you both.”

  They smile and wait. I wait for the last few beats of the song to end, and as soon as the new song starts, I lift my hands towards them like a puppeteer and push down. They drop to the floor, thrust their asses and rotate their hips and rise back up as they follow my slowly raising hands. I throw my hands down to my sides as if I’m trying to shake water off my hands and they slide over to stand to my sides. I grab their shirts and pull them firmly against my hips, flatten my hands on the center of their chests and they bend back. I gently grab their throats and pull them back up. I grab their asses and pull them out to stand next to me. While holding them, I do a complicated pattern with my feet, a few chest pops, and a body roll that they mimic almost perfectly as I’m doing it.

  I grab their hands and have them ride my thighs up and down several times then rotate their hips against me with both of their centers grinding down on my upper thighs. I press my hand to Madison’s hip and guide her to stand behind me. She grabs my hips and presses in close. I dig my ass into her as I guide Candi to stand in front of me and grind against me.

  With Candi rotating her ass in deep firm circles against me, I glide my hands up her thigh and up her back. Griping one hip, I press against her back to bend over. She folds herself in half with her chest pressed to her legs and twerks against me while waiting for my next instruction. Madison slips her hands under my tank top and digs into my abs, inspiring my next move. Before I can even consider if this might be going too far, I slide my hands over Candi’s hips, up her sides under her tank top, and Candi starts to rise up. As she does, she lifts her hands above her head and I pull her tank top off as she is fully upright.

  Madison licks the side of my neck and whispers, “That was hot, Daddy.” I feel my clit tug hard and release a small involuntary moan. Candi looks over her shoulder grinning, and wi
thout me guiding her, she turns to face me and starts rolling her body against me. Madison and Candi start freestyling on and around me, rubbing their bodies against me and running their hands all over me.

  After a couple songs, I have one of them on each leg again with both of their ass’s in my hands while they grind against me. I’m very aroused and I can see the arousal on both of their faces as well. Both of them are starting to pant for air and their cheeks are red. I squeeze their asses and pull them harder against me. They both release a small sound. Madison glances at Candi a moment and smiles. She starts to move in to kiss me, but before she can, I have two sets of hands grabbing my arms and pulling me backwards, making me release them. I try to turn to see who is ripping me away from them, but a blindfold is quickly placed over my eyes and tied tightly around my head.

  “What the fuck? Who is that?” They laugh and hold on tightly, not letting me go. “Madison?”

  “Relax. Mind if we borrow her for a dance? Can you puppet someone while blindfolded?” I don’t recognize that voice. “Who is this? Let go of me. Madison, who’s on me?”

  “I don’t know. Are you going to hurt her?”

  “No. We want to test her. Just one dance.”

  “Ok. Kayla, we’re right here. Just go with it.”

  “No. Get the fuck off of me. I’m not the puppet.”

  “We know. This is a test to see how well you can puppet someone. You need to be able to feel your partner. We’re going to let go of you, but don’t remove your blindfold. A real puppet master doesn’t need to see to manipulate their partner.”

  They slowly release my arms and I start to reach for the blindfold, but the challenge is intriguing, so I drop my hands. I feel two hands grab my hips and slide up my body, out to my shoulders and down my arms. They grab my hands and guide me to a pair of small hips, over a small ass, up a skinny waist, and down her chest and stomach.

  “Do you feel your partner?”

  It’s not the voice of the girl I have in my hands. I nod and clumsily reach for her hand and hip. She entwines her fingers in mine and I get a shiver down my spine. I hesitate and take her hand in both of mine and study it, running my fingers over her palm and fingers. My chest tightens and I reach for the blindfold, but my assailants clamp my arms down to my side.

  “Who are you?” The only answer I receive is her body pressing against mine, and a voice behind me, says, “Just one dance, blindfolded, knowing only the feeling of your partner.”

  I exhale in impatience. The girl squeezes my hands, placing them on her hips. I don’t like this. I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control. Fine. They think they’re gaining something by blindfolding me, I’ll show them, this is my game. I’m the puppet master and she is my plaything. I run my hands down the back of her thighs, pressing her legs against mine, so she can feel what I want her to do. With each step that I take, I keep my hands on her legs guiding her. After several moves, I can tell she’s able to follow me, so I drag my hands up her body, up her sides, and out to her hands.

  In a swift movement, I spin her and she firmly plants her small ass in my already aroused center. I use subtle movements of my body to guide her and control her movements. Even though I can’t see her, I can feel her almost perfectly, and it feels like we are right in sync with each other. The longer we dance, the more comfortable I feel with being blindfolded and with my partner. I start to feel like we are moving as one.

  The song slows down for a moment, so I run my hands up the front of her, over her stomach, her breasts, and under her arms, pulling them to wrap behind my head. I then glide my hands back down her body and press into the front of her hips, slightly in towards her center. She inhales deeply and follows my lead to roll and rock her body with mine. With one hand on her hip, I grab one of her hands and spin her around to face me. She rolls her body against me and thrusts her hips in hard. I grab her hips and shake my head.

  “The song is not over. You still obey me.” As if to test my authority, she repeats her same roll and thrust. I smack her ass hard and she presses into me. “You are not playing by the rules.”

  She slumps against me, as if in submission, and I regain my control of her. A few times, she attempts to go against my will, making me have to use more force. I try to make her bend forwards, and she leans back into me. I have to run my hand up her back, grab her neck and push her down. In response, she thrusts her ass back hard and deep into me. It starts to become a battle of her taunting me and making me fight for control. I hate to admit it, even if just to myself, but it really turns me on.

  When the song ends, I reach to take the blindfold off, but my previous assailants are fast and grab my arms. My dance partner steps off of me, and the next thing I know, I’m being kicked behind both knees and sent down on my knees hard. Both assailants plant a foot firmly on the back of my calves so I can’t get up.

  “What the hell? Get off of me.”

  I try to fight them, but I can’t break free. A hand grabs the back of my head and I feel a body moving in close to the front of me. My face is pulled into the groin of this person and I try to pull back and fight or protest, but my voice is muffled between this girls thighs. She pulls my face back, gives me a firm smack on the cheek, and then pulls my blindfold off, ripping my head back to look straight up at her. I feel all of my blood drain.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It should have come out in a surprised or even pissed off tone, but it comes out breathy and somewhat happy. She smiles down at me in an affectionate way and giggles.

  “Hey, baby. Did you miss me?” She tugs on my hair, jerking my head back and making me groan. “God, you’re crazy. What the fuck are you doing here?”

  She smiles and laughs. She relaxes enough on my hair that I don’t feel like my neck is going to break and then she gives me a few rapid stinging smacks on the cheek.

  “You know you like it.”

  She squats so she’s at the same level as me and I’m staring into her eyes. I blink hard and try to look away, but she grabs my face with both hands, forcing me to face her. I try to pull my arms free from the evil barbarians holding me, but they tighten their grip. She moves into my neck fast and hard. She sucks my neck just below my ear and gives it a hard bite, making me release a sound between a moan and gasp of pain. She pulls back a couple inches, giggles, and then licks my neck.

  “Sam, let me go. This isn’t right. You know I’m with someone now.” She looks up smiling to appraise someone. I try to turn my head to try to find Madison, but Sam tightens her hold on me and doesn’t let go. “Which one is she?”

  “Me. You need to let go of my girlfriend now.” I smile at the words and tone of absolute authority in Madison’s voice. Sam looks at me and narrows her eyes before giving me a firm slap on the side of the face. “Don’t you dare smile when someone talks to me like that. You are mine. I’m only lending you out right now.”

  “You dumped me, remember? I don’t belong to you. I belong to Madison.” She smiles and looks up at Madison. “You think so, huh? Prove it.”

  She releases me and her comrades let go of me. I quickly stand up and spin around looking for Madison. She and Candi are standing just behind me. I go over to them and Madison quickly wraps her arms around me.

  She whispers in my ear, “Kayla, I’m so sorry I made you do that. I had no idea who she is. Are you ok?”

  “Aw, that’s cute.” I pull back and look at Sam. She has her hands on her hips and she’s wearing a cocky grin. “A hug doesn’t prove anything. Make her your puppet. Let’s see if you have the same chemistry we have.” I smile and turn back to face Madison. “You ready to graduate to puppet master?” Madison smiles really big and her eyes light up. “Seriously?”

  “Dominate me, Madison.”

  She firmly presses her lips to mine and then quickly spins me around. Sam’s eyes get big and her mouth slightly hangs open.

  “You’re fucking with me. You never let anyone make you a puppet.” I
don’t answer because I’m currently a puppet. Madison touches my chin and tugs down, giving me permission to speak. “I hadn’t found anyone that could master me before now.”

  Sam scowls at me and Madison runs her hands down my body and out to my arms. It’s hard to allow, because it goes against my nature, but we actually move really well together with Madison guiding me. I’ve allowed girls lead based off their skill and comfort level, but being a puppet is very different. I’m allowing her to have full control.

  Halfway through the song, Sam smiles and walks over to us. She gets very close to me and starts mirroring me. I stiffen slightly, but Madison squeezes my hips and moves me in beat with the music.

  When the song ends, Madison spins me around and pulls me into a kiss. My shoulders slump and I fall into her embrace as her lips and tongue melt all of the stubborn dominance out of me. When she pulls back, she smiles and nips my bottom lip playfully.

  “Thanks, Daddy. That was fun.” I smile and grip her hips. I slide my hands over her ass and squeeze her amazing plump cheeks. “I like when you call me that.”

  Candi leans in by our faces and whispers, “Uh, what about Baby Girl? Can I get some love, because those girls are scary?”

  Madison and I laugh and open our arms enough that she can get between us. She presses her chest to mine and wraps her arms around me. She turns her head looking out of the corner of her eyes at both of us expectantly. We laugh and we kiss her cheeks.

  “Daddy, can I have my shirt back? Since we stopped dancing, I’m very cold.”

  “I know, I can feel your nipples.” Candi and Madison laugh a little. “Is the Mommy and Daddy sandwich not warm enough for you?”

  “What the hell have you become?” We look over and Sam is watching with a look of disgust. “Are you sleeping with both of them?”

  “No, but if I was, its none of your business. That’s our business.”


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