Book Read Free

Building the Family

Page 25

by Amy DeMeritt

  “Hang on, I think that’s her.”

  Shannon: Ok, sorry. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay there if the elevator is out. You need to be able to get in and out of there quickly if something happens. It’s just not safe. You’d basically be trapped up there if we are able to get you up there somehow. If you are interested, I live on a ground level apartment. You can stay with me till you’re able to climb the stairs. Madison can stay as well. If not, maybe you can talk to dorm housing and see what they can do.

  I smile and show Madison the message. She smiles and shrugs her shoulders.

  “Well, that works. Sorry, Whitney, looks like you don’t get your roommate back yet.” Whitney pouts and puts her arms around my neck. “Where you going?”

  “Shannon’s. Its only till my pain subsides enough that I can climb the stairs or if they fix the elevator sooner.”

  “Ok, enjoy your slumber party while you can because I’m going to be bugging dorm housing to get that elevator fixed so I can have you back.” I laugh and nod. “Ok.”

  Me: If you’re sure that wouldn’t be a bother, then we’d like to take you up on the offer.

  Shannon: Obviously, it wouldn’t be a bother since I offered, silly. Let me know the street and dorm building and I can be there in 30 minutes. I’ll take you both to my place and then I’ll have to go back to work.

  I give her directions and then Madison and Whitney leave me sitting on the steps so they can go pack some of my stuff for me. While I wait, I decide to text Sam.

  Me: Hey, just wanted to let you know I was released today. Ran into a bit of a dilemma with where to stay though. Can’t get up the stairs and the elevator is out.

  Sam: Hey, baby. I’m glad you’re finally out. I really wish I could be there with you. Where you going to stay? With Madison?

  Me: Sort of, just not in her dorm because I think her roommate would kill us in our sleep.

  Sam: Ok… in a hotel?

  Me: No.

  Sam: Call me.

  I exhale and my heartrate quickens. I push the call button and she picks up right away.

  “What’s going on, Kayla? Why are you acting like you don’t want to tell me something?”

  “Well, because I don’t want you to get upset. Some stuff is changing around here, but nothing is changing with us and you.”

  “Ok, now you are freaking me out. You better spill it or I am coming out there tomorrow.” I laugh a little and feel myself relax. I really do love when she acts jealous like this. “Well, we’re going to be staying with my nurse and things kind of happened with her and we want her in the family. But, I think Candi and Carmen will be leaving the family – either on their own or I guess we’ll just break it off with them. We haven’t talked to them yet.”

  “I guess I have no say in any of this?”

  “Well, I don’t know. What would you change?”

  “I’m fine with losing Candi and Carmen because that’s more of you that I get to myself, but why do you need to add this nurse?”

  “She’s really sweet and caring and has a great personality. She doesn’t want to just have a fling with us like Candi and Carmen wanted. She wants something serious and she likes the idea of a family. We want a serious family.”

  “Kayla, I’m only going to get to see you guys a few times a year aside from summer vacations. What if you fall in love with her and decide you don’t want me in the family anymore?”

  “Sam, do you love me?”

  “Yes, you know I am crazy in love with you.”

  “Do you love Madison?”

  “Yes, I love her too.”

  “Well, we both love you and the three of us are firm, no matter what other changes we make. If Shannon doesn’t work out, it will probably just be the three of us.”

  “But why her? You’ve already messed with Candi and Carmen. What makes this girl so special that you’d toss the other two aside and pull her in? Can we trust her?”

  “The other two don’t want a serious relationship, Shannon does. We want to have a tight loving family. And yes, we can trust her. She had a STD screening done without us asking to show she is serious and wants to be with us. That alone shows she’s thoughtful and considerate and wants to show she’s not trying to hide anything. I didn’t even think of that before.”

  “Shit, neither did I. Do I need to get tested now? Kayla, I swear, if I got something…”

  “Sam, chill. No, you didn’t catch anything. I’m clean, so you have to be clean as well.”

  “Ok, so we can trust her. But why her?”

  “I don’t know. She reminds me of you and Madison wrapped in one person. She has her own unique qualities, but she also has some of each of you in her. It just feels like she would fit with all of us.”

  “If you can have both of us in one person, why would you need us anymore?”

  “Babe, you have to relax. You’re not being replaced. I love you, Sam, and I want you with us.”

  “What if I can’t handle you loving another girl?”

  “Then the three of us will talk.”

  “What does she look like? Can you send me a picture?”

  “I don’t have one, but I can try to get one later. She’s very pretty and built similar to Madison.”

  “Ok. Thanks for telling me. Did you already mess with her?” I blush even though no one is here to see me and I hesitate to answer. “Jesus, Kayla. You were in the hospital from being beat up and you still couldn’t keep your legs crossed? What did you do?”

  “Well, it was one sided and happened twice. I received, but I haven’t reciprocated yet.”

  “Was Madison there?”

  “Yes, of course. I wouldn’t do anything without her. She didn’t tell you because she thought I should. Don’t be upset with her for not telling you sooner.”

  “I’m not upset with Madison, but I am upset that I was out here crying over not being able to be there with you, thinking you’re in terrible agony, while you had some strange girl playing between your legs.”

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I was in agony; that’s kind of why it happened, to try to help me feel better. This family thing is new, you know? Maddi was there and didn’t object, so I just let it happen. I don’t know what the politics are supposed to be with a family.”

  “Well, I wish I was part of the decision making, but I guess this is the way it is. I’m just the spare.”

  “Sam, don’t say it like that. We both love you. Would it make you feel better if you got to talk to her and get to know her?”

  “Maybe. Will I get to talk to her before you both sleep with her?” I rub the back of my neck and look up the stairs to see if Madison is coming yet. “Ok, Sam. I’ll talk to Maddi and we’ll work it out. You know how we used to lay around talking and watching movies? And how we’d go for pizza, getting as many toppings as we had cash for, before eating so much we couldn’t stand up?” She laughs. “Yeah. How about the time we went to that ice cream bar place that had a hundred different toppings? I couldn’t believe you actually drank a cup of hot fudge. I miss doing those things with you.”

  “We want that with you, and Shannon wants that with us. We want that whole crazy in love romantic relationship with each other.”

  “Baby, you are making me miss you so much right now. I want to lay in your arms and invent future dreams together like we used to do. Maybe you and Madison can call me later?”

  “Yeah, we’ll do that, baby.”

  “Hey, is that Sam?” I look up and Whitney and Madison are several steps up with a stuffed book bag, a duffle bag, and my pillow. “Yeah, you want to say, hi?”

  “Yeah, hold on.”

  “Hey, Sam, Madison wants to say, hi. I guess we’ll talk later.”

  “Ok, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I hand Madison the phone and she smiles. “Hey, Sam. I told Kayla about you coming out for Halloween. Did you figure out how much the final cost will be so we can transfer you some money?”

I sit back and watch, unable to hear Sam. Whitney sits down next to me and looks at me confused, but doesn’t say anything.

  “Ok, yeah, that’s doable. We’ll get it transferred by tomorrow.” She pauses and looks at me slightly biting her bottom lip. “I accepted her into the family. You know Kayla won’t make that decision.” She scrunches her brow and looks down, nervously shuffling on her feet. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have considered your opinion and feelings first.” My eyebrows shoot to the sky and my jaw drops. Madison looks at me and blushes. “Ok, we’ll talk to Shannon and work something out so you can get to know her. She already knows you’re important to both of us.” She looks down and nods vigorously a few times. “Ok, we’ll tell Candi and Carmen it’s over.”

  I can’t believe that Sam has been able to work that crazy in-charge attitude of hers to sway Madison like this. Madison has been the head of the family, making all of the decisions. Something seems to have shifted some since they both fell in love with each other. Being in charge comes much more easily for Sam than it does for Madison. I wonder if Madison is feeling relieved in not having to bear all of that responsibility alone. I just hope it doesn’t cause problems with them sharing the authority.

  “Yeah, we’ll call later. Ok, I love you too. Bye.” She hangs up and hands me the phone. I look at her with raised eyebrows and she laughs a little. “You guys had a long conversation while I was up there. She is very fired up. It’s cute.” I laugh and shake my head. “Has Sam been upgraded to Mommy number two?” Madison laughs and shrugs a shoulder. “I guess so. But she’s right. If we love her, we should have made her a part of those decisions. She deserves more respect than we showed her.”


  “Uh, can I cut in here a moment?” We look at Whitney and she looks very confused. “Is this the same Sam that broke up with you before you came to school?”

  Whitney has been so busy with the legal stuff and Darren’s mothers, that we haven’t been able to talk much and she doesn’t know everything that has happened. I quickly give her a very condensed version of everything and she stares at me with her mouth and eyes wide open.

  “So, you guys are like lesbian polygamists? Are you Mormon?” I laugh really hard and bend over in pain from my ribs. Madison kneels down and pulls my shoulders back up and makes me straighten up. “No, we’re not Mormon.” Whitney shakes her head in amazement and laughs a little. “Wow, I can’t believe one wild Friday night turned into a whole new lifestyle change revelation for you two. You didn’t accidentally go to a cultist party and drink the Kool-Aid, did you?” I laugh again and she cheeses really big. “I’m just teasing. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “You still want me as your roommate?” She laughs and wraps her arms around me. “Yes. I will be marching myself into the dorm housing office tomorrow to get this elevator fixed.”

  My phone vibrates with a new text from Shannon letting me know she’s here. They won’t let me carry anything, so Whitney comes with us to help carry my bags and pillow out to Shannon’s car.

  Shannon and Whitney already know each other from when I was in the hospital, but now that Whitney knows we are considering adding her to our family, she is all goofy smiles around her. It’s embarrassing. Shannon notices and blushes a little as she helps load my stuff in her trunk.

  Shannon’s place is only a few miles from campus housing. She parks in front of a brick three-story building, and after grabbing my bags, she opens a burgundy painted door with large brass numbers. As soon as we step inside, I’m struck in the face by a cool, wonderfully scented draft of air. I close my eyes and inhale deeply.

  “It smells like lavender and vanilla in here.”

  “Nice parlor trick.” I open my eyes and Shannon is looking at me with a cute grin. “Sorry, it smells nice. What is that?” She smiles and walks me into the living room and points to a pretty plug-in scent diffuser in the outlet next to her large comfortable looking grey microfiber sofa. “Did I guess the scent correctly?”

  “You did, little hound dog. So, this is the living room. You can watch TV, play games, or play on the internet. Everything is hooked up to the TV. There’s a wireless mouse and keyboard in the drawer in the coffee table if you want to use the internet.”

  She starts to walk out of the living room and we follow her to a small pristinely clean kitchen. She opens the fridge and looks inside.

  “There’s some bottled water, soda, beers, and random food stuff in here if you need anything. Kayla, you cannot have alcohol with your medications, so no beer for you.”

  “That’s fine. We don’t drink anyway.” She smiles and nods once. “Ok. There’s also some snacks in the cabinet next to the stove.” She walks out again and we follow her down a narrow hall. She points to the first door, but doesn’t stop, “That’s the bathroom.” She stops at the end of the hall and pushes open a door, flips on the light, and steps inside. “This is the bedroom. I just washed the sheets and blankets yesterday, so if you want to sleep or anything, they are clean. But if you don’t want to take my word for it, there are more sheets in the hall closet across from the bathroom.”

  “Sleep or anything?” I look at her with a grin and she laughs in a nervous way and looks down. “Well, I don’t know. I’m just saying, you have free reign of the place. Just make yourselves at home.”

  “I’m afraid to do that. The place is so immaculate.” She smiles and narrows her eyes at me a little bit. “Are you making fun of my neat freak tendencies?”

  “Not yet. But if you have to carefully remove and fold your clothes when you change or strip down, I’ll have to tease you then.”

  “So, you like your girls to quickly tear their clothes off and toss them behind themselves, letting them fall wherever?”

  Madison gives me a meaningful look and I quickly switch gears to back out of flirting mode.

  “Pretty much, but I’ll try not to destroy your perfectly neat home while you’re at work. I’ll try to stick to the living room so you can at least quarantine me if I’m too messy for you.”

  “You’re a brat, teasing me after I just opened my home up to you. I have to get going. I’ll be home around four. Do you need anything before I leave? Have you taken your medicine since you left?”

  “Oh, uh, I forgot to stop at the pharmacy to fill that on the way home.”

  “Kayla!” She looks at her watch and takes a deep breath. “I swear, I am going to spank you. Do you have the prescriptions with you?” I bite my lip and look at Madison. “Did you stick the paperwork in the bookbag?”

  I nod and Madison rushes back out to the living room with us in step behind her. She opens the front pocket where I had folded and stuffed all of the paperwork and she starts looking through it.

  “How did we forget this? How far is the pharmacy from here?”

  “I’ll take it and have it filled at the hospital pharmacy. Her insurance is already in the system, so it will just be easier. I knew I should have had that done before I let you leave. I don’t think this will be ready by the time you need to take more medicine.” She rushes away to her bathroom and returns with a bottle of ibuprofen. “If I can’t get back here in an hour and you need something, you can take three to four of these, but don’t take more than that.”

  “Ok, I’m really sorry.” She gives me a small kind smile and shakes her head. “I just hope I’m able to get this to you before the last dose wears off too much. Please try to just relax and don’t do anything strenuous.”

  “Ok, thank you.”

  “Yeah, thanks, Shannon. For everything.”

  Shannon gives both of us a quick peck on the lips and leaves with my prescriptions in hand.

  “I feel really bad. I can’t believe I forgot to get those filled.” Madison wraps her arms around my neck and gently kisses my lips. “I’m sorry, baby. I was so distracted with my thoughts that I didn’t remember either. I really like her. I hope Sam approves of her and they get along.”

  “If Sam doesn’t appro
ve, or Shannon wants nothing to do with Sam, what are you going to do?”

  “Well, I’ll have to respect Sam’s wishes if she says no. But if she says yes, and Shannon doesn’t want to be involved with Sam, maybe it could still work. I think that would be very complicated and might cause jealousy issues though.”

  “Yeah, either they both are ok with it, or I think we’ll have to keep it just the three of us. Maddi, I’m really tired. Do you mind if we take a nap?”

  Madison takes my hand and leads me to the sofa. We take our off shoes and neatly line them up in front of the coffee table, before I lay down with my broken ribs in against the back of the sofa and Madison squeezes on next to me, laying her head on my chest.

  “Oh, this feels good. I’ve missed holding you like this.”

  Madison purrs against me and carefully drapes her leg over mine and places her hand on my stomach.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I feel like I’m being crushed. I can’t breathe properly and my chest is tight and pinched. I try to sit up and a blinding pain shoots through me. I scream out and fall backwards, cradling my ribs in a tight ball.

  “Sweetie, relax. Madison, can you bring her medicine over here and a bottle of water?”

  Shannon places her hands on my shoulders and tries to push them back against the sofa, but my knees just raise to compensate, keeping me in a tight coil. Shannon places a hand on the top of my thigh and squeezes as she pushes my leg down. With all of the pain that is lighting up my nervous system, I don’t understand how that simple touch could cause a pulse of pleasure through those same pained nerves, but it does and my body starts to relax and uncoil.

  I’m only barely relaxed as the pain is so bad that I feel lightheaded and my vision is cloudy. Madison sits down and lifts my head to rest in her lap while they help me take my medicine.

  “You’re going to be in a lot of pain till this kicks in. I’m sorry. I should have woken you and made you take it earlier, but you looked like you were finally sleeping well and I didn’t want to interrupt it.” I groan and wince and choke back a sob. “What time is it?”


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