Book Read Free

Building the Family

Page 33

by Amy DeMeritt

  Shannon: I hope I can get to that level one day. You two look incredible. So beautiful. I miss you.

  Sara: Ok, I could have done without seeing Sam grind her shit against your face, but that was probably your best couple’s dance I’ve seen. Why are you wasting your time with biology, baby sister? You are a dancer! Look at your damn face. You look so fucking happy when you dance and you’re a natural.

  Sam: Ok, who are all of these hoes that want to sit on your face? I want to smack every single one of them!

  Awenasa: That was a good dance, puppy. You look really good. Is this when Sam just showed up a few weeks ago to try to win you back?

  I laugh and scramble to figure out who to respond to first. I probably should answer Sam first because she just went from super happy to crazy jealous in two minutes.

  Me to Sam: I’ll probably be watching it a lot too. I miss you and I can’t wait to dance with you. Make sure you’re in leggings when you get here. Don’t pay any attention to those comments. They don’t mean anything to me.

  Me to Awenasa: Thanks. Yeah, that’s the night she showed up and everything started tumbling into place with the family changes. I didn’t know anyone recorded it. My roommate just found it.

  Me to Madison: She read them and is probably trying to figure out how to send all of them a computer virus right now. We should start doing this – recording our dances. I love dancing with my girls – it would be nice to be able to go back and watch them from the outside.

  Me to Sara: Mom is already probably freaking out because I’m a polygamist. You really want me to tell her I’m going to give up a stable career future for dancing when I’m going to have 3 wives to provide for?

  Me to Shannon: I’ll dance with you as much as you want, baby. It takes time and practice. I miss you too.

  Whitney nudges me in the hip, like she’s trying to kick me off the bed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Since you are busy with your many women, I’m just going lay down and go to sleep.”

  “Sorry, I’ll tell them I have to go.”

  “Don’t. I’m tired anyway.”


  I get up and give her the pillow she had thrown at me when I wouldn’t dance for her and go back to my own bed. She pulls her little sweater off and only has a thin camisole on underneath and then pulls her jeans off, before slipping under the covers in just her camisole and panties.

  “Goodnight, Kayla. Thanks for talking to me and holding me earlier.”

  “You’re welcome. I have an early class tomorrow, so I might be gone before you get up.” She shakes her head. “I do too. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I change into some shorts and a tank top and then climb into bed. My phone is blowing up with texts, so I silence it to keep the sound of the vibration from bothering Whitney.

  Sam: Why do you want me in leggings when I get there? Are you going to let me hump your face in the baggage claim?

  Awenasa: Did you think about the family lifestyle before Madison asked you to do those things, or did you only go with it to make her happy? I know you love all of them, but would you if she didn’t ask for that?

  Sara: I can’t believe you seriously just called yourself a polygamist. What’s going on with that anyway?

  Madison: I like that idea, a lot. I don’t think I’m going to sleep at all. This pillow is not as comfortable as your chest and this blanket can’t hold me like your arms.

  Shannon: I’d like that. Ok, I guess I’m going to try to sleep, but there’s probably no point. The bed feels so cold and lonely without you and Madison here.

  Me to Shannon: My bed feels the same. I hope you can get some sleep, beautiful. I love you.

  Shannon: Thanks. I love you too. Please don’t forget to take your medicine in the morning.

  Me: I won’t. Madison set about 5 reminders on my phone.

  Shannon: Good. Goodnight, sweetie.

  Me: Goodnight, love

  Me to Awenasa: Well, I think when things started with Sam, I had that in the back of my head as a possibility. I don’t know why, because back then, she was crazy jealous about nothing at all. If I had suggested something like that back then, she might have actually hit me. I do love them all, but no, I wouldn’t be in the family situation if Madison hadn’t asked for it. I wouldn’t be with Sam and nothing would have happened with Shannon. I opened my heart to be able to love them because that’s what Madison wanted.

  Me to Madison: I’ve gotten used to your warmth and scent lulling me to sleep. I don’t think I’ll sleep at all tonight either.

  Me to Sam: We’re going to try to avoid being arrested when you get here, but I have something in mind for that day.

  Me to Sara: Good. I’ve settled my family to Me, Madison, Sam, and Shannon. We met with Candi and Carmen after we started staying with Shannon and let them know that we couldn’t be with them anymore. They actually took it well and they are seeing each other now. We’re still friends and talk sometimes, but that’s it.

  Awenasa: You have been in love with me since we were children – that’s probably why you thought about it back then and why you were so willing to do it now.

  Me: Probably. Wait, are you trying to tell me something without telling me something?

  Awenasa: I love you, puppy, but I need to get to sleep. I have an early day tomorrow.

  Me: Wait, I feel like you’re trying to get me to understand something significant without coming out and saying it.

  Awenasa: Everything between us is significant and always has been.

  Me: I’m guessing that I’m going to have to just stay in the dark with my racing heart? You can’t be a bit clearer on your meaning?

  Awenasa: Not yet, just know that I love you.

  Me: I love you too.

  Awenasa: Goodnight, puppy

  Me: Goodnight

  I really wish I knew what was going on. She keeps dropping hints like she might want more from me than just having my love, but I really don’t know what to make of it. We’ve been in love since we were children, but she’s never tried to advance the relationship to anything physical and I’ve been too scared to try – I just try to make it clear that’s what I want.

  I end up talking to Madison, Sara, and Sam for a couple hours before we all decide we better try to sleep. It’s after midnight and I’m dead tired, so sleep actually comes quicker than I expected. But I wake up screaming out in pain, not long after falling asleep. Whitney is quickly at my side.

  “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  I start to coil into a ball and she grabs my shoulders and pushes them back, forcing me on my back like she had seen Shannon do in the hospital. She holds me down till my body relaxes and then sits down next to me.

  “What happened?”

  “I rolled onto my ribs.”

  “How did you prevent yourself from doing that at Shannon’s?” I shake my head. “I had them sleeping on my chest or right next to me all night so I wasn’t able to turn over.” She smiles and climbs over top of me and slips under the covers with me. “What are you doing?”

  “You need someone to snuggle with and I just happen to love snuggling, so, problem solved.”

  “But, you’re naked.” She laughs and shakes her head. “I am not naked. I have a tank top and underwear on. Would you feel more comfortable if I put pajamas on?”

  “Wouldn’t you?”

  “Kayla, I know you’re not going to grope me in my sleep and I’m not going to grope you in yours. So, I’m comfortable just how I am, but if it bothers you, I’ll put more clothes on.”

  “No, it’s ok. I just didn’t want you to feel weird about it.” She smiles and lays down on my chest. “I don’t. Now, go back to sleep.”

  “Ok. Thanks.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  I’m so excited that I jump out of bed before my alarm goes off. It feels like it’s been ages and not just three weeks, but we’re finally going to pick up Sam from the airport this morning. I
practically run down the hall to the bathroom to get a shower, shave, brush my teeth, and brush my hair.

  Shannon and Madison are meeting me at my dorm so we can get dressed together. We’re all dressing up like limo drivers and we have the tops and pants, but Madison was working on some last-minute touches to the accessories last night, so we’ll have to finish getting dressed before we leave.

  When I get back to my room, Whitney is just waking up. She turns over and looks at me with sleepy eyes.

  “Hey, your phone was going off.”

  “Oh, sorry. Did it wake you?” She shakes her head and sits up. “No, I was already starting to wake up.”

  I check my phone and its Madison letting me know they’re outside.

  “Crap. They’re outside.” She looks me up and down and laughs. I’m standing in the middle of the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around myself. “I’ll go let them in.”

  “Thank you.”

  After she leaves, I quickly dry off and slip into some underwear and a sports bra. Just as I’m pulling my pants up, the door opens and they all walk in. Whitney sits down on her bed and yawns really big before stretching and falling back over. Shannon and Madison step over to sit on my bed and just stare at me with cute grins on their faces. They look adorable in their black pants and black button up collar shirts.

  “Hey, babies. You come into my room and sit on my bed without giving me a hug first?” They smile really big and I hear Whitney snicker in her bed. “I don’t know how they could just walk passed you when you’re standing there half naked with those damn abs flexing.” I laugh and shake my head. “It’s your fault. They don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Whitney laughs and stands up. “That’s my cue to leave. I’m going to get a shower.”

  “You don’t have to go.” She smiles kindly at Shannon and shakes her head. “I really do need to get up and get ready for the day. If you’re gone before I get back, have fun at your long slumber party and I’ll see you next week.” I smile and turn to give her a hug. “We’ll talk before then, but ok.” She wraps her arms around me and kisses the side of my neck. “Ok, be careful with those ribs and your wild sexipades.”

  I laugh hard and she pulls back patting my stomach playfully before she turns to grab her towel and shower caddy. She looks back and waves at Shannon and Madison before leaving. I turn to face my girls with a big smile and open my arms to them. They smile and stand up, wrapping their arms around me.

  As they pull back, they scan my torso with cute hungry grins that make me want to see if we can beat Whitney in the shower with a threesome in my bed. Madison giggles and kisses my lips.

  “We don’t have time for what you’re thinking, baby. You need to get dressed.” I pout and turn to grab the shirt off of the hanger on my dresser handle. “Fine.”

  “Did you eat yet?” I shake my head and Shannon smiles. “Good, I made you both breakfast.” I smile really big and throw my arms around her. “God, I love you. I thought I was going to have to get something nasty on the way there or go hungry till lunch. I’ve missed having your amazing breakfast.” She giggles and pulls me into a kiss. As she releases me, my head swoons and I moan a little. “I’ve missed waking up to those too. Maddi, your turn. Make me feel drunk, baby.”

  They laugh and Shannon releases me so Madison can wrap her arms around me and kiss me. She puts so much into it that I feel like my kneecaps have melted. I sway into her and she giggles, but doesn’t pull back. I quickly grab her by the ass and lift and toss her onto the bed, bending down over top of her with our mouths still locked together. She moans and pulls me down on top of her, but then suddenly pulls back and laughs.

  “Sam is going to be so mad if you sneak in a moment with us before we go pick her up.” I smile really big and reach for the button of her pants. “She’ll understand. You two are just too damn hard to resist.”

  Madison smiles and glances over my shoulder at Shannon. Before I turn to look at her, Shannon grabs my hips and pulls me up.

  “Come on, naughty girl. You have breakfast hash to eat before it gets cold.” I spin around and look at her with my heart bursting with heat. “Breakfast hash?” She smiles and nods. “That’s my favorite thing my mom makes for breakfast. Why are you so amazing?”

  She smiles really big and blushes. She steps forward and starts buttoning my shirt for me, but doesn’t say anything. As our eyes meet, I can see the depth of her happiness and it makes me smile.

  “I love that color on you.” She smiles in a confused way and looks down at herself. “Black?” I laugh and shake my head. “Happiness. You’re exquisite in that color.” She smiles really big and kisses my lips. “Thank you.”

  She releases me and turns to grab a softshell cooler she had placed next to the bed. She pulls out two glass containers with an amazing looking hash, and two bottles of what looks like my favorite drink. I hop onto the bed next to Madison and pull my legs up Indian style and wait for Shannon to hand me my food. They both look at me and laugh really hard. I just cheese at them like a goofy fool. I’m just so happy that I feel silly, but I don’t care.

  “You’re so damn cute. Here, sweetie.” I take the offered container and fork and she sits down next me. She kisses my cheek and I quickly dart for her lips and give her a fast kiss, making her laugh. “Thanks for doing this.”

  I dive in and moan with each bite. None of us talk again till Madison and I have finished eating. After we finish, Shannon takes the containers and loads them back into the cooler. I take a drink of my juice and lick my lips, looking between them.

  “So, I, uh, have something planned that I’m hoping wont embarrass the hell out of both of you.” They look at me confused and kind of nervous. “When Sam gets to us in baggage claim, I want to dance with her.” They smile and shake their heads. Madison is first to answer. “No, that won’t embarrass me, but do you mind if I record it?”

  “Nope, that would be cool so I can see how much of a dork I look like. I have a little something sketched out in my head and I’m not sure if it’s going to be lame or not.”

  They smile really big and I explain my plans to them and what I need them to do for me so that it works. After I finish, they’re both excited to leave so they can watch me dance with Sam. Madison gives us our accessories she was finishing for us. We each have a black tie that Madison has added a crimson red heart to, and a black driver’s hat with a matching heart on the front of it. I would have preferred not to have the hearts because it’s a little girlie for my taste, but Madison and Shannon thought it would be cute, so I didn’t object.

  The drive to the airport only takes about twenty minutes and when we get there, we have ten minutes before her flight is supposed to arrive. The baggage claim terminal is really huge and spread throughout a couple different buildings. We find the terminal she’ll be coming down to when she gets off the plane and I scope out the area to find the best place to pull off my dance stunt with her. I smile really big when I see that there’s a baggage claim belt to the far end that has construction signs on it. There shouldn’t really be many, if anyone around that area since it’s out of order, so I settle on that spot a few minutes before she should be arriving.

  I get a text from Sam letting me know she’s landed and will be down soon, so we get into position. I have Madison and Shannon wait near where Sam will be coming down the escalator with a sign that says, “Daddy’s cup of milk and honey”, and I go lean against a support beam by the broken-down belt. I watch as she comes down and throws her arms around Madison and laughs when she sees the sign. She gives Shannon a hug, but then looks frantically around for me. Madison takes her hand and points to me and hands her the card I asked her to give her. She opens the card and I watch her face transform into a huge smile.

  The card reads,

  Welcome home, baby. Will you play with me?

  Come over and say the magic word.


  Mirror me.

  I watch them approach and Madison and Shanno
n move to stand against the wall with their phones out to record us. Sam is standing about three feet in front me and is smiling really big. She looks absolutely beautiful. She’s wearing leggings and sneakers as I requested, with an oversized light blue sweater hanging off her smooth creamy white right shoulder. Her bright honey blonde hair is pulled up in a ponytail with a few adorable fly-away strands. She’s a very beautiful traveler.

  “Hey, Daddy. You going to keep holding up that pole or remind my body how to move?”

  I smile and press play on my phone in my back pocket. The air is filled with the sounds of robotic and mechanical bass sounds and I start robotically lifting myself off the wall and stepping towards her. I move around her and when I stop behind her, I tap her shoulder.

  She turns to face me and I robotically motion to myself and then to her. I hold up my hand, and as the beats die down, I act like a machine running out of power and slowly freeze. I’m frozen for three beats before the music starts. I come back to life and do a series I want her to mirror. I do the same series twice and she jumps in the third time and mirrors me perfectly.

  The music shifts again to the robotic sounds and I regain my robot technique and move around her. I stop behind her with my body pressed to her. I lift her arms and the sounds in the music make it sound like I just snapped her onto myself.

  The music freezes again with us standing pressed together with our arms out like we’re about to attempt flight. A song comes on and we puppet dance in perfect sync. I can feel it and see it. We are perfectly moving as one. She’s not even looking at me. She can only feel me and she is following me. I feel a burst of love and emotion in my chest. The song cuts and stutters between the song and robotic sounds. I whisper in her ear, “fight me”, and she immediately starts to only follow half of what I try to do, while throwing in some of her own moves. It’s even better than when we danced at the party at Josh’s house.


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