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One More Song

Page 17

by Nicki Edwards

  In contrast, every single woman in the room was decked out as if they were in a swanky city club. Opportunities to pull out slinky dresses and sexy heels were rare in Yallambah and the girls were making the most of it, going all out with hair, makeup, nails and spray tans. Eddie smoothed her hair before glancing at her own nails. She grimaced. Keeping her cuticles neat and her hair tidy had always been low on her list of priorities.

  She lifted her hair off the back of her neck and considered going out to the beer garden to see it was any cooler. They’d been sweltering all day and the forecast for the remainder of the week wasn’t good. Locals were worried about the potential for another fire. The mercury had reached forty-one late that afternoon and it wasn’t expected to cool down much overnight.

  She cast her eyes around the crowded room again. Still no sign of Harry. Eddie pulled her phone out of her purse and started typing a message.

  Hey Harry. I guess something came up with your dad. Hope he’s okay. I’ll have one more drink but then I’ll head home.

  She slipped her phone back into her purse as a deep voice said ‘Forgive me’ in her ear.

  She spun around so fast she almost tripped. She put up her hands to stop herself from falling further forwards and felt the flex of Harry’s muscles under his thin cotton shirt. His hair was damp from a recent shower and she inhaled the heady fragrance of his aftershave. He smelled amazing.

  He gripped her gently by the forearms to steady her. ‘I’m so sorry I’m late, Eddie.’

  ‘Everything okay?’

  ‘It is now.’

  Her mouth felt suddenly dry. ‘Is it your dad?’

  ‘Kind of, but he’s no worse. We talked. Cleared the air a bit.’

  Relief skittered through her. ‘Harry, that’s wonderful.’

  A faint smile crossed his face before it was gone again. ‘Still a long way to go.’

  ‘But you started and that’s the main thing.’

  ‘Yeah, I know.’

  ‘You shouldn’t have come out. You should have stayed with him. You could have sent me a message, I would have understood.’

  He hugged her and grazed his lips across the top of her head. ‘Thanks, Eddie, but we talked enough for now. Baby steps, you know? Plus, he was tired.’ He pulled back to look at her. ‘This time I promise I won’t dump all my emotional baggage on you.’ He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ‘I don’t know about you, but I’m here tonight to have a good time.’ He pointed to her empty drink. ‘Can I get you another one?’

  She grinned. ‘Please.’

  ‘What are you having?’

  ‘Diet Coke would be great. No ice.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘Onto the heavy stuff, I see?’

  She tapped the pager she wore on her waist. ‘I’m on call with the SES tonight. If anything happens I’ll have to attend.’

  ‘As a nurse?’

  ‘No. My role in the SES isn’t nursing related, although obviously I get called on to provide first aid if the situation requires it.’

  ‘But doesn’t the SES just respond to floods and storm damage?’

  ‘We do more than that. We get called out for any local emergency and provide support to all the other emergency service organisations like the CFA and the police. On a night like New Year’s Eve, it’s highly likely something will happen.’

  ‘Ah, that explains your drink choice. Most women I know would have picked something stronger if they were waiting for a guy to show up and he was running an hour late.’

  ‘In case you haven’t worked it out yet, I’m not most women.’

  His gaze swept appreciatively over her. ‘Exactly what I like about you.’

  Her face warmed. Normally if a man ogled her like that, she would have told him to look elsewhere, but with Harry it felt different – like he genuinely liked all of her – inside and out. Still, she didn’t want him to presume she was an easy catch. ‘Are you trying to come onto me?’ she teased.

  He grimaced. ‘Was I that obvious? I’m out of practice.’

  She bit her lip to stop from laughing.

  When he returned with her drink, he handed it to her and she mouthed her thanks. Someone had cranked up the music and it was hard to hear anything other than the bass. Harry gestured they move outside to the beer garden and Eddie nodded. She was more than happy to see if it was any quieter or cooler outside, and it would be good to have a conversation without having to yell.

  She walked ahead of him and when his hand brushed against the small of her back, a tingle weaved its way up and down her spine.

  ‘So,’ he said, staring straight into her eyes once they were settled outside. ‘What’s your plan for the rest of the night? Are you hungry?’

  ‘Not really. And I don’t have a plan.’

  ‘Sure you do. The little I already know of you is that you like to be organised, and organised people have plans.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  He chuckled. ‘Don’t try and act innocent. I can see right through you. The way I see it, you have two options.’

  She narrowed her gaze. ‘Two options? I’m not following.’

  He edged closer as someone jostled him trying to push past. He dropped his head to her ear so she could hear him over the music. ‘You have two choices. The first is where we stay, drink a bit, dance, and you go home alone after the clock strikes midnight.’

  Eddie laughed. ‘What’s my other option?’

  ‘Ah, that’s easy. We stay, drink a bit, dance the night away, then we kiss at midnight and you invite me back to your place.’

  ‘Kissing at midnight and back to my place: that’s very presumptuous of you. How much have you had to drink?’

  He held up both hands. ‘Nothing except water. In which case I can be your DD if you like.’

  ‘All good. I don’t need a designated driver, but thank you for offering.’

  ‘Suit yourself. I’m more than happy to be on standby if you need me.’

  She dipped her head. ‘Are you planning on coming to my rescue?’

  ‘If you like.’ He bowed low. ‘The carriage will be waiting at midnight.’

  ‘Will it be carved from a pumpkin?’

  His eyes twinkled. ‘If that makes you smile.’

  She smiled because she couldn’t help herself. ‘Well, Harry my hero, I’m no princess needing you to rescue me. Plus I don’t dance, I don’t kiss strangers, and I definitely don’t invite men home for the night after what is officially our first date.’

  She downed the remainder of her drink in one gulp. Harry relieved her of her empty glass and took her hand. Unexpected desire flooded through her entire body at his touch. Even her fingers and toes felt like they were on fire.

  He leaned close and whispered in her ear. ‘Can you feel that?’ he asked. ‘The way your skin tingles when we touch?’

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  ‘I’m glad, because I feel it too.’

  She pulled back and stared into his eyes. A faint flush had crept up his neck and over his cheeks. Her mouth was so dry. She picked up her drink again and sucked on the straw, draining the dregs of melted ice from the bottom of the glass.

  ‘Come on, it’s New Year’s Eve. Let’s dance. Let’s celebrate. It’s been an awful week with my dad and for tonight I’d like to try and forget about it.’

  ‘I’m not inviting you back to my place though,’ she said, putting her hand in his.

  He grinned. ‘You say that now. Wait until I kiss you at midnight, you won’t be able to say no.’

  She took a swipe at him, playfully punching him on the arm. He winced, pretending it hurt.

  ‘In your dreams,’ she said.

  He winked. ‘I’ll be dreaming about you, that’s for sure.’ At her shocked expression, he laughed. ‘What’s your answer then? What do you choose?’

  Her head buzzed with the delicious tipsy sensation that came from a glass or two of wine, even though she hadn’t had a s
ingle alcoholic drink, and common sense fled.

  She sucked in a lungful of air. ‘I choose you. And dancing,’ she added. ‘Although you might regret that.’ She pointed to his feet. He was wearing thongs. ‘I’m a crappy dancer.’

  ‘Good choice. And no regrets.’ He lifted a foot. ‘My toes can handle whatever you throw at them.’

  As Harry ushered her onto the crowded dance floor Eddie was acutely aware of his nearness. She felt alive, giddy, free, and happier than she’d felt in a long time. Raising her arms above her head, she let the beat move her as she swayed in time with the rhythm of the music. Her dancing wasn’t much better than her singing, but she hardly cared. She glanced over at Harry. He moved naturally and confidently and didn’t look at all uncomfortable. If anything, he looked like he was ready to take centre stage. And like he was having loads of fun.

  Eddie took a deep breath. She was in trouble. Big trouble. Her heart pounded in her chest, her pulse throbbed in her throat and desire for him circled low in her gut. Should she fight her attraction for him or go with it?

  Go for it, a voice in her head screamed.

  ‘I thought you said you didn’t dance,’ Harry shouted a few songs later.

  ‘I’m living dangerously tonight,’ she shouted in reply. ‘Tomorrow’s a new year. Time to start afresh.’ She gave a little boogie again. ‘After tonight, once you go back to Sydney, I may never see you again so I might as well have fun.’

  ‘I promise after tonight you’ll see me again,’ he said. ‘I don’t know how, or when, but I’ll make it happen.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  A new song – something slow and melodic – started, and a collective sigh seemed to go up from the dance floor. A handful of people moved back to the bar but others coupled up, moving into each other’s arms. The lights dimmed, and as if Harry were a magnet and she were metal, Eddie felt herself being pulled into his arms without thought or question or hesitation.

  ‘Does this mean you’re going with the second option?’ he asked softly. ‘A nightcap back at your place?’ He took both of her hands in his and softly stroked the back of them with his thumbs while he searched her eyes. ‘You can say no. I’m happy to drive you straight home and leave if that’s what you’d prefer.’

  ‘Coffee sounds like a wonderful idea,’ she whispered in his ear before pressing herself closer to him and closing the gap between them.

  His breath caught and warmth coiled through her as she sensed his desire for her. He released her hands and pulled her even closer, tenderly brushing a strand of hair from her face before resting his hand on the back of her neck. Butterflies fluttered low in her stomach. When his head dipped slightly and his lips hovered closer to hers, the butterflies took to flight. He was about to kiss her!

  He pulled back slightly to stare into her eyes and she saw the flicker of heat in them. ‘How ’bout we go outside for some fresh air?’ he suggested. ‘It’s hot in here.’

  She could only nod.

  It was a relief to leave the stifling surrounds of the pub and step out into the open night air. A breeze had sprung up and Eddie shivered involuntarily.

  ‘Are you cold?’ Without asking he put an arm around her. ‘We can go back inside if you’d like. Or I can grab my jacket from the car.’

  ‘No, it’s fine,’ she said, fighting the urge to snuggle closer into his side. ‘Let’s walk down to the creek. It’ll be out of the wind down there.’

  She slipped off her shoes and Harry took them from her. Hand in hand, they crossed the empty street, her ears still ringing from the loud music. The streetlights didn’t cast their glow very far and darkness closed in on them. Eddie almost tripped on a tree root, but Harry caught her in time. When his hands made contact with hers, shivers rushed down her arms.

  As she slid down the grassy slope to the creek’s sandy edge, Eddie squealed before collapsing on the ground. Harry dropped down beside her with a laugh. Behind them, the music from the pub carried in the wind, slightly muted. When the clouds cleared, silvery moonbeams danced across the water.

  ‘This is gorgeous,’ Harry said, gazing around. ‘I used to come down here as a kid, but it’s been years and I’d forgotten how pretty it is.’

  ‘It’s one of my favourite places in the world to come and think.’

  ‘Does that mean you want thinking time now?’

  ‘No,’ Eddie replied.

  ‘Lucky me.’

  There was a pause in the music then the sound of people shouting down the midnight countdown.

  ‘Is this where I’m supposed to run off and leave you?’ Eddie asked.

  ‘I hope not,’ Harry replied. ‘But if you do, I promise I’ll come looking for you.’ He stroked her hair and she stared into his darkened eyes. ‘I think you’ll find this is the part where we share a midnight kiss.’

  Her breath caught. At that moment she wanted to kiss him so badly it hurt. ‘Is that in the script?’

  ‘I’m sure it is,’ he murmured as his head dipped towards hers.

  Before she had a chance to reply he captured her mouth in his and, fuelled by a yearning that surprised her, she kissed him back hard. His hands roved down her back then up again, following the curve of her spine to the back of her neck. She heard herself moan in delight before responding by exploring the hard ridges in his back, tracing his muscles with her fingers, loving the way they felt. Their kiss lengthened and deepened and became more urgent. She never wanted it to end, but they finally had to stop to catch their breath.

  ‘You okay?’ Harry asked, linking his fingers with hers.

  ‘Mmm-hmmm.’ She closed her eyes and sighed. She was more than okay. Although her heart was racing so fast she thought it might explode.

  Beside her, Harry was breathing as hard as she was. Another wave of desire swept through her. She took shallow breaths, trying to control the flood of emotions whooshing through her body. Never in her life had a kiss made her feel like this. Her entire body was shaking and she was glad she was sitting.

  ‘What a shame this has to end,’ she said.

  He looked at her. ‘What do you mean?’

  She pulled her hand from his and ran her fingers through her hair, lifting it away from where it clung to the back of her neck. ‘You’ll be leaving soon, so nothing can come of this. And I don’t do one-night stands.’

  His brow creased. ‘Neither do I.’

  She licked her lips and peeked at him through her lashes. He was smiling. He grabbed both her hands again, rubbed his thumbs over the back of them and waited until she met his gaze. He stared deep into her eyes and she almost melted.

  ‘Who said anything about one night?’ His voice was husky and full of meaning.

  She snagged her bottom lip with her teeth. Had the temperature risen ten degrees or was it her imagination? She stared back and her heart skipped in circles. Right then, despite her protestations, she was tempted to change her mind, grab his hand and invite him back to her place.

  As he leaned in to kiss her again, the pager in her pocket vibrated. She jerked upright, immediately alert, pulling the device out like it was a hot rock.

  Harry’s face fell. ‘What is it?’

  Eddie read the message on the screen then jumped to her feet. Without explaining, she scrambled up the slope towards the road, vaguely aware that she’d left her shoes down at the creek.

  ‘Eddie?’ Harry called out.

  ‘Sorry, Harry. There’s a fire at the supermarket. I’ve gotta go.’

  Her heart pounding with adrenalin, she bolted up the street, dialling Steve Kane, the duty officer, as she ran. Hopefully Harry would understand. Tomorrow she’d invite him over for coffee and with any luck, next time they’d do more than kiss.

  Chapter 18

  The next morning, after a night spent tossing and turning and dreaming of Eddie and that incredible kiss, Harry walked the short distance across the dusty yard to Claire’s house. Dry grass crunched under his feet.

  He’d relived their kiss a thous
and times until it was seared permanently into his brain. He’d had plenty of practice over the years but he’d never been kissed like that before. It was the type of kiss that had him losing all track of time and place. She’d tasted amazing and he hadn’t been able to get enough of her. He’d wanted to do more than just kiss her, and had almost cursed when her pager had gone off. Then again, it was probably just as well. The last thing he’d have wanted was to be caught out like a couple of randy teenagers.

  He knocked on Claire’s door, then without waiting for a reply entered her darkened kitchen. The air conditioner was working overtime and the house was mercifully cool.

  ‘Cuppa?’ Claire asked.

  ‘No, thanks.’ He couldn’t stomach the idea of another cup of tea. ‘I’m already three times over my usual daily limit.’ He’d sat with his mum most of the morning talking about what they were going to do about his father.

  Claire chuckled. ‘Mum reckons a cup of tea fixes everything.’

  ‘Not this time,’ he muttered.

  ‘Sime’s probably got a beer stashed in the back of the fridge if you want one.’

  He shook his head. ‘Water is fine.’ He pulled out a kitchen chair, wincing at the sound of it scraping on the timber floor, and sat.

  Claire chuckled. ‘Hangover?’

  ‘No. I didn’t have anything to drink last night, but I didn’t sleep well and I’ve got a killer headache.’

  ‘Everything okay?’

  ‘Lots on my mind. Same as you.’

  Claire passed him a glass of water then slid a box of paracetamol across the table towards him. ‘What time do you head back to Sydney?’

  ‘My flight leaves Tullamarine at three. I thought I’d go and visit Dad first.’

  ‘That’s a good idea.’

  ‘Where’re Simon and the kids?’ he asked as he popped two tablets out of the foil, tossed them in his mouth and took a gulp of water. ‘I wouldn’t mind seeing them before I go.’

  ‘He’s taken them down to the river for a swim.’

  ‘You didn’t want to join them?’

  Claire bustled around the kitchen, tidying up and putting things away. ‘Too much to do here. With Dad being so sick I’ve let things slide.’ She indicated the untidy kitchen.


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