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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

Page 54

by Sienna Parks

  I’m wearing a Marilyn Monroe style dress tonight; a red flowing multi-layered skirt, cinched in at the waist to accentuate my figure; low at the back, the layers of material in the front highlighting the swell of my breasts before tying in a sexy halter-neck. As Carter’s eyes settle once again on mine, everything and everyone around us disappears as we find our way into each other’s arms.

  “Tesoro. You look… breathtaking.” His hands make their way up and into the loose waves of my hair, his warm palms cupping my face. As his lips connect with mine my body comes to life in a way that only Carter can ignite. “Let’s get to our seats. I really don’t want to explain to my baby sister that I missed her performance because I couldn’t control the urge to fuck my girlfriend.” What did he just say? He’s never called me that before. He reads my mind. “Yes, I said girlfriend, Addison. Deal with it.”

  With a sly grin on his face, he holds out his hand to me. I place my hand in his and follow as he strides through the crowd, commanding respect from everyone around him, leading me to our seats; and I realize something as I drink in the sight of him… I would let this man lead me anywhere. It’s an unsettling but thrilling thought. As the house lights go down and the curtain goes up, I settle back and attempt to clear my mind of the riotous emotions vying for my attention.

  The show is amazing, and as soon as Carter points out Vittoria, I am mesmerized by her. She is beautiful, graceful, and elegant. The depth of emotion she conveys in every sweep of her arms, every move of her lithe body, has me on the verge of tears more than once. I am completely awed by her talent and I can’t wait to meet her now. As the crowd applauds each and every dancer, I revel in the pride I see radiating from Carter; his love for his sister evident in the stunning smile on his face.

  We make our way out of the theater to wait for Vittoria when I spy a familiar face. “Isn’t that Logan over there?”

  “Yeah. What the hell is he doing here?” We quickly head in his direction, but he seems to be in a hurry to leave. “Logan!” Carter shouts after him, getting his attention, but the look on Logan’s face tells me that he’s not overjoyed to see us. His looks like he’s just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. As we reach him, his demeanor changes and the suave exterior is firmly back in place.

  “Hello, Addi, lovely to see you again.” He leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek and the look on Carter’s face is hysterical – he’s jealous of an innocent greeting. He cracks me up.

  “Lovely to see you, too. Is Alexis with you?"

  “Something came up at work. She had to leave at intermission.” He turns his attention to Carter.

  “Hey, man. Did you enjoy the show? I didn’t realize Vittoria was back in town.” There’s a question in there somewhere, but Carter is oblivious and he lights up at the mention of his sister.

  “She’s in town for a few weeks before she has to go back out on tour. We’re just about to take her to dinner. Why don’t you join us? I know she’d love to see you.” Logan’s happy with that last comment, and I realize what’s going on. He didn’t want Carter to see him here… because he was here to see Vittoria. Holy Shit. Dinner is going to be interesting!

  We wait around, chatting and joking for about twenty minutes before a sweet, sexy voice calls out to the man I’ve become so attached to.

  “Carter!” Before she can say anything else he sweeps her up into his arms, spinning her around like she weighs nothing.

  “You were phenomenal, Vittoria, just amazing. You get better every time I watch you.” As he sets her back on her feet he turns her to face me. My nerves are somewhat settled by Logan’s presence. I can sense that the spotlight will be firmly off me with him at the table.

  “Vittoria, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Addi.” A tingle runs up my spine at his use of that word again. I hold out my hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Vittoria. You are an exquisite dancer. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” Her blush at my words is so endearing – it reminds me of Lily. I know I’m going to love this girl.

  “Thank you so much. The pleasure is all mine. Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear my big brother use the word ‘girlfriend’ in a sentence?” I laugh at her declaration.

  “From what he’s told me… I’m guessing a really long time.” She glances in his direction, a slight frown marring her flawless features. I watch as an unspoken conversation passes between them. Carter closes his eyes; a pained look on his face as he shakes his head ever so slightly, giving her the answer she needed. I’m desperate to ask what’s going on and why it’s linked to him calling me his girlfriend, but I can tell from the look on Carter’s face that this is not a subject he wants to discuss… with anyone. He seamlessly shifts the conversation to an equally tense topic.

  “Look who we bumped into.” As her gaze locks with Logan’s, the atmosphere becomes charged with the most intense sexual chemistry I have ever witnessed. I mean, I know Xander and Lily have crazy heat; and Carter and I… we are thermonuclear in the same room, but this… what I’m picking up on between Vittoria and Logan, is off the charts. He leans in to greet her, kissing her cheek, lingering for an extra beat when she returns the gesture, her lips leaving a mark. She gently wipes the lipstick from his face, caressing his stubble long after the lipstick is gone. If they keep this up, one of two things will happen – either Carter will kill Logan for looking at his baby sister like he wants to do very naughty things to her, or, I’m going to do very naughty things to Carter because I am so damn turned on watching these two.

  “It’s so nice to see you again, Logan. You look… well.” She devours him with her eyes as she speaks.

  “It’s… nice to see you, too, Vittoria. It was a genuine pleasure to watch you dance tonight. You were breathtaking.” I turn my gaze to Carter as this intimate exchange takes place. He looks like his head is about to explode.

  “Alright. Enough with the fucking long lost hellos. Are we going to get some dinner or not? I’m hungry.” I guess he picked up on their obvious connection too; he’d need to be blind not to have noticed. I take his hand in mine as I lean in to whisper in his ear.

  “I like it when you call me your girlfriend.” I dart my tongue out; catching his ear before pulling back to gauge his reaction. It’s had the desired effect. His playful, sexy, naughty streak is back, and his focus is firmly on me.

  “Just wait ‘till I get you home… girlfriend. I have plans for you tonight that you will definitely… like.” And there it is; the familiar buzz, coursing through my body, readying me for the promise of an earth-shattering night ahead.

  The restaurant is stunning, the food sublime, and the company is second to none. The four of us have a fantastic night and I get the feeling that Vittoria will fit in perfectly with Lily and me. She is funny, sassy and she doesn’t take any crap. I love her already! Logan isn’t the flirty guy I know and love tonight. Instead he’s more reserved, his answers are more measured and careful, but he’s still great company. I really like him, and he’s definitely not sore on the eyes! When Carter asks about Alexis the tension at the table is unbearable, Vittoria’s face looking pained; but we quickly move past it and onto lighter topics.

  The wine flows, the conversation has me doubled over laughing at points, and we find ourselves the only customers left in the restaurant come midnight. It’s the first time I’ve eaten out with Carter and managed to keep my hands to myself. Progress! Although, I am desperate to get him back to my apartment now. Watching him laughing and joking with his sister and Logan is a beautiful sight to behold. His carefree laugh is like music to my ears, and the smile that splits his face is just freaking gorgeous. I could watch him forever and never get bored.

  When it comes time to leave, Carter plans to drop Vittoria off at her apartment before taking me home, but Logan won’t hear of it. “Seriously, Carter, take Addi home. I can make sure Vittoria gets home safely. It’s the least I can do after you paid for dinner. I’m buying next time, okay?
” I slide my hand up Carter’s back, hoping he’ll take the hint and get me alone, behind closed doors as quickly as possible.

  “Okay. Thanks, man. Take care of her or I’ll beat the shit out of you.” We all say our goodbyes and I exchange numbers with Vittoria, making plans to meet up with her while she’s in town, and as we part ways, I can’t help but wonder… what is the history, if any, between Logan and Vittoria? The warm arm that snakes around my waist steals my focus to the amazing man beside me. “Are you ready to go home, baby?”

  “I’m ready to be alone with you. There are far too many clothes between us right now.” The fire in his eyes ignites at my words.

  “Fucking right. Give me five minutes to get you back to your place and I will remedy that problem immediately, and have you screaming my name by the sixth.” He stays true to his word… Oh. My. God… does he stay true to his word.


  Three months later

  My life is unrecognizable from the way it was six months ago. Addi and I have been dating properly for months now and it’s fucking amazing. I never thought I could feel this way about a woman. I closed the door on that so many years ago, I didn’t think it would happen for me. I figured I would probably end up like Heffner, but my reality is so much better. After introducing Addi to Vittoria three months ago they have become really good friends. They’re always texting and chatting and fucking Facebook… Oh My God. Sometimes I think I share her with the damn thing, but watching her and Vittoria becoming friends has been amazing. They clicked as soon as they met, and the weeks following our dinner, when she was still in town, were great. The three of us spent a lot of time together, and I could see in their eyes that they understand each other in a way that only they can. That brokenness that I see in each of their eyes… has drawn them to each other, but as far as I’m aware they haven’t discussed their pasts – I know Vittoria would never tell anyone; that’s the way she wants it, and I would never betray her trust.

  Addi and I spend the majority of our free time together, either at her place or mine. We rarely spend a night apart, but I know better than to ask her to move in with me. She would freak-the-fuck-out! I’ve learned to read the signs; I know when to back away from a touchy subject, and I know how far I can push her. She still hasn’t opened up about whatever it was that happened with Gavin, but I can be patient. She’ll tell me when she’s ready… I hope.

  I knew months ago how I felt about her, and I’m even more certain now that I am completely in love with her. I’ve bitten my tongue so many times when I’ve wanted to tell her, but she isn’t ready and I don’t want to ruin what we have. Everything about her has me hooked. She is funny, sweet, smart and sexy as hell. She’s trying to give our relationship a chance and I really admire her for it; I know how hard it must be for her – I struggled myself in the beginning, but the difference between us, is that I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I want her in every way possible. She still has reservations, but do I think she loves me? Yes… in her own way. Do I think she’s in love with me the same way that I’m head over heels with her? No, but I’m just fucking hoping that she will be one day.

  We’ve made plans to go to the Hamptons with Xander and Lily this weekend and I’ve decided it’s time to tell her. If I hold it in any longer I might just fucking burst. If I had my way she would have been living with me months ago and we would be planning a wedding in the next year. I know that won’t happen, so the most I can hope for is that I tell her I love her, and she accepts it, or best case scenario – says it back. I’ve told her she doesn’t get to just shut me out anymore, and she knows I fucking mean it. I hate to admit it, but I would be fucking lost without her in my life now. I’m so whipped it’s unbelievable, but Christ Almighty, I just fucking love the shit out of her.

  Addi got a job in advertising about six weeks ago and her schedule has been crazy. She’s loving it; it’s what she trained for; but our time together of late has been limited to fucking and sleeping. The sex is still out of this world fucking-fantastic, but I’m missing her crazy sense of humor and the sweeter moments we share. This weekend is going to be a welcome opportunity to spend time with her without the daily distractions of work, and it will be great to hang out with Xander and Lily. They got engaged about two months ago which was awesome – he went all out on the proposal and we organized a big party for later that night. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous of those two and how open they are about how they feel for each other. The wedding is planned for Italy in two months’ time and I can’t wait. I have family over there and my folks will be flying in for it, along with Vittoria. I’m going to take Addi on a short trip after the wedding and show her some of the sights I grew up with during my summer vacations.

  Xander arrives at my place in the SUV with Addi and Lily already giggling in the backseat.

  “It’s been too long since we did this, Carter. Let’s not wait so long next time.”

  “Too fucking right, man. Although… it was surprisingly different the last time we were up there. No ladies allowed overnight; remember that rule? And look at us now – a couple of pussy-whipped losers.” Xander throws his head back and laughs at my choice of words.

  “We were losers back then, Carter, let’s call a spade a fucking spade. I would take being pussy-whipped by the gorgeous woman in the backseat any day.” He’s right!

  “You’re a wise man, Xander. I don’t think I would be here now if you hadn’t talked me around and made me realize what a dick I was after my ridiculous man-whore streak. I really fucked things up, and you were the one that saw the light at the end of the tunnel when I couldn’t. Thanks, bro.”

  “Now you really do sound like a pussy. Get in the fucking car before I make you wear a dress, you sappy son of a bitch.” He gives me a friendly shove toward the passenger side with a shit-eating grin on his face. What the hell is Addi doing to me? I’m feeling all this… this shit, and now I’m spouting it to my best friend? I really fucking need to get my girl under me and get inside her; to feel only our passion, desire, and pleasure.

  The drive is fun. Lilliput and Addi are a force to be reckoned with for sure. I think we’re going to have our hands full with these two this weekend. Xander and I shoot the shit and talk a little business until the girls butt in. “If we hear one more word about work this weekend there will be no pussy for you boys. You got it? NO WORK.” Lily looks slightly embarrassed by Addi’s statement, but it’s funny as fuck and we do as we’re told, sticking to talking sports the rest of the way, because I know she’ll hold out on me if I cross her, just to make a point!

  It’s a breath of fresh air… literally, when we step out of the car and take in the view of sand and sea. The girls are off like a shot, leaving their shoes behind, running down onto the beach together, and I’m sporting a fucking raging boner at the sight of them splashing each other in the water. Xander and I get the bags into the house and I check that the fridge is stocked. I grab a bottle of wine, four glasses, and ask Xander to grab a blanket before we head out to join the girls on the beach.

  We spend a few hours relaxing, enjoying the weather and the view. With Addi nestled between my legs, her back to my chest and her head resting on my shoulder, I am completely content, watching the waves, listening to the quiet noises that surround us and chatting with my best buddy. It doesn’t get much better than this.

  After a couple of hours Xander and Lily decide to take a stroll to the nearby cove. I took Addi there the last time we were here, and it was the hottest fucking night of my life. We’re not talking romance, we’re talking hot, sweaty, fucking. It was amazing to watch her strip for me. She looked like a siren from pirate lore, enticing me into the water just so she could beguile me with her charms. I fucked her in the sea before carrying her back to shore, bending her over a rock and fucking her again and again; thrusting into her with the cold breeze on our hot naked flesh, watching as she came apart beneath me – it was fucking transcendent. My dick is hard just a
t the memory, and it’s pressing into Addi’s back.

  “Why hello, sailor. What’s got you standing to attention?” I start nibbling her neck, the sweet taste of cherries arousing me further.

  “I was just reminiscing about the last time I brought you up here, and our little excursion to the cove.” I hear the catch in her breath as she takes her own trip down memory lane.

  “I’m sure I can give you something even more exciting to think about this weekend.” Holy fuck she’s hot.

  “God… Addi… you might give me a heart attack if you try to excite me more than our little escapade in the cove.” Her hand slips between us, finding its way to my now massive erection.

  “Oh, baby. You know I love to tease you and take you to the edge. I am going to make you beg before you slide your gorgeous cock inside me.”

  “And that’s why I fucking love you.”

  Holy shit. This is not how I planned it – just blurting it out.

  “Wh… what did you just say to me?” She’s out of my arms and on her feet in a flash.

  “What the fuck, Carter? You can’t just say shit like that. You don’t mean it, and it makes things weird between us.”

  “I fucking meant it, Addi. I’ve wanted to tell you for months. Granted, this is not how I wanted to say it, but there you go. If you’re going to be all sexy and fucking adorable all the time, shit slips out.” She’s pacing the sand.

  “You can’t mean it, Carter. You don’t love me. You can’t. I’m all kinds of fucked up and you know it. What we have is good, so let’s just forget about this and keep things the way they are.”

  “Goddammit, Addi! Really? I can’t fucking UNSAY it, and I won’t pretend that I don’t love you. It’s out there now, you’re just going to have to deal with it. I haven’t asked you to say it back, and I don’t expect you to. I know you don’t feel the same, but I’m not going to live a lie so that you don’t feel awkward. I FUCKING LOVE YOU… GET OVER IT! You’re not shutting me out because of this, Addi. Got it?”


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