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Talon (Galactic Cage Fighters Book Two)

Page 1

by K. D. Jones

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Books by KD Jones

  Excerpt from Katieran Prime


  Galactic Cage Fighters

  Book Two

  Author: KD Jones

  Editor: ML Hill

  Artwork by JK Publishing INC

  Published by JK Publishing INC

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then, please return to, and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  © Copyright April 2013 by JK Publishing INC

  All cover art and logo © Copyright April 2013 by JK Publishing INC

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  WARNING: This eBook contains sexually explicit scenes, adult language, and violence that may be considered offensive to some readers.

  JK Publishing

  JK Publishing


  Lindy is finally finished with school. Now she wants a taste of freedom before she begins the life her parents has planned for her since childhood. She admits to being sheltered but doesn’t believe she’s spoiled. She believes in hard work and persistence. She and her college friends are going to celebrate their graduation at the one event that has Lindy enthralled—the GCFA Cage Fighting match. She gets more than just a good show, she meets a man that fires her up and leaves her craving more. She discovers deeper feelings that develop from their initial attraction. Her heart is on the line as she grows more attached. However, she is in more danger than just losing her heart. She encounters real life and death danger.

  Talon lives his life simple and easy, just how he likes his women. However, when he encounters a little human, all that changes for him. He must have her at any cost. Unfortunately, he’s not the only one who becomes obsessed with the little human. Someone else wants her for himself and he will kill anyone who gets in his way.

  Will Talon and Lindy be able to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way?


  I want to thank my Dad, Charles Jones. I remember watching every wrestling match with him while growing up. I learned a lot from him and surprisingly enough, I learned a lot from the wrestling shows. Thanks, Dad!

  “So…who’s wrestling tonight?” Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

  You may contact me at:




  Table of Contents


  ~Chapter One

  ~Chapter Two

  ~Chapter Three

  ~Chapter Four

  ~Chapter Five

  ~Chapter Six

  ~Chapter Seven

  ~Chapter Eight

  ~Chapter Nine

  ~Chapter Ten

  ~Chapter Eleven

  ~Chapter Twelve

  ~Chapter Thirteen

  ~Chapter Fourteen

  ~Chapter Fifteen

  ~Chapter Sixteen

  ~Chapter Seventeen

  ~Chapter Eighteen


  ~Books by KD Jones

  ~Excerpt from Katieran Prime


  Three months earlier

  A man in black walked into the dungeon with a young woman following behind him. He walked around inspecting his current stock of slaves. Two of the women looked up with tired, almost deadened eyes. The other two women didn’t bother to look up at all. They kept their eyes on the floor.

  “Which would you like for this evening, Master? I would be more than happy to serve you, Master,” the slave woman asked as she followed him around.

  He turned his strange eyes to look at her and smiled indulgently. “Perhaps tomorrow evening, Tala.”

  He continued to check over the women. With a single thought, he had them all stand up. He walked by each one. He ran a finger over their naked flesh. He felt his arousal at having power over the women.

  “I am thinking Teresa perhaps.” The man looked at the woman in question.

  She shivered involuntarily in response to hearing her name but said nothing. She didn’t bother looking at him. What would be the point looking when he would take control anyway, the woman thought.

  “I will take Teresa upstairs and have her prepare herself for you,” Tala said.

  The master sighed. His supply was looking a little run down. They were pale and emotionless. Most didn’t act unless he gave the command. Normally he enjoyed controlling them, but he liked them to have a little bit of resistance. Some fire adds spice to everything. None that he currently had met that need in him to conquer. He enjoyed Tala for her total adoration of him. It was good to have a loyal servant, but he wanted more.


  The boss answered his phone. He knew who it was. “Hello, sir, it is good to hear from you again. What can I do for you?”

  “I am going to need a new supply. My current stock is—beyond their expiration date for my tastes,” the Master told him.

  “I have a few getting ready to be shipped to the market. I could hold them here for you to have first choice.”

  “Set up a viewing with my secretary.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I want at least one with some fire,” Master added to his order.

  “I will do my best to find what you are looking for. What, may I inquire, will you be doing with your current supply?”

  “I plan to sell them off to new buyers.”

  “I may be able to help you with that. I have a few buyers on the waiting list that might settle for something a little more—well used.”

  “Contact them for me and we will have a deal.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll be in touch.” The boss hung up his phone with a greedy smile on his face. Two deals at one time. Just the way he liked it.

  Chapter One

  Lindy was excited. She finally finished her Graduate program and graduated from the Theta Region Galactic University that she had attended for the past six years. She would intern this summer at the new Galactic Sports Station in her home Region of Omega.

  Now it was time for her and her friends to celebrate. Each had jobs waiting for them in different Regions and going their separate ways, unable to see one another that often. That’s why they needed this last chance to let loose. Only, they disagr
eed about where they should go, so they drew straws and Lindy won. She got to pick the destination and it was a no brainer for her.

  The Galactic Cage Fighters Association, GCFA, was having a match on the nearby spaceport. She was a huge fan but had never gone to one of their events before. The circuit covered eight regions: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega, Delta, Kappa, Theta, and Zeta. Each region was separated into four quarters. There was the Eastern, Western, Northern, and Southern quarters. The GCFA events were held at spaceports located in two quarters of each region. Tonight’s match was in the Western Quarter of the Zeta Region.

  She was a big fan of all the fighters, but especially of Talon the Fallen Angel. He was her favorite. She couldn’t wait to see him fight in person. Unfortunately, her friends were not happy about her choice.

  “Come on, Lindy, a bloody sporting event? You’re going to see enough of those when you start your intern job. We could have gone to a beach on one of the outer moons in the Southern Quarter of Alpha Region,” Carol, her friend and college roommate, complained.

  “Everyone is going to those beaches. Besides, I can’t let this opportunity pass by. The GCFA is here for a few days and there’s a match tonight. You both know that I have always wanted to go to a fight, but my parents have never allowed me to. They are on vacation and my Uncle Stamos is on business. This is the only chance I have,” Lindy pleaded with her friends. Between Lindy’s parents and her uncle, her whole life had been planned out for her. To go to this event was something that she wanted to do for herself.

  Lindy, Lucinda May Stamos, had lived a sheltered life. She never caused any problems growing up. She let her family dictate who her friends were, what school she went to, and even where she would get her first intern job. She even dated the boys that her parents preapproved. It was just easier to let them plan everything than to argue with them. However, she had an opportunity to do something she had always wanted to do and she wasn’t going to let her friends talk her out of it.

  “Take it easy. If you feel so strongly about this stupid fight, we’ll go. You know you should take your passion for sports and channel it toward your parents. Get them to lighten up on you some,” her friend, Christy said.

  She didn’t bother to respond as they walked faster to get in line to enter the arena. There were a lot of people there, a lot of different species. She had never been around so many full alien species and halfsies before. She shivered when a few Slurchans walked by. They had spongy bodies that had ooze coming out of their pores. She couldn’t imagine having to fight something like that. She pictured wrapping her arms around one and the ooze squeeze out all over her. She shivered with slight nausea.

  “Did you see the—” Carol was staring at the Slurchans.

  “Shhh! You don’t talk about the aliens out loud—they have excellent hearing,” Lindy told her, shutting her up before anyone overheard her comments.

  Christy shook her head. “This is a bad idea.”

  Lindy took both her friends’ hands and dragged them through the double doors. A mountain of a man stopped them. He was almost eight feet tall. The three women put together still didn’t make up the width of the male. But the most intimidating feature was that he had one eye; he was a Cyclops. He looked them up and down with his one blue eye.

  “Good evening, ladies. Would you like to upgrade to the VIP section for free? It will also guarantee you admission to the after party later,” he asked them.

  “Yes! Absolutely we would,” Carol spoke before Lindy could say anything.

  “If you would move over to the side, someone will come shortly to show you to your new seats.” He gave them their VIP passes.

  Christy whispered to them as they moved to the spot the hulking male pointed to, “Can you believe our luck? We’re going to the VIP section and we’ll get to go to the after party!”

  Lindy looked around and noticed a few other young attractive women also standing there with VIP passes. “My uncle always says that nothing is for free. What do you think they will want in return?”

  “Probably a kiss here or there. Maybe cop a feel or a chance to get lucky under the sheets. Who cares? We’re V.I.Ps!” Christy replied excitedly.

  They had to wait ten minutes before another huge, tall guy with two eyes this time came to direct all the women with the VIP passes to their new seats. The arena they entered was enormous. It was circular in shape and circled around a large cage located in the center. The large man led them to a section closest to the large metal cage.

  Before the male walked away, he did the strangest thing. He handed them all a medium-sized red towel. Lindy looked at Carol, who just shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe it’s a souvenir.”

  The music started playing to signal the audience the fight was about to start. Everyone scrambled to get to his or her seats. Lindy was anxious for the show to begin.

  “We want to thank all those who came to the three-day-opening night of the Galactic Cage Fighters Association circuit fight. This is Johann and Poland coming to you from the Western Quarter spaceport arena. Poland, what is the venue for this evening?”

  “Johann, we have an exciting lineup. First up is Esan the Scales, Sledge Hammer, Taurus the Ape Man, Zen the Sin, and then Talon the Fallen Angel. Tomorrow night we will have the females’ fight and the pair matches. Keep watching because on the third night, we will have the final pair match up with the current GCFA Champion, Rage.”

  Lindy found out quickly what the red towel was supposed to be used for. She and her friends were sitting so close to the cage that whenever a fighter was hit, sweat or blood would fly out through the bars of the cage in the direction of the front row. It was the most disgusting and, at the same time, the most exciting thing she had ever experienced. She would deal with her parents’ anger when she got back home. It was so worth the trouble she went through to get here.

  “Ow! Did you see that? He kicked the other guy right in the face!” Carol yelled to her over the roar of the crowd.

  “That’s going to hurt in the morning!” Christy commented.

  Lindy laughed enjoying herself. “They’re part alien. They’ll be fully healed in just a couple hours after the match!”

  “But it will still hurt like a son of a bitch until then,” Christy added.

  The fight they were watching had a guy with a scaly head. He was a halfsie Reptan, half human-half Reptan. His fight name was Esan the Scale. However, the rest of him looked like a human. She had to admit, he was kind of hot. Esan was fighting against a full species Martian. The Martian was red skinned and bigger in size than the halfsie, but the halfsie was faster. He kept his larger opponent moving and Lindy could see the Martian breathing hard trying to catch his breath.

  When the Martian bent to catch his breath, the Reptan took advantage. He kicked the Martian in the head, knocking him to the ground. Several of the Martian’s teeth flew out of his mouth landing close to where Lindy sat. The Reptan didn’t stop there; he jumped on top of the Martian putting him into a submission hold. It took a lot of struggling, but the Reptan finally won the match. The crowd cheered. Lindy noticed a group of female Reptans waving at Esan the Scale. He gave them a sexy smile. Lindy shivered a little. Yeah, he was definitely hot.

  There was an intermission in between matches to allow the crew to clean up the cage for the next fight. As Lindy got up to follow her friends to the restroom, she noticed a man in a black hooded jacket on the other side of the cage watching her. His eyes were so striking, even from the distance, she could pick out that they were a black with a gold outer ring. His focus on her made her shiver uncomfortably and she felt like she was developing a headache.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Carol asked looking at her with concern.

  Lindy looked at her friend. “I’m fine. I just got the creeps from the guy over there.”

  Carol looked around but didn’t see any one. “What guy?”

  Lindy looked back across the cage, but the creepy guy in black wasn’t there anymore. “Guess he�
�s gone. Do you have anything for a headache?”

  “Sure, come on.” Carol took her by the arm and led her down the aisle to the doors leading out to the refreshments and the bathrooms.

  Christy walked back toward them and took Lindy’s other arm. Lindy felt relief at having her friends there surrounding her. She was okay. She wouldn’t give the creepy guy another thought.

  “I bet you are about to bust a bubble waiting for the next match?” Christy asked her with a gleam in her eyes.

  Lindy blushed. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Christy gave Carol a knowing look but didn’t say anything else. They used the restroom and then got something to eat and drink. Carol gave her the medicine for her headache, which she took immediately. The music started signaling the next match was about to begin as they made their way back to their seats. Lindy was grateful the creepy guy in the hood wasn’t there. She sat down and waited impatiently for the one match she had anticipated seeing all night.

  “Welcome back to the opening night of the three day Galactic Cage Fighters Association circuit fight. This is Poland coming to you from Western Quarter spaceport arena with my fellow commentator, Johann.”

  “Well, Poland, it has been an exciting evening so far?”

  “The finale of the show this evening is about to begin. Talon the Fallen Angel is pitted against the Voltan Warrior from the Eastern Quarter. Let’s watch as the fighters make their way to the cage.”

  Harsh heavy metal music started blaring for the Voltan as he made his way into the arena. The full species crowd went wild for the Voltan. The heavy metal song playing had some offensive lyrics about what to do to humans. As it played, fists were pumping in the air to the rhythm of the music. Lindy cringed; the music was so loud and offensive and the crowd’s cheers were hurting her ears.


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