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Their Spoiled Virgin (A Twin Brothers MFM Menage Romance)

Page 2

by J. L. Beck

The night seemed to drag on as I wondered who it was that had applied for the job. I got ready the next morning and headed straight to the office grabbing a coffee from the break room as I turned on the lights in my office. I was what Logan called an early bird. I liked to get to work ridiculously early, in order to have peace and quiet before the buzz of the day when all the employees started to come in. Plus I loved working when everyone else was sleeping, with the skyscrapers still lit up in certain places like a candle lighting the night sky.

  “Holy fucking shit!” I looked at my fax machine realizing that it was overflowing with documents. How could that many people have applied overnight? My hands shook, causing the coffee in my cup to slosh around.

  “This can’t even be real…” I mumbled to myself, setting the coffee cup down on my desk before I spilled it all over my suit. There were at least fifty resumes to filter through if not more.

  “Well, what the hell.” I shook my head in amazement. I didn’t want to look through all this shit at least not by myself. I decided then to wait until Logan got into work so he could suffer through this task with me. My eyes glanced at the clock on the wall and I knew it would be at least another three hours before Logan rolled out of bed so instead of focusing on the applications I dove into the never ending emails, and phone calls that I needed to catch up on.

  Time must’ve gone by faster than I expected because within a couple hours Logan was knocking on the open door to my office. “Holy shit, I can’t believe you’re even awake yet…” I beamed as he leaned half of his body into the office and gave a cordial wave, before flipping me the bird.

  “I like to sleep. I like women. I got neither last night so I’m a bit pissy today, so what the fuck do you want?” I almost laughed, because any time that Logan didn’t get what he wanted he was pissy, so someone must’ve turned him down.

  “Get the fuck in here, and stop pouting over whatever her name was.” My banter was teasing but Logan wasn’t even slightly amused.

  “I’m not pouting over her. I’m pouting over the pussy I didn’t get to pound.” He crossed his arms walking into the office and shutting the door behind him.

  “While that might be changing, because you see that stack of papers over on the fax machine. Those are all resumes and it’s fucking insane for only twenty-four hours. I mean we may never get through all of them.” I rubbed my temple with two fingers.

  “Well now that you said that, let’s just randomly pick some.” Logan walked over to the fax machine plucking the papers up off of it.

  “Seriously? I haven’t even picked up the first one. I was waiting for you,” I confessed. I grinned at him, giving him a hard time once again. It didn’t matter because he shared my same sarcastic sense of humor.

  We really weren’t looking forward to searching through all these resumes, most of which wouldn’t even make the first cut but we knew, in the end, we would have our girl and it would all work out for us because it always did. We just had to get through the tough shit first.

  “Yeah, thanks. I can’t wait to look through all these boring, pretentious resumes. Most of the girls who applied probably have a gigantic stick up their ass.” Logan rolled his eyes, scanning through the first resume, before dropping the rest onto my desk in front of me.

  “Well maybe one of them will want to have our sticks up their ass?” I lifted my eyebrows, secretly hoping that was the truth.

  “One could only hope…” He sighed settling into the chair in front of my desk. Seconds ticked by where neither of us said anything as we were looking through the resumes.

  “I’ve got one…” Logan hissed, reading parts of the resume out loud. “Bailey Gorgeson…. Hmm. A uni-sex name. Maybe we could start the interview off by asking her if she’s into U-in-I sex with us.” he began with a sports announcer canter.

  “Oh my God you just get cheesier by the second, Logan. You’ve got to stop with the puns man seriously.” I was getting annoyed, well a little bit.

  “Ah! She’s a Georgetown Alum. So you know what that means, she’s a Ms. Smarty pants. But, she sounds genuinely hardworking and dedicated.” Logan looked at me over the top of the paper.

  “And how can you tell that just by reading some words on a piece of paper?” I asked him, with a snort.

  “Come on man! You know I have a radar with chicks. It’s been my highest talent since building this company.”

  “Does she sound like she’d want to be bent over our desks being fucked from behind?” I laughed at my dark snide humor. I couldn’t help myself. Between the two of us, we were a sexual force to be reckoned with.

  “I don’t know twin brother. Maybe we’ll just have to call her down here for an interview.” Logan studied the paper for a few minutes before we began searching through the rest of the resumes. In the end, Bailey’s was the one that stood out the most. She seemed eager, and we needed that kind of motivation in our office, not to mention for ourselves. I didn’t want to have to lift a finger anymore. I had put in my dedicated hours to make it to the top. I needed a sexy lady to carry me the rest of the way.

  “So what should we do? Send her an email or call her to ask her to come down here?”

  “Ask her to come down here Monday at 4:00 for a formal interview. Let’s get this shit done and over with. I’m ready to hire a horse if it were to walk through the door right now. But I still prefer a young broad with a killer set of smooth long legs of course.” He grinned wickedly at me. I rolled my eyes at Logan but agreed to send the message to Bailey. I couldn’t wait to meet her on Monday.

  This was one circumstance where I prayed the weekend would go by fast because I couldn’t wait to see Bailey.

  Chapter Three


  I glanced down at my phone. It was 3:57 pm, on the day of my interview. The day had finally arrived and after a weekend that seemed to have lasted only five minutes. I swiped my finger across the screen of my phone opening it and going straight to my texts. I opened a new message and started to type, I can’t do this but then shook my head and deleted it.

  I could do this. I secretly told myself as I clicked my phone back off. I exhaled a small puff of air and looked around the lobby of Cress Industries. In three minutes it was up to me and only me to try my best to wow these twins with my drive, motivation, and education. I prayed that the former would happen instead of what I thought I might do any second, which was hurl all over the place.

  I focused my attention on the things in front of me, like the lobby, which was chic, trendy and laced with clean modern lines with floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the city. I would seriously die to work here. I could only hope I didn’t blow it because I knew I would only get this one shot.

  I was incredibly shy, so I started rehearsing in my mind how I was going to open up to the twins and kill it with some witty icebreakers and the longer I tried to think of something, the more I came up empty handed. Nada. Zilch. I was headed on a fast train to nowhere but panic city.

  “Ms. Gorgeson?” The receptionist looked down at me from her protective throne of a desk. She was wearing hipster black glasses and had her hair up in a messy bun. Relief seemed to flood my nervous body. If she could get hired here looking like that, and as a receptionist no less-I all but had the job.

  “Yes, that’s me,” I stood up in my A-line skirt and blue top that showed only the slightest hint of cleavage that paired well with my black jacket. I had decided to wear my wavy brown hair down today letting it fall down my back like a waterfall.

  “The Cress Twins are ready to see you. You can head towards those double doors to the right, and once you are inside they will meet you at their offices at the end of the hall also on the right.” She only glanced at me briefly before turning her eyes back to her computer screen. I blinked unsure of what to say so I decided to try and lighten the mood.

  “Oh, thanks. So basically this trip involves all rights, am I right?” I chuckled nervously at my own joke but the receptionist must not have gotten it
because she just stared at me blankly.

  “Wow, tough crowd,” I muttered under my breath as I headed towards the double doors which would hopefully lead to the career of my dreams. If I got this job, at least I would know before I started how to be polite to other people. My steps were full of determination as I headed in the direction of the double doors.

  I gripped the door handle feeling the sweat of my palms against it. You’ve got this. I chanted to myself as I went through the doors. On the other side, I was met by a large number of cubicles, with window offices. Hipster receptionist girl had instructed me to go all the way to the end of the hall so I kept moving, my eyes on the prize of landing a job today.

  I couldn’t help but notice all the people working in their cubicles with the sound of phones ringing in the background, while people were chatting, and copies were being made. I got a rush in thinking that after today I could be one of them and one with the world of office living. It would be beyond incredible if I got this job straight out of college without having to tend bar or be a restaurant server for the first six months.

  My heart nearly leaped out of my chest when I saw the twins standing at the end of the hallway calling to me to them like a moth is called to a flame. They were so fucking gorgeous, I had to stop myself from allowing my jaw to drop to the floor and leave my mouth gaping open.

  One of them was rugged, and he had a subtle beard that made him dark and brooding. He was mysterious to me and I loved his dark hair and dark eyes. “Hello, you must be Bailey. I’m Logan Cress.” He extended his hand which I tried to take firmly without being too shaky.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cress.” I tried not to allow myself to be mousy, but I was so anxious I thought I might just melt into the ground. His hand was warm, and I wanted to sink into his touch more.

  “Please, call me Logan. Mr. Cress sounds way too formal and, I don’t know, old.” He laughed and gave me a smirk that all but melted my panties off my hips. “This is my brother Tyler. The cute one. I’m the sexy one if you couldn’t tell.” Logan winked, and I swallowed around the lump in my throat.

  Though I did manage to laugh lightly at his joke. Boy did he hit the ground running, but I wanted to ease into this, so I shook hands with Tyler too. He was cleaner cut and had a smooth shave. His hair was also dark but he had it slicked back like true gentlemen. I couldn’t help but think they reminded me of a sexier version of the property brothers but there was no way in hell I was going to open with that line as timid as I was. I was already feeling a little intimidated by them, even though they seemed laid back thus far.

  “Please join us in my office,” Tyler led the way, and I followed behind them. They headed towards a huge desk offering me a seat on the other side where the interviewer chair was, where your life hung in the balance, I thought to myself. I noticed they had a couch with a lamp in the center of the room, which gave the place a cozy feeling.

  Within seconds the nervousness melted away, and I began to feel more comfortable around them, because they seemed so friendly, and not like the types of bosses I was expecting to encounter. They were not stuffy or conceited; in fact, they were proving to be the exact opposite.

  “So Bailey, did you grow up in the D.C. area?” Logan asked the first question as he stared right through me with his sexy smoldering dark green eyes. He raised an eyebrow at me in a friendly way, almost as if he was making small talk and not interviewing a potential secretary.

  I crossed my legs and then crossed my hands over my knees. “Not far actually, just around the bend in Baltimore. Or, really more like ten hours away depending on traffic on Interstate 95. You know how it is.” I chuckled, trying to be clever any chance I got. Lucky for me it was working, and the twins erupted into a fit of laughter, obviously agreeing with me about the notoriously terrible traffic in this area, traffic that would have most outsiders screaming for the hills in frustration.

  “You’ve got that right darlin’. Gridlock traffic seems to last 24 hours around here.” Tyler finally spoke, and I decided then that I loved the sound of his voice.

  I nodded my head in agreement, not sure what else to say, but Logan didn’t miss a beat. He was back in action carrying the conversation onto the next portion. “So a Georgetown graduate eh? That’s pretty impressive.”

  “Well, almost a graduate I should say. I mean yes, I’m done with all my classes and have passed all my exams. I still have to walk across the stage though. Once I have that degree in my hands though I’m going to hold on to it for dear life.” They both snickered and I couldn’t help but feel a boost of confidence from their laughter.

  “So do you have any secretarial experience?” Logan scratched at the stubble on his face and strangely I felt wetness start to form between my legs. These were desires I wasn’t expecting to have during a job interview, but there they were plain as day, and worse yet they were sending me into a frenzy of desire for him.

  You want them both.

  The words lingered in my mind, and I had to admit to myself at least that I wouldn’t mind having both of them take me at the same time if I was a virgin that is.

  “Oh, not really, but don’t worry. I’m a very fast learner and I’m super motivated. I promise I will not let you down.” I looked at both of them and nodded adamantly, trying to not get lost in thought. I didn’t want to seem too desperate either though and make them think I was only playing them in order to get hired. I couldn’t lose my train of thought on the job now that I was actually sitting here at Cress Industries and I had made it this far. But damn, all I could think about was spreading my legs across that desk while I pulled Logan’s tie to yank him close enough to kiss me.

  Don’t stare at his lips. I ordered but my body, betray me.

  Logan looked at his brother and an expression crossed their face’s that was hard for me to read. “Bailey, you seem like a really sweet girl, and honestly you seem great for the job. You have a real driving edge about you and a wit like no other we’ve seen before. Plus humor is a huge brownie point with us and you’ve had us laughing this entire interview.”

  “Thank you,” I breathed out a sigh of relief and crossed over my chest, pushing my tits higher up. “You don’t know how grateful I am to receive that compliment right now. I was so nervous to come into this interview but you two have made it very easy for me. I promise I will adapt to your team in no time.” I would kiss the ground they walked on if I had too.

  “I’m just going to go out on a limb here,” Logan perched on top of the desk and patted it, with one of his legs dangling over the side. “You seem lost in thought and I want to help you unwind a bit, so tell me, Bailey, would you like to come over here and bend over the desk for a minute?” There was a pregnant pause, and I wondered if I had just heard him correctly. “That and I can’t help but notice how gorgeous that sweet plump ass of yours is…” My mouth popped open in shock, while my pussy clenched with need. “I hope you don’t think that is an inappropriate comment. I promise I mean it with the utmost respect and mean it to come out as nothing more than a compliment.”

  My eyes became huge and my throat nearly closed at his offer. I couldn’t believe how forward he was being. I looked over at Tyler who may as well have been licking his lips with the same look of hunger, and desire in his eyes.

  “Uh, are you serious?” I pointed to the desk where Logan was sitting. It was one thing for me to have the fleeting fantasy of them taking me on the desk but I thought I was dreaming when he actually asked me to do it. I didn’t know what to make of this situation so I didn’t respond right away.

  “As serious as a heart attack.” Logan looked back at his brother and they yet again exchanged one of those mysterious glances that maybe I just didn’t get because I wasn’t a twin. I was nervous, thinking that this must be a joke or a trap and I prayed that it wasn’t, but I didn’t want to find myself in the beginning stages of a sexual harassment claim either.

  I didn’t move or say anything for a minute. “Don
’t be shy. We won’t bite.” Logan beckoned me again by continuing to pat on the desk.

  “We won’t bite too hard that is,” Tyler sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and my enter body lit on fire.

  I couldn’t believe they were asking me to do this, right here, right now. “You guys aren’t just trying to fuck with me right? This isn’t some sort of subordinate trick?” Part of me wanted to run away but the other part of me was just curious enough to actually do it. I supposed sexual harassment was thrown out the window for this job but I really wanted to work here and this job would be massively important to place on a future resume.

  Without thinking or speaking, my brain drove my body to move from the chair I was sitting in and over to the desk. Anxiety coursed through my veins as I placed my sweaty palms on the desk face first.

  “Oh fuck!” I heard Logan growl and watched as he adjusted himself right in front of me. The tension and need between the three of us was enough to start this entire building on fire. I stood very still letting them stare at my backside, which I didn’t really mind.

  “Why don’t you bend over a little more for us, so we can take a look at your sexy ass. You really wore a great skirt to accent your curves and I bet you wore that for us, didn’t you?” Logan was the ringleader I could tell that much, but Tyler didn’t look like he was in any hurry to stop him.

  Doing as I was told, I bent over the desk and poked my ass out. I even took things a tempting step further and wiggled it. I mean I really wanted this job, and I figured after this stunt they would have no choice but to hire me to keep me quiet about this little exchange.

  “Mmm, my cock is impossibly hard right now,” Logan, cooed as he stared me down like he was ready to fuck me senseless. I liked the way he was staring at me and I wanted to let him know, but before I could muster up a response he was giving my ass a hard smack that made me shriek. Pain radiated down my ass and into my legs, sending shock waves of pleasure to my core. I instantly clasped my hand over my mouth, hoping I didn’t stir up alarm on the other side of the door where one hundred other employees were currently going about their work day none the wiser about what was happening in here.


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