Full Bloom
Page 73
—U.S. exhibits of, 4, 49–50, 52, 64, 67, 150
Rolf, Ida, 500
Ronnebeck, Arnold, 243
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 191, 405
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 191, 340, 348
Roosevelt, Theodore, 142
Rose, Barbara, 150
Rosenfeld, Paul, 179, 194, 206, 222, 265, 294, 350
—career of, 189, 249–50, 357, 438
—on O’Keeffe’s art, 182, 190, 201, 202–3, 213, 214, 227, 230, 278, 496
—romantic affair of, 239, 249–50, 254
—social circles of, 188, 189, 289, 311
—on Stieglitz, 193, 204, 225–26, 287, 357
Ross, Cary, 341, 348, 353, 382
Rossin, Clara, 274–75
Rothko, Mark, 443, 450, 474, 486, 492
Rugg, Harold, 357
Ruskin, John, 77
Russell, Morgan, 131
Sabine, Lillian, 284
St. Mawr (Lawrence), 299
Salsbury, Nate, 203
Salsbury, Rachel, 203
Salsbury, Rebecca, see James, Rebecca Salsbury Strand “Beck”
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 506, 537
Sanger, Margaret, 281
Santa Fe, N.Mex., 141
Santa Fe style, 431
Sarkisian, Carol, 543
Sarkisian, Paul, 543
Schauffler, Bennet, 185, 311
Schauffler, Marjorie, 185, 311
Schreiner, Oliver, 101
Schubart, Diana, 278
Schubart, Dorothy, 278, 385, 442
Schubart, Louis, 54–55, 56, 57
Schubart, Selma Stieglitz, 53, 55, 57, 177, 197, 278, 325, 359, 385, 442, 571n
Schubart, William Howard, 278, 385, 424, 435, 438, 442, 444, 445
Sebring, Frank Harbison, III, 485
Sebring, June O’Keeffe, 456, 485, 495, 529, 539, 547, 548, 578n
Seeger, Pete, 463–64
Seeger, Toshi, 463
Seligmann, Herbert, 179, 196, 197, 202, 204, 251, 258, 267, 289, 306, 494
—on O’Keeffe’s work, 199, 255, 316
Series I (O’Keeffe), 102, 164, 182–83, 190
Seth, Jean, 492, 494, 512, 533
Seth, Oliver, 492, 494, 533, 544
Seth, Sandy, 492
Seven Arts, 120, 187, 189, 249
Severini, Gino, 131, 560n, 564n
Sewell, Brice, 392
Shakespeare, William, 409
Sheeler, Charles, 181, 208, 328, 380, 413, 570n
Shelton Hotel, 252–53, 364, 367
Shelton with Sunspots, N.Y., The (O’Keeffe), 260
Shirley, Douglas, 121, 126
Shirley, Willena, 121
Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 446
Siren, Oswald, 474
Sky Above Clouds IV (O’Keeffe), 492–93
Slightly Open Clam Shell (O’Keeffe), 267
Sloan, John, 45, 72, 180, 279, 282
Smith, Pamela Colman, 64, 77
Soby, James Thrall, 415, 417
Social Realism, 317, 403
Société Anonyme, 269–70
Some Memories of Drawings (O’Keeffe), 178, 515
Sou Tsen-Tsan, 468
Specials series, 102, 104, 105, 116, 125, 178, 468, 473
Speicher, Eugene, 49, 51, 159, 264, 558n
Spring (O’Keeffe), 429
Standard, Stella, 441
Stearns, Katherine “Kitty” Stieglitz, 5, 190, 242, 272, 428
—childhood of, 60, 63, 68
—marriage of, 205
—mental illness of, 220, 224–25, 241, 242, 345, 349, 353
—on O’Keeffe-Stieglitz relationship, 170–71, 174, 175–76
—Stieglitz’s photographs of, 162, 165, 348
Stearns, Milton, Jr., 220, 242
Stearns, Milton Sprague, 205, 220, 225, 242
Steerage, The (Stieglitz), 64–65
Steichen, Clara, 63, 64, 94
Steichen, Dana, 419, 425
Steichen, Edward, 379
—background of, 60–61, 143
—gallery run by, 52, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 89, 90, 166, 256, 411, 559n, 560n
—marriages of, 63, 94, 419, 425
—military service of, 142–43, 565n
—as MoMA department head, 412, 425, 459
—on O’Keeffe’s work, 180, 413
—as photographer, 61–62, 63, 143, 177, 222, 246, 348, 357, 380, 411, 558n–59n
Steichen, Kate, 64
Steichen, Mary, 64
Stein, Gertrude, 65, 68, 84, 85, 427, 438, 452
Stein, Leo, 65, 68, 84, 180
Stein, Michael, 65, 68, 84
Stein, Sarah, 65, 68, 84
Steinem, Gloria, 506
Stella, Frank, 492
Stern, Alfred, 55
Stern, Flora Stieglitz, 53, 55, 56
Sterne, Maurice, 260, 261
Stettheimer, Ettie, 189, 359, 447
Stettheimer, Florine, 189, 195, 290–91, 350, 359, 433, 436
Steuben Glass, 374–75, 376
Stewart, Dorothy, 391, 392
Stieglitz, Agnes, 53, 55, 205, 223–24
Stieglitz, Alfred:
—on aging, 237, 367–68, 407, 409
—on American art vs. European art, 113, 195–96, 217, 245, 256–57
—artists supported by, 54, 61, 157, 179–80, 196, 256, 263, 291, 317
—on arts/photography magazines, 57, 59, 62, 63, 68, 77, 176, 204, 249
—art theories of, 69, 79, 86–87, 256, 270, 271–72, 285, 339–40, 358, 453, 488
—background of, 51, 53–56, 192
—biography of, 537–38
—clouds photographed by, 205–6, 209–10, 218–19, 225–26, 236, 244, 252, 275, 285
—commercial art opposed by, 69, 232, 374–75, 380
—death of, 6, 417–19, 423, 425–26, 444, 462, 497
—estate of, 420, 423–25, 426–28, 430, 434, 435–36, 437–38, 442, 447, 449, 450–51, 488, 494
—family closeness of, 167, 184–85, 187, 197, 210
—as father, 60, 143, 157, 165, 170, 171, 175–76, 190, 205, 220, 225, 241, 242
—finances of, 58, 59, 64, 67, 68, 169, 172, 176–77, 179, 180, 191, 224, 234, 238–39, 241, 265, 312, 318, 337, 420, 423
—first marriage of, 4, 5, 57–60, 63, 70, 94, 115, 157, 160, 162, 165–66, 170, 174–75, 238, 337
—galleries run by, 4, 6, 52, 63–64, 65, 66–69, 86, 90–91, 93, 94–95, 112, 131, 134, 143, 174, 176, 233, 242–43, 245, 255–58, 264–65, 271, 274, 306, 313–14, 326, 337, 338, 341, 342, 346, 348, 352, 359, 360, 363–64, 368, 378, 379, 389, 410–11, 416, 417, 420, 438–39, 450, 560n
—health problems of, 59, 63, 197, 221, 237, 239, 245, 248, 265, 287, 288, 290, 295, 367, 368, 376, 379, 384, 388, 393, 395, 403, 417–18, 441–42, 457, 584n
—homes of, 166, 167, 183–86, 190–91, 234, 241, 252–53, 269, 279, 364, 367, 373, 400, 538
—infidelities of, 5, 94, 160, 165, 170–71, 207, 223, 224, 237–38, 243, 248–49, 279–80, 284–87, 289, 290, 293, 295, 304, 306, 308–10, 319, 320, 325–26, 327–28, 333–34, 335, 344, 349, 351, 379, 423, 428, 433, 576n
—Lake George home of, 51, 54, 166, 184, 186, 223–24, 235, 276, 278, 287, 376–77, 387, 428
—models for, 56, 205, 207–9, 218, 220–21, 222, 223, 224, 227, 238, 266, 286, 327, 333, 347, 358, 571n
—modern art purchased by, 68, 86, 110, 131, 275, 424, 560n
—museum exhibitions of, 368, 384, 400, 407, 425, 426, 466, 467, 537, 538
—O’Keeffe photographed by, 131, 161–64, 167, 168, 177–79, 181, 187, 193, 194–95, 199, 200–201, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209, 216, 311, 325, 328, 337, 344, 358, 370, 405, 408, 414, 423, 467, 528–29, 567n, 569n
—O’Keeffe’s marriage to, 5, 6, 238–39, 241–42, 248, 249, 267, 268–69, 281, 286–87, 289, 290, 293, 303, 304, 306, 307–10, 319, 320, 321, 325, 328, 334–35, 337, 341, 343–45, 349, 351–52, 353, 355, 358, 366–67, 373, 377, 386, 388–89, 409, 416, 417, 418, 423–24, 433, 437, 442–43, 467, 471, 491,
501, 519–20, 535, 543
—O’Keeffe’s romantic relationship with, 5, 79, 134, 136, 138, 139, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 157–72, 173–74, 192, 201, 202, 221–22, 224, 226, 234–35, 237–38, 261, 428, 538–39, 567n
—O’Keeffe’s Southwest sojourns and, 296, 306–10, 319, 320, 324, 333, 416, 452
—O’Keeffe’s work and, 102, 106–115, 122, 127, 129, 131, 144, 146, 169, 177, 181, 190, 195, 197, 198, 201, 202, 210, 213, 215, 216, 217, 224, 227, 228, 236, 237, 239, 240, 243, 247, 248, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 273, 282, 288, 310, 311, 315, 316, 321, 324, 328, 333, 335, 341, 344, 350, 352, 363, 366, 373, 374, 375, 387–88, 389, 400–401, 413, 414, 415, 444, 447, 468, 477, 480, 488, 489, 493, 498, 499, 501, 505, 515, 518, 519–20, 563n, 574n, 584n
—other photographers’ work shown by, 134, 177, 256, 373, 446–47
—paintings exhibited by, 4, 49–50, 52, 64, 65–66, 67–69, 88–89, 90, 110, 112, 113, 196, 204, 227, 233, 256, 258, 270, 348, 359, 368, 373, 384
—patrons of, 179, 256, 264, 270, 279, 313
—personality of, 54, 179, 221–22, 235, 241, 257, 258, 267, 287, 290, 293, 307, 379, 384, 388, 437, 452, 494
—photo collection donated by, 348
—as photographer, 6, 52, 55, 56–57, 59, 58–59, 60, 64–65, 88, 111, 129, 132, 133, 139–40, 161–64, 167, 168, 176–79, 180–81, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192–95, 199, 200–202, 204, 205–6, 207–10, 218, 219, 225–26, 229, 233, 235–36, 237, 244, 246, 250, 251, 252, 259, 267, 275, 285, 291, 302, 307, 311, 316, 318–19, 333, 337–38, 358, 368, 377, 387, 388, 417, 423, 447, 466, 467, 468, 476, 526, 528–29, 537, 548, 558n, 564n, 569n, 570n, 576n
—physical appearance of, 49, 120, 130–31, 226, 257, 272, 388–89
—politics of, 120, 142, 143, 172, 317, 359–60
—portraits of, 244, 275, 290–91, 419, 436
—promotional efforts of, 258, 270, 282–84
—reputation of, 232–33, 357–58, 406, 467–68, 494
—social circles of, 54–55, 85–86, 134, 160, 179, 180, 185, 188, 189–90, 206, 217, 221, 249, 250–51, 254, 258, 260, 265, 285, 287, 289, 293, 294, 295, 309, 338–39, 341, 349, 359, 368–69, 373, 384, 391, 411–12, 427, 483
—on women, 158, 163, 195, 216, 307
Stieglitz, Amanda Liebman Hoff, 115, 335, 360, 580n
Stieglitz, Anny Stieffel, 57
Stieglitz, Edward (A. Stieglitz’s father), 51, 53–54, 55, 56, 58, 64, 68, 199
Stieglitz, Edward (J. Stieglitz’s son), 170, 349
Stieglitz, Elizabeth, see Davidson, Elizabeth Stieglitz
Stieglitz, Elizabeth Stieffel, 160, 190–91, 265, 308
—Lake George home of, 235, 249, 266, 288, 335, 360
—marriage of, 57, 335, 580n
Stieglitz, Emmeline Obermeyer, 67, 68, 90, 177, 186, 220, 348
—finances of, 58, 64, 176, 179
—marriage of, 57–60, 63, 70, 94, 115, 143, 160, 162, 165–66, 167, 170, 174–75, 190, 238, 337, 428, 538
—as mother, 60, 115, 165, 190, 242
Stieglitz, Flora, 53, 55, 56
Stieglitz, Hedwig, 53–56, 68, 115, 166, 167, 174, 187, 197, 205, 210, 221
Stieglitz, Julius, 53, 56, 57, 170, 367, 581n
Stieglitz, Katherine “Kitty,” see Stearns, Katherine “Kitty” Stieglitz
Stieglitz, Leopold, 53, 115, 158, 159, 265, 311, 418, 576n
—country home of, 235, 249, 266, 288, 360, 419
—marriages of, 57, 160, 163, 335, 360, 580n
—New York home of, 184, 190, 234, 538
—as physician, 56, 145, 157, 191, 198, 220, 248, 276, 306, 344, 345
—Stieglitz subsidized by, 172, 241
Stieglitz, Mary Meda Reising, 581n
Stieglitz, Selma, see Schubart, Selma Stieglitz
Still, Clifford, 474
Stokowski, Leopold, 372
Stone, Edward Durrell, 413
Strand, Jacob, 313
Strand, Paul, 173, 174
—American Place begun with, 313–14, 338–39
—background of, 132
—as cinematographer, 203–4, 206, 207, 208, 339, 570n
—death of, 519
—magazine edited by, 204, 208, 209
—marriages of, 203–4, 206, 207, 223, 224, 238, 249, 295–96, 299, 338, 339, 350, 355, 497
—O’Keeffe’s romantic relationship with, 131–32, 134, 135, 136–38, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145–49, 151, 152–53, 157, 160, 166, 168–69, 184, 352, 354
—on O’Keeffe’s work, 223, 226, 229, 230–31
—as photographer, 4–5, 69, 77, 113, 132, 133–34, 135, 136, 139, 147, 150–51, 162, 187, 200, 203–4, 208, 226, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 256, 259, 294, 302, 338, 339, 343, 348, 412, 413, 566n
—politics of, 132, 143, 339
—in Southwest, 132, 265, 294, 322, 338
—Stieglitz’s friendship with, 169, 171, 206, 208, 289, 291, 306, 307, 309, 338–39, 357
Strand, Rebecca Salsbury “Beck,” see James, Rebecca Salsbury Strand “Beck”
Straus, Flora, 167, 249, 419
Straus, Hugh, 249
Stravinsky, Igor, 189, 463
Stuck, Franz von, 60, 66
Suazo, Jacobo, 447, 460, 532
Sullivan, Louis, 39–40
Sun Prairie, Wis., 13, 15, 17–18, 485, 526, 555n
Surrealism, 241, 336–37, 373, 385, 397, 403, 415
Sweeney, James Johnson, 412, 413, 425, 495
Swift, Narcissa, 386, 389
Symbolism, 36, 64, 77, 164, 336, 397, 415
Symons, Arthur, 64, 65–66
Synchromists, 131
synesthesia, 111, 130
Taliesin, 397
Taliesin West, 435, 447
Tandy, Anne Burnett, 11–12
Taos, N.Mex., 296, 322, 362
Taub, Joanna, 425
Taylor, Francis Henry, 413
Tent Door at Night (O’Keeffe), 116–17
Thomas, Earl B., 375, 380
Thomson, Virgil, 433
Thoreau, Henry David, 9
Tilney, Frederick, 224–25
Toklas, Alice B., 452
Tomkins, Calvin, 513–14, 518, 519
Toomer, Argy, 435
Toomer, Jean, 250, 289, 350–52, 353, 354, 355, 357, 435, 436, 581n
Torr, Helen “Reds,” 217, 279, 338, 359, 360, 376
Toscanini, Arturo, 164
Tottis, Emmanuel, 16
Totto, Alletta (Ollie), 14, 21, 38, 39, 43, 72, 91, 288, 397, 460
Totto, Charles, 14, 38, 39, 72
Totto, George, 15
Totto, George Victor, 14, 15–16, 17, 18
Totto, Isabella Dunham Wyckoff, 14, 15–17, 18, 342
Totto, Josephine, 14
Totto, Lenore (Lola), 15, 21, 28, 288
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 69, 195, 424
Trask, Katrina, 51, 54
Trask, Spencer, 51, 54
Trigg, Louise, 533
True, Dorothy, 91–92, 95, 101, 130, 134, 360
Trujillo, Floyd, 441, 586n
Truman, Harry, 434
tuberculosis, 75
Twice-a-Year, 379, 405, 426
291, see Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession
Tyrrell, Henry, 112, 129, 562n
Udall, Sharyn R., 346
Ulysses (Joyce), 235, 484
Vanderpoel, John, 42, 47, 557n–58n
Van Gogh, Vincent, 105, 539, 560n
vanitas painting, 336
Van Vechten, Carl, 86, 250, 380, 424, 427, 429, 433, 435, 436, 452
Varèse, Edgar, 189, 274
Varney, Ezra, 14
Varney, Jane Eliza (Jennie) Wyckoff, 14, 16, 18, 19–20, 31, 113
Varnum, Ella, 186, 235
Varnum, Fred, 166, 186, 221, 235
Velasquez, Bernie, 393
Victoria, Queen of England, 57
Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth, 196
Vogel, Hermann Wilhelm, 55
Vollard, Ambroise, 68
Vreeland, Diana, 538
ker, Bob, 303
Walker, Hudson, 368
Walkowitz, Abraham, 90, 106
Wall Street crash, 312
Walsh, Judith, 548
Warhol, Andy, 492, 530, 538
Washington Monument, 521, 531
Watson, Steven, 433
Webb, Lucille, 442, 463, 471–72, 481
Webb, Todd, 412, 425–26, 589n
—as O’Keeffe’s guest, 442, 459–60, 462, 463, 471
—on O’Keeffe’s work, 487, 493
—as photographer, 6, 370, 410, 413, 474, 459, 481, 482, 489
—on Stieglitz, 410, 411, 417, 420
Weber, Bruce, 6
Weber, Max, 77, 328
Wellman, Frederick Creighton, 276
Wells, Cady, 362, 378–79, 390
Werner, Ida, 53
Werner, Rosa, 53, 55
Wertheim, Alma Morganthau, 212, 256, 353, 572n
Weston, Edward, 342
West Texas State Normal College, 108, 109, 120, 172, 539
Wheelwright, Mary Cabot, 323, 355, 386, 392, 395, 405, 410, 416, 432, 449, 454
Whistler, James McNeill, 48, 59, 76, 94, 234, 264
White, Clarence H., 59, 60–61, 77
White, Edmund, 492
White, Minor, 413
White Place (Plaza Blanca), 330, 387, 391, 393, 398, 401, 430, 493
Whitman, Walt, 208
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 84, 195
Whitney Museum of American Art, 503, 504, 505–6, 509
Wiener, Alma Morganthau Wertheim, 212, 256, 353, 572n
Wiener, Paul, 353
Wight, Frederick, 454
Wilder, Mitchell A., 495
Williams, William Carlos, 196, 306
Williamsburg, Va., 30, 31–32, 43, 70, 375
Willis, Elizabeth May, 34, 36, 37, 38, 44, 74, 76
Wilson, Edmund, 189, 245
Wilson, Susan Young, 34, 36, 74, 159
Wilson, Woodrow, 141, 142, 191–92
—as artists, 5, 47, 106, 195, 196, 216, 229, 247, 262, 292–93, 317, 412, 435, 486, 506–7, 564n
—education of, 76
—feminist goals of, 101, 128–29, 405
—as photographers, 5, 57, 62
—voting rights of, 101, 128, 191
Woolf, Virginia, 264
Worcester, Robert, 548
Worcester Art Museum, 477, 478
World War I, 141–43, 144, 172, 192, 241
World War II, 390, 396, 404–5, 410, 411
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 39–40, 41, 48, 397, 435, 438, 472, 584n
Wright, Willard Huntington, 127, 128, 564n
Wyckoff, Charles, 14
Wyckoff, Elizabeth, 14
Yale University, 427, 436, 451, 494
Yellow Leaves with Daisy (O’Keeffe), 291