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Possessive Russian: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 79)

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by Flora Ferrari

  And there was no relief to be found today. Being next to her put the pressure on me immediately and never let up. I could feel my head splitting. I swear I could hear the fabric in my trousers ripping twice.

  And then when I finally relented and did what I had to do…make eye contact with her…it was like our eyes locked in and we just connected immediately and I couldn’t take my eyes off hers, my gaze fixated on the depths of those irises and what secrets they held.

  And I want to know them all. Need to know them all.

  And I will.

  I feel her arm move in mine and her wrist “accidentally” bumps against mine and then her fingers graze over mine making my fully erect cock twitch and my balls pull up.

  Fuck, I could have damn near shot my load right there on the escalator just from her touch. That’s how powerful she is.

  And how beautiful she is.

  She asks me some questions, and does she ever have a bit of sass to her…some fight in those bones.

  Her father should be proud, and I know she won’t take shit from any man, not that I’d ever allow one to give her so much as a look.

  And I also know she’s going to be a lot of fun in the bedroom.

  But something tells me she’s not experienced there. There’s something about her energy that tells me she’s still there for the taking. Still not claimed.

  And damn if I’m not the one who’s going to plant my flag in her and possess her for my own.

  And then when we come out of the underground metro I get an even better look at her and she blows me away for a second time.

  I help her in my black Range Rover and then get us the hell out of there.

  She needs to be safe. I’m not taking any chances. I never was when it was my duty to pick up my best friend’s daughter and now it’s more than my duty…it’s my calling and my honor to protect her and keep her safe.

  Because I’m going to put a baby in there.

  The ways of the West may have spoiled her. Here in the East, family is still everything.

  And that’s exactly what we’re going to do…make a family together.



  I can’t get Artem off my mind as he dropped me off at my hotel room door and then told me he’d meet me in the lobby.

  If he wasn’t downstairs waiting for me right now I’d be in the tub with the showerhead perfectly positioned on the area where he made me hot…and wet.

  And I wouldn’t be using it to clean up the mess I made down there. I’d be using it to clear my head of these dirty thoughts that I can’t get out of my mind.

  Part of me tries to reason that the idea of giving him my first time while I’m here would be one hell of a memory.

  This vacation could quickly turn into a feral fuckfest, and then I could leave it all behind me when I boarded that plane.

  Just me and the memory of my dad’s roughneck buddy.

  But I know that’s a lie. I know that wouldn’t be enough.

  I’d be back in Miami, my father locking me away from the world for “my safety”, and things would be right back to how they were.

  And Artem wants to keep me safe too, but there’s something a lot more dangerous about him.

  My dad has gotten lazy, doing all his deals from his office in the house.

  That quarter of a million dollar huge pool he installed on our property? He used it a handful of times the first week and hasn’t so much as dipped his toe in it since.

  He doesn’t even go near it. All he thinks about is business.

  I sunbathe completely nude there and he doesn’t even know. He just sits at his desk in that office all day and night yelling in his mother tongue.

  But damn, how about Artem and his stern tongue. His quick responses. He’s snappy for sure.

  And I’d like him to snap my hands back and take that tough tongue of his right up my slit and show me just how firm it could be. Get it inside me real deep.

  Damn, how am I going to get through dinner with thoughts like these?

  I look over at my phone as it lights up and I see my dad’s name as the caller.

  I don’t want to answer it, but I also don’t want to answer all his questions about why I didn’t answer it if I don’t. It’s easier to trade a few minutes of pain now, as I listen to whatever it is that’s bothering him, in exchange for getting the third degree the next time we talk plus when I get back home.

  If he calls and I don’t answer or call back within three minutes he absolutely loses it.

  I don’t have time for that right now.

  “Hi dad,” I say.

  “You get the delivery?”

  “Yes, I’m having a great time. Thank you for asking.”

  The worst part about this is that this was supposed to be my graduation gift. I’m extremely fortunate that I have a father who can fly me halfway around the world for simply graduating high school, but the problem is that that was never really his plan.

  The day before I left he just had this “little errand” he wanted me to “help him out with.” And that meant I had to be on call the entire time as he didn’t know for sure when I’d need to make the pickup.

  Since he never travels, but knows the U.S. has gotten more and more lax regarding marijuana, I had to remind him that I definitely would not be flying with anything illegal. Strangely enough I just heard that if you have a small amount of weed at L.A.X. they don’t even care anymore. They say where you land is up to you and your responsibility, but apparently for leaving they don’t hassle you.

  But I don’t live in L.A., so that’s neither here nor there.

  And I’m also not interested in being someone’s drug mule let alone a gopher.

  But he always knows how to muscle me into doing what he wants.

  There’s that one thing he can hang over my head that works every damn time.

  My guilt for my mom’s death during childbirth.

  It’s his ace in the hole and I break every time he brings it up, and then I want to break him later after my emotions calm down and I realize he’s used it on me again.

  So I know never to expect a real gift from him. There’s always a condition attached, and it often comes with a huge serving of guilt as well.

  And as soon as I landed I already had the message to go to the Avtovo metro stop, which I did just after I checked into the State Hermitage Museum Official Hotel, which is less expensive than it sounds, partly due to the fall of the Russian ruble.

  “Did you get it? Yes or no.”

  “Yes, I got it,” I say hoping this will be the end of it.

  “Take the laptop out of your checked luggage.”

  “I didn’t bring a laptop. This was a vacation, remember? A gift?”

  “And never look a gift horse in the mouth, but do look in the inside of your hard case check-on luggage right now dammit!”

  I open my checked bag wondering what the heck he’s talking about.

  “There’s no…” I stop mid-sentence seeing the laptop he was talking about. The one he somehow snuck into my bag before I left.

  “Take out the laptop and turn it on.”

  I do as he says getting more agitated by the moment. The computer takes a while to boot up and my dad doesn’t think about asking me any questions about how things are going or even if I was practically kidnapped picking up his little USB drive.

  It’s better this way anyway. It allows my mind to wonder to Artem.

  I wonder what he’s doing down there in the lobby.

  Is he thinking of me?

  Maybe I should rub it in my dad’s face that he’s hot.

  No, it will just cause me more problems.

  “Okay. It’s on.”

  “Plug in the USB drive and go to the website I am about to spell out for you,” he says.

  I do what he wants not even caring what’s on his precious gift. All I care about is giving a gift of my own to Artem.

  And the more my dad makes me mad the more lik
ely that is to happen.

  Once I get things exactly how my dad wants them he provides me a password with a bunch of numbers and I hit enter.

  That little USB thing works like a two-factor authorization bank account device. I’m expecting to see some ridiculous amount of money pop up on the screen but instead I see something that makes no sense to me.

  “What’s it say?” my dad asks feverishly. “Tell me.”

  “It says…well it shows the number ten thousand and then a capital b, a capital t, and a capital c.

  I try not to laugh as my mind immediately translates it to ten inches of Artem’s big, thick, cock.

  I almost laugh, but try and stay calm sensing this is almost over and I can stop daydreaming about Artem and actually go downstairs and be with him…for dinner, for now.

  I hear my dad exhale.

  “Okay good. That’s all I needed. Unplug the device and keep it safe until you get back.”

  “Yes, dad,” I say.

  “I have to go. Do not plug it back into your computer. And remove it right now.”

  “Yes, dad, pulling it out now,” I say but as my hand moves towards it the call ends just as there’s a knock on my door.

  I grab it and go to pull it, but it’s a tight fit. The last thing I want to do is break it and really make my dad angry so I go to answer the door first.

  I open the door and see a beautiful Russian woman in a hotel uniform. “Sorry to bother you, but you have a guest waiting for you downstairs.”

  “Yes, I’m sorry to keep him waiting.”

  She nods. “Can I tell him when to expect you?”

  “Less than five minutes and I’ll be there,” I say.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  I go to shut the door.

  “Also…sorry to disturb you,” she says as I turn back around. “Will you be needing a wakeup call?”

  “No thank you.”

  “Turn down service?”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  “A tour guide maybe?”

  “I’m all covered.”

  “Anything else we can get for you?”

  Damn, did some American come over here and teach them the art of the upsell?

  “No, I’m good in all regards. Thank you. I need to change. Only four minutes left,” I say looking at my watchless wrist.

  “Right. Thank you again. Should anything…” she goes on some spiel and I stand there frustrated, but not about to shut the door in her face. What is up with this place?

  Maybe that’s why the rooms were on a big sale.

  Regardless a full minute passes and finally she leaves and I slip into black jeans, a white T-shirt and a black motorcycle jacket.

  I swear everyone I see here is wearing black…and smoking cigarettes.

  Time to fit in and see what it’s really like to really be Russian, not just someone from Florida pretending.

  Okay, but I draw the line at cigarettes.

  I hate the smell of those things.

  And at the thought of it I remember back to Artem, and his musky scent.

  It was cologne I definitely didn’t recognize.

  Or maybe it wasn’t cologne. Maybe it was just him.

  And he’s waiting for me in the lobby smelling like his sexy self I’m sure.

  I straighten my hair and step out my door and almost run right into him.

  “Artem?” I say.

  “I wanted to make sure everything was okay,” he says with that strong, reassuring voice of his.

  “I thought you said, ‘Russia can be dangerous place, but not when I am near’,” I joke.

  “I did. And that’s why I came to you. To get near you to make sure you were not in danger,” he says with absolutely conviction and sincerity.

  “The lobby wasn’t close enough?”

  His eyes narrow as his upper body leans in closer to me, blocking out the light in the hallway and putting me in his shadow.

  “You can never be too close to me.”



  “I like your tattoo,” she says.

  I’d like to tattoo my name on her. Somewhere where everyone can see she’s mine.

  My hands grip the steering wheel harder and I literally hear it creak my grip is so strong.

  Having her here in my car, sitting next to me where she belonged, had me on edge. My muscles were contracting and I was taking shallow breaths without even noticing it.

  “Do you have any?” I ask expecting her to say no.

  “One. On my upper thigh and it extends up into my lower abdomen.”

  “Your dad let you get a tattoo?” I ask, knowing my question doesn’t really mean what she thinks it means.

  “He doesn’t know. I could walk around the house naked and he wouldn’t know. He just sits in his office chair all day.”

  “What did you say,” I say, now really giving my steering wheel a death grip. The thought of another man, any man, seeing her naked makes me furious.

  I get the first look and the last.

  “He just sits in his office chair all day,” she says.

  “Before that?”

  “He’d never know if I had one.”

  “That’s not what you said,” I say realizing my aggression, my desire for her, is making itself very known.

  “I didn’t mean it the way I said it. I mean I’d never walk naked in front of my dad of course.”

  I exhale. Thank god.

  “But I do sunbathe by our pool nude sometimes. I hate tan lines.”

  I feel the electricity shoot right back through my veins and the relief I felt is quickly erased.

  I visualize my hands gripping her hips hard as I make my way in and out of her staring down at that ink on her beautiful body.

  I have to see it, and I have to see her.

  I want her so damn bad it’s literally an addiction. I can imagine her legs spread wide for me as I take her with my mouth then my cock. And then repeat that every day for the rest of our lives…multiple times per day.

  “You know what I do for a living now?” I ask.

  “Electronics delivery. I bet it pays better than the Geek Squad.”


  “Sorry, that joke doesn’t translate.”

  I don’t say anything. I have no idea what she’s talking about.

  “What? I want to know.”

  “Tattoo artist.”


  “How hungry are you?”

  Because I damn sure am hungry for a taste of you…a big juicy taste that I’d dive in face first for and I mean my whole face.

  “Not too much. I ate on the plane and I think that stuff’s meant to last through a nuclear war, which means all the preservatives in it are preserving it right in my stomach.”

  I turn the wheel hard at the light.

  “Change of plans?”

  “I’m going to show you my tattoo shop. And you’re going to show me your tattoo.”



  Artem is a man who knows what he wants and what he wants is me…I think.

  He’s definitely dropping hints, and I sure would like to help him drop those pants of his, but I’m not totally sure.

  And he’s my dad’s best friend. Would he really try something with me?

  And could I say no?

  But we’re escalating fast and my nipples are elongating right along with our talk. God, how much I want him to take my breasts in his mouth and then grab them hard as he fucks me even harder.

  As he’s hovered over the top of me as his hips move back in forth as I watch the muscled masterpiece that he is take me and make me his.

  And how could I last when I see just how much I can melt this big strong man in my hands, or more accurately how my pussy can bring him to his knees…if I don’t get on my knees first that is.


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