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Page 7

by David Sloma

  He lay down and closed his eyes to rest for a while. The climb had left him sweaty and tired.

  When he next opened his eyes it was dark. He looked up at the strange stars in the sky and wondered where he was and what had happened to bring him to this land. He'd probably never know, he thought.

  He was tired but didn't want to sleep any more, as he was afraid someone, or something, would sneak up on him in the dark. But it was unlikely that most humans or animals would make their way up here, he reasoned, and started to relax some.

  He was still exhausted after being turned loose on this new world. He'd been walking around all day and the climb had been a lot harder than he thought it would be. The sound of crickets filled the air, and that was something he'd missed aboard the ship. It was so easy to sleep with their sound in the night. He closed his eyes, not able to keep them open any longer, and went to sleep again.

  The Watchers sent out their fly probe and directed it to land on Man One as he slept. The probe was so small and light that he didn't notice it landing on his head and moving its sensor down to his scalp. He twitched and dreamed, falling into a deep sleep. The probe guided his thoughts in his dreams, keying in on memories that he relived, that the probe could read.

  He dreampt about what it was like before the Greys had landed on Earth. It had been a much wilder place then, with larger animals and bigger plants. That was before a great flood that changed much of the land and killed off many of the life forms. It was almost like living in a dream, he recalled; everything was so lush and alive in that earlier time.

  Then silver ships came from the sky, but they were not those of the Watchers—these came a long time before the Watchers even knew about Earth. How the Dark One found it first, and sent his Greys there, the Watchers still didn't know.

  The Watchers recorded Man One's memories—and those of his ancestors—in their crystal arrays deep inside the planet, sent there as electronic signals by the fly probe. They were able to access his genetic memories via their advanced technology melded with telepathy; even memories the man didn’t know he had. These were collective memories, passed down to him and encoded in his DNA. They could be opened and observed if one had the key, as the Watchers did.

  They knew that if they had this ability to tap into the human’s past, the Dark One likely had it, too. This frightened them and made them work faster to achieve their goal of stopping the Dark One.

  Through the man's memories, the Watchers witnessed the Greys as they landed on the Earth of eons ago and set up their base camps. They saw this as if through the eyes of the humans who had witnessed it happening as they huddled under cover of bushes and trees, cowering at these frightening invaders to their world.

  The Greys were spirit beings, too, but of a collective sort. Since they were of the dark side, and part of the Dark One, they lived in bodies that were stunted and evil-looking, which reflected who they were spiritually. The Greys could sometimes leave their bodies behind and float around in their energetic form, but then they could not interact directly with matter. They found the early humans and studied them, looking for their strengths and weaknesses, sampling their DNA, altering it, and making plans for the Dark One's conquest of Earth.

  The Watchers did notice how this mirrored their own interactions with the humans and wondered if they were following a cosmic script with the humans as the pawns. They hoped not, as they were growing fond of the humans and thought how good it would be to return them to their natural state. Perhaps one day, they hoped. They continued to watch the unraveling of human history in the mind of Man One, both in the past and into the future.

  They saw the first humans that were produced by the Greys who were hybrids, made with a mixture of Grey's DNA and altered human DNA. The Greys took away some of the intelligence of the humans and also made them more docile; they were better workers that way. The mixed humans were used for all manner of physical labour, from hunting and gathering food, to digging deep into the Earth for metals and minerals the Greys had use for.

  Also, by the Greys inserting some of their DNA into certain lines of humans, they could hide their presence on Earth in plain sight. The humans with the mixture of the Grey's DNA could be controlled at a later date by the Greys and the Dark One, through the use of certain frequencies that would take over the minds of the hybrid humans. The Grey's DNA was hidden in that part of the human DNA code that would be very difficult for the humans to unravel and would deemed to be superfluous; the Greys would see to this by influencing humanity's sciences in the future.

  Soon, the Greys created societies and began to educate the humans to accept their roles as workers and to carry out their servant roles the Greys had planned for them. The humans were educated only to a small degree, learning some basic skills in order to carry out their tasks. But always, the Greys lived apart from the humans, disliking them but wanting to control them for the entity that controlled them, the Dark One.

  The Greys were not on Earth long when the Angels learned they were there. The Angels surrounded the Earth with their energy and put the shield in its place. The shield was of a multidimensional construction, made of a higher vibration of energy than the Greys could deal with—any attempts they made to thwart the shield failed.

  This upset the Greys mightily, and they raged at the skies with all their might, flinging their ships against the shield and calling out for assistance to the Dark One. But it was no use, as the Angels had constructed the shield too well. Even the Greys in their ghostly, or spirit forms, could not cross the barrier of the shield.

  The Angels knew they had to contain the Greys until they could be subdued, and they knew it was the humans who would be the ones to do it. The humans were now trapped inside the Earth with the evil ones. But, it had to be so, the Angels knew, as they had received higher guidance from the Creator that this was the thing they must do, and so they did.

  Then a great flood happened on the Earth, the first of many, and the society the Greys were building was wiped away, along with many of the humans and many of the Greys. It would take generations before the Greys could recover from this and make progress to get past the shield and away from the Earth—it would be hundreds, or even thousands of years until they'd developed their technology enough with the humans working for them.

  But first, they would make things more miserable for the humans and all the creatures on Earth by their presence—and a lot more. They would tamper with all life, making it faulty, bending it to the evil ends of their master. The Dark One had plans for the humans; they would be the tools of the Greys to break through the barrier put around the Earth.

  The Dark One could not reach the Greys directly, as the barrier was stopping him, too, but he could contact the Greys telepathically and control them in this way. The Dark One knew it would take a long time to break through the shield, but there was nothing he could do about that. This enraged him so much that he destroyed several smaller words in other galaxies just to take his anger out on something.

  The Greys were also allowed to telepathically contact other dark spirits outside the shield in parallel dimensions and summon their assistance. These spirits were very much the demons that were told about in legends. The Greys gave what the demons asked, usually blood sacrifices and the greatest amount of suffering possible, as the demons fed on these negative emotions. Certain humans were also trained by the Greys to contact these demons and were possessed by them.

  The demons wanted the Greys, with the altered human's help, to break through the barrier too, as they were all faithful servants of the Dark One and would bring much misery to other planets they would infect, thus providing the demons with a most enjoyable food supply.

  Certain altered humans were given positions of authority over other humans, and in time, as their egos grew, came to think they were running the show on Earth. Little did they know that they were also being used, pawns using pawns, in a cosmic game of evil.

  The Angels watched this game and tried t
o find meaning in the Creator’s plan with all of this, but they knew that often the Creator’s ways were hidden for a long, long time. The Angels did what they had to do, then left the Earth for a time until they needed to return again.

  The Greys with their altered humans, under the guidance and control of the demons, built up human societies to be one big war machine. Production of weapons and rocket ships took humans into the 20th century with the largest number of wars in the shortest span of years in human history. Millions of soldiers were killed on the battlefields, along with millions of civilians, and untold destruction to plants, animals, and the Earth itself.

  All of this death, grief, and bloodshed was delicious to the demons, who rewarded the Greys with knowledge of how to plunder the Earth even further and exploit the humans more, in the service of building up to a sufficient technological level to attempt to break through the barrier around the Earth. And all methods would be tried, no matter what the cost or risk.

  Through contact made with psychics, and also with the use of rituals that opened portals to the demons—and sometimes even conjured the demons themselves to appear—instructions were given on how to construct devices to knock holes in the barrier. These devices were nuclear reactors and radioactive material to produce nuclear bombs in the 1940’s.

  At first, before the bombs were perfected to the specifications set forth by the demons, radioactive materials were shot into space to see their effect on the barrier, which was little. Then nuclear powered satellites were sent into space, never to return from deep space missions, or so the public was told; in fact, this was done to try and pierce the barrier when they were secretly detonated.

  Of course, all of this mining, refining, and exploding of radioactive materials exposed the life forms on Earth to DNA-altering radiation and caused many diseases—all things the demons loved, as it caused more misery-food for them, and ultimately for the Dark One.

  It wasn’t until the nuclear bombs themselves had been advanced that real progress was made in opening up holes in the barrier. Atmospheric nuclear denotations were carried out, exploding nuclear warheads in Earth’s atmosphere. To any sane human at the time this was clearly an insane thing to do, but many humans who were in power at the time were following insane masters.

  These types of atmospheric “tests”—which were not really tests at all, but attempts to reach the goal of breaking through the barrier—spread radiation over virtually all areas of the Earth, with the areas near the test sites getting the highest doses, of course. Much suffering was caused by these things, both at the time and for generations to come.

  But that was not the end of the nuclear madness on Earth.

  After many bombs were dropped on the Earth itself, and also set off in space, the Greys still found themselves trapped, but now on a planet that was in worse shape. There was the radiation to deal with, but also the denotations in space and in the atmosphere had punched holes through the shield, but not all the way through. The shield was multi-layered, so the Greys had not made their escape route, yet.

  What they did do was knock out some of the protection of the Earth, as the shield was close to the atmospheric layers that kept deadly cosmic radiation from hitting the planet. But now these cosmic rays were coming into the atmosphere and hitting the surface. The result was more mutations of DNA, more diseases, and destruction to the ecosystem as plants died, animals who fed on the plants died, animals who fed on those animals died, and so on. Heat levels went up and ice melted, further adding to the natural cycle of heating and cooling on the Earth. The demons had lied and were now in a bliss of misery!

  The Greys and their human slaves tried to sell it to the masses of humanity that they were the cause of the climate problems with their cars and energy use. They used that lie to take more money from them, which was used to find ways to make more holes in the shield—a shield that most didn’t know even existed—which would let in more heat when the atmosphere was further damaged as a side result.

  But the Greys didn’t care if they destroyed the Earth, as they just wanted away from it now that they had infected it with their faulty DNA time bombs. And the demons didn’t care, of course, as more suffering was good to them. So, humanity was locked into a treadmill, working towards their own destruction and few realized it.

  The masses were kept dumbed down through DNA manipulation, chemicals and drugs in their food, poisoned medicines, and polluted water. Just about everything they touched in their daily lives had a negative influence on them, down to the atmosphere filled with artificial substances and made to resonate at harmful vibrations, to music with detrimental frequencies, and EMF waves of all kinds. They received faulty education, further confusing them. Chemicals leached into their bodies from many sources, damaging their DNA and causing diseases: synthetic clothing, containers for their foods, and toxic building materials in their houses and vehicles.

  On top of all that, the humans were chained in servitude to a financial system that was totally artificial and controlled by the Greys, leaving the humans literal debt slaves to the evil agenda of the Dark One that the Greys served. In the end, the Greys were just as much slaves as the humans were their slaves. They were both slaves to the demons, and then ultimately to the Dark One who really controlled how things worked on Earth.

  Here and there through the centuries, a few humans, seers and mystics, were able to break their mind control programming and see the world the Dark One was running for what it really was. These people left clues for others to find. With the help of some positive spiritual contact with the Angels, the flame of hope was kept alive in humanity and in the Earth. These wise humans knew that it was a battle between the light and the dark, between good and evil spiritual entities, with the Earth and all life at risk.

  But now the Watchers were seeing into the future of Earth, and they were shocked. They knew the future could usually be altered and hoped that was still possible, as this was far too terrible to let happen.

  The Watchers disconnected from Man One and let him get some sleep. Their fly probe left him and returned to home base where it was put away into its storage case. The Watchers had gotten what they desired in learning about the history of the Dark One's influence on Earth, but they had also learned a great deal more than they had expected to.

  The Watchers took some time to think this over and discuss what they would do next, as the humans they had found were still in an early state, many thousands of years from the nuclear age they had foreseen in the unconscious stream of the human race. They considered teaching the man some language so they could better communicate with him, and perhaps warn his race from their future course, but then they thought better of it, wanting to leave the humans to develop whatever languages they would on their own. Giving them a language would be too much interference, they felt.


  Man One awoke and it was cold, just before dawn on the Watcher’s planet. He’d not gotten used to his surroundings yet and felt some confusion and fear as he looked around. But he was alone and safe. It had been a good idea to get up high, he thought, where nothing could get to him. Strange dreams he had last night, though…

  But he felt not too bad and went in search of water and food. He needed those. A big stick would be good, too, he thought. He’d like to have one again. He had a stick a little while ago when he was in that other strange place, he remembered. It had been a little like his home there, but it was not his home. The place he was in now was not his home, either. It would be nice to go home again, he thought and pictured it in his mind.

  During the night the Watchers had placed Woman Two with the child of Man One in an area where he was sure to find them. Now that it was dawn, the man and woman would both head down to the water, and it was there that they would encounter each other.

  Man One slipped down from the rock and looked at the valley below. He could see the river snaking across the land, its water reflecting the sunlight. It made him thirsty just to see it. He
didn't see any other humans in the area, so he started to climb down.

  Soon, he was making his way to the river. He was passing by a large rock when he stopped suddenly, as there was the sound of a baby crying nearby.

  He froze in place, then carefully looked around.

  Whose child was that? His memory was jogged back to being on the ship...the woman he had mated with; her giving birth and passing away; the female child that was alive. What had happened to his child? His mind reeled.

  Cautiously, he moved around the rock, as it seemed the sound was coming from behind it. The closer he got, the louder the crying became. He was moving slow, crouching to protect himself. It could be a trap, after all. Things were still new on this world to him. He didn't know what he could trust.

  But he trusted himself and his instincts. They told him to investigate this sound of the child crying. They were not wrong.

  As he poked his head beyond the rock, he saw the familiar face of his child in the arms of a strange, pregnant woman!

  But how could this be? He didn't know and was overcome with joy. He stood up and smiled, making noises of happiness. He moved towards the child, but the woman recoiled back.

  Of course, the woman didn't know him. Man One gestured as best he could, to try and make her understand that this was his child. He pointed to his face, then to the child's face. The woman looked from him to the child and she could see the resemblance, but was still suspicious.

  The Watchers were observing this process with great interest. They helped it along a little by using their mind powers to calm the woman. That must have worked, as the woman did drop her guard as she saw that the man was not going to be a threat. He simply sat down near them and held his arms up, so he could hold the child.

  The woman was naturally hesitant at first, but the look on Man One's face convinced her to give him a chance—that and the subtle urging of the Watchers. They would not try and control her actions, as they did believe in free will, but if she wanted to listen to the thoughts, that was up to her. And they were not bad thoughts, simply for her to allow the father to hold his child.


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