Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

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Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility) Page 10

by Love Belvin

  Before I knew it, I felt someone tapping my shoulder and turned to see Azmir’s tall and lean frame.

  I don’t know why but I tried, “Excuse me?” over the loud music as if he could hear me.

  He began pulling me by the hand. I yanked back to let him know that I was not going with him. It happened so quickly that I lost the grip on my drink and the glass fell.

  It wasn’t long before the dark haired guy I was dancing with noticed the commotion and yelled, “Hold up, man! What the fuck are you doing?” so loud that Azmir was able to hear him.

  The last time I’d seen Azmir seething and ready to attack like this we were in Puerto Vallarta. It was terrifying to see him near that point again.

  “What?” Azmir howled as he turned around with frightening fury in his eyes and started walking towards him.

  At that same time I noticed two big burly men were coming our way. I knew right away they were Azmir’s security team and I began to get nervous. Azmir got close to the guy with his hand still gripped to my wrist and bellowed, “Fuck you say?”

  “I said—” was all he got out before Azmir hauled off and punched the shit out of him.

  He didn’t have any win, poor guy never saw it coming. He fell to the floor unconscious. I saw two other guys rushing in our direction. I assumed they were friends of my dearly departed dance partner, they didn’t look very happy. I couldn’t believe I was caught in the middle of these super charged men.

  One of the guy, who was laid out on the floor, friends went to throw a punch at Azmir that was effortlessly caught mid-air by one of Azmir’s security team. The interception was so seamless that it appeared choreographed, only I knew it wasn’t. My dance partner was out like a light. Azmir continued to whisk me off the floor. I had no idea where he planned to take me, but knew he had no right.

  “Wait, Azmir! You have some fucking nerve to bum-rush me like this! Where is your girlfriend that you brought here?” I protested while being pulled behind him.

  He never responded. He just kept his stride toward the back of the club. I was now perplexed. Where in the hell are we going? We moved so fast that my body flapped against the speed. It didn’t help that I was drunk off my ass.

  I noticed another big brawny figure screaming at the crowd to move out of the way. He flew past us and cleared a path.

  “What the hell, Azmir!” I yelled. As we passed other patrons, their attention turned to us. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

  Finally, we headed towards a back door. The big guy swung the door open for us and once out Azmir ordered, “I’m good here, Ock. Give me room. Just watch the door.”

  I was still asking him what nerve he had trying to manhandle me after bringing a girl to the club that night. He didn’t utter a word. He carried me into the back parking lot behind two large garbage dumpsters before letting me down. Once my feet were on the ground, we stood face to face. My heart raced as I seethed, embarrassed by his outburst, confused at his confrontation, surprised by his presence. He smelled so good in his proximity and memories of good times—extended periods of elation pooled the front of my mind. I didn’t want to think of happy underneath the heat of his gaze. I didn’t want to be so close to the very thing that was no good for me.

  He was angry.


  And here, right here before me.

  The craziest thing happened. There was a magnetic shift.

  When I looked into his eyes a torrent of emotions, one of which being lust, overcame me. Azmir’s smooth skin glistened under the moonlight. He wore a black collared shirt that was rolled up at the sleeve with black denim jeans and black designer sneakers.

  His beauty was scorched and had suddenly overtaken me. I felt the heat radiating between us, something I’d never experienced with any other man. But then again, this wasn’t just any man. It was Azmir Divine Jacobs, the man who somehow had stolen my frozen heart from the steely chambers of my dark desolate chest and was trying to thaw it for his benefit. Or for mine?

  As I gazed at the well-trimmed goatee on his jaws and chin I also took note of the scowl he wore. Is he jealous? Is this his reaction to me dancing with a random man? We were doing a stare down.

  I lost.

  His grimace was searing. Without words, he told me I had crossed the line. But how? We were no longer together. But his scent is provokingly familiar and his scowl deliciously tantalizing.

  Then another weird thing happened.

  We kissed.

  I don’t know who went first but I knew it was something that we both wanted. Our embrace was wild. Hard. Possessive. Feral. We were like possessed animals. The kiss was so jagged and fast. I never thought I’d participate in or even like this rough embrace but to my surprise, I loved it! I pulled him down into me to deepen the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck as I took his body down into mine. He lifted me from my thighs and saddled me onto his waist. He began sucking on my lips and licking my chin, madly. When the sucking traveled down to my neck, I lost it.

  “Come on,” I demanded with little breath to spare.

  He knew what I was saying. I wanted Azmir right then and there. My body ached for him and I could give a damn about where we were or who was watching. I needed him inside of me.

  With me clasped onto his upper torso, he began unleashing his wanting cock from his pants. He wasn’t moving fast enough for me. I licked his left ear before going to his right. I could tell he enjoyed it. I could hear the long and hard coursed breathing he tried to manage. He shifted my thong to the left as he searched for my canal.


  He was entering me. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or my body simply missed his touch, but he just glided inside of me with little effort. This has never happened with Azmir. I was so wet as he gripped my cheeks and began pounding me. I clawed to him tightly, focusing on my walls welcoming him in. After just a few thrusts, I was ready to join him and I began to forcefully grind. He felt so good. I felt so enlivened, so awakened as he held me like a feather.

  The more my body yielded to him the higher I ascended. I positioned myself so that my upper body was arm-length to his. I just held on to his shoulders as I threw my sex to him. Our force was so hard and he was so deep. The moment was so impassioned and organic that we communicated our frustrations with our bodies and not our mouths. We both felt anger, desire, longing—and the desperate need to release it all.

  What I suddenly realized was that Azmir was marking his territory with this act. He felt threatened and needed to make it known that I’d belonged to him as if I was property. I, un-regrettably, didn’t mind.

  He pounded and heaved, pushed and pulled. It didn’t take long at all for me to feel that quickening in my belly, and I clenched my vaginal walls to milk him just as my orgasm started to build. And violently I came, helplessly witnessing my body shudder uncontrollably sending my jerking spine to and fro ferociously. I buried my face in his shirt to stifle my yelps of pleasure. Just before I was done he did the same by concealing his groans in my neck, pulling me forcefully into his hard chest, involuntarily letting out a snivel.

  When our jolts slowed, we maintained our firm hold, further communicating in silence. I felt the zapping of energies between us. We were starved of each other, robbed of one another for weeks. Inopportunely in love was I.

  He eventually let me down. My legs felt hobble. He must have picked up on it because as he fixed his clothes he gave me a look of concern, one that I tried desperately to ignore. It was cold of me to do but I wasn’t quite ready. I took a minute to collect myself before attempting my amble back. I led the walk of shame to the club with Azmir just a few steps behind me.

  Once inside, I noticed Michelle talking to one of Azmir’s handlers, more than likely inquiring of our whereabouts. After that episode I’m sure she was afraid out of her mind. I walked up to her and grabbed my jacket from her hand, “Come on. Let’s go,” I murmured.

  She didn’t exactly look relieved, more like a
fuming mother with her errant cub. She wanted answers. The other girls stood next to her, all wearing quizzical expressions just the same.

  “What in the hell was that? Where were you for over twenty minutes? The cops and ambulance were here and I had no idea if you were one of those who left on the stretcher!” she howled, alternating her focus between me and behind me at Azmir, inviting him to answer.

  Nervously, I turned back and saw Azmir listening in as one of his handlers whispered something to him, all the while his eyes were glued to me with the same scowl and intensity he wore from the moment he snatched me off the dance floor.

  “Are we leaving, Divine?” the girl who came with him screamed over the music.

  Hearing her reminded me of my frustrations with him. Had he really played me by moving on so quickly even if he didn’t know that I’d be there that night? I didn’t know whether to feel cheap and used or that the joke was on her because he had just fucked the shit out of me behind the club that she was in during their date. Or, again, was I the trash dumpster whore who didn’t care that he was there on a date? I was so confused and unsure of myself. Not to mention slightly still buzzed.

  Azmir never answered her, at least verbally because I never heard a word from him. Michelle’s gape stayed on him. She didn’t know if he had hurt me or not but knew that something definitely happened because we were both behaving conspicuously by wanting to leave.

  I grabbed Michelle by the arm, “Let’s go, Shelly.”

  Reluctantly, she followed but not without paying Azmir a few more nasty looks before turning on her heels.

  As we walked off I heard, “Yo, where are you going?” It was Azmir.

  Michelle jumped and turned around in an alarmed manner. I knew she was frustrated by our bizarre and fragmented interaction.

  Along with my feelings of self-debased obscurities were specifically those of insecurity and embarrassment. Right away I thought that if he was asking where I was going, he was putting himself out there to ol’ girl that there was something between us. I rubbed the back of my neck and gave a reversed nod in Michelle’s direction as to say I was going to her place.

  “I’ll send the car,” Azmir informed loudly.

  Michelle immediately turned to me for my response to that in hopes of getting some answers as to what happened. I fought the smile that begged to eclipse my face. Oh, it was a wrap! If his “date” didn’t know I was someone special in his life she knew then.

  The ride back to Michelle’s where everyone had met earlier to leave for the club was weird. The other girls were cackling and carrying on almost as if nothing had happened, and to my delight. Michelle would only speak when spoken to and I was completely silent. I knew she was going to rip me a new one once at her place. I felt so dirty and needed to wash the sex I’d just had in the parking lot minutes before off me. I was wearing Azmir in between my thighs.

  When at her house, Michelle practically kicked the drunken girls out in anticipation of reprimanding me. Once she closed the door on them, she turned and set her dangerous gaze on me as I sat on the couch like a child waiting to be scolded.

  “Spill it, bitch!”

  Ouch! She’d primarily call me out of my name when she was absolutely angry.

  “I know…I know! I just don’t know how to explain it. It was all so weird,” I attempted, rubbing my temples.

  “No! Fuck that! Start with the dance floor fiasco. Was he crazy or what?” she demanded in her valley girl trill.

  “I thought he was for a moment,” I murmured trying to gather my thoughts. My buzz was wearing off and the details of that night began settling in.

  “Rayna Brimm, if you don’t start talking I’m going to kick your ass!” she screamed trying to intimidate me. And it worked.

  I forced my pleading eyes up to her and opened my mouth hoping something would come out, but nothing.

  Frustrated, she shouted, “Okay. Let me try to help you out. The biggest question I have is what the fuck happened after the dance floor? Did you guys go to the bathroom?”

  I shook my head no.

  “Okay now we’re getting somewhere. Did he take you outside?”

  I nodded my head yes.

  “Well…what the fuck happened then?” Already she was getting tired of the guessing game. I tried to use my hand to motion an explanation but that didn’t work either. Exhausted from defeat, I took both my hands and buried my face in them.

  She walked up to me with wide eyes and a collapsed mouth and calmly surmised, “You fucked him, didn’t you?”

  I nodded my head in shame. I felt so low.

  We discussed the girl he had there with him. Neither one of us could answer whether or not they were romantically involved. We went back and forth about the potential for a real relationship between Azmir and me. Of course, Michelle was a proponent, even after she said how she’d overheard a conversation at the nail salon about the radio personality, Lady Spin, being linked to him. My head continued to spin. I didn’t know what to say to that. I told her I needed to shower. I felt nasty wearing sex from behind a garbage dumpster.

  While in the shower, Michelle yelled to me, “Na-Na, Azmir’s driver is here to pick you up.”

  Damn! It had been a long day and I didn’t know if I was up to seeing him.



  My phone rang and I answered to find it was Ray, my driver. He had arrived at Michelle’s pad and was informing me that he was waiting on Rayna.

  “Indeed,” I replied.

  After I hung up the phone, I looked down at my left hand. I had it wrapped in an ice pack to help with the swelling. I hit dude with the left instead of my usual right because I didn’t think. I was fucking mad as hell! If he saw me snatching shorty up off the dance floor like that he should have known something was up between the two of us and walked off. What random dude is going to just yank up a woman like that without a connection to her?

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that number she was doing with him trying to show her ass. After I saw him kissing on her I told Marcus to watch my back because I was going in to get her. I didn’t think it would get ugly but had him on the lookout just in case. I can’t front, I was to ready to shut that shit down if I had to. What the fuck was running through her mind dancing like that? When I first stepped on the scene, she was with an obviously gay man, but when the other dude asked her to dance and tried to kiss and feel all up on her ass, it was over.

  I didn’t really know what I was going to do with her once I snatched her ass up. I just knew I wasn’t going to stand there and watch her play herself.

  What really fucked my head up was what took place in the back of the joint. I knew Rayna was a little freak but didn’t know she got down like that. I was fucked up in the head! If she didn’t know she was soon to find out that she was mine. I mean, I wasn’t about to sweat her ass but we needed to make some serious decisions—and tonight. Shit needed to be solidified.

  An hour or so later the doorman called me to inform that my guest had arrived. Minutes later, she was ringing the doorbell to my apartment. I opened the door to find her wearing a figure fitting white sweat suit with the hood covering her head and her LV Keepall hanging from her shoulder. Rayna looked distressed.

  She gave little eye contact. I took that to mean we were both in awkward places behind this shit. She dropped her duffle bag on the floor and stood there as if she was waiting for further instructions from me. I was at a loss. I tried to play it cool.

  “What’s this all about?” I asked to break the ice.

  “You tell me. You summoned me,” she said dryly.

  “Quite frankly, I don’t know what to say—” I began until she interrupted.

  “I can’t do this, Azmir! I’m not property. What is this game that we’re playing? Where are we?”

  “That’s what I wanted to discuss—”

  “If we’re going to be friends then let’s do that with minimal conflicts. If you just want to be fuck bu
ddies then tell me. But anything outside of those two things I can’t promise because of your situation,” she continued firing off, referring to the pregnancy issue.

  “Rayna, that is not my baby,” I tried to assure once again.

  “Can you prove it?”

  “I will be able to prove it soon. Believe that.”

  “That just isn’t acceptable.” Rayna’s voice crackled into a whisper.

  “What can I do to get back into your good graces? Do you want me to have the paternity test done in utero? I can push for it if it’ll satisfy your inquiry.”

  “Are you using condoms when you fuck other women?” she spat out of no where.

  Whoa! That hit me like a ton of bricks. What is she insinuating…that I am some type of gigolo going from woman to woman?

  “Where is all of this coming from?”

  “Just answer the question. Let me know what I’m up against. And don’t forget that Spin girl…the D.J. that I met a few months back. Oh, and the one from the club earlier, either!” she hissed.

  I was fucking offended. “Ray, I will swear on a stack of Qurans that before tonight I ain’t touch no pussy since yours in The Bahamas! I told you then that I wasn’t fucking anybody else. Where is this going?”

  “Ummmmm…I think it’s fair for me to ask since you’ve gotten in the habit of fucking me raw!” she continued with venom until I decided I needed to correct her.

  “Hold up! You initiated sex without protection, Ms. “I don’t want anything in between us” in the Caribbean! And if I recall you were the one demanding sex earlier…not me! Where are you going with all of this, Brimm? I’m not going to sit here and allow you to make me out to be a womanizer one minute and some damn perv the next! I’ve never pressured or manipulated you into shit.” I was about spazz.

  She got quiet. The silence remained for seconds. She backed herself onto the wall near the door and fell on her haunches.

  “I am so confused! I hate this place that we’re in! What the hell is this? I’m really having a difficult time figuring out your feelings for me. And don’t claim to have been open with me all this time because if you were I would have known about this Tara girl and her pregnancy! This is the very reason why I’ve been avoiding relationships—they’re too damn complicated. Do you know that right now I’m feeling like a whore after that episode earlier? I mean…what decent woman allows a man she’s only been dating, before taking a hiatus for nearly a month, to fuck her behind garbage dumpsters in a parking lot in the back of a club? I’ve been trying to answer this ever since it happened. And did I mention the guy was there with another woman? This is all too much for me. I can’t do this!” She collapsed her head into the palms of her hands.


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