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Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Page 15

by Love Belvin

  I couldn’t let her just disappear like that…not considering my situation with my own mother, and the fact that Rayna needed family, she needed support. I chatted with her for a few. She was very forthcoming, but adamant about not bothering Rayna. I gave her a few dollars and my card so that she could contact Rayna when she was ready and got her a cab back home. I didn’t know what to make of our encounter so I decided not to tell Rayna about it.

  When I got back up to the room Rayna was just getting out of the shower. I had coffee for her and asked was she hungry.

  “Nah,” she sang. “I’m just drained. I feel weak and…just blue. I don’t think I’m ready to return to my reality either. I know people do it every day so I need to just man up and face the music,” she brooded pensively.

  “What exactly are you feeling?” Rayna gave me this look that said she was confused or I was dumb as hell for asking.

  I chuckled before explaining. “No,” I declared while shaking my head. “We’re going to start something new. It’s called communication. To the best of your articulation, tell me what you’re feeling,” I requested, sounding like a damn therapist.

  She looked to the wall directly in front of her to collect her thoughts. Then she belted, “I’m physically tired…confused…mentally exhausted. My neck is in knots from the stress. My joints are tight, too. I’m uneasy about what you must be thinking, although you’re still here. I’m wondering for how long before…” she paused.

  Her eyes zoomed into the floor. I hated seeing this confident and fiery woman so insecure and vulnerable. This must be what Michelle knew of Rayna.

  “Don’t think too hard. We’re here…together…this moment.” I grabbed her hands and put them to my face, trying to capture her eyes. They eventually met mine. Ahhh…there she is. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m not in the know of what’s down the line for us either,” I pleaded in her eyes as I kissed her soft hands.

  “Come on. Let’s take a long ride,” I said as I rose from the chair.

  “Where are we going? My flight leaves at one.”

  “Oh, then you’ll be missing your flight, Ms. Brimm.” My eyebrows met my forehead.

  She shook her head in contest of my itinerary. “Azmir, I have to get back to work. I’ve missed so many days over the past three weeks. I may not have a job.”

  I was confused. “Are you telling me that you flew out here for just twenty-four hours? Rayna, that five hour flight is exhausting alone. If you think you’re bleary now, just wait ‘til you encounter your first patient tomorrow. You’ll be fatigued. You need reprieve.”

  Her eyes left mine as if she were processing what I’d said. She exhaled before her rebuttal, “Azmir, I have to return. Now that Michelle isn’t here, neither is my job security.”

  “Do you fear you’ll lose your job? Do they have legitimate reasons to terminate you?” I was in search of answers.



  I didn’t know where he was going with all of this. “Again, Azmir, my life has changed so much with losing her. She meant so much. She’s the reason those bastards didn’t clip me for walking in on a blow job,” I sighed, winded from the memory of that dilemma.

  Not withdrawing his gaze from me, he pulls his phone from his waist, pushes a few buttons and holds the phone to his ear. A few seconds later, “Ed, Azmir Jacobs here. Yeah…I have a prospective client who’s in need of your aggressive services. She’s an employee of Smith, Katz & Adams Physical Therapy there in SoCal. Yup. She will need preemptive counsel to ensure they understand that any unlawful or faulty termination will not be tolerated from her crafty superiors. Yeah. Uh-huhn. Her retainer will be at your disposal expeditiously. Indeed.” He ended the call with his coochie creaming smile.

  He returned the phone back in its holster, “Done. Now, contact Sharon and inform her that you will return on Wednesday. We need to go, a car is waiting downstairs.”

  “Azmir, I don’t have enough clothes, or toiletries…” I pleaded.

  “Rayna, last I checked A.C. has shops and boutiques where you can get whatever you need for an enjoyable stay,” he spoke in a manner that told me his decision was final.

  Wearily, I relented.


  It was eight in the morning on a Wednesday and I was sitting at my desk sorting through the mountain of mail that had been collecting. While still dealing with the odd sensation in the pit of my stomach that I’ve had since losing Michelle, I feel rested and refueled. I smiled as I acknowledged how Azmir had had a hand in it.

  Atlantic City was nice. We stayed in a beautiful and most spacious suite at the Borgata. The suite was exclusive with a breathtaking view of the Atlantic Ocean. We ate very well and were able to catch a few shows on short notice. We also shopped out there. There were countless designer boutiques that Azmir insisted we indulge in. The shopping was primarily for me as I learned that Mr. Jacobs has a personal stylist who does all of his shopping. To say that I was thrown was an understatement. How much did this man earn that he didn’t buy his own groceries or clothes that he donned oh so well?

  And about his appealing nature: days and nights alone with Azmir were equally torturing because of my orders to abstain from sex until the end of my next cycle. I still had some time to go. Azmir never attempted anything with me, it was my feverish ass that seduced him. We were able to resolve several 69 episodes to provide much needed release. That man loves my private areas; he tends to them so well. He worked on them as if he were starved. And I enjoyed every bit of it. He’s an extremely passionate lover.

  Today would be long, they’d be this way for weeks to come. I had so much catching up to do with patients, records, and housekeeping details. But I was prepared for it. I could use all the distractions available to help me cope.

  I was tending to Mr. Saunders’ injured rotator cuff when my phone alerted me of a text. It was Azmir.

  How’s your day treating you?

  Busy. I didn’t realize the time. I haven’t lifted my head since I clocked in. How are you?

  Merging and acquiring. What time do you think you’ll be done?

  I finished up with Mr. Saunders’ prescription before returning to his text.

  Perhaps 8:30PM. Errrrrrrrrrrr… I replied frustrated by the prospect.

  Hit me up when you’re walking out. I have someone I’d like you to meet.


  Mr. Jacobs, I regret to inform you that I’ll be in no mood to exchange pleasantries with a stranger. Can we arrange another time? I hit send as I walk into my next appointment.

  I greeted Mrs. Henson and sat at the workstation to view her chart when my phone goes off again.

  No. I don’t think my pal wants to wait. We’ll meet you at your place. Peace.

  My place! Why is he bringing a “pal” to my house? What the hell?

  “Ms. Brimm?” Mrs. Henson called out.

  “Ummmmm…yes?” I snapped back into our conversation.

  “Your figure. You seem to have lost weight. What are you trying new?” Mrs. Henson beamed with wonder in her eyes.

  Azmir had commented on my weight as well. My clothes were less fitted as of late. He didn’t like it, neither did I. But I didn’t think Mrs. Henson was being malicious with her inquiry, just curious.

  “I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t been completing the six basic food groups as I should, you know?” I offered as an answer.

  She gave a warm smile, “Well, you’re still a lovely looking woman, Ms. Brimm. Take care of your youth. It will dissipate before you know it,” she admonished. I gave her a full smile and nodded in agreement.

  It was eight fifty-five p.m. when I was turning off my office lights. My stomach had been grumbling, which oddly reminded me to text Azmir while en route home.

  As I unloaded the tacos out of the bag, I heard the doorbell. I knew it was Azmir and opened the door. He stood there in all of his 6 feet and 4 inch magnificence towering me. He wore black denims, a black T
-shirt, Gucci belt, and black high top Lavins. And there was that coochie creaming smile.

  He is sexy as hell. No…no…no! I couldn’t succumb to the sexual energy between us. I have to abstain until the end of my cycle that I’m still awaiting.

  “You’re beautiful…and hungry,” he observed. I wore a pencil skirt, silk sleeveless blouse and was still in my panty hose. But what he was referring to was the taco that I was chumping down on as I answered the door. I blushed in embarrassment. I was starved.

  With a mouth full of taco I explained, “I missed lunch.”

  He furrowed his eyebrows sexily and pointed to the side of my mouth. I raised my hand to my face to inspect my mouth and found a gulp of guacamole there. I tried licking the rest off.

  He squinted his eyes in passion and commented, “Interesting how I forgot your tongue is so swift,” with a lecherous smirk.

  Focus, Rayna…focus!

  To change the subject I quickly blurted, “Where’s your friend?” He looked confused.

  “Oh, yes! Your new pal as well. He’s waiting in the car. I just wanted to make sure you were prepared before bringing him in.” and with that he does a beeline back out of the door.

  Weird. He asked me to be prepared but he wanted to make sure I was prepared? I went back in the kitchen to fetch another taco. God…I was famished.

  When I turned to go back into the living room, I see Azmir standing tall in the thruway. He startled me. But the brown fury dog he cradled in his arm caught my attention as well.

  “Oh, wow! What is this?”

  Azmir wore the biggest smile, “He’s a Pomeranian. Eight weeks old.” He beamed with excitement.

  I placed my taco back on the table, wiped my hands and walked over to him and the pooch.

  “He’s beautiful, Azmir. I didn’t know you were fond of animals.” I went to pet the dog.

  “I’ve been told they make great companions. I got him for you.” He gave me the deepest gaze.

  Oh, this man knows how to appeal to my libido without effort. Back to the pooch, Rayna!

  “For me?” I repeated in hopes of gaining understanding.

  “Yeah. You’re here by yourself and I don’t want you alone. I thought our pal here could serve as the man of the house.” There was that deep gaze again.

  I played with the dog as I tried collecting my thoughts. Azmir was so thoughtful. It was something I hadn’t learned to get used to.

  “Man of the house?” I asked before leveling with his eyes again.

  I grabbed the Pomeranian and retreated to the living room placing him on the floor so that I can further inspect him. Azmir’s intense stare was burning a hole in the back of my blouse. I could tell he was up to something. Seconds later, I focused in on the beautiful Gucci collar with a case on the pooch. It was conspicuously too large to be on a dog that could be no more than five lbs.

  With narrowed eyebrows I asked Azmir, “May I?”

  He nodded, granting permission.

  I opened it and a large gold skeleton key fell out. I caught it and examined it. I didn’t get it. My head shot up to Azmir who wore a stoic expression when he muttered, “Come move in with me.”

  I lost my breath.

  “Move in…with you?” I whispered.

  I couldn’t wrap my brain around the concept. It was too huge of a request. His head leaned to the side and exposed his long eyelashes. He was expressing vulnerability. Shit! I didn’t want to find myself in a position of disappointing Azmir. He’d been such a rock to me over the past few days. I needed time to process this.

  “Azmir” I started while looking around my humble home. “…I just bought this place. I’m just getting comfortable here. I can’t just up and leave as if I were renting.”

  “You don’t have to up and sell it,” he said while squatting on the floor next to me and the Pom. “You can rent it out or use it as a second home to get away from me when I drive you crazy…though I don’t endeavor to ever do such a thing.” He scrunched his eyebrows, nose and lips gesturing he was at a loss with the idea of him driving me crazy.

  I took a deep breath. “Azmir, you can’t just pop this on me with no rhyme or reason. I…” I was at a loss of words. He lifted me onto his lap after he sat flat on the floor.

  “We can easily be two ships passing in the night. We work next door to each other a few days a week, but that’s not enough. Now that you won’t be as busy as you once were considering your former obligations to Michelle, I find myself wanting to be with you more and more. I hate the thought of you being here alone.” He paused.

  My heart constricted, I wasn’t ready to respond.

  “Just think about it.”

  I pouted my lips like a child. “Okay.”

  There was silence.

  “So what are you going to name him?” Azmir quizzed, breaking the awkward place we had somehow found ourselves in.

  Hmmmmmm… “I don’t know yet.” I sat and quickly pondered.

  He kissed me gently on the forehead before lifting my back on the floor and rising.

  “I have to skate, Ms. Brimm.”

  I frowned. “You’re not staying? But I bought you tacos.” I was disappointed.

  “Nah. Ray’s out waiting for me,” he murmured while drawing me into him, interrupting my view of the pooch as he pawed at the key to Azmir’s apartment.

  I had to ask, “Do you want your key back while I think about it?”

  He shook his head no as he looked down to me. I hope I hadn’t screwed up again. I just needed to take things slow and figure myself out after recent events.

  “I wish you could stay,” I admitted.

  “I have a few things to tend to. Besides, if I stay, you’re going to have to come up with a convincing explanation to your doctor as to why you didn’t keep her orders,” he warned clenching his jaws. Damn!

  He lowered his lips to mine and gave me the warmest oral embrace. He was so passionate and tender that I honestly lost my balance. Per usual. Good thing he had his arms wrapped around me.



  As I’m pulling away from Rayna’s home, I’m pensive. I bought her the dog for companionship, but truth be told I’d rather have her staying with me. Considering the letter Michelle wrote, it seemed befitting. I mean, what in the hell is she doing there alone anyway? If she shot me down she at least would have some form of life there. She didn’t seem too keen on the idea, but I can be persuasive in my pursuit.

  I was in a business dinner when my phone went off alerting me of a text. It’s Rayna.

  Is this pity for the miscarriage? Azmir, I’m really okay. It’s life and unfortunately my reality.

  What in the hell… Why would she assume I pitied her? I asked her to move in with me not offered her free GYN services.

  My dearest Ms. Brimm, if it were about the loss of OUR unborn child who would be pitied,you or me? I responded, in a riddling mode.

  I just don’t want to jump into anything for the wrong reasons. You just got out of a relationship. I don’t want to be the cause of your obligation to getting into another.

  That would be plausible if I lived with my ex. This is something entirely different. I want to share a life with you. Is that too hard a concept? Where was she going with this? Why was she making it so difficult?


  My forehead wrinkled. What in the hell is an Azna?

  ? Was my reply. I was totally lost.

  I named the pooch Azna. Azmir+Rayna=Azna. Alpha and Omega. she replied.

  Hmmmmm…beginning and the end. Was there some subliminal message? I didn’t ask…just buoyantly believed that there was.

  “Mr. Jacobs…?” I heard someone trying to regain my attention. My head rose in attention.

  “Are you amenable to the terms we’ve agreed upon?”

  A slight smirk breaks on my face as I realize I’d just bought yet another company. This one was small…only three hundred and sixty employees, but larger than the one we acquired
last week. My partner, Richard Roberson, is unrivaled at the game of business mergers, acquisition, and liquidation. He’d been on the radar for nearly six years and we’ve been partnering for three. He has a slight understanding in the history of my rise and was willing to take a risk with me. He’d been mentoring me and poising me for my next level of success. I’ve been easing my way out of the drug game. It hadn’t been the most simplistic of tasks but this new venture has fueled my motivation.

  Things were about to speed up. My travel will increase along with my paper. This is one of the reasons I was adamant about Rayna moving in. I needed her closer. I wasn’t trying to leave her available for another man. I was trying to brand her. Only if she’d trust me.

  After that meeting I had another with Petey about a detective who apparently had been going around inquiring about my affairs in the streets. Word got back to Petey that the detective was looking for anyone with indictable information. I’d heard a few months that this same detective had been talking to local officers in my street territories where I conducted my businesses, but they assured me that they remained tight-lipped. I could have a little more faith in them because they had to lose their careers and places on my payroll for betraying me. But street niggas had less to lose. So we needed to strategize ways to contain this problem. In the meantime, I had my attorneys working on a way to fire warning shots in order to protect my brand.

  The sooner I exited the game, the easier I could sleep at night. The quicker I got Rayna to consent to sharing my bed, the more my life would be complete.

  Chapter 5


  It had been a long day. Hell, it had been a long two weeks at work. I’d been putting in twelve hours a day, minimally, ever since my return from Atlantic City with Azmir.

  I’d arrived to Azmir’s place at the marina with Azna.

  “Good evening, Ms. Brimm,” the concierge nodded.

  I didn’t know why he’d been so insistent on me spending more nights at his place. The previous evenings hadn’t been good because I’d been dog-tired. But I relented on tonight after forcing myself to start work two hours later in order to get more sleep the night before. I didn’t want to show up at his doorstep yawning. Coincidentally, today was the first day of my birth control pill, something that I’d have to remember to take daily. Ugh! The thought of being a slave to a pill is exasperating. But I remembered. And here I was at Azmir’s, still tired but not fatigued, which I considered a huge improvement to just the day before.


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