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Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

Page 20

by Love Belvin

  It was late that Wednesday, about ten thirty at night when I hauled a duffle bag and Azna’s crate and other belongings into Azmir’s high-rise.

  I had a car full of my immediate needs, but took up what I could bare. While I schlepped my things from the elevator, down the corridor and into the apartment door butterflies started to evade my belly. When I pulled out the golden key, turned the knob and pushed the door in, nervousness overcame me.

  The lights were off except for the ceiling bulbs aligned down the corridor and overhead of the stove in the kitchen. I turned on the foyer light and let Azna out of his cage.

  “This is home…for now. Let’s get comfy.”

  About an hour later, after showering, I went about exploring. I started with Azmir’s home office. I flipped the switch and watched the room illume. His work room was fairly large and was centered by a huge wooden desk. I sauntered in, observing the artwork on the long walls and countless books on the shelves. Azna followed behind me exploring the floors. I sat in the oversized desk chair and exhaled. I wondered how much work did Azmir actually do here. I touched the mouse and the computer lit up. It must have been in sleep mode. The last thing he had up was his itinerary for the business trip he was on.

  “Okay, well he wasn’t dishonest,” I said audibly. Reservations were made for him alone. “No mistress?” I laughed to myself.

  “You’re technically not his girlfriend!” was the voice of pessimism that had always haunted my subconscious. Not today. Not anymore. I was determined to step out of my shell.

  Another page up on his computer was a spreadsheet that displayed quarterly earnings for one of his businesses. My inquisition traveled to the desk calendar and I saw he did engage it as I observed how he had things scribbled on it. There were events, meetings and other cryptic entries.

  But what specifically caught my attention were the “RayB’s” recorded on various days throughout the month. I’m sure it was the variation of the letters in my names that captured my attention. I went back in previous months and saw them noted on several dates. The earliest I saw it marked was on his birthday.


  Shit! Does he make record of our sexual encounters? As I sat there reflecting on the dates I figured that was the only thing it could have been.

  What the hell? Should I feel special or weirded out?

  Are there other names? None of the other recordings resembled names.

  Hmmmmmmmmm… I then figured I should leave the office before I found myself doing more snooping. I made my way back to the master suite.

  Ahhhhhh…in the plush, supersized, well firm and inviting bed of Azmir. The beddings were freshly laundered because I couldn’t smell him. I didn’t like that, but boy, was the comfort of this bed supreme! I twisted and turned playfully between the sheets. I felt like a kid in a hotel room for the first time. My childlike behavior was interrupted by a trill from my phone alerting me of an e-mail. I knew right away it was Azmir.

  All tucked in? he asked.

  Oh, yeah! And very well, thank you! I decided quickly to not giving away my secret.

  That’s good. How was your day?

  It was mediocre until recently! Rocking! Yours? I couldn’t help it, I was exclamation point happy.

  We’re making progress so I won’t complain. Have you any plans for the weekend?

  Yup! I plan on staying in allllllll weekend long! I was enjoying my private joke at his expense.

  Well, hopefully I can get a moment of your time. I’ve been hoping to extinguish you of your hermit ways. I see I have more work to do. I don’t mind. Hit you up later…they’re waiting on me to start a luncheon meeting.


  The two-minute conversation thing was killing me. After taking a few moments to huff about being separated from this man—my man? I remembered where I was, which was snuggled in his sheets, in his bed, in his bedroom, of his home. And that would have to do. I had two more days of missing him. After a few more thoughts I dosed off.

  The next day, around mid-morning I got a page from Sharon up front saying I had a delivery.

  “I’ll be up in a few minutes. I’m finishing up on Mr. Bronson.”

  “No problem, Ms. Brimm,” Sharon agreed.

  A few minutes later, I was up at the front desk and the huge bouquet of fruit caught my eyes immediately. I saw that Sharon was speaking with people so I remained quiet as I retrieved the small envelope attached to the deliciously decorated edible arrangement and opened it.

  I hope these are just as juicy and sweet as you are. Missing you terribly.

  Clear your weekend itinerary. Now!

  Forever on the Chase,

  A.D. Jacobs

  Did he really? All the way from Europe! Well, Rayna, he DOES have several assistants that he could have easily emailed the request to. But it was such a sweet gesture.

  “Well, well, well! The awkward moment when I see we’re interrupting a private moment.”

  I looked up to see where that outburst had come from. My irises landed on a handsome, light skinned and well groomed man in an elegant three-piece suit. But who is he and where does he get the nerve to intrude on my privacy? He stood next to two other men that I assumed were with him.

  My eyes darted to Sharon. But before she could speak he said, “Thompson…Brian Thompson of Thompson’s Justice Law firm. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ms. Brimm. Judging by the arrangement, it must have been something said in the card that caused the glow. Care to share?”

  Thompson wore a cunning smirk, one that didn’t register as trustworthy. I didn’t know if he was being charming or condescending and trying to embarrass me. Either way, I wasn’t interested.

  “Sharon, I wasn’t aware that Mr. Thompson was visiting today. How did that get past me?”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Brimm, we’ve been so busy around here. It must have been an oversight on my part,” Sharon admitted apologetically.

  I wasn’t totally convinced that it was her fault. She was right. We’d been swamped for weeks.

  “Have these taken into the kitchen for everyone to share and you can start collecting lunch orders from the staff. It’s on me again today. Okay?” I flashed a warm smile. I liked Sharon and belittling staff is a no-no in my book.

  Purposely putting Mr. Thompson on hold for a minute, I was now prepared to address him, “Now, Mr. Thompson, how can we be of service to you…” I conspicuously peeked behind him, “…and your team today?”

  That took the spark out of his cocky ass eyes.

  “Mr. Smith recommended that I begin my file merging of the firm at the Long Beach branch,” Mr. Thompson informed more reserved—still with much confidence, but with less of a smug look on his face.

  “I’m sorry, but why is it necessary for you to make visits?” I quizzed. The way he gazed into my eyes alarmed me. Was he attracted to me? Oh, no!

  “Well, my firm’s practice is to have all of our clients’ records on file. Initially we make copies of all of your files here. Then we add a program to your software that will automatically merge new and updated files from here on out.”

  “Well, fine.” I tried to maintain my dignified persona, though his presence further annoyed me by the minute. “Sharon, please grant the Thompson firm whatever access they need.” I turned to address her directly, I didn’t like staring into his face for too long. “Also, out of hospitality, make sure they know where the restroom and break rooms are.”

  “Yes, Ms. Brimm. Natalie should be here any moment to escort them back.” Just as she ended her sentence Natalie, a studying therapist, who had been interning with us appeared, introduced herself and led the gentlemen back towards the offices.

  I turned to Sharon who was eager to speak. Her eyes were stories high and miles apart. “Ms. Brimm, I am really sorry. I should have gone over your schedule with you last evening before closing.” I put my hands in the air asking her to halt.

  “I meant what I said.” I sighed. “It was an overs
ight on both our parts. Things have been really busy around here. You’re extremely efficient at keeping me on task. No harm. No foul. Are we almost caught up with our backed logged appointments?” I asked.

  “I do believe yesterday was the last long day. Things should most definitely be at a slower rate starting Monday.” As she spoke, Sharon clicked and navigated the mouse of her desktop glancing over the upcoming schedule I presumed.

  I gave a dramatic exhale. It must have lowered her guards.

  “I see you have an admirer in that gentleman,” Sharon whispered with batted eyelashes. She knew she was toting the line, but I didn’t mind. Again, I really liked Sharon.

  “Who? That guy? Pssssssst!” I scoffed. “He’d just better stay in his lane. He was very bold seeing it was our first professional encounter,” I hissed.

  “Yes, he was a bit crass. But I don’t think he’ll be as well-acquainted in the near future,” Sharon joked referring to my cold shoulder to him. It was well intended.

  “Speaking of admirers, I’ll have to tell mine…” I said while raising the small note card that accompanied the bouquet. “…that he needs to practice a little more discretion at my workplace,” I let out a long exhale.

  “Please don’t,” Sharon absentmindedly blurted. I was taken aback by her candor. I gave her a look that asked for an explanation. She hesitated before relenting.

  “Ms. Brimm, if I can be briefly audacious, I like it. I like to know that you’re being courted, and quite frankly, doted on. It makes you glow. Not that you’re ever unpleasant to the staff but you’re certainly more pleasant to be around. Most importantly, you’re such a private woman and the only friend I could assume you had is no longer with us. I thought we’d lost you.” She gave me a deep fortifying gaze to prepare for the next thing she was about to say. “That is why I gave Mr. Jacobs information on your whereabouts a few weeks ago. I took a risk in hopes of you not jumping off the cliff, so to speak.” She hit me with another pause. “Now, I’ve heard the “tea” on Mr. Jacobs—” I interrupted her.

  “The other therapists talk about us?” I was devastated at the thought of it.

  “No, ma’am. I’m lunch buddies with a few of Mr. Jacobs’ staff. And while they drool over him, they’ve made me aware that he is the utmost professional. There are no rumors or knowledge of him being inappropriate with his subordinates or dating them. So for me to see him esteem you with these thoughtful gestures makes him official in my book. Plus, you’re young, bright and would make a lovely life partner.” Overly enthused, she had a loss for words. “Well, it’s just nice is all I’m saying. You deserve nice.”

  It was my turn to be at a loss for words. I’d never seen her so introspective before. Her words reminded me of Michelle’s sentiments. I actually think I needed that.

  “Thank you, Sharon. And your thoughts are duly noted—all of them,” I said sincerely, yet professionally.

  “I will send around the lunch menu momentarily,” she said, reverting back to her normal self. I walked off with her words still ringing in my head.

  About an hour later, while I was in my office catching up on my notes, there was a knock at my door. I looked up and it was Brian Thompson. He was really quite handsome. But I braced myself.

  “Yes?” I greeted with a mild smile that didn’t reach my eyes.

  “Is there another place you store patients’ files, Ms. Brimm?”

  I thought for a moment. “Ummm…yeah. At home.” Well, my old home or my other home…oh, whatever! I fought with myself.

  “Okay. Well, we’ll need access to that computer as well.”

  “Okay,” I agreed with my eyebrows narrowed, somehow finding the thought of him or his team being in my home strange.

  He cracked a boyish smile, “I’ll contact you at a later date to make the arrangements.”


  I was once again feeling awkward because I had nothing more to say to him. I hadn’t quite decided if I liked him or not. I took back to my notes and eventually looked up feeling eyes burning into my head.

  He’s still here?

  “Ummmm…my guys will be here for a couple more hours and have decided to work through lunch. I’m claustrophobic and need air. Is there any place in particular that you would recommend…or would you like to join me?” he sounded defeated with is offer, as he should. I’m not interested.

  I mustered a smile, “We have been back logged for a while now, which is why I’ve ordered in for my staff. My lunch is already here. But next door…or a few doors over at the Rec center, they have superb culinary. Other than that, Sharon up front can share the menus for the locals.”

  “Oh, okay. Maybe another time. Thanks for the recommendations.” I nodded and then he left. Good! Ugh!

  Little did he know, I had a manicure and pedicure appointment in twenty-five minutes and he was disturbing me from finishing up my work before I left.

  That evening after work, I had gone to my house to pick up more things to move into Azmir’s apartment. I felt I had the last of everything I needed in order to feel at home there. After packing the last bundle in the car, I went to lock up my house. As I walked out, I stood in the doorway and experienced a barrage of emotions. I had only been there a short time, but it was my first home and held an affinity in my heart.

  “Azmir, you had better be worth it,” I murmured underneath my breath before closing the door to leave. I shot straight up Lincoln Blvd towards Marina Del Rey.

  The next day I decided to be trifling and get my hair done on my lunch hour. What I was getting done wouldn’t take long. Adrian took me as soon as I walked through the door. As I was under the drier, I began to experience anxiety about Azmir’s reaction to my moving in while he was away.

  What if I would’ve waited for him to return home before moving in? What if he returns in a bad mood? What if his trip allowed him time to reevaluate his feelings for me?

  It took every fiber of my being to suppress those fears. This man has asked several times that I move in with him. That will just have to be my focus.

  Adrian blew my hair out very nice and bountifully. Azmir had always seemed more impressed with my natural hair. I’m like any other woman who loves the convenience of a weave, wig, or occasional braids, but I loved the way he responded to my natural hair. It was quite long and thick. Adrian maintained it well. It fell just at my breasts and below my scapula bone in the back. It had a slight curl and was full of volume. I was in and out in a little over an hour and my tip reflected my gratitude.

  As I was leaving and headed back to the office I got those damn butterflies in my stomach again. This time it was pleasant anxiety and anticipation. The hours flew by and before I knew it, I was back at the high rise preparing for the man of the hour to return home.



  What a long and exhausting flight. I was so happy to be back on U.S. soil. As I walk into my apartment building I see Manny.

  “My man, Manny. How’s everything?” I greeted the concierge as he runs over to me and retrieved my luggage.

  “Mr. Jacobs! Nice to see your back. How was your business trip?” Manny asked with the widest smile.

  “It was long, but successful just the same.”

  “Ah, so business is good, I see?”

  He ushered me in when the elevator door swung open. I sauntered in with him on my heels.

  “Business is sweet. But I’m damn sure happy to be back home. A man can’t stay away from his throne too long, you know.” I let out a long sigh and rubbed my eyes.

  “Ahahahahahahahaha!” Manny belted out an energetic laugh. I didn’t find what I said particularly funny but apparently he did.

  He brought my luggage to my front door. I heard music coming from my apartment. This was very unexpected.

  With a huge frat boy smile Manny bode, “The best of evenings, Mr. Jacobs!” and scurried back to the elevator.

  I opened the door looking for my guest, but to no avail. So I quickly t
ook my bags into my office and then shut the door. When I returned to the foyer I saw her standing off towards the living room wearing my dress shirt, her wide-waisted belt and the crystallized Christian Louboutin’s I got her last week and instructed her to fuck me in. Her hair—natural hair—was pulled up to the top of her head into a loose ponytail. She had on red lipstick and dark eyes. I was immediately turned on.

  She appeared solicitous, but after a hard swallow she murmured, “You’re early!”

  Okay maybe I frightened her.

  I gestured with raised eyebrows and pouted lips that I was here.

  “Well, I’m happy to see you’re home. I hope you don’t mind me being so…au fait with your space.” This time she spoke more confidently.

  I shook my head giving her an emphatic “no”. Her apparent sensual manner had me enchanted.

  “Do you like chicken piccata? I’ve taken the liberty…”

  I nodded my head.

  “I bet you’re tired. I’ll pour you a glass of wine. Red or white? Though they say Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc go well with it.”

  “I want what you’re having.” I was hoping not to divulge how much I wanted her right now.

  “One glass of Sauvignon coming up.” Rayna’s telling smile confirmed that she knew.

  At the dinner table we’re eating and talking. Dryly she asks, “So, how long will it be before you travel like this again?”

  “In a couple of weeks. We’re traveling to South Africa…investing in a company that provides plumbing and water supply to impoverished villages.”


  I see she isn’t all that keen on the idea of me going away so I decided it was time for me to change the subject.

  “This is pretty good, Ms. Brimm. How many men have you baited with this recipe?” I teased.

  She squinted her eyes and smirked. “I’ll answer that question as soon as you tell me how often do you beguile women by leaving them for nearly a week in order to have them so eager and deliberate to please you?” Her tone was seductive.

  Word? I let out a chuckle as I take her in trying to contain myself. I cleaned my plate. I guess I was on “E”.


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