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Inked by Her

Page 4

by ChaShiree M

  “Perry, I just don’t know how this is going to work. We live thousands of miles apart.” She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

  It is almost enough to make me say fuck it and leave my whole life. But if I did that, my family would never accept Portia and I don’t want that for her. Or our future together. No. I need to do this right.

  Even though it is a family firm, my grandparents and parents made each of us sign an employment contract and a non-compete clause. I know. Seems excessive for family, right? But that is how the Gentry’s operate. Blood or no blood, business is business. So, if I just upped and quit, my own family would sue me for breach of contract. I need to finish my employment with them and ride out my contract, which is six more months of Boston and I can decide my own life.

  Once I explained that to her, I made a proposal.

  “Baby, I don’t want to leave you anymore than you want me to go, but it is my job and family. I need to do it right. What I am proposing is that we each try every month to visit each other for a weekend. Next month you will come to Boston and then the following month I will come to you. What do you think?”

  It kills me that I can see the struggle warring inside of her. I can see her arguing with herself because she doesn’t feel this could work, but she also knows we need to try. What we have found with one another is rare and if we let it go now, we will have regrets. I grab her hands in mine and force her to look at me. Staring into my eyes one lone tear falls.

  She says, “Ok Perry. Let’s give it a shot.”

  I exhale a breath I didn’t know I was holding. She has quickly become vital to my happiness and the mere thought that she would have walked away from me or us has me seeing red. But in the end, love won out.

  Love? Holy shit!!! I love her. I do. With all I am. I am blown away by the revelation, but not scared of it. If anything, I feel empowered to finish the contract and move on. But, more than that I need to seek a life that will allow me to have it all. With Portia.

  Which brings us to today. I am meeting with Portia and the girls about the business venture they are embarking on and then I have to catch a flight back home. My heart hurts just thinking of it and I want to take a second to dwell on the fact, I can’t.

  I am on my way to the airport to pick up my little cousin, Tabitha. She is the daughter of my Uncle Richmond. My father’s little brother. She called me early this morning when I was seconds away from being balls deep inside of Portia. The news she had to tell me is she has hopped a flight out here to see me, because she ran away from her parents. I tried telling her that I was leaving today to go back, but apparently it doesn’t matter. One of her friends from high school moved here and she will be staying with her for a while.

  Tabby, as I so affectionately call her is 18 years old and a junior paralegal in the firm. She deals with the same pressures from our family and as my Uncles youngest child it’s worse. So here I sit, waiting for her to get off the plane before I can get to my meeting. Using this time to reflect, I can’t believe how fast my time here has gone by, but in that short amount of time I managed to find my forever.

  “Perry! Perry over here.” Tabby’s little sweet innocent voice pulls me from my reverie. Turning around I am pleasantly surprised to find she hasn’t changed in tremendous ways. You know kids these days with weird hair colors, piercings, and shit

  “Hey Tabby cat. How was your flight?” I ask riffling her hair. She immediately elbows me, because she hates it.

  “It was fine. I am just so glad to be away from Boston.”

  “You want to tell me what happened?”

  “The usual. Mom and dad trying to set me up with old ass men. As if. I am not my sister. Cymion might be ok with her limp dick old man, but not me. I want love.”

  I chuckle at her description of her sister’s husband, because that is exactly how I picture him. He is a 50-year-old, good ole boy who wants a trophy wife. He is wealthy and has plenty of connections, who runs in the same circles as the Gentrys. It made him a shoe in. For the life of me I don’t know why Cymi agreed.

  “Ok Tabby. What is your plan? I mean like I said, I am leaving in about 5 hours.”

  “I am going to stay with my friend Delaney for a while, so I can figure out my next move. One thing for sure, I am not going back.”

  She sounds so serious and I almost believe her. Almost. But the thing is she has been accustomed to living a certain lifestyle so how she will survive with less is going to be interesting.

  “Well Tabby Cat, you’re eighteen so I can’t make you go home. But promise me you will think it all out.” She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

  “I promise, ghee’s. I am not a baby anymore.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. Ok let’s go. We have to get the restaurant for my meeting and then I will drop you off at Delaney’s.” With that we walk to the car and drive off.

  We walk into UTGARD, the restaurant owned by Loki Jorgenson and his brother. And are greeted by Loki himself.

  “Loki, good to see you again. Thanks for offering us a private room for our meeting.” I am speaking to him, but he is not paying attention to me. His sole focus is on Tabby and if her lip biting is any indication, hers on him.

  “I would like to introduce you to my cousin Tabitha. Tabitha, Loki Jorgensen. Owner of this establishment.” Without preamble, he lifts her hand up to his mouth and kisses it.

  “The pleasure is all mine, kitten.” The endearment makes my head snap back and when I look at her she is red from head to toe. I seem to have a problem with this because my ire is rising. I mean she is my little cousin and fresh out of high school. What would a guy like him want with her. Nothing good. Deciding to put an end to this, I put my hand on her back intending to escort her to the room, when I hear a growl come from the side of me. Turning, I notice Loki’s eyes are penetrating my hand on her back. If looks could kill… Suddenly, he is by her other side, pulling her to him, growling out the word “Mine.”

  Fuck. this is not good.

  We make it to the room and though Loki seems reluctant, her releases her to the seat. As we are sitting there waiting on the others, I notice Tabby is scanning the room. One can only guess who she is looking for and as I start to ask her about it in walks my woman and her friends.

  “Angel. I missed you this afternoon.” I say to her as I am kissing her in front of everyone. What the hell should I care for? She kisses me back and then steps away to make introductions.

  “Migan this is Perry. Kennedy, you remember him. Right?”

  “Yes. Good to see you again.”

  “Thanks for having me ladies. I would like for you all to meet my cousin Tabitha.”

  Everyone says their hellos and after ordering lunch we get down to business.

  “Ladies, shall we?”

  The meeting goes smoothly. Even little Tabby is useful and full of information for them. Looking at the clock I know I need to go. I signal for the check.

  “Well ladies, I would say we have made progress. Tabby here can type up everything we discussed and have it all couriered to each of you. If you need me, Portia has my number in Boston. Portia and I are going to drive Tabby to her friends and then I have a plane to catch. Good luck.”

  Standing up to leave, Loki appears and sends me into high alert with his next words.

  “I will take her wherever she wants to go.” Is he serious? “Loki, she doesn’t know you. Why would I let a stranger take her anywhere?”

  “It will no longer be a problem. She will know me soon enough. Now leave her and I will take good care of her.” I look to Tabitha to see how she is reacting to this and she is not only flushed, but her teeth have not left her lip.

  “Tabby…?” I ask.

  “Leave me Perry. I will be fine with him.” She says to me with bated breath. Holy shit. This is not good. But I cannot waste any more time. I must leave.

  I turn to Loki and look him in his eye. “If you touch one hair on her head without her permission, I will bury you. Do you

  He looks me dead in the eye and says, “Don’t worry. Everything I do to her, she will beg for.”

  Nope not going there. I grab Portia and run out of there.

  The car ride is somber and laden with sadness. But hell, I have no choice.

  I just hope we are strong enough to withstand the distance.

  It’s been three LONG weeks since Perry left and my heart breaks more each day. Seeing him via video chat every day and talking until my phone dies isn’t enough. I need more of him. Instead, I’ve busied myself with getting the shop and the clothing line up and running, but I fucking miss him. Almost like a limb or something. I am supposed to be working, but instead I am thinking about Perry and wishing he was inside me. God, I have turned into a fiend. He has done this to me. I want him all the time.

  I am going to Boston tomorrow. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen him. I finally found an apartment that I have been slowly decorating. Despite my money, my style is what you would call a shabby chic. My couch came from the thrift store and it looks like it’s from the 1960’s with orange and fringes. It is hideous, but it’s all mine.

  My parents are in town right now and I am avoiding them like the plague. My grandmother keeps trying to get me to go over to her house, but I have been putting her off. I have no desire to see them. Nor to hear a lecture one more fucking time about how I am wasting my degree. In fact, a dual business/fashion degree can do nothing but help The House of Danvers and the yet to be named Crawford boutique

  I cannot deal with them though. Don’t get me wrong I love them, but they have got to cut the cord already. Thank God it’s almost time to go. I am so excited for this weekend. I have been renting a small office building on Main Street that will be the headquarters for House of Danvers. My office is still bare, but I am slowly working it too.

  Migan and I have worked out some of the kinks of owning this business together. We still have a lot to work on, but we are getting there. We decided on an even split of the profits. Since she is investing her talents, I am not making her repay my initial cash investment ever or any subsequent ones the company might need for five years. In five years we will reevaluate our business arrangement.

  In the last few weeks we have gotten close. My absolute favorite part of the day is when Torran Jorgensen comes in with the Crawford brothers. Migan totally transforms into a different woman. Normally, she is bubbly and very talkative, but when Torran stops by she stutters and gets angry. He messes with her too. When she is working, her hair is always in pigtails. He tugs on them like a third grader. It’s cute. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was something go on there.

  My phone rings and I see a new message from Perry.

  Perry: Hey Angel. How was work?

  Me: Boring computer setup stuff today. How about you, babe?

  Perry: Huge trial prep. I am so fucking tired.

  Me: Aww. I miss you so much. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Perry: Me either. What time is your flight again?

  Me: I get in at noon. I’ll take a cab or an uber to your apartment. Is that ok?

  Perry: Sure. I can take you to my favorite lunch spot. I took the afternoon off. We can catch up.

  Me: Sounds good. Miss you.

  Perry: Miss you, Angel. I will call you tonight.

  I want to tell him that I love him, but I can’t be the first one to say it though. Even though I love him more each day we are apart. I finish up at the office and head to my little apartment. It’s close enough that I walk each day. Today I am regretting that decision. As soon as I walk outside I am drenched by the rain. Shit. I have a pretty, white dress on too and I still need to go to the grocery store. I need to pick up something for dinner, but since I am leaving tomorrow I decide to go to the diner.

  “Hey Cadi.” I say as I walk in.

  “Sit anywhere and I’ll be right over as soon as I deliver these plates.”

  “Thanks.” I say sitting at a booth by the door.

  Finally, she comes over and we chat for a bit. I order and then I am all alone again.

  I am a bit pissed that our phone call was cut short. Normally, we talk until I fall asleep. He had to go and do an emergency deposition. I wish I knew him a little better because that sounds crazy to me. He basically called me and wished me safe travels. I promised myself that I wouldn’t be a weird and clingy girlfriend. So, I don’t mention it further.

  The next morning, I find myself rushing around because I didn’t pack last night. I was thinking it’s only two days and I don’t need a lot of shit, but that just isn’t the case. Next time, I will be more prepared. Finally, I just throw shit in the bag and whatever I forget I will buy when I get there. Seems like a sound plan.

  When I finally get to the airport in St. Paul, of course my flight is delayed by two hours. The delay causes me to miss my connecting flight in New York. Travel hell takes on a whole new meaning. Eventually, I take a train that gets me to Boston seven hours later. I meet him at his apartment.

  “Angel. Fuck it’s good to see you.” He pulls me into a hug and kisses me soundly.

  “It is. How much time do we have until dinner?” I ask.

  “About thirty minutes.”

  “Perfect. I’d kill for a shower.” I say. I try to keep the irritation from the day out of my voice, but I know I am failing. I know it isn’t his fault, but it’s hard after the day I have had.

  “Right this way, Angel.”

  He shows me to his gorgeous bathroom. His condo is cold. He doesn’t have any pictures or knickknacks sitting out or on the walls. It doesn’t even look lived in. I take a quick shower and put my pjs on. I am exhausted and honestly, I just want to hang out with him. I am not one for sightseeing, so we order a pizza and watch a little tv.

  We spend all day Saturday in bed and eating more take out. Saturday night he has to go into work. Again, I bite my tongue because I could use the sleep anyway.

  He crawls back in bed around three in the morning. We make love until I must be up to go to the airport.

  “I am sorry this weekend sucked, Portia. When I come out next month it will be better, I promise. I love you and really want this to work.

  “I know. Wait what?”

  “I love you, Portia.” I have tears in my eyes.

  “I love you too, Perry.” I say.

  When I get out of his super sweet car at the airport, he gets out and helps me with my bag.

  “I don’t want to go.” I say.

  “I don’t want you to go either, but we have to this for now.”

  “I know.” I say, pouting. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “It doesn’t.” He pulls me into a melting kiss. That is going to have to tide me over until next month. I can totally do this.

  “Be safe and call me when you get home.” He says as I am walking away.

  I wonder is it really a home without him? Then again if this weekend is any indication, how can we even last?

  Sitting in my office all I can seem to think about is how much of a clusterfuck last month was. In the weeks leading up to Portia’s visit, I had it all planned out in my mind. I was going to get her from the airport and we were going to go for a light dinner, before getting her settled in. Maybe have some wine after a shower and I wanted to fall asleep holding her. Of course, waking up was going to be fun, because there is no way I would have been able to make it out of the bed without fucking the shit out of my Angel.

  But the minute my dad walked into my office with a casefile the size of a Kardashian Wikipedia site, I knew it all had been blown to shit. The most prominent part of me wanted to tell him to walk that shit to someone else. I have plans. But I always have in the back of my mind that I have this contract I have to finish out. After that I have no idea, but t least I will be free to choose.

  Looking down at my calendar, I make sure once again everything has been cleared for the weekend. I am leaving in 4 hours and nothing is going to stop me. And
I am not taking any work with me. I push my intercom button to buzz my secretary.

  “Yes, mister Gentry. How may I help you?”

  “Hey Lisa. I see my red-light blinking. What’s up?”

  “Yes sir. There are five messages from your mom confirming dinner with your grandparents this weekend at the lake house.”

  “I asked you to send her my apologies and tell her I couldn’t make it.”

  “I did sir. She simply said “nonsense. He knows these gatherings are not optional. Remind him Lisa.”

  Figures. My family is literally the epitome of a closed ranked cabinet. They feel as if they need to control everything. Well screw that. I am not going. I reach over to buzz Lisa and tell her as such, when she buzzes me first.

  “Sir your mom is on her way back there. So sorry.” Shit. Here we go.

  Not even, 30 seconds later in walks the Jackie Kennedy of Boston. Never a hair out of place, always polished, coordinated, and composed. Fucking Stepford Wife. I get up from my seat and walk over to the other side and kiss each of her cheeks.

  “Mother. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Perry darling. I was on my way to the DB (Daughters of Boston) meeting and I thought I would come to remind you to make sure you groom for tomorrow. You know how your grandmother hates hair on a man’s face of a certain age. Also, she is bringing someone for you to meet.”

  None of this is surprising, but it still pisses me off nonetheless.

  “Mother. As I know you are aware, Lisa informed you I would not be present. I am going out of town and will not be returning until Sunday night. Please give the grands my apologies and tell them I will see them next time they come from on high.”

  When I glance at her face, I need to do a swift recovery because the pinch of her nose and mouth in disapproval looks just like Angelica Huston from the movie witches. Funny as hell. She stares at me a few seconds too long and then finally says.

  “Perry, I don’t know what has gotten into you. But you come from a family with expectations and rules. You know we have to present a united front.”


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