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Tiger's Curse

Page 43

by Collen Houck

  I stayed in my room for the rest of the afternoon. Mr. Kadam visited me and expressed his delight that I would be going out for the evening with Kishan. He suggested that a celebration was indeed in order and that we should all go.

  I asked, “So you and Ren want to come too?”

  “I don’t see why not. I will ask him.”

  “Mr. Kadam, it might be better for you to just have a guys’ night out. I’d just get in the way.”

  “Nonsense, Miss Kelsey. Weall have something to celebrate, and I will make sure that Ren is on his best


  He turned to leave, and I said, “Wait! What should I wear?”

  “You may wear whatever you wish. You can wear modern clothes or dress in more traditional fashions.

  Why don’t you wear your sharara dress?”

  “You don’t think I’d be out of place?”

  “No. There are many women who wear them for celebrations. It would be perfectly acceptable.”

  My face fell, and he added, “If you don’t wish to wear it, you can wear your regular clothes instead; either choice is appropriate.”

  He left and I groaned. Being alone and trying to celebrate with Kishan was bad enough, but at least he didn’t make me feel like I was drowning in emotional turmoil. Now,he would be there. It would be miserable.

  I felt stressed about going out. I wanted to wear regular clothes, but I knew the boys would probably be wearing Armani or something like that, and I didn’t want to stand next to them in jeans and sneakers, so I

  opted for my Sharara dress.

  I pulled the heavy skirt and top out of the closet, ran my hand over the beading, and sighed. It was so beautiful. I spent some time doing my hair and makeup. Playing up my eyes with more mascara and liner

  than I usually did, I also smudged some purple-gray shadow over my lids and used a flat iron to straighten my hair. I liked the feel of smoothing it out in long strokes. It was very therapeutic and helped me relax.

  By the time I was finished, my golden-brown hair was sleek and shining and hung in a curtain down my back. I carefully slipped the purple-blue bodice over my head and then picked up the heavy skirt. I centered it on my hips and aligned the glittering folds. I liked the weighty feel of it. Fingering the intricate

  pattern of teardrop pearls, I couldn’t help but smile.

  I was just lamenting that the Golden Fruit could not create footwear when a knock sounded at my door.

  Mr. Kadam was waiting for me.

  “Are you ready to go, Miss Kelsey?”

  “Well, not exactly. I don’t have any shoes.”

  “Ah, perhaps Nilima has something in her closet you can borrow.”

  I followed him to Nilima’s room, where he opened her closet and pulled out a pair of golden sandals.

  They were a little big, but I laced them tighter and they worked fine. Mr. Kadam offered me his arm.

  “Wait just a second. I forgot something.” I ran back to my room and grabbed my dupatta scarf, wrapping it around my shoulders.

  He smiled at me and offered his arm again. We walked outside to the front drive where I expected to see the Jeep, but parked there instead was a glossy platinum Rolls-Royce Phantom. He opened the door for me, and I sank into a luxurious smoke-gray leather interior.

  “Whose car isthis ?” I asked, as I rubbed my hand across the polished dashboard.

  “Oh, this?This , ismy car.” Mr. Kadam beamed with pride and obvious love for his vehicle.

  He went around to his side and turned the keys to start the car. The engine didn’t roar to life, it purred.

  Very nice.

  “Where are the boys?” I inquired.

  “Kishan is on his way down, and Dhiren…has opted not to come.”

  “I see.”

  I should have been glad, but I was surprised that I felt…let down. I knew it was better if we didn’t spend time together until this crush, or whatever it was, went away, and he was probably just honoring my wish to not see him, but there was still a part of me that wanted to be with him at least this one last time. I bit back my disappointment and smiled at Mr. Kadam.

  “That’s okay. We’ll still have fun without him.”

  Kishan darted out the door. He wore a lightweight burgundy V-neck sweater over pressed khaki slacks.

  His hair had been trimmed to a shorter length and was cut in angled, choppy layers that had been styled to give him a dramatic fall-in-your-face Hollywood look. The thin sweater showed off his muscular build.

  He looked very handsome.

  He opened the back door to the car and hopped in. “Sorry I took so long.”

  He leaned up between the front seats. “Hey, Kelsey, did you miss….” He whistled, “Wow, Kelsey!

  You look amazing! I’m going to have to beat the other guys off with a stick!”

  I blushed. “Please. You won’t even be able to get near me what with the crowds of women that will be surroundingyou .”

  He grinned at me and leaned back in his seat. “I’m glad Ren decided to back out. More of you forme that way.”

  “Hmm.” I turned around in my seat and buckled the seatbelt.

  We pulled up outside a nice restaurant with an outdoor wraparound porch, and Kishan rushed forward to open the door for me. He offered me his arm while smiling at me disarmingly. I laughed and took it, determined to enjoy my evening.

  We were seated at a nice table in the back of the place. The waitress came by, and I took the liberty of selecting cherry Cokes for me and Kishan. He seemed happy to let me make suggestions of food choices for him.

  We had a fun time looking through the menu together. He asked me what my favorite foods were and what he should try. He translated what the menu said, and I offered my opinions. Mr. Kadam ordered some herbal tea and sat quietly, sipping it as he listened to our discussion. After we ordered our food, we sat back and watched couples swaying on the dance floor.

  The music was soft and slow, timeless classics, but in a different language. I let melancholy sweep over me and fell quiet. When the food arrived, Kishan dug into it with relish and then happily finished mine when I gave up trying to eat. He seemed fascinated with everything—the people, the language, the music,

  and especially the food. He asked Mr. Kadam thousands of questions like “How do I pay?” “Where did the money come from?” “How much money do I give the server?”

  I listened and smiled, but my thoughts were far away. Our plates were cleared, and we sipped refills of our drinks and watched the people around us.

  Mr. Kadam cleared his throat. “Miss Kelsey, may I have this dance?”

  He stood up and held out his arm. His eyes were twinkling, and he smiled at me. I looked up at him with

  my own watery smile and thought about how much I would miss this kind man.

  “Of course you may, kind sir.”

  He patted my hand on his arm and led me to the dance floor. He was a very good dancer. I’d only danced with high school boys at dances before, and they usually just moved in a circle until the song was

  over. It was nothing interesting or exciting.

  However, dancing with Mr. Kadam was much more exhilarating. He led me all around the dance floor spinning me in circles that made my skirt fan out. I laughed and enjoyed my time with him. He twirled me

  out and then brought me back deftly each time. His skill made me feel likeI was a good dancer.

  When the song was over, we walked back to the table. Mr. Kadam acted as if he was old and winded, but I was actually the one breathing hard. Kishan was thumping the floor impatiently with his foot, and as

  soon as we returned, he immediately stood up, grabbed my hands, and led me back out to the dance floor.

  This time, it was a faster song, and he carefully watched and copied the moves of the other dancers on the floor. He had good rhythm, but he was trying too hard for it to look natural. We had a good time, though, and I laughed through the entire song.

  The ne
xt song was a slow love song, and I started to walk back to our table, but Kishan grabbed my hand and said, “Wait a minute, Kelsey. I want to try this.”

  He watched another couple near us for a few seconds; then, he placed my arms around his neck while he encircled my waist with his. He kept his eyes on the other couples for only a few more seconds and then looked at me with a rakish smile.

  “I can definitely see the benefit ofthis kind of dancing.” He pulled me a bit closer and mumbled, “Yes.

  This isvery nice.”

  I sighed and let my thoughts drift for a moment. A sound suddenly vibrated through my body. A deep rumble. No. A soft growl. Barely heard over the music. I looked up at Kishan, wondering if he’d heard it too, but he was staring at something over my head.

  A quiet but indomitable voice behind me said, “Ibelieve this ismy dance.”

  It washim . I could feel his presence. The warmth of him seeped into my back, and I quivered all over like spring leaves in a warm breeze.

  Kishan narrowed his eyes and said, “I believe it is thelady’s choice.”

  Kishan looked down at me. I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I simply nodded and removed my arms from his neck. Kishan glared at his replacement and stalked angrily off the dance floor.

  Ren stepped in front of me, took my hands gently in his, and placed them around his neck, bringing my face up achingly close to his. Then he slid his hands slowly and deliberately over my bare arms and down

  my sides, until they encircled my waist. He traced little circles on my exposed lower back with his fingers,

  squeezed my waist, and drew my body up tightly against him.

  He guided me expertly through the slow dance. He didn’t say anything, at least not with words, but he was still sending lots of signals. He pressed his forehead against mine and leaned down to nuzzle my ear.

  He buried his face in my hair and lifted his hand to stroke down the length of it. His fingers played along my bare arm and at my waist.

  When the song ended, it took both of us a minute to recover our senses and remember where we were.

  He traced the curve of my bottom lip with his finger then reached up to take my hand from around his neck and led me outside to the porch.

  I thought he would stop there, but he headed down the stairs and guided me to a wooded area with stone benches. The moon made his skin glow. He was wearing a white shirt with dark slacks. The white made me think of him as the tiger.

  He pulled me under the shadow of a tree. I stood very still and quiet, afraid that if I spoke I’d say something I’d regret.

  He cupped my chin and tilted my face up so he could look in my eyes.

  “Kelsey, there’s something I need to say to you, and I want you to be silent and listen.”

  I nodded my head hesitantly.

  “First, I want to let you know that I heard everything that you said to me the other night, and I’ve been giving your words some very serious thought. It’s important that you understand that.”

  He shifted and picked up a lock of hair, tucked it behind my ear, and trailed his fingers down my cheek to my lips. He smiled sweetly at me, and I felt the little love plant bask in his smile and turn toward it as if

  it contained the nourishing rays of the sun. “Kelsey,” he brushed a hand through his hair, and his smile turned into a lopsided grin, “thefact is…I’m in love with you, and I have been for some time.”

  I sucked in a deep breath.

  He picked up my hand and played with my fingers. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  He began kissing my fingers while looking directly into my eyes. It was hypnotic.

  He took something out of his pocket. “I want to give you something.”

  He held out a golden chain covered with small tinkling bell charms.

  “It’s an anklet. They’re very popular here, and I got this one so we’d never have to search for a bell again.”

  He crouched down, wrapped his hand around the back of my calf, and then slid his palm down to my ankle and attached the clasp. I swayed and barely stopped myself from falling over. He trailed his warm fingers lightly over the bells before standing up.

  He put his hands on my shoulders, squeezed, and pulled me closer. “Kells…please.”

  He kissed my temple, my forehead, and my cheek. Between each kiss, he sweetly begged, “Please.

  Please.Please . Tell me you’ll stay with me.”

  When his lips brushed lightly against mine, he said, “Ineed you,” then crushed his lips against mine.

  I felt my resolve crumbling. I wanted him. I wanted himbadly . I neededhim too. I almost gave in. I almost told him that there was nothing in the world I wanted more than him. That I didn’t think I was capable of leaving him. That he was more precious to me than anything. That I’d give up anything to be with him.

  But then he pressed me close and spoke softly in my ear, “Please don’t leave me, priya. I don’t think I couldsurvive without you.”

  My eyes filled up with tears, and shiny wet drops spilled down my cheeks.

  I touched his face. “Don’t you see, Ren? That’s exactly why Ihave to go. You need to know that youcan survive without me. That there’s more tolife than just me. You need to see this world that’s opened up to you and know that you have choices. I refuse to be your cage.

  “I could capture you and keep you selfishly to indulge my own desires. Regardless of whether you’re willing or not, it would be wrong. I helped you so that you could be free. Free to see and do all of the things that you missed out on all these years.” My hand Endings slipped from his cheek to his neck.

  “Should I put a collar on you? Chain you up so you spend your life connected to me out of a sense of obligation?” I shook my head.

  The plant screamed as if I’d dribbled acid over it. I wept openly now. “I’m sorry, Ren, but Iwon’t do that to you.I can’t . Because…I loveyou too.”

  I kissed him quickly one last time. Then, I gathered up my skirts and ran back to the restaurant. Mr.

  Kadam and Kishan saw me enter, looked at my face, and immediately rose to leave. We got in the car, and, thankfully, the men were quiet while I cried softly and brushed the flowing tears away with the back

  of my hand. When we got home, a sober Kishan briefly squeezed my shoulder, got out, and went into the

  house. I took a deep breath and told Mr. Kadam that I’d like to fly home in the morning.

  He nodded silently, and I ran up to my room, closed the door, and fell onto my bed. I dissolved into a broken puddle of weeping despair. Eventually, sleep overcame me.

  The next morning, I got up early, washed my face, and plaited my hair, tying on a red ribbon. I put on jeans, a T-shirt, and my tennis shoes, and I packed my things in a large bag. Reaching out a hand to touch the sharara dress, I decided that it held too many memories to bring with me. I left it in the closet.


  left a note for Mr. Kadam, which told him where the gada and the Fruit were and asked him to store them in the family safe and to let Nilima have my sharara dress.

  I decided to take Fanindra with me. She felt like a friend to me now. Carefully placing her on top of my quilt, I zipped up my bag. I picked up the delicate golden anklet that Ren had given me. The little bells tinkled as I brushed my finger across them. I had intended to leave it on the dresser, but I changed my mind at the last minute. It was probably a selfish thing to do, but I wanted it. I wanted to have something from him, a keepsake. I dropped it in my bag and closed it up.

  The house was quiet. I walked silently down the stairs and passed the peacock room where I found Mr.

  Kadam sitting and waiting for me. He took my bag and walked with me out to the car. He opened my door, and I slid in to the seat and buckled my seatbelt. Starting the car, he circled the stone driveway slowly. I turned to take one last look at the beautiful place that felt like home. As we started down the tree-lined road, I watched the house until the trees blocked my view.

Just then, a deafening, heartrending roar shook the trees. I turned in my seat and faced the desolate road ahead.


  The immaculately dressed man stood at his penthouse office window. He gazed upon the city lights far below and clenched his fist.How do you find one small person in a city of millions, let alone a world of billions? He grimaced. He lived in a city of twenty-nine million people, the most densely populated city in

  the world.

  His office was in the most expensive, tallest building in the city, as far away from the general populace as

  possible. It wasn’t that he had a phobia of the unwashed masses. He employed many of them, in fact.

  They served their purpose, but they were inconsequential. The generations rose and fell like so many waves upon the beach, and he stood alone, a rocky, unmovable sentinel, letting the waves of humanity pass him by, hardly noticing them at all.

  If money and power were all it took, finding the girl would not be a problem. Hewas the most powerful and the richest man on the Asian continent. Most people weren’t aware of that, of course. He preferred to regulate his affairs from a distance and used several pseudonyms, as well as many different company names. Not even his underlings knew his real name. He never kept his minions around that long anyway.

  There were some, a very few, who suspected that a few of his businesses were tied together somehow, but no one had come close to trackingall of his investments. He smiled malevolently. Besides, if anyone had made a connection, he would immediately have them dispatched. It usually wasn’t necessary though.

  He was good enough at covering his tracks to keep everyone in the dark. He should have been. He’d been playing this game for centuries.

  But, sadly, money and power weren’t enough in this case. He just didn’t have enough information. He rarely lost his temper. It was a waste of energy. When a person retained this much power, a simple flick of the finger removed whatever or whoever was annoying him. But, now, his power meant nothing. He hadn’t felt this surge of black rage in a long, long time.

  A quiet chime announced his returning assistant. He’d rather not see him now. This particular assistant was better than average. It would be a shame to kill him just because he felt this uncharacteristic irritation.


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