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The Black Diamond Trilogy

Page 21

by Brittani Williams

  Kemp backed away toward the car. I knew that was my cue. I jumped into the car and drove off as soon as Kemp sat down. He sat unfolding and counting the money that he had just taken from Jojo.

  “That muthafucker messed up my damn shirt,” he said as he looked down, noticing the spattered blood pattern on the front of his shirt.

  “You want me to drop you off at home?”

  “Yeah, I told Kenyon to meet me at the spot at six so I still got a little time. I can probably sneak in a quickie or something while I’m at it.” He laughed. I joined in the laughter. “But back to you, man, I need you to take this car back and get a Honda or something. This car is going to get you too much attention way too fast. Don’t get ahead of yourself, you might fuck around and end up like that nigga Jojo back there.”

  I nodded, agreeing. I respected him and he’d been in the game much longer than me so he was definitely wiser. I followed his order and the following day, I went back to the dealership and took the Acura back. I drove off the lot in a used Honda Accord. It was nowhere near as flashy and wouldn’t get me much attention. At the time I didn’t really understand why, but I never understood a lot of shit Kemp said or did. It was sort of like a teenager and their parents. They never understand why they have to obey them but later when it turns out to have been the best choice, they’re thankful. That’s how I felt but in that situation and many more that would come about in the future, mind over matter was how they worked. It was also a motto that got me where I was at that point. Being a boss took brains.

  Chapter Thirty



  “Diamond! Hurry up and get down here for breakfast,” my mother yelled through the house. It was almost 7:00 A.M. and the school bus would be there by seven-thirty. I hated waking up so early and I think my mother hated waking me up just as much. It was always a fight to get me out of the door on time. My dad was sitting at the table when I got there and as usual, him and my mom didn’t have much to say to each other. Most days they sat across from each other without speaking a word. I walked to my father’s side of the table and gave him a kiss on the cheek. For the first time since I was around five years old he didn’t kiss me on my cheek as well.

  “Is everything okay, Daddy?” I asked, still standing on the side of his chair. He set his newspaper down and looked me in the eye.

  “Everything is fine, sweetie; Daddy’s just got a lot on his mind, that’s all.” After his response he picked his paper back up off the table and resumed reading it. I knew that something wasn’t right but I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s morning by probing him for more information. I slowly walked away and slid into my seat opposite his. There was a small bowl of oatmeal and a glass of milk sitting in front of me. The air in the room felt weird. I couldn’t put a finger on what was different but I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. My mom was standing over the sink washing dishes as we continued to eat in silence. The date was October 13th and I remembered it because of a fire just a few blocks away. One of my best friends lived in that house and hadn’t made it out alive. The date seemed significant to me at the time because of the loss, but by the end of that day I would not only lose my best friend but my father as well.

  I had just scraped the last bit of oatmeal from the bowl and finished the glass of milk when I heard the school bus pulling up outside. I jumped up out of the chair and grabbed my book bag off of the floor. Just as I was about to head to the door my dad grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a hug. The hug was much different than any other hugs because he wouldn’t let go. I mean, he held onto me like it was the last hug that I would ever get. After he let go, I kissed him and walked out of the door. I glanced back before stepping onto the bus and noticed him standing at the door with a blank look on his face. That blank look was one that would haunt me for years since it was the last time that I’d see his face. We lost our house because my mother couldn’t pay the bills. We were forced to move in with my grandmom, in a raggedy row home in North Philly.

  I hated living there. I was used to having my own room and my own things. There, I not only had to fight for my things, I damn near had to fight for food. My cousins were bigger and much stronger than me so when it was time to eat I’d quickly be pushed aside and forced to eat the scraps that were left. Then my Aunt Cicely was the meanest bitch I’d ever known. Not a day went by where she wouldn’t throw the fact that I wasn’t really part of the family in my face. As if knowing it wasn’t bad enough, I had to hear it every day. I would go to bed each night wondering why my real parents gave me away. From the day I found out, my mother tried her best to convince me of how special I was. I couldn’t see it, since my biological father and the father that I’d always known not only left me but my real mother had as well.

  Next there were the boys. I just couldn’t get enough of them. I lost my virginity at the age of twelve and had sex with at least five boys by the time I met Johnny. Unlike the rest of them, Johnny couldn’t care less about sex. I, on the other hand, was addicted. I loved the feeling of being wanted. The attention that they gave me somehow filled the void that my father had left me with. When one would leave, I’d quickly find another one to replace him. This cycle was one of the most reckless I’d taken part in my whole life.

  The first time Johnny and I had sex, it was almost like I was a teacher and he was the student. Johnny, Mica, and me were watching TV in their basement. It was cold outside and not much heat was circulating. We were covered up with fleece blankets all piled up next to each other on the sofa. Mica had fallen asleep halfway into the movie and both Johnny and me were wide awake. Hidden underneath the blanket, my hand was rubbing his knee. Soon it was up to his thigh and next I was caressing his package, which was tightly nestled in his underwear. For once, he didn’t stop me and since he hadn’t, I took full advantage of the situation. He leaned over and began kissing me while palming my overdeveloped breasts at the same time. By now, I was unzipping his pants and sliding my hand into the opening. I could tell he was excited as his dick grew three more inches than normal. I prayed that he wouldn’t stop me as he’d done the few times we’d made it this far. Mica was still sleeping, snoring loudly with drool slowly sliding down the side of her face. We were kissing and tonguing each other down so heavily that you could hear the smacking even over the TV. I stopped him just long enough to ease down on the floor. I motioned with my finger for him to join me. He obliged and within seconds we picked up where we had left off. Instead of getting completely naked I removed just my shorts. Johnny had his pants and underwear pulled down to his knees. I lay on my back as he crawled on top of me and struggled to find my warm opening. With one hand I grabbed hold of his dick and guided it inside of me. He let out a sigh immediately. I knew that he’d never had sex before so I didn’t expect him to go very long. Surprisingly, he got into a rhythm and was still going fifteen minutes later. I guess some men are just born with it because for it to have been his first time he lasted longer than most of the boys I had been with. About twenty minutes later he was shaking and moaning on top of me. I covered his mouth with my hand to muffle the sounds that were escaping. After we were done, I hurried into the bathroom to wipe myself off and got back in position at the far end of the sofa. Johnny looked over at me and quietly said, “I love you” before focusing his attention back on the movie. I never wanted to tell Mica about our first time. I figured she’d be mad that we did it while she slept a few feet away.

  Eventually, I had to tell her and everyone else when I found out that I was pregnant. My mother was pissed. I didn’t understand how I’d managed to sleep with five boys, numerous times each and hadn’t gotten pregnant. I was practically shaking when I told her that I had missed my period. She sat across from me, quiet, while continuing to smoke her cigarette.

  “So you missed your period? I guess that wouldn’t mean anything unless you were out there screwing. Is that what you’re telling me? You’ve been out there fucking those little boys?” I was s
ilent, afraid to look her in the eye. I was afraid of seeing the disappointment. What mother would be proud of her teenage daughter carrying a baby? “I don’t hear anything. I just asked you a question.” Her voice was louder than it had been a few seconds ago, which to me showed fury.

  “I’m sorry, Mom, I didn’t think I could get pregnant.”

  “Why not? Don’t you learn that shit in school? As soon as you get a period you can get pregnant. I’m so disappointed in you, Diamond. I expected so much more from you.”

  Hell, I expected more from me. I also expected that I’d always have a father around that loved me, but obviously that wasn’t the case. I didn’t know what to say or do. I did know that I wasn’t ready to take care of a baby.

  “I’m not ready to take care of a baby, Mom.”

  “Who said anything about taking care of a baby? I’m taking you to the clinic first thing Monday morning to get rid of it. I’ll be damned if you’re going to embarrass me.”

  I sat there with tears forming in the wells of my eyes. I was scared. I didn’t think she would force me to get an abortion. I thought we could probably give it up for adoption. I knew my mother very well and what she said was pretty much what happened. There wasn’t anything that I could do to make her think any different. Then I thought about it a little more. It was the right decision for all of us. Johnny definitely didn’t want me to have the baby. He felt that it would ruin both of us and he probably was right. That Monday morning when she dragged me down to the clinic in the frigid weather, all I could think about was getting my life back to normal as quickly as possible.

  The clinic was packed and most of the girls there were around my age. I guess I wasn’t the only one dumb enough to think I couldn’t get knocked up. After filling out all of the paperwork, we sat in the waiting room for hours. It was almost noon when they finally called my name and we’d been there since seven-thirty in the morning. They led me down a long hallway that had bright white paint like you see on TV. My mother stayed out in the waiting area with the other mothers and young girls waiting for their turn.

  The nurse took me into a small room that had two changing stalls and a bathroom. She handed me a clear bag that contained a hospital gown, socks, and a cap for your head. She instructed me to take everything off, put on the things in the bag, and fill it with all of my belongings. I could barely get my pants unbuttoned I was so nervous. I didn’t know what was about to happen to me. They hadn’t explained it to me, only saying that my mother wouldn’t sign for me to be put under anesthesia. Was that a form of punishment? How could she force me to be wide awake when they ripped my baby from the womb? I almost thought about running out of there and hitchhiking a ride home. The nurse startled me when she returned and reached out for my bag of belongings.

  “Come with me. I’ll put your things in a locker. I’m going to take you into the procedure room and prep you. Do you have any questions for me?”

  “Is it going to be really painful?” I was scared shitless, still unaware of what was about to take place. I mean, I knew that I was going to leave here not pregnant anymore but I didn’t know what would happen between now and then.

  “It will be a little painful but doing it without anesthesia is the best way to do it. You won’t feel groggy or possibly have any bad after-effects. Don’t worry, I’ll be in there with you the whole time. You can hold on to me and squeeze my hand if you need to.”

  I felt a little better after that but I was still a little uneasy. The procedure room was freezing cold. There was a table in the center surrounded by a bunch of machines. I assumed that most of them were to monitor your vital signs and things of that nature. Just from TV shows and things I saw in school, I saw the resemblance. I lay down on the table and tried to relax as I placed my feet in the stirrups and scooted down to the edge of it.

  The doctor entered the room a few minutes later in a blue gown and gloves.

  “This will be over before you know it. Scoot down a little more for me.”

  I was so uncomfortable. A grown man who was a complete stranger had his face down in my young pussy. I had never even been to a gynecologist before so this was all new to me. I followed his instruction and slid down so that my butt was at the end of the table.

  “Okay, now you’ll feel some cold fluid. I’m cleaning the area. Now a little pinch.”

  I damn near jumped off the table. A little pinch, my ass. Whatever he had just done hurt like hell. “Okay just a few more pinches.” I held in the screams as he continued to stick needles in me. Tears were rolling down the sides of my face and landing on the paper that covered the table beneath me. Next came a loud machine and then I heard what sounded like a vacuum. My stomach was cramping beyond belief. Not even my worse day of PMS felt that bad. After a few more minutes of cramping, the loud machine stopped and the experience was over. I was so weak that I could barely stand when the nurse helped me off of the table and into a wheelchair. I recovered for about an hour before I was allowed to get dressed and meet my mother outside. Once she saw me, she walked around to the driver’s side of the car and got in. The ride home was completely silent. She hadn’t even asked how I felt. I guess she didn’t care since I’d gotten myself into the situation in the first place. I didn’t even have the energy to try and spark up a conversation because she probably wouldn’t have joined in anyway.

  Following the abortion, Johnny was afraid to touch me. Honestly, I wasn’t so anxious to have sex either. I’d be damned if I’d go through that shit again. Things between us remained the same and I was extremely happy that they did. I’d be lost without his love or the love of any man for that matter. Being fatherless screwed me up and pretty much set the tone for the way I’d search for a replacement. Of course I’d never find a man who would love me the way that he did, but at least I could dream about it.

  Chapter thirty-one


  Me and My Bitch

  Besides Diamond, Trice was the only chick that knew how to make me come back for more. Shit, pussy was pussy but every once in a while you run across one that’s exceptional. I wasn’t ready to go home just yet. I was still trippin’ about Kemp and if I’d gone home that’s all Diamond would end up talking about. I needed to relax and what better way to do so than getting some bomb-ass head. I’d spoken to her earlier that day and told her I’d be by later that night so I knew she’d be ready. I parked, hit the alarm on the keypad, and headed to the door. Trice opened it wearing a pair of tight-ass shorts where her ass was hanging out of the bottom and a T-shirt that showed her hard nipples. She hadn’t even pushed the door closed before I stuck my tongue in her mouth and grabbed hold of her ass. I was horny as hell and anytime I wanted sex with no strings attached, this was the place to be. Trice playfully pushed me away. I stared at her as she backed away.

  “You’ve been a bad boy. I’m not really sure you deserve this pussy.”

  I smiled for the first time in a few days. She knew exactly what I liked. I loved her playfulness especially when I needed a boost for the day.

  “A bad boy, huh? Well, tell me how I can make it up to you because I definitely want the pussy.” She moved closer to me as I now stood in front of the sofa. She gave me a push that forced me to sit down on the sofa. I sat looking up at her with a huge smile on my face. My dick was already damn near busting through my jeans. She slowly removed her T-shirt and shorts to revealed her naked body underneath. I wanted to grab hold of her and pull her on top of me but I didn’t, I let her continue to lead.

  “You see this? All of this is for you. Do you want it?”

  “Of course I want it.”

  “How bad? I need you to make me believe it. If not, you won’t even get to sniff it.”

  I let out a laugh. She was funny as hell but I knew that she meant it. As bad as she missed me, if I didn’t convince her that I missed her just as much she wouldn’t budge.

  “More than ever, babe, I was thinking about you all day. Couldn’t wait to get here.”

  “Oh, really, what were you thinking?”

  “About those juicy-ass lips and that soft ass that I couldn’t wait to touch.”

  She turned around so that her ass was facing me. “Go ’head and touch it.”

  I smiled and pulled her closer while rubbing my hands across her ass. It was soft as a baby’s ass and I couldn’t resist planting kisses all over it. She moaned and stuck it out a little further. I took one hand and massaged her clit from behind. Her juices were damn near pouring out. I couldn’t wait to shove my dick inside of her. Her ass was still facing me as I stuck my finger inside of her. Within seconds her body began to tremble and the moans were even louder than before. I was afraid that she’d wake the kids, she was so damn loud.

  “So that’s how you feel?” she asked, smiling. I nodded but remained silent. She got down on her knees in front of me and loosened my belt before unzipping my pants and letting my dick breath. She put her lips on the head and planted a kiss that immediately made me sigh. She followed with one lick up the shaft and back down before deep-throating it, catching me off guard. That was damn near enough to make me bust right in her mouth. She smiled when she looked up and noticed the faces that I was making. I couldn’t take anymore. I pulled her up from the floor, turned her around so that her back was facing me, and made her sit down on top of me. Her pussy was soaking wet as my dick made its way inside. I lifted up off the seat to meet her as she moved up and down on it. I knew I was about to disappoint her because it felt too good to do a marathon that night. I held onto her hips and my cum for all of ten minutes before I exploded inside of her. My body shook uncontrollably for a few seconds. That was just what I needed to relax. I sat there on the sofa with my head back after she went upstairs in the bathroom. She returned with a hot washcloth, which she placed on top of my dick, which forced me to open my eyes. I was about to grab hold of it until she began to wipe me off. Damn, I thought, if I didn’t love Diamond as much as I did, she’d be mine again.


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