A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 2

by C. P. Mandara

  Jenny could feel the eyes of the pair boring into her back. Having forgotten how brutal crawling was on her hands and knees, she was now going as slowly as possible in order to lessen the abrasive impact against her skin. Falling behind the main group quickly, she struggled to keep her hands and knees moving against the cold and unforgiving floor.

  'I think Petal needs some encouragement, darling,' said Miss Italy, and there was another mumbled reply. The next thing Jenny knew, a pointed heel was being firmly pressed into her left buttock and Miss Italy was putting some considerable weight behind it. Jenny shrieked loudly and darted off up the corridor, uncaring of the rubble underneath her. A few minor scratches were nothing when compared with a five inch heel trying to stab for entrance into an already very tender backside.

  'Hmm, pity,' said Miss Italy, her lips forming a delicate moue as Petal raced off ahead. 'I was just thinking that the little horsie would make an amazing footstool installed permanently in the centre of our lounge, darling.'

  Jenny raced on ahead, not wanting to hear the rest of that particular conversation, and bemoaned the new throbbing pain in her ass cheek. It was obvious who wore the trousers in their relationship, she thought sourly. Darting in between legs once more as she caught up with the main group, she gave no thought to anything bar escaping the pair behind her. Her lungs burned for air but she paid them little attention. She was too intent on trying to listen to Matthius, who was giving his captive audience a taste of what was to come.

  'The device is quite possibly one of the worst punishments that can be awarded to a novice pony,' said the auctioneer, turning around to give his spectators a wide smile. 'It is a suit of perfectly tailored, form-fitting latex which will hug every curve and contour of the pony-girl's body. It provides sensory deprivation in many different ways. Her ears can be filled with wax, to ensure she cannot hear a thing. While two small slits will be provided for her eyes to enable walking, an additional blackout blindfold is provided if her trainer wishes to deny her the pleasure of sight. Her mouth will be plugged with a small ball-gag, but this can be removed should there be any additional requirements for her mouth.

  'And there will be,' drawled a now familiar voice. Laughter bounced off the narrow walls and Jenny felt her throat go dry. Would the cowboy be as demanding as Mark? Would he treat her gently? She cursed herself a thousand times over for thinking such thoughts. She would be rescued. She would! If it took her rescue team a few more days to find her, she'd cope. These people only had her body to amuse themselves with. She still had firm control of her mind; except when she was anywhere near Mark, that was. Please, anyone but him, she begged silently, and could only hope that someone somewhere was listening.

  'Tiny wires are situated all over the insides of her new bodysuit and will pulse electrical current through her body in order to keep her aroused and stimulated. The suit features a special "chastity belt" which will be locked in place automatically and a timer will be set for the duration of forty-eight hours, whereupon the locking mechanism will be released automatically. The chastity belt itself features two dildos which, although initially quite small and comfortable in size, can be inflated, elongated and pulsed within her body. There is a clitoral stimulator which will be fitted with precision around either side of her clitoris and a tiny pincer-like contraption will reside above it. If the internal computer contained within her suit decides she is becoming too aroused, she will received a sharp nip for her troubles and all titillating sensations will cease abruptly. The suit will then decide when to restart its devious ministrations. There might be as much as thirty minutes between near orgasms, or there could be less than five. As you can imagine, little sleep will be achieved in a suit that turns its victim's body into an orgasmic ticking time-bomb. More laughter echoed around the corridor.

  'Can such a suit be purchased from Albrecht? For the use of our own slaves, perhaps?' The gentleman who asked the question was tall, obviously French judging by his accent, and his face was screwed up in fierce concentration.

  'I'm not sure,' replied Matthius, who had little to do with the inner dealings of Albrecht, 'but for a price, pretty much everything is for sale around here.' He turned his head back over his shoulder and gave an exaggerated, cheeky wink to the spellbound participants.

  'Could the suit be worn for extended periods of time? Perhaps five, six or even seven days, Monsieur?'

  'That I cannot tell you. But hold on to your questions, ladies and gentlemen, because the vet will probably be able to answer them very shortly.'

  Jenny veered well away from Mr France and his unsettling inquiries. She did note that the rather disturbing gentleman wore a pair of Berluti loafers, easily costing over four hundred pounds for the pair and that if he could afford shoes such as those, along with the suspected Valentino suit he wore; a latex cat-suit wouldn't prove too big a problem for his budget. All this talk of restrictive clothing and denied orgasms was making her hungry again, and it wasn't for food. The menu at Albrecht had already put her off fruit and vegetables for life...

  'Our little pony is lagging behind again, Giles. I think she's heard a little too much. Perhaps we should give her an added incentive to get her ass moving?'

  Jenny's head swung around awkwardly to discover the whereabouts of the new voice, this time of thoroughbred English descent. A gentleman in his late fifties smiled lecherously back at her.

  'I think you're right, Crawford,' said his purring companion, also male, but of much younger years, 'or we may have to wait until Christmas to see this "device".' After a few seconds of high-pitched laughter Jenny discovered something slim, smooth and made of leather being run up her inner thigh. It didn't take a brain surgeon to guess what the man was waving around and she surged forward to avoid its exploratory path.

  Unfortunately the crop appeared to move with her and it quickly reached higher, probing for entry at her slippery sex. Jenny swung left to avoid its path and was rewarded with more laughter. She did not manage to avoid its path a second time. A loud smacking sound could be heard as the tip of the crop caught her left buttock. Jenny wailed as best she was able through her thick rubber bit. Although it had been little more than a light tap, the pain was maddening after her buttocks had been cruelly ravaged by the canes. Thinking it wise not to allow the crop another attempt to rest upon her poor ass cheeks, she fled through the ranks and was somewhat surprised when Matthius left the confines of the building and continued walking out into the open. Where on earth were they going?

  When her knees hit grass Jenny contemplated the thought of getting up on all fours and making a run for it. The idea soon manifested itself as ridiculous in her brain. She knew without a doubt that Mark, Kyle and possibly Matthius would be fast enough to catch her and the electrified fence was still in place. All she would be doing would be inviting further punishments upon her body and it looked like she already had enough to cope with in that department. Erasing the thought of escape from her mind for now, she appreciated the cool dirt beneath her hands and knees. Never in her life had she thought she might enjoy the rigors of crawling through mud and muck, but oh how times had changed. Right now she would love to immerse her steaming backside in a pile of gooey mud and wiggle about in it to the best of her ability. She burned and she hungered; next she'd be begging to stay. Trying to oust the annoying thought from her head, she became increasingly annoyed when it refused to budge.

  'And here we are, ladies and gentlemen,' said Matthius, stopping outside a rather unremarkable outbuilding built of red brick with corresponding red slate tiles. As per nearly all the buildings in Albrecht, its entrance was through a double set of brightly painted, white timber doors. When they opened they revealed a man in a white coat and various surgical contraptions that did not look welcoming. She would have immediately retreated backwards, but the spectators had formed a semicircle around her, effectively blocking any departure.

  'If you'd like to file around either side of the "breeding station", which we will use for h
er preliminary examination, I think all of you will manage to achieve quite a good view from that perspective.' Those were Matthius' ominous last words as she was driven forward by a dozen or so pairs of moving feet.

  The Veterinarian

  The first thing Jenny noticed upon entering the new building was that the floors were made of sparkling white marble, a thin vein of grey running through each impressively sized slab. It was amazing what you noticed when your head was only inches from the floor. The smell of antiseptic and bleach was fresh upon the tiles and it was obvious they had been recently cleaned. Her face was reluctant to stretch itself to examine higher objects, but in the end she decided it was better to have some idea of what might be about to happen to her.

  Finally, lifting her eyes off the floor and straining to look upwards in her tight leather collar she immediately wished she had kept her nose down. Directly in front of her was the young man she had spied earlier. Dressed in a lab coat, which revealed a neatly ironed blue shirt beneath, she placed him somewhere in his thirties. He sported a stethoscope around his neck and a pair of stainless steel forceps hung over the single pocket upon his breast. Of slim build, he wore rimless glasses delicately balanced upon his roman nose and generated a somewhat bookish and geeky look. Glancing down at her in a detached manner, he beckoned her forward.

  Jenny did not move an inch. She had spotted a T-shaped wooden contraption in the middle of the room, and if that wasn't frightening enough, there were an array of microscopes and buzzing machines stowed in the far corner, along with a table filled with scalpels, syringes and all other manner of paraphernalia she was unable to put a name to. Spying clamps, pins, needles, thermometers and electric trimmers, her heart rate pounded into emergency mode. She wanted to run out of the door as fast as her legs would carry her but Mark, as usual, was one step ahead of her.

  'You can't run when someone is holding your bridle.' He spoke gently but firmly, and his fist gripped the thin leather of her reins tightly.

  The scrabble of her back legs against the marble stopped, but her whole body rebelled at the thought of being forced to play their naughty games in such a way. This was too much. They had crossed the line. Hell, no, they had crossed the line about three seconds after she'd entered the tack room two days ago, but it wasn't as if she could voice her complaints.

  Mark lowered his head to whisper in her ear. 'You'll give them exactly what they want if you kick and scream now. Two days with the device and a trip to the dungeon would probably be more than most trained submissives could manage. If I were you I'd go up to the vet and offer your body for his inspection. Do the exact opposite of what they're expecting, Princess, and keep them on their toes.' Winking at her, he used the rough ends of her leather bridle to caress her cheek before stepping back to the outer circle of gathered guests, but his penetrating eyes remained trained on her face.

  The vet, who had been moving some instruments about on his table and preparing for his examination while Mark had given his brief pep-talk, appeared satisfied with his work. Turning around to face his new patient once more, he repeated the action of beckoning her forward with the crook of his finger. 'Just wait on your knees beside the breeding station. I'll be with you in a moment.'

  His words did not decrease Jenny's anxiety in the least, but knowing there was little hope of escape with so many people watching her, she decided Mark's advice was the only sensible course of action. Crawling slowly up to the 'breeding station', the words alone causing a shudder to ripple through her body, she meekly awaited the attentions of the vet, her heart banging inside her ribcage.

  Quickly unbuckling the heavy leather saddle from her midriff, the vet patted her head and muttered, 'Good girl.' Then he produced a pair of thick black leather cuffs for her wrists and elbows, and folded her arms up her back towards her neck, fastening the cuffs as he did so. There was a metal chain that linked each cuff together and this was attached to the rear D-ring in her white collar by means of a large karabiner. It was even more uncomfortable than the arm-binder had been, and Jenny noted ruefully that she was once again an object to be toyed and played with.

  'Stand up,' said the vet, hoisting her up by the waist so she had little choice in the matter. He led her over to the wooden frame and began to feed her head and upper body through a small rectangular opening in the top. Her stomach now rested on a square plate and her upper body was tipped forward over the fame whilst her backside was pushed up and outward. Her knees were forced down towards the floor and a spreader bar was once again fastened around her ankles, leaving her sex wide open and on display for the amusement of the many bystanders. Then a long rectangular panel positioned directly above was drawn down upon her back and she felt the pressure of the wood graze the tips of her elbows. The clamp held her body tightly in place. It appeared that he didn't want much patient participation, Jenny thought, growling around her bit. The sound drew amused laughter from the crowd.

  'They said she was feisty,' sneered Miss Italy, 'but I wonder how feisty she'll remain in this "device".' Her comment drew a few sniggers from the people around her, who were avidly looking around the room to discern the methods of torture and torment that might soon be doled out to the hapless pony-girl. Jenny noticed, with some trepidation, that there was not a kind or sympathetic glance amongst them, with the exception of Matthews perhaps, and she did not want to look in his direction to find out.

  The vet simply raised his eyebrows in reply, before clapping his hands together to gather the attention of the group. 'OK, ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to talk you through what you are about to witness in our surgery. The frame Petal is currently restrained upon is called a breeding frame because that is how our mares are restrained before we have one of the stallions cover them. It's an effective piece of equipment, because the mare cannot collapse her body against it or stand up. She can stay in this position, reasonably comfortably, until such time as you are confident that your stallion has performed his duty.' He looked around to ascertain there were a few nods being directed his way before he continued. 'Today the frame is just a convenient way to secure her body while we do a dental exam and brief physical. She will also be fitted with a RFID tag, to enable us to accurately track her whereabouts at all times within a position of several hundred metres. We will end our session by securing her in a very special latex bodysuit that will test her endurance, over the next few days, to the absolute limit. Are there any questions before we start?'

  The audience, glancing coyly at one another, shook their heads and waited in breathless anticipation for what was to come next. After a brief pause the vet continued with his narration. 'First, I need to check that everything is in working order. So we will start with the ears.' Reaching into one of the larger pockets positioned at his hips he pulled out an otoscope. Pulling Jenny's ear to open the canal he inserted the instrument's tip inside it and flicked on the light. Stooping down to carefully examine her right ear, moving the instrument this way and that as he worked, he quickly moved across to repeat the procedure on the other side. 'Good news, ladies and gentlemen. Everything seems in perfect working order, which means there will be no problem plugging her ears with the wax earplugs that are commonly worn with the device, inside its hood. As this suit is worn in punishment we often try to remove as many of the senses as possible when the occupant is inside it. Her trainer will be able to engineer her suit so she won't be able to see, hear, talk or use her hands and feet to touch or feel. Her movement may also be restricted, although she will be given regular daily exercise. All of that will help to focus her concentration on what the "device" will be doing to her body. Now I will examine Petal's body for any signs of abnormalities, enlargement or tenderness.'

  Jenny listened with trepidation. If she'd thought she was helpless before, that was nothing compared to what they were planning to put her through in a few minutes' time. She would be encased in a world of silent darkness and completely reliant on her captors for food, shelter and a guiding hand to help her mo
ve from one place to the next, if the vet was to be believed. They were going to lock her tight inside her head and watch her suffer the torments of sensory deprivation. It was solitary confinement, but worse. Her body would be constantly primed for orgasm only to have it denied at the last instant. This was intolerable. It was just beginning to dawn on her that the position she would soon be in was worse than that of even the lowliest of animals. They could not expect her to endure this, surely? Were they messing with her head? But even as the thought crossed her mind she knew these people were deadly serious in their intent. They meant to break her. After two days of this, if she made it, there was a very real possibility she would be exactly like the girls in the stable; meek, mild-mannered and ready to obey every little command at the earliest opportunity. Thrashing about in her bonds as the thought took hold, she screamed through her bit and made her displeasure at their treatment be known. A few errant tears leaked from eyes, but her fury kept most of them at bay.

  'See the beauty of the breeding frame? Try as she might there is very little movement Petal can achieve within it. She cannot hurt herself, she cannot hurt others and I can continue the examination in confidence.' The vet was as good as his word and his hands stroked and kneaded all available flesh, from the tops of her thighs to the tips of her fingers. Her upper back, neck and shoulders were manipulated under his efficient hands, and struggle as she might it made no difference to his thorough inspection. When his fingers approached her mouth, however, Jenny ground her teeth over the bit before snapping at him. 'Ahh, I wondered if you might prove difficult,' he said. Reaching inside his deep pocket once more he pulled out what appeared to be a thick rubber ring, with two studded leather straps attached to it. Jenny hadn't a clue what he was showing her, but apparently the audience did as there were a few nods of appreciation.


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