A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 3

by C. P. Mandara

  'I can see you're going to need calming down before we dress you up in your shiny latex suit, but that can be arranged, I think, with a bit of audience participation. Are there any volunteers?' He looked pointedly at the crowd gathered around him, and most could be seen nodding their heads or raising their hands. Indicating the two men closest to him and beckoning them forward, he issued his instructions. 'Handling a human pony can be a difficult business which will often require speed and agility, so I have a challenge for you. If you are successful in your task, I will allow you the reward of soothing Petal in her hour of need, gentlemen. What say you?' Both men nodded heartily and smiled. 'One of you will need to remove her bit and bridle, while the other will need to squeeze her jaw open and insert this ring gag firmly inside her mouth, just behind her teeth. I need to examine her mouth and I am wary of doing so while she is in such a spirited mood.' Having said that he dangled the gag in front of Jenny's eyes and waited for someone to grab it. He didn't have to wait long.

  There was barely time to blink before fingers were hastily undoing the silver buckles of her bridle and trying to squeeze the bit from her mouth. She did not make it easy for them. Clamping her teeth firmly into the rubber she shook her head madly, as best as she was able, and made all manner of unladylike sounds. It didn't make the least amount of difference as with a hard wrench one of the men before her pried it from her mouth, watching as she showered spittle over the spotless white floor in front of her. Wanting to scream bloody murder, but knowing that would give them exactly the leverage they needed, Jenny clamped her jaws firmly shut and continued thrashing her head around. The crowd were in fits of hysterics by now, but the only thought in Jenny's head was the need to deny them access to her mouth. Realising what they shortly had planned for her she was all for biting and chewing any piece of flesh that came her way, but there was little she could do when a strong hand cupped her jaw and fingers roughly levered her teeth apart. Even though the opening was only a few millimetres the man used the space to the best of its advantage by threading the red rubber ring inside her jaw horizontally, before tightening the leather straps behind her head which caused the ring to pop up vertically and force her mouth open wide. Yet again she hadn't stood a chance.

  After the men received an appreciative round of applause the vet continued his examination. Having donned a pair of clear latex gloves, a long mouth swab was already in his hand as he approached his patient's face. 'There, there, filly.' He patted her head. 'I'm just going to take a look around and get a sample of your DNA. It's nothing to worry about.' Lifting her face in one hand and pulling up her top lip with the other he began to carefully inspect the area. His fingers pressed down upon her upper gums for a few seconds before they moved inside the 'O' of her gag and began to palpate her tongue gently.

  'I'm checking her mouth for pallor and moistness and her tongue for any signs of ulceration. You'll be pleased to know she's got some excellent colour and no abnormalities that I can see.' He dragged the swab through her mouth and replaced it in a test tube for safekeeping.

  Jenny was being driven insane. She was wearing herself out with futile struggling and her body was already limp and lethargic from the rigours of the auction. She could hardly believe what these people were doing to her. What did they want with her DNA and how dare they take it without her permission?

  'We take samples of all our ponies' DNA and blood. It can be useful to treat or diagnose illness and these particulars are often scrutinised by buyers before purchase, especially if they want to breed them.'

  Especially if they want to what? Jenny did not hear the mumbled comments and general chatter of the people gathered around her after that little titbit of information. She was absolutely shell-shocked. If her jaw hadn't been wired open it would have hung so, and quite unattractively. Breeding? They could not be serious. Goddamn! Alas, she could not even stamp her feet, spread apart as they were with the metal pole. Who were these people? What did they want with her? And where, for the umpteenth time, was her ticket out of here?

  If the vet saw the multitude of questions bouncing off Jenny's temples like a slew of grand slam ace tennis balls, he chose not to pay them too much attention. His fingertip was over her eyelid and stretching the delicate membrane upwards. 'I'm just checking her sclera for signs of discoloration or reddening.' He moved to the other eye and repeated the same invasive treatment. 'Once more it appears that she is in tip-top shape.' Inserting the stethoscope into each of his ears, with some struggle he managed to place it just below Jenny's corset, directly above her heart. 'I have not been instructed to do a thorough examination today, so I'm going to note her heart rate and blood pressure before and after the relaxant.' The smile he gave Jenny was not comforting in the slightest. She had a mouthful of saliva caught behind her ring gag that could not be moved, which was unfortunate, because if she could have moved it the vet would be wearing it right now. Whilst pooling saliva might have been the least of her discomforts at this moment in time, it was the one she was focusing on to keep herself sane.

  Placing the stethoscope back around his neck he commented, 'Her heart rate is a little elevated at this moment in time, but that's to be expected and I suspect her blood pressure will also reflect her anxiety.'

  Easy for you to say, thought Jenny, whose anxiety levels had already rocketed to the Milky Way and beyond. She was only just coping with this new onslaught of information. The blood pressure cuff was placed around her upper arm and inflated. She concentrated on breathing. In and out, she guided her misshaped lungs, in and out.

  There was a lengthy pause while the vet appeared to study his apparatus, and finally he concluded, 'Just as I thought. A bit elevated but nothing to be too concerned about.' A long breath whooshed out of her as she prayed that was the end of the check-up. 'Now, I'll just examine her tail, take her temperature and then you're good to go, gentlemen.' He patted Jenny's rump and she shrieked and bucked in protest. It did her little good; the breeding frame held her fast and did not budge an inch.

  'I am going to lift her tail,' and good as his word, he did exactly that, pulling the plaited tail gently but firmly upwards, 'and assess her anal reflexes.' Drawing his gloved finger slowly around her sphincter he watched as Jenny contracted her muscles reflexively. Then he slowly pulled her tail from within its tight resting place and, with a good slow tug, waited for it to pop free. Walking over to his table in the corner of the room, he placed it into a jar of sterile liquid. With the vet out of the way for a moment the two gentlemen volunteers were openly examining Jenny's backside with obvious delight, admiring its beautiful pink tone and deep red stripes. Fingers had begun to explore the raised marks and appreciated each little quiver of torment the bound pony-girl was forced to exhibit, along with each precious little mewl of protest.

  'Not so fast, gentlemen,' said the vet on his return, gesturing for the two overzealous males to move back and allow him room to complete his last assessment. They did so reluctantly. Taking a pale white tube of lubricant from his pocket he liberally applied the gel over his index finger before inserting it into her rectum. The patient was none too happy about the fact, but all of her squirming served to spread the lubricant around in a much quicker time than he would have normally accomplished the task. Pulling his finger from her ass he continued with his examination. 'See how the plug has already begun to soften this incredibly tight muscle? Already we can see it will take some time for her to recover complete closure, which will allow me to insert this thermometer with relative ease.'

  A long, freezing cold thermometer made its way deep into her bowels and Jenny had little effort left to fight it. She watched the crowd's eyes as they stared at her and then at her backside, most of them smiling and thoroughly enjoying the show. The room suddenly felt very small and Jenny wanted, more than anything, to teleport her body away from these people, because she was now becoming horribly aroused at the humiliation of being publicly displayed and used so basely. She could feel intense heat penetrate h

er cheeks but there was no way she could hide either her embarrassment or her awakening libido. The vet must have been able to discern the flood of arousal to her clitoris because he took the opportunity to thrust a single digit into her pussy, before finding room for another to join it.

  'Just as I suspected. Our little pony-girl is going to enjoy being used anally, but that's by the by for you two gentlemen, as that area is off limits for now.' There was a chorus of groans around the room as he slowly withdrew his thermometer and read the temperature. 'Excellent. She's in fine form and probably ready for some fun. The stage is yours, gentlemen, after one last little thing.' Without warning the vet pulled out a transponder syringe, much like a normal vet would use to tag a cat or dog, and it dived towards her upper arm. There wasn't a thing she could do about it, bar howl in protest. This was not a small injection. This was a needle containing a microchip, and when it went in she let everyone know about her displeasure, screaming and shaking her head madly in displeasure.

  'There, there, all done,' said the vet, who was completely unconcerned by Jenny's tantrum and made no show of noticing her ill humour or bad behaviour. 'No point in trying to escape now, young filly. You can easily be tracked by that little chip, and from quite a distance. We correlate all your medical data on that chip too, and you just need to be scanned before each check-up in order for us to have a computer full of relevant information to look at. Which makes life for me considerably easier, considering you ponies are unable to talk.' He took a sterilised tissue from his pocket and ripped the package open, swabbing at the indentation of the needle and wiping away a tiny spot of blood. 'We try to decrease the risk of infection where we can.' Carefully placing the tissue and his latex gloves in a medical waste bag that he pulled from his pocket, he said, 'If you will now excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, I had better go and tidy up.' He patted Jenny's head and his footsteps could be heard receding into the distance. 'Have fun, gentlemen,' were the last words he aimed at his audience.

  Uh oh. All eyes were on Jenny, but the two pairs in front of her were the ones she was most concerned about. The pain of the needle had vanished and she was already concentrating on her next challenge. Not having paid much attention to either of them while the vet had been in attendance, she finally took the time to size up her adversaries. Both men had the look of fanatical zealots clearly inscribed upon their faces, and it was clear that the religion they worshipped was sex. The man to the left of her was probably of Middle Eastern origin and featured beautiful coffee-coloured skin, complemented by dark caramel eyes. He had bow-shaped lips, which were currently posed in a rather sensuous pout, and his thick dark hair was cut in a fashionably modern style, with flicks and edges. Jenny was going to call him Good-Looking. The first thing she noticed about the guy to the right of her was that he was massive. Easily six foot four inches in height, he was thickset, black, and the whites of his eyes were almost gleaming with vitality and health. His biceps rippled under the soft, cream chambray shirt he wore and his black eyes were enormous in their hunger for her. Fine, she'd call him Big Guy. Jenny could not help but notice the rather impressive bulge in his slacks because her face was lowered at just the right height upon the breeding frame for his waist to be directly in front of her eye line. His cock twitched. Jenny's heart pounded and her pussy clenched. It appeared he was big there, too. She had all but forgotten her humiliating treatment under the hands of the vet. Finally it looked like she might just get some of the good stuff. Her mouth watered, quite literally, out of the corners of her gag.

  'Would the little pony like to be fed?' The accent was beautifully rough, raspy Spanish and it made her insides clench.

  Oh, yes. Yes please. Jenny was aware, somewhere in the back of her head, that she should not be responding to this type of treatment; this sexual madness that had taken over her body. She was almost aware, somewhere through the lustful haze of thoughts that now flooded her brain, that Albrecht was priming her to crave sex and the release it would bring. It appeared they'd brainwashed her well. She needed this. Her whole body was squirming and imploring the men to take her in any way they saw fit. It had been three long days without sex and amazing orgasms aside, being filled by these two gorgeous men had her dribbling in excitement - even more than she was already. When Big Guy continued to look at her in a questioning manner Jenny realised he expected a reply. She nodded her head enthusiastically, her mouth biting down upon the rubber ring as she tried to reply with an affirmative. Big Guy bit his wonderfully full bottom lip and gave her a searing look of longing. Yes, yes, yes. Feed me those juicy big cocks gentleman and rock this body of mine into the next century.

  The two guys must have heard her thoughts for Big Guy was already fondling his impressive piece through the fabric of his slacks and Good-Looking was unbuttoning his fly. Jenny's struggling had completely ceased. A voracious appetite for pleasure was spiralling through her body and she wanted someone to act upon it. Good-Looking now had his cock within his delicately boned hands. It was obvious he had enjoyed the appetiser Jenny had presented and would require little in the way of foreplay.

  'Shall we see if she's wet?'

  Jenny almost rolled her eyes in frustration and would have stomped her hooves had she been able. Hadn't the vet just demonstrated that only two minutes ago?

  Good-Looking smiled and inserted his two longest fingers inside the hole of her gag. He slowly stroked her tongue, which was still very sensitive and slightly swollen from the ginger spice salve and dildos that had been used at the auction. That quickly captured her attention and she couldn't help a moan of delight. His fingers continued to dip and dive within the confines of her jaw, his fingernails gently skimming the inner walls of her mouth before he used a generous dollop of her own saliva and began to use it to paint her lips. She couldn't help but watch in fascination as the two clever fingers scooped up all of the available spittle which had pooled behind the gag and applied it around the entrance to her mouth in a similar fashion to that of a tube of lip gloss.

  'I am preparing you for my cock. Would you like to suck it?' Good-Looking, for all his Middle-Eastern good-looks, spoke with a guttural, German accent. Jenny knew enough about languages to know the accent was slightly forced, as if he was trying to disguise his original country of origin. He obviously didn't want the spectators to trace his whereabouts back home. Daddy might not approve of his 'recreational' pursuits. Jenny raised her big blue eyes to his and watched them devour the sight of her mouth, spread wide open, lips glistening invitingly as he had readied her to receive him. He awaited her response with his hands in the pockets of his open jeans. A tuft of dark hair appeared enticingly at the V of his zipper. In response she thrust her tongue out from behind the metal ring and licked her top lip provocatively. She wanted to be filled and she wanted to suck. It was hardly a secret that she was aroused and there was little point in playing hard to get, displayed as she was. His eyes danced at her response.

  'You'll have to beg me for the privilege, Pretty Pink Petals.'

  His leering glance over her body could have been an incendiary device, for she exploded in flame everywhere. She could not think straight. Her mind was a muddled mess and she was being controlled by nothing more than hormones. Beg? What did he mean beg? She couldn't talk, dammit. She groaned in frustration, watching longingly as he palmed his erection and stroked himself.

  Although Big Guy was behind her, Jenny was aware he was not playing the same game. That was because he was currently sliding his big hands under her ribcage, dwarfing her breasts as he cupped them. The heat of his hands felt heavenly upon her cool skin and as his fingers began to pull at her nipple clamps she groaned in torment.

  'Would you like me to cover you, Petal, as Amand fucks your face?' Big Guy pressed his body firmly against hers and she could feel the bulge in his pants press up against her ass.

  'Unnnnghh.' It was as close to a yes as she was going to get. He leaned into her neck and his lips grazed her earlobe. 'Unngghhhh.' Yes, yes, yes, fi
ll me, fuck me. Don't make me wait. I don't want to wait. Jenny jiggled her hands around in her cuffs but they would not move and her body had no leverage to speak of. How did she beg? She wanted, no, she needed to be used by these men. Oh God, what was happening to her?

  'I'm waiting, Petal.' Good-Looking raised an eyebrow at her and the action instantly reminded her of Mark. Mark! Goddamn, he was in the audience watching her. Where? Her eyes scanned the small crowd of people nervously as she fixated on the men, taking in their leering glances and lascivious winks as her eyes met theirs. Big Guy had now got down on his knees behind her and was running his hands up her widely splayed legs. He worshipped her calves through the thick leather of her boots and when he reached her upper thighs he moaned in pleasure, his fingers stretching out to caress the silken flesh before him. Jenny's whole body shuddered in need. Her clit pulsed with a fury that was unholy and no one had gone anywhere near it, yet.

  'I'm still waiting.' The voice had taken on a sing-song quality, as if the man behind it was slightly annoyed. Well, he could join the group. She was annoyed too; annoyed and needy. Beg how? 'Unnnghhh,' she moaned, her voice louder, almost pitiful in its attempts to cajole him to place his cock in front of her lips. And still her eyes scanned the crowd who had dispersed around the surgery, some in order to get a better view whilst others sought comfort either in a chair or upon a countertop. Miss Italy had her silk skirt around her waist and her back to the wall as her enthusiastic partner began to lap at her sex. Her large brown eyes centred on Jenny and she winked her approval at the proceedings before her, of which she was watching with avaricious glee. Turning her eyes away hurriedly, shame coursing through her body at the thought of so many faces staring at her, she concentrated on Good-Looking. It wasn't a hard task; he was beginning to undo the shiny black buttons on his crisp black shirt and his beautifully tanned body was mesmerising. Shrugging the shirt away roughly he let it slip to the floor. Taking her face in his two hands, he raised her head so she could admire his straining cock, now just inches from her nose.


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