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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

Page 19

by C. P. Mandara

  Jenny would probably have gulped had her mouth not been heavily gagged by the oppressive black ball. As it was, she moved forward on her hands and knees and did as she was told. Trying to keep her gaze straight ahead and on Lupine's red PVC boots wasn't as easy as it should have been. There was lots of movement in the training room. The novices had been gathered together for a session and they were currently bouncing up and down upon their allotted dildos. She was ridiculously pleased that she was already plugged and that no bouncing would be possible or required on her behalf.

  'OK, that's enough vaginal stimulation, ponies,' said Mistress Lupine with a caged smile. Her long blonde hair was prised back in a stylish bun that sat at a jaunty angle on her head; the amount of hairspray needed to keep it there should have made the woman flammable. Jenny was tempted to look around for incendiary devices, but even had she found one there was little possibility that she would be able to use it. 'Today, we are starting anal practice. You may pass this tube of lubricant around and help each other out with the basics, before we start training our muscles to accept cocks in the tightest of our little holes. Anal sex, by the way, is by far the most favoured type of sex in the stables and you'll be required to show off your skills with enthusiasm and aplomb on a daily basis, at the very least. I suspect it will be a much more regular occurrence than that, which is why we're breaking you in gently, here, first.' Her smile managed to touch the corners of her eyes.

  'Choose a dildo and begin to lubricate it, ponies.'

  The novices began sucking diligently at their chosen rubber protrusions, giving them more than their fair share of the wet stuff. So would Jenny, had she been about to take one of the large items up her backside. The thought made her wince. Was she really going to have to do that? A shudder filled her as she recalled the details of her auction. Who had bid for her? Where would she be taken? Would there be a chance to escape, perhaps?

  Lupine's sharp voice snapped her out of her three second reverie. 'Petal, as you won't be able to join us in this lesson I have another task for you. There are several gentlemen lined up along the wall that require your attention. They are visiting Albrecht for the first time and we intend to show them a good time.'

  Her gag was unbuckled, her leash was pulled and her nose came face to face with a pair of leather trousers, sporting a rather impressive bulge.

  Jenny looked at the long line of men and drew in the deepest breath she could manage in spite of her corset. This was going to be a challenge; but a challenge she would relish. She would show these men the extent of her quite considerable talents and have them drooling at her feet. Her bodysuit was once again priming her for pleasure and the need to have all of her holes thoroughly filled was uppermost in her mind. As the first gentleman unzipped himself and let the impressive length of his cock spring free she could have dribbled. She was going to go after her semen calories with enthusiasm and determination. By the time she'd finished with him he'd want to kneel at her feet, rather than the other way around...

  'Give me your honest thoughts, Len,' said Mistress Lupine as Jenny withdrew her mouth full to the brim with creamy, salty goo, which she quickly gobbled down.

  Len was quick to respond and Jenny noticed his voice had a rather bored and somewhat unimpressed tone, which did not bode well. 'Not quite tight enough, doesn't use her tongue to full advantage, doesn't go deep enough, her gag reflex is a little annoying and she doesn't twist her head enough.'

  Jenny would have given him a sneer in response, had she been able to move her jaw. As it was Mistress Lupine pursed her lips and cast a disparaging glance at her. 'Hmm,' she said, and it was clear the woman was not pleased, 'isn't it a good job that you've got a further four volunteers in which to perfect your oral skills. Make good use of them, P. I'll be getting an opinion from each gentleman as you finish.' With that she stalked off to supervise the trainees currently trying to spear their delicate sphincters on the wobbling, blunt ends of their plastic phalluses. It didn't appear to be as easy as it looked. None of them were having much success and there was plenty of moaning, groaning and whimpering to be heard. Their faces were wrapped up in both pain and concentration and the look was a rather surreal one. Jenny couldn't help but feel sorry for them, for she knew that in a couple of days she would be joining them. Turning her attention to her next challenge, 'Mr Suit', she could only hope he would be more forgiving in his critique than her former conquest.

  At the end of Petal's two hour session Kyle was waiting for her at the door. He was immediately accosted by Lupine, who gave him a particularly unimpressive report of her skills. She had been found lacking in every area of oral expertise and he had to endure the disapproving glances Lupine delivered his way, which clearly said why on earth haven't you got to grips with that throat yet? After enduring ten minutes worth of her evaluation his eyes darkened into dangerous slits, although he still managed to nod politely at her as she re-entered her classroom and left them alone in the corridor.

  As soon as the door closed Kyle was quick to take out his ill humour on his trainee. 'Still misbehaving, after all you've been through today? Interesting. Well, I think we can iron that out with a short spell in the dungeon first thing tomorrow. As far as attitude readjustment goes it doesn't get much better - especially when I'm in charge.' The man was furious. He began to drag her and it was all Jenny could do to try and trot fast enough to keep up with him.

  Her lot did not get any better as they headed back towards the barn. A long line of pony-girls were lined up and awaiting her entrance, their hopeful eyes searching her neck for the sight of a yellow collar. They were to be disappointed. Watching as they gritted their teeth and prepared their pink backsides for another ten rounds with the belt, or worse, she prepared to join them. But Kyle had other plans.

  'Give 'em hell and make them count,' was all he said as he continued to drag Jenny's bridle as he manoeuvred her into the same little cell as before. The single bulb clicked, the fluorescent light glared down, and she waited with bated breath for her punishment. Her suit was just beginning to take her to the outskirts of the Promised Land, and with a good dose of Kyle's heavy hand she thought she might stand another chance of beating the thing at its own game. At this moment in time her body had the combined hormones of about fifty pregnant women and her need to climax eclipsed everything else in the world. Escape? Who the hell cared? She needed an orgasm. She'd kill for an orgasm. She'd even consider selling her soul to Mark Matthews in order to take a bite of the apple and get rid of her suit. The breast massager had just begun to shake and vibrate her cleavage, while the pincers inside the metal cups began pulling gently at the tips of her nipples. Come on, Kyle, do your worst, she silently pleaded.

  Kyle moved to the wall and attached her leash to a thick metal karabiner high above her that she would have no hope of breaking. He then strode out of the room and slammed the door. The sound of a key turning in the latch could be heard, before he thumped the door with his fist for good measure.

  Jenny wondered if she should be grateful he hadn't tanned her backside from red to puce. It was throbbing pleasantly at the moment, a mild stinging sensation that left a wonderful, simmering heat which worked its way through her body. Far from annoying, she had grown to love the burn as she moved, her body craving the sweet sting of the crop to fuel the fires within. No, she decided, she was not going to curl up in a ball on the floor and throw a tantrum because she had not received her evening spanking. Besides, curling up was going to be a problem. Attached as she was to the wall she would not be able to lie down. If she was going to get any sleep at all it would be standing up. There was always the possibility that Kyle was going to come back for her, but somehow she doubted it. The slam had been indicative of his mood and she guessed this was a punishment of sorts. Obey or be ignored. A little bit like corner time for children, she suspected.

  Leaning against the wall she tried to rearrange her thoughts into order. The first one had flashing red lights and a blaring siren that screamed
, 'You are never going to get out of this place. Be a good girl and do exactly as you're told.' She didn't much like the thought and feeling her anxiety levels increase exponentially, she moved on to the more pressing concern of food. Kyle had not fed or watered her since lunch. Her stomach was growling, but it was now a dull ache she had become accustomed to. However, it might be one she could do something about. As he'd left the light on this time, no doubt to ensure she couldn't sleep, it allowed her to see the feeding tubes hanging from the wall. Although Mistress Lupine had inserted her gag before she'd left the training room, she might just be able to manoeuvre the thin tubes between her hoof mitts in order to thread them into the single hole her gag contained.

  Scraping her rubber mitts against the coarse brick she tried to prise the tube forward in order to capture it between two thick hooves. It wasn't easy, but she had all night so she figured she might as well give it her best shot.

  It took her well over a half hour to get the liquid feed tube slotted deep inside her gag, but her sense of accomplishment was overwhelming when she began to feel the cool liquid food gush down her throat. Even the simplest of things were major obstacles when dressed in the bizarre get-up she had on. Movement was already becoming difficult due to the soreness of being penetrated hundreds of times over by her untiring, robotic dildos. Her body was also unfamiliar to exercise and after a couple of days of gruelling activity her muscles were tired and aching all over. What she desperately needed was sleep: uninterrupted, flat-on-the-floor, off to oblivion and beyond snoring. But it didn't look like she was going to get some any time soon. As her clit stimulator buzzed into life she banged her hooves frantically against the brick wall in a fit of mad desperation. No one heard her cries.

  Kyle was in a particularly good mood when he opened his eyes the following morning to clear blue skies and twittering birds. There was only one bird on his mind and that happened to be the lovely Isabelle, who was probably already painting her fingernails in readiness for their date that evening. Even though he'd only just woken up and was still in 'morning-glory' mode, he hardened further at the thought. It was going to be one hell of a date and he fully intended to make sure his lady had a good time; preferably on the end of his cock. He reached down to fondle his glans and gave himself a few cursory strokes before wondering whether he had enough time to use and abuse the wicked stick before work called. Glancing at his alarm clock revealed very unfriendly hands positioned at 9.00 am. Fuck it. He was the one in charge and he called the shots. An extra twenty minutes wouldn't kill anybody. Tightening his grip, he began yanking at himself with a display of excitement that hadn't been seen in years.

  By the time he made it to the stables, freshly showered and dressed, his Omega told him it was 10.15. He'd been given a disapproving frown from Mr A as he'd passed by his office, but other than that suffered no other repercussions for his lateness. It was great being the one in charge. You didn't have to answer to anyone, although he had to admit that Katrina's comment from yesterday still rankled. He'd better haul ass and get Petal in line right quick, because the alternative of handing her reins over to Matthews was unthinkable. He'd rather eat his own testicles.

  When the door to Petal's cell creaked open he was immediately surprised to find the room was in darkness. He'd left the light on intentionally; to make sure she didn't get any shut-eye and would be suffering the torments of sleep deprivation today. Looking up to the wall where she should have been chained standing up, he found... nothing.

  The Dungeon Master

  It was as if she'd never been there. No indentation of her body in the hay, no soft snores, no rustling and no Petal. How the hell had she managed to escape? Opening the door fully and peering around the back of it confirmed there wasn't a soul anywhere in sight. His face creased in puzzlement. What the hell had happened here? His eyes then widened in shock as they found a pair of metal horseshoes flying towards his face with frightening speed.

  Somehow he managed to avoid one but the other caught him hard across the side of his face, sending him flat on his backside and sprawling in the dirt. The black rippling bodysuit of his pony-girl jumped down from the metal restraints embedded in the wall and she didn't give him a second glance as she sprinted towards the barn door. There was no one in there to stop her, either. They'd all left hours ago for their breakfast spanking sessions and various different training regimes.

  Kyle swore, got to his feet and started sprinting. She wouldn't get far. Bursting out of the barn door and listening to the slam as it closed behind him, his eyes searched left and right as they scanned the area. He found her running towards the training block. Of course. She would know the hotel was tacked on to the end of it, if she could just manage to get her ass through the whole of that very long corridor. Seeing as they were headed that way anyway and the fact that he'd never seen her so enthusiastic about exercise, he decided to let her have a little fun. With his long legs he wouldn't need to run that fast in order to keep her in his sights, and she'd be on vapours anyway, having not had any decent food in the past twenty-four hours.

  Thankfully there was no one about to watch his errant pony as she stumbled and skidded her way over the cobblestones towards the grey concrete corridor that she thought would lead to her rescue. As soon as her booted feet set themselves inside the building he let his fingers close around the remote control in his jeans pocket and depressed a single button. She fell to the floor instantly, and he kept his finger firmly upon the button that would deliver her compliance.

  'Feel that, do we?' Kyle was furious. He had a bump on his face the size of an egg and wasn't that going to look oh-so-gorgeous this evening on his date? Isabelle would probably take one look at him and run screaming. Clenching his jaw, as well as both fists, it took him a few seconds to calm the burning rage that threatened to engulf him. Before he did something he'd later regret he managed to prise his finger off the maximum current 'shock' button and bark out one order. 'Down those stairs!'

  Jenny did not need to be told twice. Though the current that had flooded her body was debilitating in the extreme, when she saw the look of fury on his face she managed to battle through the pain of twisted limbs and misfiring circuits to practically throw herself down the stone steps to the entrance of Albrecht's dungeon. Kneeling at the foot of the giant cast iron door she kept her eyes downcast and stifled the sobs that threatened to spill through her gag. She knew without a doubt that her experience in the room beyond was not going to be pleasant. Hearing the footfalls of her trainer slam into the stone, she closed her eyes and wondered what had possessed her to try and escape. Even if she had made it to the hotel she'd have never got past the staff situated all around her. It was a losing battle, but she'd come to accept the fact that the opportunities for escape were going to be so rare she would have to seize them with both hands if and when they presented themselves. As she'd already been due a visit to the dungeon, it hardly mattered that her attempt had failed.

  The footsteps got louder and louder until they nearly deafened her, sounding like an elephant stampede, when in reality it was just one man with a pair of ordinary-sized feet. Well, slightly bigger than average feet, but it mattered not. When the crocodile-skin boots came to rest beside her prone form, she shivered.

  'We're going to have some fun, you and I,' was all he said as he picked up the chain attached to her leash and dragged her forward.

  Jenny's knees scraped along the concrete floor, but she barely noticed. Her eyes darted left to right, examining all the torturous devices and torments the room offered. The dungeon's vast floor space seemed to shrink in an instant and the room closed in around her. For some reason she had not noticed the size of the room on her introductory visit with Mark. Probably because he tended to send her hormones skittering into realms unknown and the last thing on her mind was how big the surrounding area was. Mr Nasty had her thinking about sex, and pretty much nothing else. The cowboy, on the other hand, had her scared witless, although sex was never very far from
her mind in this place. Especially when dressed in the suit from hell. Only a few more hours and she would be released from its relentless grip. She was now at the stage where she would have begged, pleaded and traded vital body parts with the devil in order to be allowed an orgasm. The suit was kicking in at intervals of five minutes or less, and her pussy and ass clenched ceaselessly around their fat dildos in a state of absolute misery.

  'Up on the spanking horse, P.' Kyle gestured towards the leather padded bench. She obeyed unthinkingly. Score one for Albrecht. Where had her feisty, fiery nature disappeared to? Had they knocked all the stuffing out of her already? Oh God, how many days had she been here now? Panic caused her to scuff the toe of her right boot against the rough floor and she nearly threw herself on top of the thin wooden rail, arms flailing either side of it. Her face darted up to discover Kyle's eyes were on her with a mad, incensed gleam and as he fingered the livid red mark that had sprung up in a semicircle just above his left eye, she had cause to wonder whether she would make it out of the cold room alive.

  Deep breaths, Redcliff, she told herself firmly. You are made of sterner stuff than this. They will not break you.

  These thoughts were all very well but it didn't change the fact that there was a maniac in front of her thumbing his way through the dungeon's library of books and none of them looked particularly appealing.

  Picking up a heavy, vellum-bound title from one of the top shelves of the mahogany bookcase, Kyle waved it before her face. 'Sensory deprivation sounds good for starters.' He twisted his head and cracked his neck. 'We'll plug those little ears and blindfold you. You'll be helpless, mewling and probably bawling like a baby after I tie those cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Gagged as you are, I could leave you in here for days and no one would know. I hold that kind of power over you, P. If I want you to rot, I'll find a nice quiet corner, immobilise you and leave you to suffer the torments of inactivity. That's one idea.'


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