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Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance

Page 9

by Daire, Caitlin

  Besides, even though Finn wasn’t the cheating prick I’d initially thought he was, that didn’t mean he was the relationship type. I was pretty sure he wasn’t, and I wasn’t the ‘friends with benefits’ type of girl, so it wouldn’t have worked out anyway….although when I’d seen the shooting star, I’d wished it would.

  Oh well. At least we’d sorted out our issues enough to be friends now. That was better than sneaking around and avoiding each other or sitting through yet another awkward, tension-filled meal with our family.

  I sighed and checked the clock on my bedside table, wondering where my dinner was. It was just past nine o’clock, so it should’ve been here by now. I’d pre-ordered it earlier, because I’d known that I’d be starving after returning from my brief drinks date with Dana and our other friends. Wine always made me hungry.

  Apparently it also made me insane.

  I cringed as I recalled my skanky little dance in Finn’s suite earlier. What the hell was wrong with me? It had been so out of character for me. I’d gone in there to ask them to turn the music down, but the wine I’d had with Dana earlier had chosen that exact moment to hit me, and I’d ended up making a fool of myself by yelling at everyone about the noise, getting into the pettiest argument with Finn I’d ever heard of, and then finally gyrating on Finn’s lap like a stripper as I tried to prove to him that I wasn’t a child. All I’d actually done was succeed in proving that I was a drunk, immature idiot.

  No wine for me from now on. Seriously.

  Just as I was considering getting some sort of brain surgery to wipe out the cringey memory of my lap dance, there was a knock at the door, and I jumped up, excited for my food.

  “Room service!” a voice called out.

  I opened the door, and after the attendant had wheeled in the cart, he grabbed a covered silver serving platter and placed it on my dining table with a plate and cutlery. I smiled and slipped him some cash as a tip. Instead of thanking me, he gave me a strange look and blushed before making a beeline out of my room with the cart, and my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Had I not given him a large enough tip? Perhaps he was used to more, seeing as the Crown was a luxury hotel filled with rich and likely generous guests. Then again, I’d given him more than a fair amount.

  Shrugging to myself, I grabbed the silver dome-shaped cover and lifted it off the serving platter, and my eyebrows shot up as I saw what lay under it, perched on a fancy white doily.

  This was definitely not the seafood dinner I’d ordered.

  I stared at the platter with wide eyes, blinking a few times to make sure I wasn’t just hallucinating. Nope, I wasn’t seeing things—that sly prick Finn had actually done this.

  He’d sent me a pink vibrator. A friggin’ vibrator!

  At least I assumed it was him. Who else would do something like this? The sneaky bastard must have overheard me on the phone to Dana this afternoon, and he’d hijacked my order as a prank. No wonder the room service attendant had seemed so strange around me a few seconds ago! It probably wasn’t often that a hotel guest ordered a sex toy to be delivered on a silver serving platter.

  A small card seemed to have fallen off the box and was sitting on the other side of the platter, and I opened it to see colorful, Christmassy images of reindeer and snowflakes along with a handwritten message: Here’s a real ‘special’ for you tonight – an early Christmas gift from your ever-affectionate stepbrother.

  A-ha. It had been Finn. What a sneaky prick, sending me stuff like this under the guise of an ‘early Christmas gift’. I put the card down and stared at the clear plastic box the toy sat in, still unsure as to whether I should be amused or horrified, and then I grabbed it and pulled the lid off.

  This was seriously one present that Santa would never approve of…

  I’d never had a sex toy before, let alone touched one, and I picked it up and slowly ran the tip of my finger down the smooth shaft of the vibrator. Heat pooled between my legs, and I jumped as I accidentally set the thing to vibrate in my hands.


  I turned it off and set it down on the platter again, giggling even as I tried not to be amused by the whole thing. Anyone else would have been horrified, but I had to admit—Finn had gotten me good. I hadn’t been expecting something like this in a million years.

  Standing up, I retrieved my phone from my bag and sent him a text.

  I thought we were friends now. Do friends send each other sex toys???

  He replied almost immediately. Sure, why not? I actually arranged for that to be sent before our talk on the roof, but still…you have to admit, I’m a good friend, sending you such great gifts ;)

  I rolled my eyes and texted back. Gross. Just when I thought you might actually be a semi-decent guy... I’m sending this back!

  His reply came through instantly. Back to where? The hotel kitchen? Santa and his elves? Haha.

  No, back to the store, you gigantic single-celled organism, I said.

  This time, it took him slightly longer to reply. You won’t be able to return it once it’s been used…although you could always give it to me right after you’re done with it. Maybe your panties too?

  I stared at my phone screen, shocked by his sexually-charged response. Wow…so much for us being friends and nothing more…

  Don’t worry, just kidding, he sent a second later. Maybe I took that a little too far.

  I rolled my eyes again and turned my phone screen off, not even bothering to message him back. We might’ve reached a tentative agreement to be friends earlier, but he was really pushing it with the sleazy jokes about the vibrator. I wasn’t going to use the damn thing!

  Was I?

  A thought crept into my mind, and a small smile played on my lips. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the most appropriate gift for Finn to have given me, but would anyone really ever know if I used it? Of course not. Besides, I may as well try it, seeing as it was just sitting here. I couldn’t very well return it to a store without a receipt anyway, especially seeing as I had no idea which store it was even from.

  It was going to be like an experiment. I’d give the toy a try, and Finn never needed to know.

  Yup, just an experiment…at least that’s what I was telling myself for now.

  No longer hungry, I took a quick shower, changed into my pajamas and then crawled under the sheets of my bed. Just before showering, I’d moved the pink toy onto my left bedside table, and I turned and looked at it, hesitantly biting my lower lip before grabbing it and playing with the vibration settings to test it out. There were three; a slower one, a medium-paced one, and a fast paced one.

  Warm wetness exploded between my legs again, and it was only partly because I was playing with a sex toy. The main reason—as much as I still didn’t want to admit it—was because I was playing with a sex toy which had been given to me by Finn, the sexy thorn in my side. I wanted so badly to replace the toy with him instead, so I could feel his hard cock inside me and his fingers rubbing my clit, but I knew that could never happen.

  His toy would have to be enough.

  After pushing my pajama pants down past my knees, I turned the vibrator onto the medium setting and tentatively lowered it to my already-slick lower lips. Then I trailed it up and down my folds, slowly at first, and then faster as I moved it around my throbbing clit, coaxing and teasing it out as the end of the toy buzzed over and around it.

  I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter, and I moved the toy down before slowly pushing it beyond my entrance. Gasping, I threw my head back and closed my eyes, moans of pleasure falling from my lips as my chest rose and fell with each breath I took. I pumped the vibrator in and out a few times before returning it to my clit, and ripples of ecstasy began to shoot through me, clouding my mind with needful lust.

  Lust for him. Finn.

  Pressure built deep inside of me, and it began to feel like it was about to explode right out of me as I pictured Finn’s smirking face. I moved the vibrator faster, dipping it inside mys
elf again, and I wondered how much better it would feel to have his cock inside me instead, slamming into me and making me cry out.

  As I imagined that, the pressure suddenly exploded out of me, and I screamed and thrashed around on the bed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over me, sweeping me off a cliff and into an ocean of ecstasy. I’d never had an orgasm like this, never touched myself while thinking about such a forbidden subject, and right now, I wasn’t sure I even cared that it was supposedly wrong for me to want Finn.

  This just seemed so right…until the pleasure faded, and I realised it wasn’t.

  No, I’d been right earlier. Finn and I were better off as friends. We both knew it was wrong to want anything more, and we’d both agreed to that out there on the roof earlier. So why the hell were my libido and heart fighting me so much on this one? And what on earth was I going to do about it?

  By the time sleep claimed me a full hour later, I still hadn’t found my answer.

  Chapter Eleven


  After our talk on the rooftop, it was harder than ever to stop thinking about Rory. She occupied my mind twenty-four-seven, so no matter what I was doing, I found myself thinking about her all the time. Even if I was trying to concentrate hard on some other subject, she was always there in the back of my mind.

  I especially liked to think about her playing with the hot pink vibrator I’d had sent to her room. Fuck me, the thought of her playing with herself got me harder than steel. I closed my eyes, and an image immediately flashed through my mind; an image of her sitting on her bed with her legs spread, pink lips glistening with desire as she slid the toy over her clit before plunging it inside that sweet, sweet pussy. I hadn’t had the pleasure of tasting her, obviously, but I could tell—she’d be sweeter than candy.

  I could almost hear her moan in my fantasy world, and I opened my eyes and snapped out of it.

  I knew she’d be a problem for me weeks ago, as soon as I’d realized she was my new stepsister, and the way I usually dealt with problems—by eliminating them—hadn’t seemed to work this time around. I could hardly eliminate such a gorgeous fucking problem, could I?

  I wanted her so fucking badly, and her drunken little lap dance the other night had done nothing for my restraint. Seeing her with her eyes closed and biting her bottom lip as she made a wish on the rooftop hadn’t helped, either. There was only one way to fix the mess we were in, and that was to stay the fuck away as often as possible while acting like a platonic friend the rest of the time we were forced together at family events. I knew my resolve would break if I spent too much time with her. It was already hard as hell staying away, knowing she was only a door down the hall from me.

  I’d managed to steer clear of her for a few days, and I was thankful for the distractions the hotel provided me with. Work was busy, especially with Christmas approaching, and each day seemed to go by faster than the last.

  Tonight, I was going to be working at Helvetica, which was having an especially busy night. It was our annual club Christmas Party, which was held around two weeks before Christmas Day every year. The party always attracted hundreds of club-goers in the mood for festive celebration, and as such, it was almost always one of our busiest nights of the year.

  Getting ready in my room, I showered and put on a simple pair of jeans and a black shirt. My reflection showed me that I looked totally normal, but my heart and mind were messing with me, and I could have sworn the evidence of that was written all over every facial feature. Thoughts of Rory consumed me as always, and lately it seemed like I was only living for those short moments when I bumped into her in the hallway.

  I headed down to the club, my hands forming fists as I tried to stop thinking about her. With every step, every erratic heartbeat, I knew it would be impossible.

  Who would’ve thought...Aurora Villanueva, a girl I hadn’t even known a month ago, had claimed me. If only I were able to take her for myself and claim her in the particular way I so desperately desired.

  Unfortunately, I knew it wasn’t right, and that’s what stung the most. All that potential, gone to waste because our fucking parents had decided to hook up.

  “We have a situation.” Elijah greeted me as soon as I walked into the club, shouting over the pumping bass blaring from the speakers. He usually dealt with the hotel, but on big nights like this, he’d help out at the club as well.

  “Hello to you, too, dearest manager,” I said bitterly.

  He gave me a strange look as I scowled at him. Realizing I was being a prick, I sighed and waved for him to go on. “Sorry. Tell me what’s happening.”

  “Well, first of all, a bunch of people sneaked extra alcohol into the club so they didn’t have to pay at the bars, and they’re drunk out of their minds already, even though the bars only opened an hour ago,” Elijah said, counting on his fingers. “Second, some girls threw up all over the bathrooms and we can’t get a hold of any of the cleaning staff. They’re probably drunk too, knowing our luck.”

  “And what else?” I asked, already tired from all the bullshit that came with running the club during big events like this. Elijah’s eyes grew wider and I gave him an impatient look, waiting for him to go on with the problems. I knew there were more. There were always more. “Come on, I don’t have all night.”

  “And third...err…” Elijah muttered, voice trailing off. I stared him down, only then realizing that he was looking over my shoulder. I quickly turned around, looking down into a familiar face.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I groaned.

  “Hi, sexy,” Candice purred, twirling a long red strand of hair around her finger. I figured she was trying to be all seductive, but my attraction for her had died long before the scene with Rory in the restaurant.

  And by died I mean jumped off a cliff, screaming for death’s mercy, which would still be preferable to her advances. Even the awful dubstep remix of an old Christmas song which was currently playing would be better than the sound of her voice.

  “What do you want?” I asked her in a curt voice, taking a clipboard from Elijah and checking out some stuff as he disappeared faster than the speed of light. “And how did you get in, anyway? Thought you were firmly on the blacklist by now.”

  “I have my ways.” She giggled, a sound so syrupy sweet it almost made bile rise in my throat. “Anyway, just wanted to check up on you, you know…see how you were doing.”

  “Candice,” I said, my voice cold as I finally looked into her eyes. “Can you not take a hint? I’m just not interested anymore. So please, do both of us a favor and leave.”

  “Why?” she asked, her voice high-pitched and whiny. “We’re so good together, Finn. We’re fucking perfect.”

  The curse word sounded filthy coming from her pouty mouth, and I couldn’t help but think how Rory would’ve never said it. I shook my head, trying to push the thought aside and focus on the situation at hand….and if I knew Candice, which I did all too well, I knew there was going to be a situation any moment now.

  “Candice, I’ve made it really fucking clear,” I growled. “I don’t want to be with you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and move on with your life.”

  “But—” she cut in.

  “But nothing.” I raised my palm in the air, my brows furrowing together as I stared her down. “I can’t be any clearer than that. It’s a no, Candice. For the last fucking time, I don’t want to be with you, and I don’t want to see you in Helvetica or around the hotel, either.”

  She pouted, glaring daggers at me, and I waited for the onslaught of curse words to roll off her tongue. Even when we’d been sleeping together, Candice had always loved dirty talk, but what she’d loved more was screaming at me and swearing when I pissed her off.

  “You total jackass! You stupid fuck!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  Bingo, there we go.

  Somehow her voice was more high-pitched than the wailing auto-tuned dubstep singer on the song which was playing at the moment. �
��You’re gonna regret this, you fucking cunt!” she continued as I fixed her with a bored expression.

  “Sure, Candy, whatever you say,” I replied, waving my hand.

  I was tired from the whole ordeal already, and I’d barely even walked into the club. There was a long night ahead of me, so I waved my hand to the security guards and then gestured towards Candice, making sure they escorted her the fuck out of my club.

  I didn’t know what I was going to do about her. I knew she liked getting what she wanted, and she’d managed to cross every line and then some in her efforts to get me back. Thinking back, I didn’t even understand how we’d started hooking up in the first place. Sure, she was hot as hell, but she had nothing on Rory. Speaking of Rory, I needed to stop comparing every damn woman on the planet to her. My stepsister.

  I dealt with the drunken people situation first to distract myself, tipping our cleaning ladies extra to come clean up the mess once I’d managed to get a hold of them. By the time I’d gotten most of the drunkards kicked out of the club, I was annoyed as hell.

  I headed towards one of the bars, even though I usually never drank on the job. Tonight was just one of those nights when I desperately needed some goddamn liquid strength to put up with all this shit. Might as well, anyway. Tis the season to be jolly, and whatnot…

  “Scotch on the rocks,” I said to one of the bartenders, a lanky bearded guy called Nick.

  He gave me a sympathetic smile and started pouring my drink, and as I waited, my eyes drifted across the club, trying to discern if there was any more trouble brewing anywhere. It must’ve been a full moon or something, because people were acting off-their-rocker crazy.

  I was looking for trouble, and trouble I found.


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