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POUNDED BY MY BOSS, complete series (#1-3): First time, fertile, one-on-one and MFM, forbidden, older man younger woman, CMNF

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by Anya Aurelie

  My boss looked me up and down, taking in my firm, creamy skin, and pinched my tiny, pink nipples hard. I loved it, and my eyes opened wide as I stared at him. I reached up and stroked his arms and his chest through the fabric of his button-up shirt, and pinched his nipples too, as best I could. I wondered what he looked like naked, but apparently today was not when I’d get to find out.

  Then I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled him in closer to me, even though I thought he was as deep as he could possibly get inside my body. I was all his.

  I wanted so badly to get filled up with his cum, but I knew this was probably the last time I’d get to fuck my boss, and I wanted to make the most of it. I pushed my hips up against his, pumping into him from below and forcing him to slow his own pace. He took in a deep breath as though trying to slow down and not come too soon, and then he pulled out entirely.

  Oh shit. Was he changing his mind?

  But no. Instead he shifted, turning his body so that he was positioned with his mouth at my pussy and his cock at my mouth, and he fucked my face from above while he licked me. I knew that my pussy was stretched out from his cock, and I wondered what I looked like to him, whether he took pride in stretching me out and pounding me into submission.

  I sure loved it.

  I sucked at his cock hungrily, trying to lick every drop of myself off of him. It tasted amazing, the combination of the two of us, and I loved the feeling of being pinned down by his body as he thrust into my open mouth over and over. I reached up and tickled his balls, cupping them in my palms and squeezing lightly, and he seemed to shiver.

  And then, as I sucked his cock and squeezed his balls and he continued to thrust into me, I felt Brian tense up. I didn’t have enough experience to know what this meant, but I could sure guess when I felt his balls tense too and then begin to throb in my hands. The first load of cum hit the back of my throat, and then Brian pulled out of my mouth and quickly shifted around on the desk on top of me.

  A couple of spurts hit the desk, but most painted my body, hitting my breast, my stomach, my thigh, before he pushed roughly back inside of me to fill my cunt up with his remaining cum. I loved being covered in it, but even more I loved feeling his cock pulse inside of me and knowing that he was doing something very, very naughty and very, very risky. I wasn’t on birth control, and this forbidden man was filling me up to the brink with spurt after spurt of hot cum.

  Yet something about the thought of it was so sexy to me, so hot, so wrong in exactly the right way, that when I felt him throbbing out his release inside of me, I was sent over the edge too. It happened suddenly, not like the slowly rising sensation I’d felt before, but just an all-at-once feeling of being taken. One moment I was receiving his cum, and the next my pussy was clenching and throbbing along with him as the rays of orgasm spread through my body and lit me up, taking control, causing me to almost black out with the intensity of it.

  I tried hard not to scream, not to cry out, but just to enjoy the immense pleasure in silence, but I’m not sure if I succeeded. In that moment everything disappeared around me, even my own hearing and my own awareness of the sounds I was making, so I couldn’t say for sure whether I stayed quiet or screamed so loud the whole building could hear.

  But after a few glorious moments, I felt Brian begin to relax on top of me and inside of me, and I too started to relax as the sensation ebbed and I regained awareness of my surroundings. I took in a huge, shaky breath, exhausted and in the clouds, and stared up at my boss. He rolled off of me and stood up beside his desk, and a moment later I did the same.

  Brian seemed to hesitate, looking around him, before grabbing my swimsuit from the floor on the other side of the desk. “Here, you’re going to have to rinse this out anyway,” he said, and began wiping his cum off my body with the damp suit. I stood still and let him clean me, and when he was done I waited while he rooted around in a closet and found the shirt he’d been looking for.

  I could feel his cum dripping down my inner thighs as I put it on. It was not as big as he’d claimed, and only hit mid-thigh, barely covering my ass. I laughed and looked up at him. “I think I may still have to go home and change,” I said, and he nodded, looking exhausted but satisfied.

  “Do what you need to do,” he said. “Good meeting.”

  I slipped out of the office without seeing anyone, somehow, and out to my car. I was glowing, oozing sex and feeling deliciously naughty. It had happened again, and so unexpectedly. And as I drove home in the middle of the workday wearing my boss’s oversized T-shirt and with cum leaking out of my pussy, a thought appeared in my mind. It was a dirty, naughty thought, and I tried to banish it, but it stuck:

  What if I could fuck him out in the open? On my own desk, right in the middle of the office?

  Surely not. But I couldn’t help but smile…and wonder.


  Keep reading Pounded By My Boss with part 3, available in mid-April 2015, or check out part 1 if you haven’t read it yet!

  Pounded By My Boss, #3

  Thoughts of sex swarmed my brain in those days. Day and night, waking and dreaming, everything reminded me of sex. Someone would say some innocuous word or phrase, and suddenly my mind would be racing off, remembering my boss, Brian, pushing into my tight pussy, spreading me wide open and feeling parts of me so deep and undiscovered that I didn’t even know they were there.

  Or I’d be teaching swim lessons and the swimsuit would fill with water as I demonstrated the stroke, running over my breasts, and I’d remember his fingers, the way he grabbed my breast and squeezed my nipple.

  Or sometimes it happened for no reason at all. I’d be sitting at my desk at work on the phone with someone, and I’d think I was paying attention to the conversation. But a split second later, I’d realize I had drifted off into a waking dream in which Brian was plunging into me over and over, his body pressing down against mine, squeezing me between his warmth and the hard, cool desk below. I’d try to cover for it, but inevitably I’d end up saying something dumb and out of context, and the person would assume I was an intern who didn’t know what I was doing.

  Honestly, that wasn’t too far from the truth.

  I had loved my first two experiences with sex. The way Brian had popped my virgin cherry, the way he’d bent me over his desk and used me, the way he’d taken me hard and filled me with his cum. In those minutes while we were alone in his office, I was all his. Not just boss and employee, but dominant and submissive. Master and slave. Owner and object.

  And I needed more.

  Not to mention, it was a good career move.

  The first time I’d had sex with Brian, it was after he’d told me the Parks Department would have to lay people off. He hadn’t mentioned it again, and in fact had asked me not to tell anyone, that he shouldn’t have told me, but it wasn’t like I could forget. I had traded my virginity for job security, but who knew whether he’d keep his promise.

  If I kept fucking him, though, he was a lot more likely to keep me on staff. Even though I was only part-time in the office and part-time at the swimming pool. Even though I was much less necessary than anyone else in the department.

  I tried not to think about my new colleagues getting laid off. After all, I told myself flippantly, they could do the same thing I could. They just didn’t want it as badly.

  I went in to work that day with all of these thoughts swimming through my head. I was still wet from the pool and smelled like chlorine, but I’d gotten smart and had been stashing my change of clothes in the lifeguard station ever since they’d gotten stolen several days earlier.

  To my surprise, all of my colleagues were in the office. Because I arrived around noon each day, half to three-quarters of my coworkers were typically out at lunch.

  “What’s going on?” I asked the woman whose desk was beside mine.

  She shrugged. “Brian has something planned for lunch today,” she said. My stomach growled. After a morning of teaching swim lessons, I could use
a good lunch.

  When Brian emerged from his office, I looked up at him expectantly, as did the rest of the office. He was tall and muscular, and I wanted to rip his clothes off right then and there. “Everyone gather your stuff together. I have a treat for you today,” he said.

  We all got silent. A treat? What sort of treat? And why was he treating us when I knew layoffs were imminent?

  “I’m buying you all lunch today, out of my personal funds,” he continued. I perked up. “You have a reservation at 12:30. He gave the details of the restaurant, and everyone began gathering their things together.

  “Now, unfortunately,” Brian continued, “I’m not able to go with you because I have some work to finish up here. But I thought you all could use a reward since you’ve been working so hard.”

  I was disappointed not to get to spend time with Brian — not to get to gaze at his muscular arms and look at his soft lips — but as a newly employed eighteen-year-old, I was just excited that someone wanted to buy me lunch. But as I started to stand up and pick up my purse, Brian stopped me.

  “Actually, Nina, I need you to stay here as well,” he said, and I froze.

  What was going on? Was I in trouble? I knew that Brian had told me after the first time we’d had sex that it could never happen again, but it had. Was he feeling guilty? Had someone found out? Had he changed his mind and decided to let me go after all, despite our deal?

  My stomach turned flip-flops inside of me as I waited nervously for my coworkers to file out the door. I was so jealous. I wanted that free meal. And the more I sat here and thought about it, the more sure I was that I was about to get laid off, or worse. Would Brian provide a recommendation for me when I applied elsewhere?

  I was kicking myself. What the hell had I been thinking, sleeping with my boss? It had felt so amazing, and he’d been the initiator both times, but still. It was a mistake, and I was an idiot for going along with it.

  Finally, after what felt like ages, all my coworkers had filed out the door. Brian went back into his office, and I stared at my computer, trying to get work done while feeling like a failure. And god, I was horny too. The morning spent in a tight swimsuit had had the same effect as normal, leaving me craving cock or at least my own finger, but I didn’t dare sneak off to the restroom. Not today. Not now.

  After a few minutes Brian came back out of his office and strode to the front door of the building. Yanking it open, he looked both directions, then closed it again and locked it from the inside.

  “What are you…?” I was so confused. My heart beat faster. If he was about to fire me, why was he locking the door?

  “Nina,” he said in a commanding voice. “Come here.”

  I stood up on shaky legs and walked toward him. “I’m glad I was able to find an opportunity to talk to you with everyone else out of the office. Well —” he corrected himself, “I’m glad I was able to create an opportunity, anyway.”

  I waited. I just wanted it to be over with. If he was going to get rid of me, I wanted him to do it now, rip it off like a Bandaid, so I could go home, get in bed…and rub my clit for the rest of the day, trying to make myself feel better.

  “I know that you didn’t want to sleep together a second time…” I began. Was there a polite, professional way to say ‘but you started it’? “But, um…” Why was I the one feeling like I’d done something wrong here?

  To my surprise, my boss laughed. “But we did start it,” he said, and the casualness of his tone was the last thing I was expecting. “So why not take advantage of our time alone in the office?”

  “Huh?” I said. The shock must’ve been evident on my face, because Brian burst out laughing even harder then. “What did you think I was going to say? That I have a bunch of filing for you to do?”

  “I — no, I thought you were going to lay me off,” I said in amazement.

  “Of course not,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. He looked me up and down, just like he’d done those two other times in his office. I could feel his eyes tracing the curves of my body, and wondered if he’d bought everyone lunch just for this purpose.

  “On your knees,” he said, and I obediently dropped down in front of him. He smelled so good, woodsy and manly, with just the slightest hint of sweat, like he’d been working outside. Like a good Parks Department director should.

  I looked up at Brian, and he grinned down at me and leaned back against the door. Then he unzipped his slacks without unbuttoning them at the top, and pulled out his cock. It was the first time I’d seen it not yet fully hard, though it was already on its way.

  “Suck me hard,” he commanded, and I took it into my mouth right away. It was the first time I’d seen or touched a cock in this state, and it felt funny in my mouth, soft and pliable, unlike what I’d felt from him before.

  It was such a strange feeling, being out here in the open in the office. There was my desk, only feet away from where I knelt in front of him. There were my coworkers’ desks. I was afraid that at any moment someone would walk into the office. Was he sure no one was in the back of the office? Had everyone really gone to lunch?

  As I licked the head of his cock and took the length of him into my mouth, he hardened against my tongue. “That’s it,” he said, and I swirled my tongue against him. I loved the feeling of him responding to my touch, and I moved faster as I felt his hardness growing. Then I reached up and fondled his balls through his pants, then got brave and reached into his pants to touch them in the flesh.

  He groaned. “Keep going,” he encouraged.

  This was such a turn-on. I loved sucking cock. I could’ve done it all day, if it weren’t for the hard floor beneath my knees. I pulled his balls out from between the opening in the fabric of his pants and fondled them while I continued to lick up and down the length of him.

  He was fully hard now, and I glanced around self-consciously, sure one of our colleagues was about to appear.

  “They’re gone,” he assured me. “They’re all gone. I made sure of it.”

  I took him deep into my throat and held him there, and he moaned and pulled my head against him from the back, digging his fingers into my hair and drawing me to him. I loved the feeling of being restrained against him.

  When he finally let me go, I pulled back and sucked in a few breaths while I had the chance. Soon he had pushed me back up against him and I was holding my breath all over again, forcing his cock deeper and deeper down my throat. I could feel the tip of it tickling me deep inside, and he was fully hard now, throbbing and firm.

  I loved that I could do this to him. Me. I was the one he was hard for. I was turning him on so much that I had made him go from totally soft and talking to his other employees just a few minutes ago to completely hard now. Just me.

  Yet Brian was the one who had all the power in the situation. He pulled me up to my feet then and kissed me roughly on the mouth while grabbing my tits. He squeezed them hard, manhandled them in his palms and between his fingers. He found my nipples with both hands and squeezed them too between thumb and forefinger, treating me like a sex toy just there for his pleasure. It was such an enormous turn-on. I could feel myself get wetter, and wanted so badly for him to reach down into my pants and feel how wet he’d made me.

  Instead, he reached beneath my shirt and trailed one hand up toward my breasts. He moved beneath the underwire of my bra and grabbed a handful of my tit. His other hand moved around the back of me and grabbed my ass, squeezing it tightly and drawing me into him. I was totally in his control.

  Then he pulled my shirt up and over my head in a single movement, and I stood there in the middle of our office in my bra. Again I looked around me. Out of habit this didn’t seem possible, that I could be making out with my boss right here where I worked every day, where my coworkers worked. Surely someone would catch us.


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