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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

Page 109

by Story, Ronald



  Adamski, George, and Desmond Leslie. Flying Saucers Have Landed (The British Book Centre/Werner Laurie, 1953).

  Adamski, George. Inside the Space Ships (Abelard-Schuman, 1955).

  Andrews, George C. Extraterrestrials Among Us (Llewellyn, 1986).

  ________. ExtraTerrestrial Friends and Foes (IllumiNet Press, 1993).

  Angelucci, Orfeo M. The Secret of the Saucers (Amherst Press, 1955).

  Arnold, Kenneth, and Ray Palmer. The Coming of the Saucers (privately published, 1952).

  Barker, Gray. They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers (University Books, 1956).

  Barry, Bill. Ultimate Encounter (Pockets Books, 1978).

  Bender, Albert K. Space Review—Complete File (Saucerian Books, 1962).

  Binder, Otto. Flying Saucers Are Watching Us (Tower, 1968).

  _______________. What We Really Know About Flying Saucers (Fawcett, 1967).

  Bloecher, Ted. Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 (privately published, 1967).

  Blum, Ralph and Judy. Beyond Earth: Man’s Contact with UFOs (Bantam Books, 1974).

  Boylan, Richard J. Close Extraterrestrial Encounters (Wild Flower Press, 1994).

  Cohn, Norman. Warrant for Genocide (Harper & Row, 1967).

  Creighton, Gordon. “The Villa Santina Case” in The Humanoids edited by Charles Bowen (Henry Regnery, 1969).

  Crowe, Michael J. The Extraterrestrial Life Debate, 1750-1900 (Dover, 1999).

  Dickhoff, Robert E. Homecoming of the Martians (Health Research, 1958, 1964).

  Druffel, Ann, and D. Scott Rogo. The Tujunga Canyon Contacts (Prentice-Hall, 1980).

  Edwards, Frank. Flying Saucers—Serious Business (Lyle Stuart/Bantam Books, 1966).

  _________________. Flying Saucers—Here and Now! (Lyle Stuart, 1967; Bantam Books, 1968).

  Emenegger, Robert. UFO’s: Past Present and Future (Ballantine Books, 1974).

  Fawcett, George. “UFO Repetitions,” Flying Saucers (February 1965).

  ________________. “Flying Saucers: Explosive Situation for 1968,” Flying Saucers (April 1968).

  Fawcett, Lawrence, and Greenwood, Barry. Clear Intent (Prentice-Hall, 1984). Reprinted as The UFO CoverUp (Fireside, 1992).

  Flammonde, Paris. The Age of Flying Saucers (Hawthorne, 1971).

  _________________. UFO Exist! (Ballantine, 1976).

  Fowler, Raymond E. Casebook of a UFO Investigator (Prentice-Hall, 1981).

  _________________. The Andreasson Affair (Prentice-Hall, 1979; Bantam Books, 1980; Wild Flower Press, 1994).

  _________________. The Andreasson Affair—Phase Two (Prentice-Hall, 1982; Wild Flower Press, 1994).

  _________________. The Watchers (Bantam Books, 1990).

  _________________. The Watchers II (Wild Flower Press, 1995).

  _________________. The Andreasson Legacy (Marlowe, 1997).

  _________________. UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors (Prentice-Hall, 1974).

  Frosch, John. The Psychotic Process (International University Press, 1983).

  Fuller, Curtis G., ed. Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress (Warner Books, 1980).

  Fuller, John G. The Interrupted Journey (The Dial Press, 1966; Dell, 1967).

  _______________. Incident at Exeter (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1966; Berkley, 1974).

  Fuller, John G. Aliens in the Skies (G. P. Putnam’s Sons/Berkley, 1969).

  Gaddis, Vincent H. Mysterious Fires and Lights (David McKay, 1967; Dell, 1968).

  Gatti, Art. UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind (Zebra, 1978).

  Gibbons, Gavin. The Coming of the Space Ships (The Citadel Press, 1958).

  Gillmor, Daniel S., ed. Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects (Bantam, 1969).

  Girvan, Waveney. Flyings Saucers and Common Sense (The Citadel Press, 1955).

  Good, Timothy. Above Top Secret (Sidgwick and Jackson, 1987; Morrow/Quill, 1988).

  _________________. Alien Contact (William Morrow, 1993).

  _________________. Alien Base (Avon, 1998).

  Gross, Loren. UFOs: A History (Arcturus Book Service, 1982).

  Gross, Loren. UFOs: A History, Vol. 1: July 1947-December 1948 (Arcturus Book Service, 1982).

  Hall, Richard, ed. The UFO Evidence (NICAP, 1964).

  . Uninvited Guests. (Aurora, 1988).

  Heard, Gerald. Is Another World Watching? (Harper, 1951).

  Heseman, Michael. UFOs: The Secret History (Marlowe, 1998).

  Hind, Cynthia. African Encounters (Gemini, 1982).

  Hopkins, Budd. Intruders (Random House, 1987; Ballantine, 1988).

  _________________. Missing Time (Richard Marek, 1981; Ballantine, 1988).

  _________________. Witnessed (Pocket Books, 1996).

  Howe, Linda. Glimpses of Other Realities: volume 1: Facts and Eyewitnesses (1993, 1998).

  Hynek, J. Allen. The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry (Henry Regnery, 1972).

  Hynek, J. Allen, and Vallée, Jacques. The Edge of Reality (Henry Regnery, 1975).

  Jacobs, David M. Secret Life (Simon & Schuster, 1992).

  _________________. The Threat (Simon & Schuster, 1998).

  Jessup, Morris K. The Case for the UFO (The Citadel Press, 1955; Vero edition/Saucerian, 1973).

  Jung, C.G. Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (Routledge & Kegan Paul/Harcourt, Brace & Co. 1959; Signet/NAL, 1969; Princeton University Press, 1978).

  Keel, John A. UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1970). Also published as Why UFOs (Manor Books, 1976).

  _________________. The Mothman Prophecies (Saturday Review Press/E. P. Dutton, 1975; Signet/NAL, 1976).

  _________________. The Eighth Tower (Saturday Review Press/E. P. Dutton, 1975).

  _________________. Our Haunted Planet (Fawcett, 1971). Keyhoe, Donald E. Aliens From Space (Doubleday, 1973).

  _________________Flying Saucers From Outer Space (Henry Holt, 1953).

  _________________. Flying Saucers From Outer Space (Henry Holt, 1953).

  _________________. Flying Saucers—Top Secret (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1960).

  _________________. The Flying Saucer Conspiracy (Henry Holt, 1955).

  _________________. The Flying Saucers Are Real (Fawcett, 1950).

  Kottmeyer, Martin S. “What’s Up Doc?” Magonia (October 1992).

  _________________. “Swinging Through the Sixties,” Magonia (March 1993).

  _________________. “Shams and Shepherds,” Magonia (June 1993).

  Lewels, J. The God Hypothesis (Wild Flower Press, 1997).

  Loftin, Robert. Identified Flying Saucers (McKay, 1968).

  Lore, Gordon. Strange Effects from UFOs (NICAP, 1969).

  Lorenzen, Coral and Jim. Abducted! Confrontations with Beings from Outer Space (Berkley, 1977).

  _________________. Encounters with UFO Occupants (Berkley, 1976).

  _________________. Flying Saucer Occupants (Signet/NAL, 1967).

  _________________. UFOs Over the Americas (Signet/NAL, 1968).

  _________________. UFOs: The Whole Story (Signet/NAL, 1969).

  Lorenzen, Coral E. Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space (Signet/NAL, 1962, 1966).

  Machlin, Milt. UFO (Quick Fox, 1981).

  Mack, John E. Abducted (Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1994).

  _________________. Passport to the Cosmos (Crown, 1999). Magor, John. Aliens Above, Always (Hancock House, 1983).

  Melges, Frederick T., and Arthur Freeman. “Persecutory Delusions: A Cybernetic Model,” American Psychiatry (October 1975).

  Michel, Aimé. The Truth About Flying Saucers (S. G. Phillips, 1956; Pyramid Books, 1967).

  _________________. Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery (Criterion, 1958).

  Miller, Max B. Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction? (Trend Books, 1958).

  Moseley, James W. “The Solution to the Flying Saucer Mystery,” Saucer News (June-July 1956).

  Official G
uide to UFOs, The. Editors of Science & Mechanics (Davis Publications/Ace Books, 1968).

  Peebles, Curtis. Watch the Skies: A Chronicle of the Flying Saucer Myth (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994; Berkley Books, 1995).

  Randles, Jenny. Star Children (Sterling, 1995).

  Reeve, Helen and Bryant. Flying Saucer Pilgrimage (Amherst Press, 1957).

  Rogo, D. Scott. The Haunted Universe (Signet/NAL, 1977).

  Rogo, D. Scott, ed. Alien Abductions (Signet/NAL, 1980).

  Rogo, D. Scott, and Clark, Jerome. Earth’s Secret Inhabitants (Tempo, 1979).

  Rogo, D. Scott, and Druffel, Ann. The Tujunga Canyon Contactss (Prentice-Hall, 1980; Signet/NAL, 1989).

  Ruppelt, Edward J. The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects (Doubleday/Ace Books, 1956).

  Scully, Frank. Behind the Flying Saucers (Henry Holt, 1950).

  Steiger, Brad, and Whritenour, Joan. Flying Saucers Are Hostile. (Award Books, 1967).

  _________________. Flying Saucer Invasion Target Earth (Award/Tandem, 1969).

  Steiger, Brad. The Seed (Berkley, 1983).

  _________________. Strangers From the Skies (Award Books, 1966).

  _________________. The UFO Abductors (Berkley Books, 1988).

  _________________. Alien Meetings (Grosset & Dunlap/Ace Books, 1978).

  _________________. The Flying Saucer Menace (Award Books, 1967).

  _________________. Gods of Aquarius: UFOs and the Transformation of Man (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976).

  Steiger, Brad, and Sherry Hansen. UFO Odyssey (Ballantine Books, 1999).

  _________________. The Rainbow Conspiracy (Kensington Books, 1994).

  Steiger, Brad and Francie. The Star People (Berkley Books, 1981).

  Story, Ronald D., ed. The Encyclopedia of UFOs (Doubleday/New English Library, 1980).

  Stringfield, Leonard H. Inside Saucer Post—3-0 Blue (Moeller, 1957).

  _________________. Situation Red: The UFO Siege (Doubleday, 1977).

  Trench, Brinsley le Poer. The Flying Saucer Story (Ace, 1966).

  Vallée, Jacques. Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965; Ace Books, 1966).

  _________________. Challenge to Science (Henry Regnery/Ace Books, 1966).

  _________________. Passport to Magonia (Henry Regnery, 1969; Neville Spearman, 1970).

  _________________. Messengers of Deception (And/Or Press, 1979; Bantam Books, 1980).

  _________________The Invisible College (E. P. Dutton, 1975).

  _________________. Dimensions (Contemporary Books, 1988).

  _________________. Revelations (Ballantine Books, 1991).

  _________________. Confrontations (Ballantine Books, 1990).

  _________________. Forbidden Science (Marlowe, 1996).

  Ware, Donald, in UFOs and the Alien Presence, edited by Michael Lindemann (Wild Flower, 1998).

  Wilkins, Harold T. Flying Saucers on the Attack (Ace, 1967).

  _________________. Flying Saucers Uncensored (The Citadel Press, 1955).

  Wilson, Colin. Alien Dawn (Fromm International, 1998).

  Timmerman, John P. (b. 1923). As a Lima. Ohio businessman. Timmerman became associated with astronomer J. Allen Hynek in 1979 and provided major funding for the operation of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) for many years. Timmerman graduated from Cornell University in 1950, at which time he became interested in investigating UFO sighting reports.

  In 1980 Timmerman became Chairman and Treasurer of the Center and created the traveling UFO Photo Exhibit Research Project, which began appearing in shopping centers, universities, and at conferences throughout the United States and Canada. In May 1980 he created the CUFOS Associate Newsletter and served as its editor and publisher until it was discontinued in July 1985.

  When CUFOS moved from a public office located in Evanston in 1981, Timmerman assumed much of the business operation responsibility for Dr. Hynek and opened a public access office with paid staff in Lima. Ohio, where he produced the International UFO Reporter edited by Dr. Hynek from January 1982 until the Lima office was combined with a new facility near Chicago, which was opened when Dr. and Mrs. Hynek moved from Evanston, Illinois, to Scottsdale, Arizona in 1985.

  John Timmerman

  In 1981, Timmerman successfully negotiated the transfer of the NICAP files from their location in Gaithersburg, Maryland, to Chicago where they are now combined with the case files in the offices of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies.

  In December of 1985 Timmerman retired as Chairman of CUFOS. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies as Public Relations Vice President, Treasurer, and Manager of the photo exhibit project.


  P. O. Box 1621

  Lima, OH 45802


  POSITION STATEMENT: The UFO Phenomenon is still far more complex than originally thought to be by most researchers. The proper study of the subject will require consideration of the complex nature of human mental processes as well as a better understanding of the physical nature of our planet and of the universe using our best scientists and technologies. Anecdotal information will remain our major public source for study until a way is found to share with the many varied cultural groups in today’s world without serious social disruption the realities now held secretly by agencies of many governments of the world regarding the UFO Phenomenon.


  Top Secret/Majic (Marlowe, 1996).Stanton Friedman tries to make a case that the Majestic-12 documents are authentic and reveal a secret government cabal controlling public knowledge about UFO crashes and the retrieval of alien bodies. He expands upon his earlier contentions that “the wreckage of at least two very advanced flying saucers in New Mexico in 1947” resulted in a backengineering program which developed the transister and other technological breakthroughs.


  transformation required to join the Galactic Society As we enter the new millennium, the pace of human activity is increasing rapidly. This also seems to be true for the nonhuman intelligence in this part of the galaxy, whether we call them aliens, visitors, watchers, angels, or archangels. We are in the process of joining a Galactic Society, both individually and collectively. Not everyone will do it in this lifetime; however, I sense that 700-800 million of us have at least started that process. Some of these people are called New Agers. In The RA Material they are called 4th-density beings. (Elkins and Rueckert, 1982)

  In Paradigm Wars: Worldviews for a New Age (1996), Dr. Mark Woodhouse calls them the rising culture. My observation of a rapidly increasing spiritual awareness, of environmental activism from the grass roots to the highest levels of government, and of the prophecy in The Urantia Book suggests that these 4th-density beings will become the dominant culture in this century. The Old Agers are on the way out. The meek will inherit the Earth.

  In 1952 my world was mainly my family and friends and the woods, streets, and schools of Arlington, Virginia. Then I saw seven UFOs and became a truthseeker. Now my world has been transformed. We are not all at the same level of acceptance of what is happening on this planet. Some of my ideas way seem very strange. However, please keep a large mental hold basket to store those ideas that don’t make sense to you. You may reject them later if you choose. I am not tying to convince anyone of anything, but just sharing with other truthseekers what I have come to accept as real after forty-eight years of study.

  UFOs represent, in part, the angelic force associated with the Second Coming operation. Ascended masters are real. Pleiadians are real. Zeta Reticulans are real. Arcturians, Aethiens, Andromies, and Essasanies are real. And I hope you do not feel slighted if I left out your favorite aliens. There are others out there.

  Crop circles are real, and some are faked. Underground and undersea bases are real. The 1952 MJ-12 briefing and the 1954 Special Operations Manual 1-01 are real. The covert release of the MJ-12 manual, entitled “Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and D
isposal,” I believe, is a result of the 1993 Rockefeller White House initiative. I also believe that pressure from members of the not-so-secret world government caused a covert release of the alien autopsy film.

  Because of the “prime directive” of the local galactic council, most of the information associated with the film is disinformation to protect the worldviews of those who are not ready for the alien presence. One pragmatic reason for the prime directive is to separate the necessary fact of human/alien hybrids from the awake consciousness of the Old Agers. I also believe that both spiritual inspiration and alien liaison are real.


  Intelligent life is abundant throughout the universe. God is abundant throughout the universe. He is in you and me, in Zetas and Pleiadians, and in angels and archangels. Everything evolves. Galaxies, planets, our physical bodies, and spirit all evolve. God evolves. In considering human evolution I think it is important to recognize that we have at least four bodies: our physical body and three energy bodies. These energy bodies are the mental body, the emotional body, and the spiritual body. As we join the Galactic Society and gain greater access to the consciousness of “heaven,” I think we are upgrading our physical and mental bodies. This seems to be a joint human/alien program. The universe is so complex it is beyond our ability to fully comprehend. However, with considerable effort and assistance from our guides, we can greatly expand our awareness of it.

  Levels of Evolution: We have been taught about levels of evolution from several sources. I will outline two that I find useful. Seven “densities of reality” are taught in the RA material. The 1st density includes non-living matter: water, minerals, rock. Second in the hierarchy of evolutionary existence are plants and animals that are not self-aware. Third are humans and cetaceans, which include dolphins and whales. At this level, veils separate the conscious from the unconscious mind to expedite evolutionary polarization of consciousness through free-will. The soul’s mission through multiple incarnations is to choose either service to others or service to self.


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