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Heart Song Anthology

Page 2

by Carolyn Faulkner

  “I need to move the chair you were sitting on.” His tone was matter-of-fact; as were the hands he put on my shoulders to gently move me aside so that he could get to the chair. Cody picked it up as if it were weightless and moved it out into the center of the floor before turning around and sitting down. “I moved this chair so that you won’t accidentally get hurt if you struggle while I’m spanking you.”

  I looked at him in dismay. “You’re planning to spank me that hard?” My voice squeaked with dread and, if I am to be completely honest, with fear.

  “I’m planning to punish you, Jennifer,” he told me, his eyes full of sympathy as he tried to calm my fears. “A spanking does hurt; it’s the whole point. But, I give you my word that I’m not going to harm you. There is a big difference, you know.”

  I nodded, but my mouth was dry and I seriously didn’t know what to do with my hands. My bottom was clenching and releasing in anticipation of being struck, and I was afraid I was going to cry. “Must you really do this, Cody? I am sorry, and I promise you I have learned my lesson. I will never lie again, not for any reason. I’m so sorry I involved you in my deceit, and I give you my word that I am going to go and talk to Mom and make things right. I am through behaving like a teenager who is trying to do something sneaky without her parents finding out. I’m too old to behave like that.” I was ashamed and embarrassed.

  “I’m happy to hear that you’re going to tell your mom the truth, Jenn, but it does nothing to erase the fact that you lied in the first place. Every action has a reaction, and when you do something wrong, there is a consequence. You need to face the consequence now and get it over with. Walk on over here and we’ll get this spanking started.”

  Chapter 2

  The steady look in his eyes drew me to him, even though I felt like running out the door and not looking back. When I was in front of him, he took my hands and pulled me around to his right side, and then, to my horror and shock, Cody reached under my chef coat to grab the waistband of my pants and he jerked them down to my knees, leaving my bottom covered only by my white nylon panties. White panties were the only ones I could wear under the thin fabric of the white chef pants without the risk of them showing through. Personally, I think it’s tacky when you can see through someone’s slacks or shorts and see their panties underneath.

  “Cody, you didn’t say anything about this!” I squealed in protest, reaching for his hands to stop him, but I was already too late. When I made as if to pull the pants back up, he shook his head ‘no’ and simply took my hands and pulled me down over his hard, muscular thighs. I’d never felt so vulnerable in my entire life. My bottom was sticking up in the air as if begging for a spanking.

  “All right, Jennifer.” His hand patted my bottom and I knew that my chef coat had fallen up over my body, leaving my bottom uncovered by anything but my panties. “Tell me why this spanking is going to happen.”

  I wasn’t being sassy when I replied, “You know why, Cody!” I wondered why he would ask me such a thing, and I feared he might be making fun of me.

  “Yes, I do know why, but I want to be sure you know why this is going to happen.”

  “Of course, I know!” I was indignant. “We just discussed this.”

  “You don’t understand, Jenn. It is part of your punishment to tell me why you are being spanked and to ask me to punish you as you deserve.”

  “You want to humiliate me too?” I demanded, my feelings hurt now that I understood his real motives.

  “I want to make this spanking memorable so that you remember it the next time you are tempted to lie about anything.” He paused, obviously waiting on me to do as he said, but I thought it was too much and I wasn’t going to do it. “Jennifer, I am waiting.”

  “You can keep right on waiting, then, Cody Andrews! I didn’t agree to having my pants pulled down, and I didn’t agree to being humiliated! If you are going to spank me, then do it and get it over with!” Yes, I was feeling very irritated and I didn’t know why. Well, that isn’t exactly true. This spanking was nothing like my fantasies. I wasn’t feeling a bit sexy in the moment, and I just wanted to go home and have myself a good cry. How on earth was I ever going to face Cody in the morning after he’d seen my plump bottom in a pair of boring white panties?

  “Jennifer, I know that you are upset right now; getting your first spanking at your age has to be embarrassing. But, you might as well know right now that I won’t be talked to like that, especially not when you are the one over my knee for discipline. I suggest you make this spanking easier on yourself by doing as you are told. I would hate to have to give you a spanking for attitude before we address the real issue of your lying. You won’t want two spankings tonight.” He paused, then repeated himself, “Why are you going to be spanked tonight, Jenn?”

  I was either going to have to swallow my pride or make matters worse for myself. “Cody, I am already embarrassed, and I’ve expressed remorse. Why do you insist that I tell you I was a bad girl when we both know it, or I wouldn’t be lying here half-dressed over your knee? You know that I lied to my mom and involved you in my lie. I’m not some dimwit idiot who could possibly forget why you are upset with me in so short a time! Please, if you are going to spank me, do it and get it over with. The waiting is unbearable.”

  I was on the verge of tears. The knowledge that he was staring at my butt with every intention of smacking it was making me sick to my stomach. Did he think I was chubby? I knew my behind was well padded; my panties were quite snug, and there wasn’t much hidden from his view. None of this was the way I imagined it would be the first time he saw me unclothed. “Please get it over with,” I whispered, begging.

  “Very well, Jenn; you said the words I wanted to hear, even if you included them in a scold. I will permit you to do that this one time since it is your first spanking, and since you are not used to being held accountable. I wouldn’t advise you to do it again,” he said, and I was insulted since I didn’t feel I’d done anything wrong in expressing my point of view and giving my opinion.

  I was ready to answer when his hand suddenly cracked against my lower right cheek. I yelped from the sudden burning pain and I could easily envision Cody’s handprint covering my delicate skin. I have red hair, and the pale white skin to go with it. I sunburn easily if I am not careful, and during the summer months I spend a lot of money on sunscreen just so I can be outside like a normal person. He gave me another sharp spank on my left cheek, and once more I cried out in pain.

  “Stop, Cody! You are hurting me!” I called to him. “I promise you I have learned my lesson.”

  “I’ve only given you two swats, Jenn; I’ve barely started! Now settle down and accept your spanking.”

  Cody started spanking me then, and it hurt more than I thought a spanking could hurt. My skin felt like it was on fire from the repeated smacks and I couldn’t help kicking my feet up and down. I felt my clogs fly off, and my pants quickly followed. I couldn’t lie still despite Cody warning me he was going to pin my legs down if I didn’t settle. I had no idea of how he was going to do that, but I didn’t care at that moment. The spanking hurt and I had to do something!

  Cody’s answer to my kicking was to shift me forward over his left thigh and then trap my legs with his right leg. I found I couldn’t kick, and I panicked. “Let me go! Let me go right now! You’re killing me!”

  “I’m not killing you, young lady. I am giving you a sound spanking, and if you weren’t so spoiled by your parents, you would realize that I’m taking it pretty easy on you. Settle down. This spanking isn’t going to end until you accept your punishment and express genuine remorse.”

  That was his word on the subject, and all of my protesting made no difference. When I tried to reach back with my hand to protect my sore bum, he merely captured my arm and pinned it to my side while he held me down and spanked my bottom, then my upper thighs, and if that wasn’t enough, he turned his attention to the sensitive area in between. I cried, and I finally went limp.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry I lied, Cody! Please forgive me!”

  “Do you promise not to lie about me again?” he asked, accompanying his words with another firm spank.

  “Yes, I promise!” I wondered if he forgot that I had already promised that same thing.

  “Do you promise not to lie again, period?”

  “Yes!” The spank he gave me was a scorcher.

  “Good. I’m going to give you ten more, young lady, and then we’ll be finished. These will be the hardest ones yet, and I expect you to lie still and accept them.”

  “I don’t need ten more, Cody! I’m sorry as I can be, and my poor bottom is so sore that I won’t be able to sit down for days! Please, let it be enough now.”

  “Jennifer, I could increase the ten to twenty, and I could send you into the kitchen to fetch a wooden spoon.”

  If his words were meant to frighten me, they did! I went completely still and stopped kicking. “No, please, Cody! I couldn’t handle that at all! Please don’t!” The wooden spoons in our kitchen were thick and the bowls on them were large. I couldn’t imagine getting spanked with one of those while my butt was so darn sore. “I’ll accept the ten,” I quickly promised, bracing myself for agony. I held the muscles in my buttocks and thighs as tightly as possible, hoping his hand would simply bounce off without leaving behind more pain.

  “Relax, Jennifer. It just hurts all the more if you clench your muscles.” His hand patted me, which certainly didn’t make me relax. Then I felt his hand between my thighs, prying them apart. “Open your legs, Jenn. If you can’t relax your muscles and take your spanking, then I’ll spread your legs apart; you won’t be able to clench those muscles then.” He released my right leg and used his leg to keep mine separated.

  There was nothing I could do. Ten more spanks would hurt, of course, but I would survive. I would definitely have to go and look for another job. I couldn’t possibly work for Cody after he’d seen me like this. It wouldn’t do at all. And, I was positive I would never again fantasize about getting a spanking.

  The last ten spanks were swift and I didn’t have time to catch my breath before they were over and I was a wretched mess of a girl sobbing over Cody’s lap, in too much pain to move, even though the punishment was obviously over. I hurt something awful, and the embarrassment I felt was even worse than the physical pain. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. I never wanted to see Cody Andrews again. I couldn’t possibly love the man after he treated me like a child. I just couldn’t. I didn’t want him to see me right now. I don’t cry pretty. I knew my face was swollen, and covered with red blotches. My lips were swollen, too, and would be red as could be, a telltale sign that I’d cried and cried and acted like a baby. No, I did not want Cody to see me now. I was ugly!

  “Let me help you up, Jenny.” Cody used my childhood nickname, and I cried even harder. I couldn’t imagine anyone spanking a child as hard as I’d just been spanked. Still, Cody easily lifted me as though I weighed next to nothing, and I found myself sitting on my burning backside on his lap, right where he’d held me to spank me! I tried to get up, but his arms tightened around me, and he held me securely. “It’s all right, Jenny. You’re forgiven now. Go ahead and cry it out. I’ll hold you and keep you safe.” His voice was so gentle, and even though his arms were tight around me, they weren’t threatening in any way. Cody was doing his best to reassure me now, and it was exactly what I needed.

  “I’m so sorry,” I managed to blubber through my sobs.

  “I know you are, Jenny. I hated having to do that to you, but you can’t go around telling lies. It could get you into all kinds of trouble.” He rubbed my back and simply offered comfort, telling me it was all over now and I had a fresh slate. He wasn’t teasing me or mocking me, and when I finally managed to stop crying, he produced a clean handkerchief and pressed it into my hand. I immediately wiped my eyes and then blew my nose. Reason was slowly returning, and I was uncomfortably aware that I was almost nude from the waist down, sitting on Cody’s lap, and my backside was protesting the sitting. I didn’t know what would be worse, sitting as I was, or getting to my feet and drawing attention to a part of my body that was raising dickens with me for getting into trouble!

  “There is no need to be embarrassed, Jenny. You did really well for the first time.”

  “How could anyone do that to a child?” I demanded. “It was awful!”

  “I didn’t spank you as a child, Jenn. I spanked you as a grown woman is spanked. A few spanks wouldn’t have been enough to get your attention and you wouldn’t have taken me seriously. You earned a lesson, and that is what you received.”

  “I hurt,” I told him, aware that I sounded like I was whining.

  “You are pouting now, Jenn, and that is also normal, but you need to stop. The cure for pouting and sulking is another spanking and I am sure you are too sore to contemplate another spanking on top of the one you just had.” His eyes were twinkling and reflected his humor.

  “I never ever want another spanking, Cody Andrews. It was nothing like I expected it would be. I had no idea it would hurt so much, or that I would beg you to stop and sob my heart out.”

  “What did you expect, Jenn? A few soft pats and a, ‘Don’t do that again, young lady.’ You wouldn’t have learned a thing if I’d given you a child’s punishment.” When I looked at the floor and said nothing, he continued. “Perhaps you expected the kind of spanking that feels good, and ends up in bed with great sex?”

  Okay, my face flooded a telltale bright red, and only a fool wouldn’t have realized he was on the right track. “I see,” he said, and my eyes filled with tears again. “Now, don’t cry. I understand now, and I’m sorry you were disappointed. I prefer that kind of spanking, too, Jenn.”

  “No, you don’t understand a thing!” My emotions were on a roller coaster and I was unable to keep from crashing and telling him everything. “I’ve watched you date woman after woman and break up, but do you ever look at me? No!” I yelled. “Do you ever notice that I am right here under your nose? No! I have had so many fantasies with you as the star, and then, the one time you do notice me, you make me feel like a naughty child. You threatened to fire me if I didn’t accept the spanking, and since that would be the worst thing ever, given the fact that I really am in love with you, I took the spanking. But you really hurt me, Cody. You ruined everything!” I jumped up off his lap, grabbed my pants and my clogs, and hurried into them. Then I ran into the break room, opened my locker to get my things, and hurried out the back door of the restaurant, leaving Cody Andrews sitting on that damn chair.

  I arrived at my apartment and headed straight for the shower, leaving a trail of clothing behind me. I have a full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door, and after turning on the water to heat up, I looked over my shoulder at my bottom. It was a deep red color and I felt my face flush again as I remembered the embarrassment I’d felt at Cody’s hands. If I didn’t feel a whole lot better by morning, I would quit and find another job. I started sobbing, heartbroken at the idea of never seeing Cody again. I really did love him, in spite of the fact he’d spanked me hard and long.

  The water felt good on my sore bottom. I had it set cool enough that it helped some with the burn, even though the rest of me was chilled to the bone. I was careful as I dried off; even patting my skin with the soft towel was painful. I grabbed my robe from the hook and put it on, and I did a quick scrunch of my hair, preferring to let it air dry. It was naturally curly and I didn’t do much in the way of maintenance to keep it looking nice. Once I was through in the bathroom, I flipped off the light and went straight for the telephone beside my bed. I knew what time it was, but I wasn’t going to put off the conversation I needed to have with my mom.

  She answered the telephone right away, and I could tell she was wide-awake, probably watching a late night movie. “Is something wrong, Jenny?” she asked me, worry in her voice.

  “No, Mom,” I answered. “I have something to tell you.”
I told her that I’d lied, and why. “Mom, I don’t date because I am in love with someone. It might not ever amount to more than friendship, but I have no desire to date anyone else at this time. You need to stop trying to manage my life for me.” We talked longer, and when I finally hung up, I felt as though our relationship had moved to more of an adult level. I felt much better after talking to her, and decided that I was too wound up to go to bed. I shut off the bedroom light and headed for the living room, only to scream in fright when I saw a man standing there!

  Chapter 3

  “It’s all right, Jenny; it’s me!” Cody said, stepping into the light so that I could see him better. “Your door was unlocked, and I was afraid that someone had hurt you when you didn’t answer the doorbell.”

  “I was in the shower.”

  “Yes, I know. I checked on you, and once I was sure you were okay, I came out here to wait for you. I overheard you talking to your mother. I’m proud of you for telling her the truth.”

  “Why are you here, Cody?” I asked. I wasn’t dressed, and frankly, I’d had about all I could take for one day. Maybe Cody wanted to fire me after my outburst. “Are you here to fire me?”

  “No.” He looked shocked that I would ask such a thing.

  “In that case, I quit!” Hah! I surprised him with that one!

  “You are not going to quit, young lady, and you can stop trying to aggravate me. I’ve had about all I can take for one day. Do you really love me?” he asked, and it was my turn to be shocked.

  “Does it really matter to you, Cody?” I felt absolutely naked, and it wasn’t a good feeling.

  “It matters to me, Jenn. If you truly mean what you said, then I would surely like to know. Do you love me, Jenny?”

  “I do.” I held my breath and waited for him to say something.

  “I feel the same way about you, Jenny.” His words were music to my ears. “I have waited and waited for some sign from you, but you sure kept it hidden from me.” He spoke softly, smiling at me. “I know it’s late, but could we sit here and talk about this? I feel like I’ve been sucker punched.”


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