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Mending (This)

Page 5

by J. B. McGee

  “Oh.” She looked around briefly doing a little dance. She was trying to contain her elation. She quickly pulled herself together. “Listen, I’m standing outside of the library pouring sweat. Attractive, I know. But, I need to run in and get what I need. Can I call you back and let’s discuss this when I get home?”

  He chuckled. “Ah, no running shoes but saved by the library, huh?”

  She couldn’t contain her laughter. “I’m not running. I just need some time to process and I’m about to melt.”

  “Well, I’d rather you melt because of me and not the Columbia heat. So, I’ll let you go. But, if you don’t call me back, I’ll come after you.”

  “Oh, is that a threat, Mr. Banks?”

  “No, it’s a promise.”

  Rolling her eyes she sarcastically replied, “Like you’re going to come here after me because I didn’t call you back!”

  “I think I proved the distance isn’t going to stop me from seeing you this weekend. Don’t tempt me to find some business that I suddenly need to take care of in Columbia.”

  “Hmph, I promise I’ll call you back.” She shook her head as she rolled her eyes. “No need to go all stalker on me.”

  “I’m a lot of things, Miss Gerhart, but stalker is not one of them.”

  Gabby was quiet and then replied, “I know, I need to go.”

  “Alright, talk to you soon.”


  Chapter 7

  January 14, 2011 ~ 6:20pm

  The Present ~ Gabby

  He was the last person she wanted or needed to see at this exact moment. She wanted to just kick herself for ever opening the door without looking through the peep hole, but she had been sure given the ten messages Sam had left for her that it would be her sister on the other side of the door. When she was able to move again, she immediately started to slam the door closed in Ian’s face.

  He reached his hand out stopping it. “Gabs. C’mon. I need to talk to you.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke, hoping that she could get the words out without crying. “I can’t…no, don’t want hear what you have to say right now.”

  “Please, Gabs,” he pleaded.

  “No. You are the absolute last person I want to see or talk to right now. Move your hand or I’ll scream.”

  “Gabby. It’s just me. I’m the same Ian. I would never do anything to physically hurt you. There’s no need to scream.” His brows furrowed. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Her eyes narrowed, pushing the door a little more testing to see if he was going to let her close it. “I’ve had a really bad day and you just made it the day from hell. That’s what’s wrong,” she hissed. “Goodbye, Ian.”

  “Wait, Gabs. Please. I am here to ask you to forgive me.”

  “Forgive you for what, Ian? For sleeping with my very best friend? For telling me that what we had was enough? For telling me that you loved me?” She wasn’t sure where the energy had suddenly come from, but she was getting angrier with each word that came out of her mouth. “Forgive you for ruining my friendship with Lindsey? Or, for shoving your cuddly relationship down my throat my entire freakin’ senior year? The year that was supposed to be one of the happiest of my life, but instead was an absolutely blazing hell?”

  Ian’s eyes widened at her bluntness. He gulped and quietly replied, “All of it, Gabs.”

  “All of it?” She hissed.



  “Look, can I please come in? I don’t particularly care to have this conversation outside in the cold.”

  Gabby looked up and around, shaking her head while having an internal argument on all the reasons why she shouldn’t let him in. Taking a deep breath, she realized she was far too tired to deal with this.

  “Fine. Come in if you must.”

  She extended her arm, opening the door the rest of the way for him. After he was inside she closed the door and stood with her back against it. The gesture made her think of how she had spent her morning dealing with Bradley’s baggage. Her evening was turning out to be no better. The difference was that she loved Bradley even though she was hurt to the point she felt raw. Her mother had told her that you should never say you hated someone, but she was pretty sure if there was anyone on the planet worthy of the word in her mind, he was now standing in her apartment.

  “So…” She walked over to her refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz Bradley had bought her the weekend before. She turned to grab a glass from the cabinet and looking back to Ian, held the bottle up. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having. I didn’t think you drank?”

  She turned back to the cabinet to get two glasses. She shrugged her shoulders and nonchalantly murmured, “Things change, Ian.”

  “Not all things, Gabs.”

  She quickly snapped her head around. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You know.”

  “Um. No, I don’t”

  He stood with his hands in his pockets, legs slightly spread. It was hard for Gabby to look at him because she still found him so attractive. She could feel a pull towards him, although it was nowhere near as electric as the pull she had always felt towards Bradley. When he had been good to her, boy was he good. But, she couldn’t forget the hurt he had caused her. The hurt they had caused her.

  He tilted his head to the side. “Gabs, I still love you. I don’t think I ever stopped. I was a high school boy and all my friends were having sex. What did you expect?”

  She shook her head, never looking at him, while pulling the cork from the bottle. “What did I expect?” After pouring the wine into their glasses, she began to walk towards him. “I expected my boyfriend to be loyal to me. Tell me Ian, was that asking too much?”

  “I know, Gabs. I don’t mean to make excuses. I just was stupid. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “So, what about Lindsey? Are you still with her?”

  “No, why would I be here with you if I was still with her?”

  “Oh I dunno. Being with me in the same damn house didn’t stop you from being with her.”

  “You cuss now, too, huh?”

  “I know you’re not seriously here to judge me?”

  His eyes narrowed a little bit and he smiled a half smile. He put his hands up in a surrender gesture and swiftly closed the gap between them. “No, not at all. Just an observation, that’s all.”

  She motioned for him to sit on the sofa. When she did, she got a glimpse at her cell phone. “Shoot, I totally forgot I was supposed to call Sam. I thought you were her, actually.” She put the glass of wine down and grabbed her phone. “Do you mind if I call her real quick? It’s pretty important.”

  He sat and leaned back putting his arm across the back of the couch almost reaching her shoulder. “No, take your time. I’ll wait.”

  Gabby froze a moment as his touch neared. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him to touch her, or not. She jumped up from the couch. “Great, I’m gonna go to my room for a minute. I’ll be right back.” She shrugged. “I guess make yourself at home.” As she walked away she frowned at the thought of Ian making himself at home in her apartment. But it seemed the polite thing to say.

  Gabby dreadfully dialed Sam’s number. As much as she hated the situation that was in her living room, she realized now that she was alone, he was if for nothing else a good distraction from the heartache she was currently experiencing. She was proud of herself for speaking her mind and standing up to him. Who did he think he was thinking he could just waltz back into her life and ask for forgiveness? Furthermore, he had not even said he was sorry! The thought infuriated her just as Sam picked up the phone.

  “Gabriella. Nicole. Gerhart! Where the hell have you – ”

  Gabby interrupted her because being scolded by her sister like she was ten and Sam acting like her mother rather than her sister was the last thing, no wait the second to last thing aside from
Ian that she needed. “Sam, I’m so sorry.”

  “You should be. I was worried sick. I was just about to leave to come looking for you.”

  There was silence for a moment. “Gabby. Are you there?”

  “I’m here Sam.”


  Gabby’s voice quivered. “I’m not sure I can talk about it right now, Sam.”

  “What did he do to you?”


  “Gabby, do I need to come?”

  “NO!” Gabby growled. Realizing how harsh it had come off, she took a deep breath before she quickly replied, “Sorry. No, really, I’m fine.”

  “You are absolutely not fine. Tell me what’s going on or I’m coming.”

  Gabby rolled her eyes at the ultimatum. “You know he said he’d not been with anyone else since the wedding?”


  “Well, his ex whatever the hell she was to him is pregnant with his baby. Due in March.” Gabby could hear Sam’s gasp on the other end and she had succeeded in making her sister momentarily speechless. Although she had to admit to herself the thought of making Sam speechless was slightly comical. “Sam?”

  “Yeah. Gabby, I’m so sorry. What is it with you attracting these…these – ”

  “These assholes?” Gabby laughed as she finished her sister’s sentence.

  “Well, I think I would have chosen dicks, but assholes works, too.” Sam giggled.

  Gabby was thankful for the humor, even if it was at her expense. “So, that’s it. I’m home. I’m fine. I need to go, though.”

  “Are you sure you’re ok? I am serious, I’ll be there in an hour if you need me.”

  “I’m positive. Can you see about getting our therapist changed? We can’t afford to continue with Dr. Harrison on our own.” Gabby wanted to continue, but the finality of the day and the situation was still so new that she found it difficult to even breathe.

  “Gabs, you are not ok.”

  “I will be. I just can’t talk about it right now. I promise, I’ll be fine.”

  What Gabby wanted to tell her sister is that even though it was someone she was pretty sure she hated, she wasn’t alone and there was no need for her sister to drive all this way or worry. But, she knew if she told Sam that Ian was in the living room there would be absolutely no way to stop her from coming and kicking his ass all the way back to Charleston or wherever he was currently staying.

  “Sam, I’m really tired. I’ve driven over eight hours today. Maybe I’ll be able to talk about it better tomorrow. Can we chat then?”

  “Sure, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You scared the living shit out of me, Gabby. You’re all I’ve got, too. Don’t do that again, okay?”

  “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I just knew that I couldn’t talk about it.”

  “I understand. Don’t hesitate to call if you need me, k?”

  “I know, I know. I love you, Sam.”

  “I love you, too, Gabby.”

  Gabby opened the door and came back in to find Ian playing with his smart phone. “Sorry to make you wait like that.”

  “No, no problem. It’s not like I gave you any warning I’d be here or anything.”

  Gabby chuckled. “No, that you didn’t.” Gabby made her way back to the couch and took a long swig of wine.

  Ian turned sideways on the couch to face her. “So, you said you had a bad day. What happened?”

  “Don’t wanna talk about it.” Gabby took another drink.

  “You better slow down, Gabs.” He playfully warned her.

  She raised one eyebrow at him. “You don’t get to tell me what I better do or better not do.”

  Amused, he got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen counter. “Fair enough.” He raised an eyebrow. “Would you like more, then?”

  Gabby smiled. “Now you’re talkin’.”

  Ian walked back over and poured more wine in both of their glasses. “So, do you have a fake ID or something? How do you get wine. You’re not even 21 yet?”

  “Well, last year Sam always had the fridge full. This year, my…” Gabby’s bottom lip quivered as tears pricked the back of her eyes.

  “What is it, Gabs? You can tell me.”

  Gabby snickered, “No, I’m not discussing him with you.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”


  “Well, I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not. I was hoping that you didn’t. You know, more of a chance for me.”

  She narrowed her eyes and huffed, “You’re an ass, Ian.”

  Half laughing he replied, “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “NO!” She swatted him and nudged him at the same time.

  The touch made them both stop. She had not at all meant for it to be flirtatious, but the chemistry that had been there in high school was still as palpable as it had been before.

  “You feel this, too?”

  “Even if I feel it, there’s no way in hell I’m acting on it. I’m too tired to fight with you tonight.” She threw her second glass of wine back and with a little left in her mouth she continued before she lost her nerve. “I’m entertaining you and hearing you out, but I can tell you we are never getting back together.”

  He made a noise like he had been hurt as he jumped back. “Ouch, that hurts.”

  “Not as much as you hurt me. I can assure you of that,” she hissed.

  “Just give me a chance, Gabs.”

  She shook her head and grimaced. “No.”

  “Just like that, huh?”

  Pouring herself another glass of wine she nonchalantly replied, “Yep, just like that. I’m happy to be your friend, but I can’t be any more than that to you.”

  “I’ll take what I can get, then,” he conceded.

  She tilted her glass towards his. “To friends.”

  He grinned and clanked their glasses together.

  “Fine, now tell me what happened with Lindsey?”

  “Actually, I caught her cheating on me.”

  Gabby threw her head back laughing. “Oh, karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

  “That’s not very nice you know?”

  She chuckled. “Sorry, I guess.”

  Ian was amused. “But you’re not, right?”

  “No, I’m not. But I’m really sorry for not being sorry.” She took another sip of her wine. “Oh. You’re right, I should probably slow down. Geez, that didn’t take much to make the room spin.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t imagine that you’d be anything other than a light weight, Gabs.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and giggled. “What can I say? Anyway, Lindsey. Did she cheat on you with your best friend by chance? Because that would be the icing on the cake for me.”

  “I’ll take this beating. I deserve it. No, it was actually one of our professors.”

  Gabby’s eyes were huge. “You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me?”

  “No, they got in a lot of trouble. But they are engaged now, so I guess it was all worth it?” Ian suddenly looked sad.

  “So, you really weren’t just missing me, right? You got rejected by Lindsey and then after you got a little taste of your own medicine you realized how good you had it?”

  “No, I always regretted screwing things up with you. But, I was too prideful to come back and admit it to you.”

  Gabby shrugged her shoulders. “What’s done is done.” She reached to the coffee table and placed her empty wine glass down. “I need to use the bathroom, excuse me a minute.”


  Gabby’s phone lit up on the coffee table by the wine glass, catching Ian’s eye. A picture of a familiar face popped up on the screen. He couldn’t resist the urge to answer. He wished he was a fly on the wall and could see Bradley’s expression when another man answered Gabby’s phone. “Hello.”

  “I must have the wrong number,” Bradley fumbled.

  A sly smile formed on Ian’s mouth. “Who were you trying to reach?” />
  “Gabby Gerhart.”

  “She can’t come to the phone.”

  “Who the hell is this?” Bradley hissed.

  “I could ask you the same thing.” Even though he knew the answer, he was enjoying playing with his head. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m her boyfriend, jackass. Put her on the phone.”

  “No, she doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore. And from the sounds of how her day has gone, you’re the jackass. Have a nice night.” Ian heard the commode flush and he quickly ended the call. He calmly placed it back on the coffee table face down so she wouldn’t see the light from the phone call he’d just intercepted.

  Chapter 8

  August, 2010

  The Past ~ Gabby

  Gabby was distracted the entire time she was in the library searching for books. All she could think about was what he had said. She had never expected that he would want to see her so soon. Part of her welcomed the idea and the other part of her was scared to death because she knew she was falling fast and hard. As much as she had tried to maintain in her mind that they were just friends, she couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings he brought to the surface. She had fallen in love before and she knew she was headed in that direction far quicker than she had fallen for Ian. And, she had known Ian for far longer. She had trusted Ian because he had come from such a good family and because he had been so good to his ex-girlfriend, Marissa. After he and Lindsey had done what they had to her, she wondered many nights as she lie awake crying in her bed if he had done the same thing to Marissa. She hoped she could trust Bradley. Every ounce of her wanted to, but she just couldn’t help but be guarded given what she had gone through with Ian.

  Finally, she decided to get her two favorite Nicolas Sparks novels, The Notebook and The Wedding. The librarian, Miss Georgia, looked up and smiled as she saw Gabby approach.

  Gabby pegged her to be in her upper sixty’s. Her voice and accent were very prim and proper, like the native southern ladies always spoke who had been debutantes. It was clear that Miss Georgia had probably been a beauty queen in her younger days. She had the most beautiful white hair that she always wore it in a loose bun with whispy tendrils framing her face and falling at her neck. She was tall but very thin and her fashion sense was classy modern. She wore minimal natural makeup, because she really didn’t need it. Her skin was always dewy and she had very few wrinkles. She had the most beautiful royal blue eyes.


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