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Mending (This)

Page 7

by J. B. McGee

  “Yep. I got a soccer scholarship.”

  “I heard that. Are you playing well?” Gabby sat back down on the couch, making sure to put more space between them than she had earlier.

  “I am. It’s been an awesome experience. Have you decided on a major?”

  “No, I’m hoping I’ll figure that out this semester. I’m leaning towards social work, though.”

  “Seriously, Gabby. The pay for social workers is so skimpy.”

  She tilted her head as she narrowed her eyes at him. “When have I ever been worried about money?”

  “Never, it’s one of the things that makes you so attractive.”

  Gabby blushed. “Just because I finally got to a place where I have been able to move on and forgive you doesn’t mean that you get to waltz back in here and act like things are perfect.”

  “Whoa, where did that come from?” He threw his hands palm up to her. “I’m not trying to make like things are perfect. I just missed being with you, Gabby. I can just be me. I’ve grown up in the last six months.”

  “Have you?”

  “Yeah, I have. Have you eaten anything?”

  “I grabbed something on my way home, but it was a couple of hours ago. You?”

  “No, I’m starved. Do you want to go grab something?”

  “I don’t know that I’m up for that tonight.”

  “C’mon Gabs, I haven’t had Lizards Thicket in so long. It’s a Columbia treat. Even if you don’t eat, just come along so I don’t have to eat alone.”

  “Fine, fine.”

  When they arrived at Lizards Thicket, Gabby couldn’t help but think of Bradley. Ian had once been quite the gentleman, but he seemed to have forgotten all of his manners since they had last been together. Bradley would have never let her open her own doors, and he always pulled her chair out for her before she sat down. He usually used the opportunity to plant a sweet kiss either on her cheek or her forehead. The thoughts of him were so painful. Although, the wine had made the thoughts of him more bearable, she still could feel the tears pricking the back of her eyes. She quickly took a deep breath and tried to dismiss him. She knew if Ian saw her distressed he would pry and want to know more of what was going on with her. She was in no condition to share with him what had occurred earlier in Atlanta, nor did she want to for that matter.

  “Gabs, you alright?”

  Opening her eyes wide hoping that would stop the waterworks she cheerfully replied, “Yep, I’m fine.”

  “You sure, you look pale.”

  She quickly replied a half lie, “Yeah, just thinking about the time Sam and I used to come here last year. I miss her, that’s all.” It was true she had come here a lot with Sam the year before when they were both living in Columbia, but she was definitely not thinking about Sam at that moment. She shrugged. It seemed like a believable excuse.

  “You two still pretty close?”

  “Yes, she’s pretty much the only family I have. She’s going to med school so she moved back to Charleston.”

  “So, I didn’t see any roommates in your apartment, do you live by yourself?”

  Gabby had her hands in her lap fidgeting. “Yes.”

  The waitress came to take their drink order. Ian looked over to Gabby. “We’ll have two sweet teas and give us a minute. We’ve not had a chance to look at the menu.”

  Gabby inwardly cringed at drinking sweet tea. She had stopped drinking that senior year. It was nothing but empty calories. All she could think of every time she took a drink was how many miles she would have to run to lose the pounds it would inevitably put on her. She put the menu back on the side of the table. “I’m not eating, remember. I just came alone for the ride so to speak.”

  He put the menu back in front of her. “You really should eat with how much wine you just drank at your house.”

  She pushed it back, narrowing her eyes. “Again, you don’t get to tell me what I need to do. Okay?”

  He raised his eyebrows obviously amused at her feistiness. “Okay, Gabs.” He shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

  When the waitress returned with their drinks Gabby looked up to her apologetically. “I’m sorry to ask this, but could you bring me a water, too?”

  The waitress was at least in her forties. She had her scraggly long salt and pepper colored hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was probably not so unattractive twenty-five or thirty years ago, but it was obvious she had experienced a rough life. She smacked her gum, which helped mask the faint smell of cigarettes on her breath. “Sure, darlin’. What can I get you to eat?”

  Gabby smiled politely. “I’m not eating. Just joining a friend while he eats. Thank you, though.”

  “Ya sure sug’, not even a piece of cake?”

  “Hmm, as enticing as that sounds, I better pass on cake.” Gabby giggled. She loved how friendly the waitresses were here. People could say all they wanted about people from the south, but she loved southern hospitality and how concerned everyone was with feeding you.

  “What about you, young man?” The waitress looked over to Ian who was obviously glaring at Gabby, none too pleased with her stubbornness regarding eating.

  Gabby looked at him and shrugged her shoulder with a playful smile.

  “I’ll have the country fried steak with butterbeans, collards, and cornbread.” Ian put the two menus on the side of the table.

  “I wish you’d eat.”

  It wasn’t that Gabby had just eaten earlier on her way home as to why she didn’t want to eat with him but her stomach was in knots. Between the day she’d had with Bradley’s baggage and Ian showing back up trying to charm the pants off her, she worried if she ate anything she would be sick. The wine had been helpful because it had taken the edge off of these feelings, dulling them. “I told you I ate earlier. I’m not hungry.”

  Ian looked away. “Fine.”

  The conversation flowed well. All things said about him, they had never had trouble getting along. He may have broken her heart a long time ago, but she was over that. She had been over that. Not only was he a distraction, he was also good company. It was nice to be with someone who had known her for so long. He knew what all she had been through, even if he was the cause for some of the trauma. He had known her mother and they shared really good memories. They laughed about the good times and conveniently ignored the bad ones.

  When he finished his dinner they made their way back to the car. Her fatigue from the day had really set in, but she could also feel the familiar pull towards Ian that she had always had. She fought desperately to ignore it and not give any indication that she was still affected by him. She would occasionally feel his gaze in the car on the way home. Luckily, the drive was short. When they got back to her apartment, he offered to walk her to her door. She knew he would probably make a move on her. She had already resolved to stop it if it occurred. Again, unlike Bradley who always opened the door for her, he didn’t. She let herself out and hung her head down as the ache in heart suddenly came back with a vengeance at the thought of her love, Bradley.

  Chapter 10

  August, 2010 ~ The Past


  Gabby spent the rest of the afternoon and evening curled up on her couch reading The Notebook. She only stopped long enough to go to the bathroom and to eat a salad for dinner. She loved Nicolas Sparks’ novels. Despite all the heartache she had experienced, she still wanted the fairytale. But, then again, every girl she knew wanted the fairytale. She found herself daydreaming through much of the story about whether Bradley Banks could possibly be her fairytale. She would catch herself re-reading the same line over and over again. Then she would just roll her eyes at herself and grin. No matter how hard she had tried all day, getting him off of her mind was impossible. Everything she saw or did in some way a reminder of him.

  Even though she had initially been concerned about the mid-week proposition, she was now so excited. She completely understood what he meant about not being able to make it to Saturday. Suddenly, waitin
g until Wednesday seemed like an eternity away. She was thankful she did at least have school the next couple of days because if she was just hanging out doing nothing she would be beside herself. Of course, if she had no school she wouldn’t have to wait until Wednesday to see him. She sighed. It was the first time ever that she dreaded school and wished that she was already done. The daydream changed to a life with Bradley. She was getting far too ahead of herself, especially for them just being friends.

  Her thoughts wandered to whether she had made the right decision about the friends bit. She played her conversation with John on repeat in her mind. All she could hear was the echoing of his words about her being wound up like a spinning top just waiting to be released. She shook her head and quietly laughed to herself.

  The more she thought about Bradley, the more she wanted to be with him. She had been unable to get her fill over the weekend even though they had spent hours with each other at a time. She wondered if looking at his face would ever get old. Closing her eyes, she tried to recall the images she committed to memory on the beach. He was standing so close to her she could feel his breath. He looked so sexy with his dark hair blowing in the breeze. His blue eyes the color of the clearest Caribbean ocean she’d ever seen and the way his clothes clung to his muscles. She thought to that night and the sound of his husky voice whispering in her ear how beautiful she looked as she sat down to dinner.

  When her thoughts got to the later part of the date, she could feel the same nervous electric energy she’d felt at the moment their bodies were pulled together like the strongest of magnets. It was the most memorable kiss she’d ever had. She was lying on the couch grinning with her eyes closed recalling her weekend in her head when her phone rang.

  She could see it was him. The grin that had been plastered to her face all day widened as she answered, “Good evening, Mr. Banks.”

  “Hey beautiful. What are you doing?”

  She wasn’t sure if she wanted to tell him that daydreaming about him was the only thing she had been able to effectively do all day. She nervously started twirling her hair. “Hmm. Nothing.” She sat up on the couch and leaned into the corner, tucking her legs sideways underneath her.

  “Well, you must be doing something.” He chuckled.

  She glanced up to the ceiling as a wide smile overtook her face. “I am talking to you. What are you doing?” She was trying to contain her elation to hear his voice.

  “I just wanted to tell you goodnight.”

  She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “You go to bed at nine?”

  “Well, I’ll watch TV for a bit, but I wasn’t sure what time you went to bed.”

  “I usually go to bed around eleven, but I’m really tired.” She giggled as she closed her eyes smiling. “Someone kept me up late all weekend.”

  “Ah.” He whistled. “Yeah, I’ll take full responsibility for that. Do you have a busy day tomorrow?”

  “I only have two classes, but they are long.” Gabby picked up a throw pillow from the couch and hugged it hoping to relieve the fluttering in her abdomen.

  His tone perked up as if he was genuinely interested. “What are they?”

  “Hmph, well one is biology. Blah. And, the other is contemporary poetry.”

  “I’m with you on the biology. Contemporary poetry, huh?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t want to have to read anything really long. I’ll be reading a lot of other stuff this semester. I thought it sounded fun.” She shrugged her shoulder, “Besides. Sam took this class at USC with the same professor. She said it was the best English class she’d ever taken.”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  Gabby giggled. “Time will tell. Do you have an exciting day tomorrow?”

  “Every day is busy.” Bradley chuckled. “But, I wouldn’t classify tomorrow as an exciting day. How about ask me that tomorrow about Wednesday.”

  She whispered, “I must admit I’m excited, myself.”

  “Oh, you don’t say? You know we don’t have to wait until Wednesday.”

  Gabby couldn’t hold in her sarcastic laugh, “Oh Mr. Banks, you’re smooth.”

  He laughed back, “What can I say?” He paused, “I can’t get my fill of you.”

  Gabby held her breath for a moment as the tingly feelings shocked through her body, “I know the feeling.”

  “So do you want to move it to Tuesday?”

  “Honestly, it might be better for me.” She nervously started to twirl her hair and looked up at the ceiling as she thought out loud. “My classes on Wednesday start a little later than my Thursday classes, so I could sleep in since I assume I’ll be getting home really late.”

  “Alright, well then tomorrow it is.”

  Gabby was sure that if she were on video chat with him, he would be grinning that adorable schoolboy grin. The same grin he had given her on the beach when she had said she would go to dinner. The same grin he had given her when she said she’d try. It was enough to make her melt right then and there. She was quickly realizing that will power where he was concerned was not something she possessed.

  “Gabby, you still there?”

  She smiled, “I’m still here.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I was just thinking.”

  “Oh. Good things, I hope.”

  “Yeah, good.”

  “Well, I should probably let you go so you can get some rest.”

  Gabby rolled her eyes in delight. All she could hear John’s voice in her head with his remarks about spinning tops needing to be released. “Yes, tomorrow is going to be a big day.”

  “Goodnight, Gabby girl.”

  Gabby laughed, “Where did you come up with that, by the way?”

  “I don’t know.” He paused. “Do you not like it?”

  “No I love it.” There was silence for a moment. She pondered if she should ask, but decided what the heck. “Do people ever call you Brad?”

  “Not really.”

  “So, if I called you Brad, would you respond?”

  “Yes, for you I would. You can call me whatever you want.” He chuckled. “Well anything nice.”

  “Ah, well I’ll keep that in mind.” She teased.

  “You do that. Goodnight, Gabby.”

  She said, “Night, Brad,” as she busted out laughing.

  “Hmph, cute.”

  “I don’t think I like it.” She giggled. “Night, Bradley.”

  “Goodnight beautiful.”

  They both sat on the phone not saying anything waiting for the other to hang up first.


  “I’m here.” She spoke softly.

  “Do you want me to hang up first?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “What do you mean you’re not sure?”

  “I’m not sure I want you to go.”

  He inhaled sharply. “Oh, I know the feeling. Believe me. But, the sooner we go to sleep, the sooner tomorrow will come.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…”

  “So, I’m going to tell you goodnight again and then I’m going to hang up because tomorrow can’t come fast enough for me. I can’t wait to see your beautiful face again, Gabby.”

  Her heart fluttered. “Okay.”

  “Goodnight, Gabby girl.”

  Beaming she said, “Goodnight,” as she waited for him to hang up first. And, as promised the call dropped. Her breathing was ragged and she felt like she had been running for miles. She wondered had she been holding her breath for the entire conversation, or what?


  He exhaled and slouched back relaxing after he hanging up the phone from her. He wasn’t used to feeling these emotions. In fact, he’d never felt like this before. He was sure that was precisely why he had tried to avoid it for so long. The thought of being so out of control was bothersome for someone who craved it in every situation.

  Not only that, he was pretty sure that once a guy got to this point with a girl, that it was inevitable they would su
rely be whipped in no time flat. In fact, he wondered if he might already be. Living the lifestyle he had been living prior to meeting Gabby had prevented that from happening. He had always thought his father was right. He would say college was supposed to be a great big party with a little studying in between. Bradley’s photographic memory meant that he had not needed to study much. He had enjoyed his freedom. If he wanted to hang out with the guys or have a one night stand, he had no one to answer to about his decisions. It had been the time of his life.

  Once he got out of college, he focused on his career and there was certainly no time for serious dating. Joe had the club and he was able to go and meet women who were in similar situations. They didn’t want to be tied down because they wanted to advance the corporate ladders in their affluent occupations. It had been a perfect situation for him. Why would he have any desire to commit to anyone?

  The night of Cade’s wedding when he first saw her, he knew immediately she was different. He had reflected the past couple of months and even tried to fight it. Eventually, he realized that he couldn’t get her off of his mind. He had always laughed when people talked about soul mates and love at first sight, but now he was laughing at himself. He wasn’t completely sure because he’d never been in love before, but he knew that the feelings he had for her were already so deep. He was pretty certain that if he had a soul mate, if they existed, then she was his.

  He got up and sulked into the kitchen, already missing her. He poured himself a shot of Brandy. The warm liquid velvet slid down the back of his throat and into his empty stomach. Opening the fridge, he picked up a beer and the leftover Chinese food he’d had delivered the night before. He warmed it and then took both into his bedroom, flipping on the plasma television as he walked past it. The station rarely changed from ESPN, so Sports Center was on and he listened to talk of the upcoming football season.

  He put his food down on the bedside table and pulled his T-shirt over his head. The muscles on his groomed chest and abdomen flexed. He smiled as he thought of Gabby and how much he hoped that one day she would be the one undressing him. He barely had to touch the worn cut off sweats he was wearing to cause them to puddle at his feet, dropping from his lean hips. He pulled back the duvet on his king size bed and climbed in gloriously naked except for a fitted pair of boxer briefs.


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