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Mending (This)

Page 12

by J. B. McGee

  He turned to her and pulled her face close to his resting his forehead on hers, “Okay, he’s an ass. Forget about him and don’t let it ruin our night, please.” He could feel and see Gabby’s body relax as she smiled.

  Gabby playfully whispered, “I love you.”

  He brushed her nose with his finger smiling a wry smile, “Love you, too, my Gabby Girl.”

  “Hey, there is another person with y’all tonight.” Sam shook her head rolling her eyes. “Could you really try to refrain until we get home and you’re tucked away in your room?”

  Gabby and Bradley smiled and both took a deep breath. It was going to be hell and torture for him to try to contain his affection for her all night. He hadn’t seen her in days and he had barely been able to touch or kiss her since they got there. He wondered if it was killing her the way it was him. He put his hand on her thigh and squeezed. He smiled as she placed her hand on his. They looked up into each other’s eyes, the chemistry was nearly palpable. “We’ll try.” They conceded.

  They had spent all of dinner talking about Ryan, Joe, and Bradley told stories about his family in preparation for their big day on Saturday. He had planned for the four of them: him, Ryan, Gabby, and Sam, to go play putt putt. He knew Gabby would think it was silly, but he thought it would be a lot of fun. It had been ages since he’d played and that would be something that would allow Sam and Ryan to flirt, but not be too uncomfortable if things didn’t go the way he thought they would. He grinned when he thought about how he had dreamed for a week about getting to watch Gabby leaning over putting for eighteen holes.

  The ride back to his place had been quiet. The girls were stuffed and tired from their long days. Bradley had his hand around the back of Gabby’s neck thumbing through her hair. She loved it when he did that. She would wiggle her head around with her eyes closed moaning, which of course inadvertently turned him on.

  When they made it back into the apartment Sam gave Gabby a hug, “I need to study a little bit and then I’m off to bed.” Waving to Bradley, “Thank you dinner.”

  “Night Sam, you’re welcome.” Bradley grinned at her. He was thankful she was there, but her words were music to his ear. All he wanted to do was get his girl to his room and worship her body until he could no longer keep his eyes open.

  “Night, Sam.” Gabby smiled.

  They stood and watched her walk and close the door to her room. As soon as she was gone, Gabby turned and held her wrists around his neck on her tippy toes, “So, what are we doing tomorrow?”

  He crushed his lips to hers, possessing her mouth. He didn’t want to talk about tomorrow’s plans. He wanted to finish tonight’s first.

  She moaned as his hands wandered to her rear, he pulled her leg up to his hips. “Hop on, we’ll talk about tomorrow, later.”

  Gabby giggled and jumped into his arms, throwing her legs around both of his hips. “Okay.”


  Gabby woke up to soft kisses on her arms, then her neck, and then to her mouth. “Rise and shine, beautiful.”

  She grumpily groaned as she turned towards him. “You’re such a perky morning person.”

  “I am an especially…” He chuckled as he pushed his growing erection to her. “Perky morning person when I wake up next to you, love.”

  Gabby moved her hand down, “Oh, yes. Most definitely the perkiest morning person I’ve ever met.” She giggled. “I can’t seem to keep you satisfied.”

  He brushed her hair back, “I don’t know that I will ever be able to get enough of you.” He kissed her softly and slowly. “You’re beautiful in the morning.”

  Gabby rolled her eyes, “Whatever.”

  “No, you are.”

  “Well, I guess you’re the only one that needs to think that. So, if you do, then I guess I’m good.”

  He raised that one sexy eye brow, which almost always made her melt, “Damn straight.” He climbed on top of her and kissed her deeply this time, full of passion. “Oh, Gabby. You do realize I’ve got it bad for you, don’t you?”

  She rubbed her hands up and down his toned back, “Good.”

  He moved his kisses to her ear lobe and flicked it with his tongue causing her to wiggle. She could feel his smile on her skin. She closed her eyes and moved her hands to his hair. Oh how she loved his messy wavy hair in the morning.

  “Bradley.” She tilted her hips up to his.

  He continued down her torso, planting kisses. “Yeah?”

  “We need to hurry up. I bet Sam is already awake.”

  “Okay. Now Shh.” He placed his finger on her lips and she grabbed it between her teeth smiling.


  Bradley had arranged for Ryan to meet them at the apartment. Ryan had a Land Cruiser, so they had all loaded into his vehicle. Bradley and Ryan were in the front and the girls were in the back chatting. He and Ryan were having a casual conversation, although Bradley was pretty distracted.

  They had just finished a quick lunch at Olive Garden and now they were headed to Captain’s Cove to play putt putt. After putt putt was finished, Ryan would take them home to get ready for the evening festivities. Bradley had made reservations at the Waterside Restaurant at Stone Mountain. This is where Gabby and Sam would meet his crazy family.

  He was glad they had a busy day planned and for the conversation. He was trying so hard to keep his mind off of the anxiety he had about introducing Gabby to his father.

  If Gabby thought meeting Dave had been uncomfortable, he could only imagine how badly tonight could go. His mother had a tendency of turning a blind eye on his father’s indiscretions. She loved him. She had taken vows to be faithful to him, to love him for eternity and that was what she fully intended to do. His father was a local politician and attorney. Now that Bradley had Gabby in his life, he realized how screwed up and dysfunctional the relationship between his parents really was. He had always know it was wrong, but his father had engrained into him that it was okay for me to behave in such a way, especially men of power. He had always looked up to his father and he had a good time looking at women when he was with him.

  After Gabby left him at the wedding, he had played back the conversations over the years with his father. He looked back on his life and how many women’s hearts he’d broken. He realized he wanted more, but more than anything didn’t want to turn out to be his father. If he didn’t change, he was full well on his way. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to do it. That’s why he had waited so long before contacting her. He wanted to make sure that he was able to go for a period of time without being with anyone. He knew he needed women in the past. He wanted to make sure that he was in a position to give her what she needed; a man who could value her decision to wait until she married to lose her virginity.

  When they got out of the car, Gabby grabbed his arm. “Hey, are you okay?”

  He pulled her into a hug and rubbing her nose with his, “I’m fine, why?”

  “You just seem quiet today, not yourself.”

  He caressed her checks with the back of his hand, “I’m sorry. I’ve wanted to give you space so you can enjoy your sister.”

  “Well, snap out of it. I want my playful Bradley back for putt putt, please.” She smacked his butt.

  His eyebrow raised and he tilted his head, “Did you just smack my ass?”

  She giggled as she tried to back up but he squeezed her harder.

  “Nope, you’re not getting’ away.”

  Gabby stood tall and determined, “I sure did. What are you gonna do about it?”

  He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes playfully, “Hmm, let me think about it. I have a few things in mind.”

  Gabby shook her head and winked. “I’m sure you do.”

  Gabby and Bradley were behind Ryan and Sam. They were playing couples against couples. Bradley was leaning up against the fence and had his club palm resting on the top of the club, his legs crossed. “They look like they are hitting it off pretty good.” He nodded towards them. “What d
o you think, Gabby Girl?”

  Gabby leaned up to the fence beside him, scooting in close. “I think you did a nice job, Mr. Banks.” She giggled. “Let’s add matchmaker to your title.”

  He chuckled, “I’m pretty good at reading people.” He turned towards her, “Like you.” His voice was husky. “I know right now that it’s all you can do to resist making out with me right here in the middle of all these people.”

  Gabby’s brows furrowed and she gave him a sarcastic smile, “Well, that’s a given most anytime I’m with you.”

  He leaned in to where their faces were nearly touching, “Me, too. Kiss me.”

  She leaned up and kissed him soft and slow until Ryan whistled and Sam yelled, “Oh C’mon, there are little kids around!”

  Their lips were still on each other, but they both curved them into smiles.

  “Did I mention that Sam forgets she’s my sister, not my mother?” Gabby teased.

  “Hey, it’s your turn anyway Gabby.”

  She reached up and gave Bradley a quick kiss on the cheek and skipped up to the green.

  Bradley resumed his spot on the fence and crossed his hands in front of him as he watched her putt. This was precisely why he had chosen putt putt and he couldn’t help but grin at how adorable she was at being pretty horrible at putt putt.

  When she was done, it was his turn. Ryan and Sam had taken the place where he and Gabby had been standing waiting on them to do their round at the hole. Bradley was an avid golfer. It was almost a pre-requisite for being in the corporate world. He had tried not to show off too much, but he was an excellent putt putt player. As he was about to sink a birdie, he heard Gabby call his name. “Hey, are we’re on the same team, don’t sabotage me.” He winked as he looked back over his shoulder to her.

  Gabby had her phone out and was smiling as she took a picture of him. “We are indeed on the very same team. But, I thought you looked so cute like that. I wanted to get a new picture of you for when you call me.”

  Bradley shook his head, “Hmm, maybe I’ll just take a picture of you next time you go to putt.”

  Gabby giggled, “You do that.”

  Gabby and Bradley had gone ahead and gotten out of the Ryan’s Land Cruiser to give them some space. Sam was standing near him at the driver’s side. It was obvious there was chemistry there. Bradley put his arm around Gabby, “C’mon. Let’s go on inside and give them some time.”

  Gabby smiled up at him as they started to walk away. “You did a nice job with them. They really seemed to hit it off.”

  He looked down and kissed her head, “Yeah. I told you, I’m good at reading people, baby.”

  Gabby giggled.

  They spent about an hour and a half showering and getting dressed up to go to meet his parents. Gabby was visibly nervous. Bradley walked up and turned her around grabbing her shoulders, “Babe, it’s gonna be ok. They are going to love you.”

  “I’m just nervous.” She fidgeted.

  “I know, me too.”

  Gabby’s lips formed a half smile and she arched an eyebrow, “Why are you nervous?” she asked sarcastically.

  “My dad is a bit of a womanizer, Gabby. I don’t bring girls home. I just worry how you’ll feel around them.” He shrugged. “I mean, I know they are going to love you. But I worry my Dad will be a dick to me and make you feel uncomfortable.”

  Gabby cupped his face in her hands, “Why would he be that way to you?”

  He looked down closing his eyes, “We have a great relationship when I do what he wants me to do, but if I buck him he is just an ass, okay.”

  “Buck him about what?”

  He looked at her and his pained baby blue eyes were detached, “Let’s not discuss this now. Let’s go have a nice night and just remember how much I love you.”

  She smiled as she ran her fingers through his wet hair from his shower, “You look really nice tonight and I love you.”

  Chapter 15

  January, 2011: The Present



  He ran up the steps to try to release some of the stress that had building up in him all day. This had turned into one of the worst days of his life and he had this infuriating woman to thank for it all, and he fully intended to do just that. He knew that if he took charge she would be turned on and let her guard down. There had been several times in the past when he would have had a terrible day at work and he would come over just like this and totally take control of her in every single pleasurable way he could.

  He pounded on the door with his fist. “Roni, it’s me.”

  She opened the door and looked alarmed. “Hey.” She looked up to him with concern as she rubbed her belly, “I should have known you would blow up like this.”

  “Oh, you sure as hell should have.” He barged past her into the apartment. “Now, shut the damned door.”

  She did as she was told and slowly started walking towards him with a sly smile on her face. “I knew you would come around.”

  He stood there relaxing slightly and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Did you?”

  She closed her eyes looking up to him waiting for him to kiss her. “Mhmm.”

  All he could think about was Gabby and how he wanted her in his arms instead of her. He strummed his finger down her cheek, “Tell me, did you plan it?”

  “Plan it?” she looked up bewildered.

  “Yeah, did you come off the pill or something hoping to get yourself pregnant?”

  “No! I told you, it’s not always 100% effective.”

  He leaned in a little closer to her, teasing her, “But, you said you weren’t upset about it either. Are you hoping we’ll what, get married and live happily ever after?”

  “Well, I’m not gonna lie. I would like that very much.”

  It took every ounce of self-control to not shove her away. “Do you want to hear what I want?”

  “Of course.” She fluttered her eye lashes that were covered in mascara.

  “I want you to tell me the truth.”

  “About what?”

  “About whether I am the father or whether Ian is.”

  She swallowed and it was obvious to him she was trying her best to lie, “I don’t know an Ian.”

  He pushed her away, “You really are a lying, conniving little bitch.”

  She huffed and turning on her heel. “How dare you.”

  Bradley grabbed her arm and spun her back around. “Excuse me. How dare you?” He pulled her closer, “You tell me everything or so help me God I will use every piece of ammunition in my arsenal to get you disbarred for conspiracy to commit fraud.”

  She jerked her arm away from his and started to sob. “You wouldn’t.”

  Again, using his ability to seduce her to his advantage, he took a step closer narrowing his eyes. “Oh, I would and I will. Spill it. Now.” He firmly spoke through clenched teeth.

  “I love you, though.”

  “No, you don’t love me. You love the idea of me.” He gestured between the two of them, “This isn’t love.” He closed his eyes tightly trying to keep back the tears that were pricking the back of his fierce blue eyes, “You’ve got five seconds to start spilling your guts or I’m outta here and I’ll wage war against your ass so fast you won’t know what hit you.”

  Her voice and bottom lip quivered, “I’m not sure if the baby is yours.”

  “Mhmm, keep going.” He balled his fingers into a fist at his side.

  Her eyes were filled with tears and she was having trouble talking. “I had only been with you up until the night of your cousin’s wedding.”

  Bradley closed his eyes as he listened because he couldn’t stand to look at her any longer. He briefly opened them before closing them again, “Keep going.”

  “I met Ian and he made me feel so incredible and wanted.” Veronica blinked quickly, a look of anger spread across her face. “He didn’t make me feel like a cheap whore.” She looked out of the window. “I had too much to drink and so
did he. We left and came back here and he made love to me all night. Are you happy now?”

  Bradley chuckled facetiously, “Oh, no I’m any and everything but happy right now. Keep going.”

  “That’s it.”

  “Seven years of education plus all the time and effort you’ve been pouring into making partner. That’s a lot to just throw down the drain. Is that your final answer?”

  She sat down and cupped her head into her hands. Her sobs were causing her body to heave.

  “I didn’t think that was your final answer.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah, sorry you got caught.” He hissed.

  “No, I am. I just wanted us to be together. To be a family.”

  “Let’s get something very very clear.” He took a deep breath trying to maintain his cool. “There never was an us. There will never be an us. No kid would change that. I love Gabby. You knew that and damn you for trying to tear that apart.” He walked closer to the door. “And I’ll give you credit.” He laughed sarcastically. “Your little scheme almost worked.”

  She stood up, “Please don’t go.” She sobbed.

  “Did you not just hear what I said?”

  “She’s so young. She has all kinds of emotional baggage. She’s no good for you.”

  He pointed to her and it was all he could do to not raise his voice. Through gritted teeth to refrain from screaming at her, “She has emotional baggage because of people like you and that dickwad. I will have my attorney call you on Monday to arrange for a paternity test.”

  He turned the door knob and walked out slamming the door closed so hard that it popped back open.

  Chapter 16

  October, 2010 ~ The Past

  Gabby was fidgeting as they entered the Waterfront Restaurant. “Baby, don’t be nervous. It’s gonna be okay.” He looked down and grabbed her hand. “Have I told you that you look stunning tonight?”

  Gabby was wearing the strapless dress she had worn to Cade’s wedding but with the plum scarf he had bought for her. Her hair was loosely pulled back with bouncy curly tendrils hanging down framing her face. Gabby didn’t wear much makeup. It was another thing he loved about her. She didn’t need it. She was beautiful the moment she woke up and she could wear a sheet better than any woman he’d ever seen.


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