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Mastering Marissa

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by Cyna Kade

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Mastering Marissa

  ISBN # 9781419909047


  Mastering Marissa Copyright© 2007 Cyna Kade

  Edited by Jaynie Ritchie.

  Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

  Electronic book Publication: January 2007

  This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Content Advisory:




  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. This story has been rated E–rotic.

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. E-rated titles might contain material that some readers find objectionable—in other words, almost anything goes, sexually. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry in terms of both sexual language and descriptiveness in these works of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Stories designated with the letter X tend to contain difficult or controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.


  Cyna Kade

  Chapter One

  Cold metal encircled Marissa’s wrists and ankles.

  Heavy chains kept her motions small and constricted—not that there was anywhere to go. Her cell was barely bigger than a closet. A shower poured from the ceiling once a day. The slot at the bottom of the door spit out food twice a day and a dim version of light entered from a small window set far above her head.

  How much longer could she hold out? She’d survived three days—three days alone with the walls pressing in on her. If the weight of the stones didn’t crush her, he would. She shivered, rubbing her arms in a vain attempt to ease her chill as kaleidoscopic flashes of memory played in her head. Her father’s assurances of safety, her friend’s vehement arguments against this trip and the first sight of her captor circled in an endless loop.

  The sound of a key in the door lock yanked her into the present.

  Marissa backed against a wall. Still well within his reach—there simply wasn’t any escape so she tilted her chin and waited for him.

  Kytar opened the door wide and moved into Marissa’s cell. His cedar scent enveloped her and for just a heartbeat, a false promise of freedom shimmered in the air. Clenching her jaw to fight off his allure, she stood stiffly before him.

  His eyes were the color of melted dark chocolate today and a tiny sigh of relief escaped. Chocolate was good. When his eyes hardened to black, he was scary.

  He took the step that put him close to her. “Are you ready, little one?”

  Marissa looked up at him. A head taller and nearly twice her weight, any physical fight was futile. His strength easily overwhelmed hers and as she’d already found out, he didn’t hesitate to use it. But physical combat wasn’t the only way to resist.

  “Answer me,” he insisted, looming over her and cutting off her view of the cell and the open doorway beyond.

  Marissa shook her head sending blonde curls cascading over peaked nipples. She was tempted, so tempted, by this man. She should be terrified. He’d misled her and captured her. He was ruthless and dangerous. She wanted to yell at him, but a thrill of excitement arrowed through her. Why couldn’t she hate this man? What was the strange hold she felt deep inside?

  For a long moment, he stared down at her. “Three days…how much longer do you think you can hold out?” he murmured, reaching out and trailing a finger down her cheek, leaving awareness in its wake.

  Marissa held her breath as his finger continued down her neck and between her breasts. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard as his gentle stroke threatened to undo her self-control. Fighting off a wave of dizziness, she forced herself to breathe.

  When his finger reached her chains, he hooked it in them and raised her hands up. “What will you give me if I take off the chains?”

  Marissa’s eyes flew open, but she stayed silent.

  “Will you freely give me a kiss if I take off your chains?”

  “A kiss? Just a kiss?”

  “Just a kiss, little one. That’s not so much to ask, is it?”

  Marissa’s mind circled, trying to find the catch to his generous offer. There was always a catch. He did nothing without a reason.

  “What is your answer?” He tilted his head, waiting.

  Marissa took a deep breath, trying to still her racing heart. Meeting his gaze, she said, “If you take off the chains—and promise to leave them off—I will give you a kiss.”

  He chuckled.

  The seductive, tempting sound rippled through her and sank deep into her core. She wanted to lean into that sound and wrap it around her like a warm blanket. Instead, she stiffened and waited.

  “Very well, little one. I will leave the chains off,” he said. Reaching for the key, he opened the lock and let the chains clatter to the floor. He hesitated a moment, then cocking an eyebrow, he asked, “A second kiss for your bracelets?”

  Marissa frowned. She didn’t trust this new kindliness, but she wanted the bracelets off so she nodded.

  He raised both eyebrows.

  She forced the words past her tight throat. “Yes, a second kiss if you’ll take the bracelets off—and leave them off.”

  He held her eyes while he freed her wrists. His thumbs rubbed her pulse points, increasing their frantic beat.

  She tensed for his kisses. But he surprised her by kneeling in front of her. His head at her waist, a leather thong kept his shoulder-length, blue-black hair restrained.

  He didn’t say a word as he reached down and freed her feet from the chains. One more quick movement and the cold metal bracelets were gone from her ankles.

  The sense of exhilaration that came with this small freedom startled her. She hadn’t realized the chains and bracelets trapped her spirit, as well as her body. But she wouldn’t feel gratitude, she berated herself. He still held her captive and now she owed him two kisses.

  Two kisses he didn’t seem in a hurry to collect.

  His hands stroked her ankles, moving upward past her calves, around her knees, lingering a moment at the soft skin behind them before continuing up her thighs. Gently caressing and massaging all the way, dissipating the stiffness from her captivity.

  Driving her nails into her palms, she resisted the urge to sink her fingers into his hair or to scream at him to hurry up.

  When he reached the top of her thighs, he pressed to spread her legs.

  “No,” she said.

  His hands stopped and he looked up at her. “I didn’t say where the kisses would be. Spread your legs.”

  Marissa struggled to draw a breath.

  He leaned back a little. “Are you refusing?”

  Marissa’s heart nearly ceased at his tone. Soft and caressing, the voice promised untold pleasure. But, she knew how easily he could—and would—follow with a demonstration of his strength. If she didn’t obey him, he’d put the chains back on or force her legs apart. She had no choice. He’d trapped he
r once more.

  With a sinking heart, she relaxed her legs and said, “No…no, I’m not refusing.”

  His eyes pinned her to the wall. He didn’t speak again as he used a sensuous stroking motion to part her legs.

  His gentle touch lulled her, weakening her knees and tension curled in her stomach. She tried to shake off his spell, but he was relentless. When he finally released her eyes, he leaned forward.

  She wanted to squirm when his fingers slipped into her cleft but she stilled her motion.

  His head blocked her view but she felt him even if his head hid his actions.

  His hands parted her lower lips, exposing her clit to the air.

  Marissa clenched her thighs. He must have felt the motion, but he ignored it while he held her open and helpless. Trembling legs sent vibrations throughout her body. She pressed back against the cold stone until she felt it scrape her buttocks.

  Kytar’s hot breath scorched her clit and a trickle of moisture seeped down her thigh.

  “You are very, very wet. You like what I’m doing, don’t you, little one?”

  She wanted to scream at him to get it over with, but he didn’t move closer. Agonizing minutes passed as he held her open, lightly stroking her clit with a fingertip. A touch too light to release the pressure, just right though, to make her pussy throb.

  In a quick motion, he stood and laughed.

  A moan escaped at her unexpected release.

  “Think about the fact you owe me two kisses, little one,” he said, his eyes gleaming. Turning, he left her cell. The thunk of the door lock echoed the dropping sensation in her stomach.

  She bit off a scream of frustration as her knees gave out. Hands flat on the floor, head bowed, she told herself that at least she was free of the chains. She wanted to touch herself, to ease the fire he’d built, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She concentrated on stilling her breathing and calming her racing heart as she berated herself for feeling anything other than hatred.

  He’d misled her, imprisoned her and frightened her. She should hate him. How could he arouse her like this? A mere glance or gentle caress was enough to have her dripping. She didn’t understand his power over her. Why was it so hard to hate him? She never gave up control. She never succumbed to any man.

  She was experienced, but no one had ever tormented her like this. Wasn’t he ever going to satisfy the need he effortlessly created? She ached to feel him deep inside. She wanted him and it was only a matter of time before she agreed to his terms. Eventually, she’d do anything to release the throbbing tension he built higher every time she saw him. How could she fight him when she’d never met a man like him? Nothing in her previous life prepared her for a Darinthian male.

  She’d been foolish to think she could safely seek her family on this vile planet. She’d been so arrogant, so confident and so wrong. She wanted to forget but memories flooded her. She remembered each point where she might have changed her fate, especially the beginning—her mother’s death recently.

  The funeral service was small. Her stepfather was there, of course. The only other people attending were Marissa and Shelley, Marissa’s best friend.

  After the service, Marissa turned to leave, but her stepfather stepped in front of her. “She left you nothing.”

  “At least you can’t hurt her anymore,” Marissa bit out.

  “She liked what I did. Maybe you’d like a taste of me, now that she’s gone.”

  Marissa glared up at him. She’d never understood why her mother—beautiful and talented—had bound herself to such despicable slime. Small and petty, he delighted in vicious little actions that denigrated her mother. Every time Marissa saw bruises on her mother’s arms or face, she’d beg her mother to leave.

  Her mother had merely smiled and said, “Someday you’ll understand.”

  Now her mother was gone and Marissa would never understand.

  Marissa didn’t answer her stepfather, merely stepped around him. With her mother gone, she never had to talk to him again.

  He called to her retreating back, “Your mother always was an inconsiderate whore.”

  Marissa whirled, fists clenched, but Shelley stepped in front of her. “He’s not worth it. Don’t let him provoke you.”

  Marissa bit back a heated reply and let Shelley lead her away. On the trip home, Marissa’s anger leaked away, leaving her empty. Shelley cast worried glances her way and Marissa wasn’t surprised when Shelley insisted on coming into the apartment.

  “You shouldn’t be alone right now. Why don’t you come home with me?” Shelley said as she made tea.

  “I’ll be okay. I just need some space and I’ll be okay.” Shelley just didn’t understand how lost Marissa felt. With the death of her mother, she was alone in the galaxy. She’d always be alone now. She had no other blood relatives and much as she liked Shelley’s family, they weren’t her family.

  A week later, she returned home from work to find a package from her mother’s lawyer. She frowned as she broke the seals. Her mother had died destitute. Her stepfather had seen to that. What could the lawyers want with her?

  The only thing inside the package was a thin envelope, addressed in her mother’s handwriting. A sad smile broke across Marissa’s face as she saw the paper rather than a vid. Her mother always hated vids.

  “Someday I will tell you everything.”

  Marissa heard the voice from the past clearly, as if her mother was standing beside her. Her hands shook as she opened the envelope and pulled out the letter. She sank to the floor as she began to read.

  My darling,

  I don’t know how to break this to you, so I will simply tell you. Your biological father is Darinthian. I’ve never stopped loving him. His name is Davo Kraj. He knows of your existence. He wants to meet you. Please contact him. Please, travel to Darinth and meet your family. He will keep you safe. I think you will like the planet and surrounded by your family you will find a freedom you never expected.

  All my love, always,


  Marissa wasn’t sure how long she sat on the floor, stunned by the revelation that not only had her mother been on Darinth, but also that she’d fallen in love there.

  Shelley found her still sitting on the floor with the letter in her hand.


  She looked up, eyes blank with shock.

  Shelley frowned and gently took the letter from Marissa’s hand. Her eyes widened as she read it. “Darinthian. Your father is Darinthian?”

  “Apparently,” Marissa said in a barely audible voice. Her hand shook as she reached out and let Shelley help her up.

  “You can’t go to Darinth. The men are bastards. Just last night, the news vid showed a Darinthian clip full of chained, naked females. The men demanded submission and got it. Females have no rights on Darinth.”

  “I have no intention of going to Darinth, but—”

  “But nothing,” interrupted Shelley. “They specifically warned single females not to travel to the planet. I don’t know why the galactic council allows Darinthian practices to continue. They’re barbarians.”

  Marissa shrugged.

  Darinth was the primary supplier of amoulian, a necessary component for space travel. Simple economics won over the rights of females. Oh, the galactic council issued warnings and forced Darinthian customs officials to get a signed release from single females traveling to the planet. But otherwise, male domination continued and the men of Darinth were free to practice their customs without restraint or interference.

  “What are you going to do?” Shelley asked. “Are you going to contact him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  At twenty-five, Marissa considered herself sexually experienced. She liked sex. Petite and cute—not beautiful, but glowing with energy—she never lacked partners. Her long, dirty blonde hair and cat green eyes effortlessly lured men and she enjoyed experimenting. She enjoyed the physical release men provided. But Darinthian sexual practices
were far different from anything she’d ever experienced. Darinthian customs horrified her. They were too close to the things her stepfather had done to her mother.

  She’d watched her mother’s subjugation and vowed she’d stay free and independent. She never let a man take control, not that any man had ever been strong enough to claim control. The thought of placing herself in the hands of any male, much less a Darinthian male, left her trembling with anger. But how could she ignore the fact she had a family?

  For days, her mother’s letter filled her mind. When had her mother been on Darinth? Why hadn’t her mother told her? Why had her mother hidden her father’s existence? How could she ask Marissa to go to the planet? How could she not go? The idea of family haunted her, but the fact that family was on Darinth chilled her.

  Before Marissa could decide what to do about the letter, her father took the initiative and surprised her with a comm call.

  “I just heard of your mother’s death. I share your grief.”

  Marissa’s eyes filled with tears at his simple words. She drew comfort from the fact that someone else grieved her mother’s death, even if he was Darinthian. Her mother had once loved this man and he obviously loved her mother. He was her father, she reminded herself. She wasn’t alone in the galaxy.

  “I knew of your existence,” he continued, “but I respected your mother’s wishes. She didn’t want you to know about me.”

  “Why?” Marissa asked. “Why did she hide you from me?”

  “She had her reasons,” he replied. “Those reasons are too complex to discuss during an interplanetary call. Come visit,” he encouraged Marissa.

  “Can’t we meet off-planet…I’ve heard Darinth is not a place for single females…” Marissa hesitated.

  “You’d be under my protection, not single. Please, Marissa, my business is such that I can’t go off-planet,” he replied. “If we are to meet, it must be here. You needn’t worry. I’ll keep you safe,” he promised.

  Although Marissa believed him, the thought of traveling voluntarily to a place that subjugated women kept her from saying yes.

  Over the next few weeks, she and her father continued their communication. He didn’t fit the image she’d built up of the males on Darinth. He looked like the elder statesman he was and he was intelligent, funny and kind. Every time they spoke, his concern for her well-being came through. She could feel his love, even though he’d never met her in person. She longed to hug him but she continued to say no, she wouldn’t go Darinth.


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