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Mastering Marissa

Page 5

by Cyna Kade

  “Let me go. I don’t want to be here.”

  “Yet you came to Darinth willingly.”

  “I came to see my father, not to be a slave to any man.”

  “Companion, not slave and you don’t know your father at all,” he said slowly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you really think your father would turn his back on Darinthian customs given his position? He won’t. Daughters belong to their fathers until taken by a man. Do you really think your father planned differently?”

  Marissa stared at Kytar. His horrifying words echoing deep inside. It couldn’t be true! “I don’t believe you! He wouldn’t do that! He told me I’d be safe.”

  “As did I. You never asked what the word safe meant, did you?”

  Marissa stared at him, eyes wild as she filled with horror.

  Kytar continued stroking her cheek. “On Darinth, safe means being the companion of a strong protector. Safe means your protector takes care of all your needs. Safe means never having to please anyone other than your protector. I will keep you safe, even as your father would have. Despite your fears, Darinthian males cherish females. You’ll be safer with me than you’ve ever been before.”

  “No…” Marissa tried to shout, but the lump in her throat caused her voice to come out in a whisper. “I don’t believe you.”

  “You’ll learn. The real question is whether I’ll break you before you bend to my will,” he murmured almost to himself.

  “What do you mean?” She tried to shrug off his finger, but it followed every movement of her head.

  “By now a Darinthian woman would be submissive and compliant.”

  “How boring,” Marissa spit out before she could stop herself.

  Kytar threw back his head and his laughter boomed over her. “Perhaps you’re right. You are a challenge. But your senseless resistance angers me and that is not a good thing. You need to respect my anger and work to satisfy me. You don’t understand our world. You have no idea of how easily I could break all your resistance. Do you really think you can defy me?”

  The truth of his words frightened Marissa. Kytar’s strength thrilled her much as she wanted to deny it. She wanted to rage at him. She wanted to force him to let her go, even as she wanted—no, she longed—to submit to his will and let him take care of her. She could finally be with someone who cared. She never imagined she’d have to fight her own desires as well as his. How could she survive this nightmare?

  She closed her eyes as if she could close him out. Exhaustion and shock kept her silent.

  The soft touch of Kytar’s lips brushed her cheek just before he said, “Will you accept my collar?”


  “You know I can force your compliance.”

  Marissa took in a deep breath, steeling herself, she said, “Yes, I know you can force me. You’ll have to force me. I won’t accept willingly.”

  She heard his sigh.

  “You’re tired and in shock. You need to rest and recover your strength. And I have the perfect place for you to do that.”

  He stood with her still in his arms. His strength amazed her. No man had ever carried her before. She wasn’t so thrilled when she saw her new home though. He’d brought her to the cell. Chained her and left her.

  * * * * *

  Three days later, Kytar tried to shake off the need throbbing through his body. He’d never meant to offer his collar. He’d never meant to keep her beyond an hour or two.

  He’d designed his strategy carefully. By capturing Marissa, a female belonging to Davo’s clan, Kytar gained power. Marissa’s mere presence gave him the advantage he needed. Davo would pay to recover his daughter.

  Even now, Kytar’s plans weren’t in total ruin. He didn’t have to go any further, he could still bargain with her. Since she’d refused the collar, the binding hadn’t gone too far to reverse. Kytar told himself he should contact Davo and negotiate Marissa’s freedom. The smartest action was to stick with his original plan. He should release her to her father’s care. Binding Marissa further threatened all his plans.

  But even as he reviewed his logical goals, he knew that contacting Davo and freeing Marissa was beyond him. Despite the fact the collaring and binding were not complete, Kytar felt helpless. He couldn’t bear the thought of giving Marissa to any other man, even her father. Kytar wondered how her father would react. He might welcome Kytar to the family or he might declare a feud. But even if it meant war, Kytar had no choice. The binding had never possessed Kytar like this before.

  He shook his head and poured himself a drink. Many women had asked for his collar. He’d easily refused them, not feeling the need to bind them permanently. Now, here he was offering the honor to an off-worlder who had no idea what it meant. Why did he feel compelled to go so far?

  The binding meant power, both symbolic and real. A collar was the equivalent of a wedding ring. Once collared, a woman forever belonged to the man even as he belonged to her. There was no divorce on Darinth.

  He’d heard tales of the magic of the binding. He’d heard that the binding would occur unexpectedly and with an undeniable strength. He never really believed the stories until now. He gave a bitter laugh, knowing his tenuous control wouldn’t last much longer.

  What was there about the woman that made her so different? Was it her independence? Her vulnerability? Her beauty? Yes, her beauty called to him, but he’d known many beautiful women. Whatever the reason, he’d never before faced this raging, nearly uncontrollable need to posses a woman. Her response to the binding was unmistakable. And for the first time, a response echoed deep within, binding him as well as her. He would have her willing compliance.

  Her initial refusal hadn’t surprised him, but he hadn’t expected the blinding rush of rejection her words had caused. He’d nearly lost control and only the knowledge that she was frightened and ignorant of Darinthian customs had stilled his rage.

  Marissa didn’t know what binding meant. Darinthian customs had an unsavory reputation in the rest of the galaxy. Outsiders didn’t understand that magic that was an integral component of sex and companionship on Darinth.

  He had exercised every ounce of self-restraint not to force her compliance. He couldn’t force the binding on her. He knew the truth even if she didn’t. If he forced her compliance, the final binding wouldn’t work. The magic of the words accepted only truth.

  He had her in his house. The collaring would occur regardless of the danger Davo presented. Kytar just needed to be patient and rein in his need to extend his claim in every way possible.

  He’d thrown her in the cell for her own protection. He hoped the cell would soften her. Some resistance added spice, but too much fueled his anger. He didn’t want to hurt her. He just wanted her submission and he would have it. Today’s visit had gone well. She’d nearly climaxed when he’d played with her clit. Her body wanted him, even if her mind wasn’t quite convinced. He contemplated the two kisses she owed him.

  Marissa didn’t know what she faced. Her willingness to leave with him, the first step in companionship, gave him the power to read her emotions. He smiled. She didn’t know her own body. She didn’t know the power of the binding. She had no idea what to expect and he’d use her ignorance to make her his.

  He had to make her his. He needed her. He longed to sink his cock deep inside her warmth. But he wouldn’t take her, not yet, not until she’d accepted his collar. He needed to concentrate on gaining her acceptance of his collar so he could finish the common binding ritual. Then he had to deal with Davo. He needed to move just one step at a time.

  And the first step required gaining Marissa’s complete surrender.

  He considered his options, knowing there wasn’t a lot she could do to stop him. Strategy had always been one of his strengths and his campaign with Marissa required every bit of his skill, testing him every bit as much as it tested her. He considered one action, then another until finally settling on a plan for his next visit. He chuckled
as he realized how he would torment her. It would test all his control as well but she needn’t know that.

  * * * * *

  The next time Kytar visited, he seemed to take the very air she needed to breathe. Was he going to claim his kisses now? His presence, both physical and mental, nearly overwhelmed her defenses as once more she backed against a wall. Knowing she couldn’t escape his grasp, but trying anyway.

  He held her eyes as he stalked toward her. Placing a hand on the wall to each side of her head, he tilted his head, watching her as he moved forward, using his pelvis to pin her to the wall. Rough stone scraped her back while a warm throbbing beat against the juncture of her legs.

  Marissa bit her lip to stop a moan. Stiffening, she met his gaze even though her knees weakened.

  Kytar leaned down and gently kissed her. Stepping back, he smiled. “That’s one kiss.”

  Confused by his behavior her knees threatened to give out. Her breathing ragged, she’d expected more, not the chaste kiss he’d just bestowed.

  “If you are needy, accept the final binding.”

  She shook her head unable to speak through the fear and need clawing in her abdomen.

  “Why do you keep fighting, little one? I’ve no desire to break you. You must know by now how easily that could be accomplished.”

  She blinked, trying to clear moisture from her eyes, but stayed silent.

  “You are helpless. You are at my mercy. I can arouse you to the point where you will say anything, do anything to have your needs met. Is that what you want, do you want me to arouse you to the point of mindless surrender? Is that why you still fight?”

  “No! Let me go!”

  “Do you really want me to set you free before I’ve satisfied your needs?”

  “I won’t be your slave!”

  “Companion, not slave,” he replied. “I know your customs are different. Surrender and I’ll show you there is nothing to fear and much to gain by being my companion.”

  “But Darinthians subjugate females. I won’t let any man control me,” she said, remembering her stepfather’s brutality.

  Kytar sighed. “But I am stronger both physically and mentally. I do control you whether you wish to admit that fact or not. It’s not such a bad thing, little one. I will take good care of you.”

  Marissa shook her head. “No.”

  Kytar’s eyes hardened. “You know nothing of our customs. You reject them without understanding. You will surrender to me. Surrender and you’ll know satisfaction beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.”

  “You’ll take me whether I surrender or not. So what difference does it make?”

  “I know our customs are different. The rest of the galaxy has painted us as evil dominators of women. That is not an accurate portrayal of our relationships. I will not take you without your consent. Do you surrender?”

  She shook her head.

  “Why would you deny yourself the opportunity of uniting your mind and body? The union between linked couples creates an amazing arousal and satisfaction. Would you like a demonstration?”

  Tears filled her eyes. How could she fight this man? The screams of her body made thinking difficult.

  “I control you, little one. There is only one more step for the common binding ritual. Take it,” he whispered.

  She closed her eyes, wishing she could close him out as easily. Everything about him called to her senses. She couldn’t just submit to him, could she?

  She forced her eyes open as his cedar scent engulfed her, carrying her away to a distant forest. His tight sleeveless shirt and pants clearly revealed rippling muscles and the length of his hard cock. He wanted her, of that, she was certain. And he was not a small man.

  Her thighs clenched. Did she want him to force his way inside her? Marissa was petite, she wouldn’t be able to take him easily, but she was anxious to try. Why not just have sex? Why did he demand her surrender?

  Kytar stood motionless, a hand span away.

  Marissa wanted to move away from him. His close presence confused her but if she moved from the wall, she wouldn’t be able to stand. His chaste kiss had weakened her more than hours of foreplay and her knees shook like jelly. She should surrender. He wouldn’t stop until she did. How much longer did she really think she could hold out in the face of his implacable demands?

  “If…if I surrender…” she struggled to force the words past her tight throat.

  “If you surrender I will protect you.”

  “What…what does that mean?”

  “It means you are mine and I will protect you.”

  “No! No man owns me!”

  “Yes, little one. I do own you much as you own me. The link goes both ways. You will accept my collar and the binding.” His face was serious. “Your suffering hurts me. Let me soothe you. Let me caress you. I guarantee our joining will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.”

  His soft voice seemed to seep inside her. His heated gaze melted her frozen bones. Would it be so bad to surrender? He’d gain her compliance eventually. They both knew that. The only question would be how broken she’d be by the time she said yes. Did she really want to push him into forcing her compliance?

  He stood over her simply watching her struggle, waiting for her answer.

  Marissa trembled, struggling with conflicting desires. She sagged, teeth chattering, confused by the violence of her response, she remained silent.

  Chapter Five

  “Marissa, you suffer needlessly. Surrender to my will,” Kytar said, pulling her into a hug. “Let me take care of you, little one.”

  His arms surrounded her in a cocoon of strength and warmth. How could she feel safe when he was the one causing all her turmoil? She tried to pull back, but he sat on the floor, pulling her into his lap.

  She could feel his cock throbbing underneath her buttocks. Despite her fear, her pussy echoed his throbbing. She wanted him buried deep inside. She wanted to feel his power over her. She wanted everything the women in the vids had experienced. Her breasts ached for his touch, but he didn’t try to caress her.

  Instead, he enveloped her, holding her close, pulled tight against his rock-hard body. His warmth seeped into her until the shaking lessened just a little. Her tears flowed freely, unstoppable. She lost her will to fight. She wanted the safety he promised. She wanted his love, as those women had seemed loved. Could she trust him to do that?

  The question spurred her anger. Men weren’t trustworthy. Hadn’t her stepfather taught her that? And she definitely couldn’t trust this man. He’d lied to her and tricked her. She ignored the longing in her body and shoved herself out of his arms. Fleeing as far as she could, she screamed, “No!” But she didn’t know if she was screaming no to his demands or no to her own body.

  Kytar rested his head against the wall. Still sprawled on the floor, he should have looked harmless. Instead, his eyes hardened and brown leached to black. His mouth tightened and after a moment, he stood. Anger radiated from every line of his tight and hard body.

  Marissa was in trouble. She longed to flee but there was nowhere to run. Had she pushed him too far? She didn’t have time to answer her question.

  Blinding speed had him before her before she could even blink. With his hands on her shoulders, his foot swept her to the floor. She landed hard, the breath knocked out of her and before she could recover, he’d pinned her to the floor. All of his weight rested on her, forcing her to take shallow breaths.

  He bent his head to her nipple. An arcing need raced through her as his tongue laved her nipple. Wet with desire, she tried to squirm away, but his hips ground her into the floor and she could feel his hard, large length pressing her down. She bit her lip to stop a groan of need, but he continued his relentless assault and when he bit her nipple, her moan escaped.

  Raising his head, he said, “A little pain can be good, can’t it, little one?” He slid a finger between them, into her dripping pussy, and started tapping her clit. The pressure didn’t send h
er over the peak—it was just enough to drive her crazy.

  Her breath hitched. “Take me,” she demanded.


  “No! Just take me,” she screamed.

  He looked down at her.

  Marissa could see him struggle as he closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

  When he opened his eyes, they’d softened. A little of the black had bled out allowing a touch of brown to return. “You push me too far, Marissa. That is a dangerous thing to do. I never want to cause you pain while I’m angry. Pain, if used at all, is a tool to accentuate your arousal. To turn off your mind and arouse you to heights you never knew existed. Even when used as a punishment it occurs while I am in control. I have never used pain in anger, but you push me too far.”

  He said the words softly and Marissa had the feeling he said them as much to remind himself and bring himself back under control as he did to warn her.

  “Couldn’t…” she started before trailing off.

  “Couldn’t what, little one?”

  “Couldn’t we just have sex?” The words spewed out in a rush. She was horrified she said them but the words seemed to have a life of their own. Embarrassed by her boldness, she rushed on. “I’m attracted to you. I admit it. We both know you’ll have to break me to force my compliance. I don’t think either one of us wants that. Why can’t we just have sex?”

  His eyes cooled. “You insult me by offering such a thing. You insult us both and deny yourself the ultimate pleasure. You don’t understand our ways or you would never suggest such a thing.”

  “Then explain,” Marissa cried out. “Tell me what is going on. I don’t understand.”

  With a quick movement, Kytar rolled off her and stood looking down on Marissa. Her naked glory spread before him. He struggled to control his raging desire. Her offer sent sharp shards of nearly irresistible craving through him. No woman had ever challenged his control this way! No woman had ever tried to dismiss the binding. No woman just offered sex. Darinthian women knew better.


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