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The Forbidden Family Game

Page 10

by Ward Fulton

  "I humped up tight against him, driving his bulb way up my cunt, until I could look down and see my slit right up against his hairy bush. He started bucking a little on the bench and I bucked right back. It was easy to get into rhythm with him. Or maybe he made it easy, getting into rhythm with me I honestly don't know.

  "I just know I was getting a wonderful ride, bucking along with him, with his shaft reaming up my cunt and his bulb sliding back and forth, creating waves of excitement. I could feel the slide and slither of his shaft right down at the lips of my cunt and that long shaft and bulb driving up into me. With everything getting up real tight and exciting.

  "He still played with my boobies, even pausing every now and then to suck and tongue them, all of which built things to a big climax. But big.

  "He drew back, sliding his dong well down me, caught my rump with both hands and drove in, deep and hard, shivering and shuddering, with quick, short little humps that made me shake and shudder, too, and bear down as hard as I could, my little cunt practically chewing at his shaft. Then I felt his load swell in his shaft and go racing up me, to bust loose from his bulb. Everything I had seemed to come loose. All the tensions let go in one big splurge, in a big gush of goo, with me heaving my stomach and cunt at him and him bucking up at me.

  "I think, when things let go, I'd have slid off his lap in sheer weakness and release if he hadn't hung on to me, murmuring things in my ear and kissing my neck and running his tongue down to my tits. I was just a limp rag in his arms, but a very happy, very satisfied limp rag, breathing in ragged gulps and letting go with some shivers and shudders, while I felt his pecker come sliding down my cunt and out, still quivering, though, and tapping at my cunt in a gradually slowing beat.

  "I was sweaty and sticky with my own juices-and some of his that dribbled out, but I didn't care. I was happy just to rest-my head on his shoulder and let the shudders gradually quiet down. Then he picked me up and set me on the floor, but it seemed my legs didn't want to hold me. So he led me into the shower with his arms around me and we took a shower together.

  "Not that I really remember the shower. I was still reliving those wonderful moments we'd had on the bench. Still the shower woke me some, particularly when Kirk started soaping my body and playing with my tits and swabbing my little cunt He even knelt and kissed it, almost sending me climbing up the water from the shower head.

  "But it was all over. And Kirk was drying me off, very gently, with a big fluffy towel and telling me about 'next time,' which made me feel wonderful, just to think that there would be a next time. 'Next time,' he promised, 'I'll show you some real loving, with my mouth on your little cunt and my tongue inside. You'll love it.' I just nodded, because, if Kirk said so, I knew I would."

  Jill W- is one of the jet-set children, sons and daughters of the very rich who flit around the world in search of pleasure, new sensations, new thrills. These children are either left at home under paid companionship, rarely seeing their gaily whirling parents, or else, like Jill, occasionally travel the sunlit pleasure route with them.

  Not all jet-setters are swingers by any means. That is, if we accept the general meaning of the term "swingers" as being sex oriented. Many swirl around the globe because it is the socially accepted way of life among their peers, no more-nor less-concerned with sex than stay-at-homes.

  If we are to accept the categories of causes of sexual delinquency among the young as those outlined by administrators of youth rehabilitation centers, then Jill fits most readily into the frequently mentioned "sex as a way of life."

  She certainly saw sex all around her, though not quite in the manner in which the administrators meant it originally, that is, because of crowded conditions and enforced intimacy among the very poor. Jill was at the other extreme, the very rich, but sex was on display all around her, so she was "neither shocked nor offended when it happened to her."

  Jill can scarcely be said to fit well or readily into any of the categories of seeking identification, searching for peer group status, garnering affection, or "punishing parents." She knew quite well who she was, even though, occasionally the young girl may have felt lost and lonely. She belonged in and to one of the top peer groups and had no need to seek further approval. She may well have felt a need to "garner affection" which she seems to have felt she did not have from her parents, but she gives no specific indication of this. She may well have been seeking to "punish" her parents; however, if that is true, it is because of something that took place after her initial introduction to sex, and cannot be considered motivation toward sexual activities.

  There is strong indication in her closing remarks that her swinging parents actually had left her in contact with "sex as a way of life" to engender in her a desire for their type of swinging, sex-free life.

  Jill allowed her brother to seduce her, rather brutally, only after long exposure to sex and after an initial triggering mechanism of the man who eyed her lasciviously at the bathing pool. Not satisfied with her brother's initial seduction but feeling that there was "more to this swinging" than she had originally supposed, she actually sought out and, in essence, seduced the man who had been watching her in the pool.

  That he proved both gentle and understanding was both her good fortune and her ruination. While on the one hand it introduced her to a new world of sex and sexual satisfaction with consideration and subtleties, that very introduction led her deeper into a morass of sexual activities seeking someone who would be as gentle and understanding with her in sexual matters. After Kirk, with her brutalizing brother and her insensitive and corrupt parents, Jill's search for sexual satisfaction appears to have degenerated into a search for new thrills rather than developing into a rich and rewarding sexual relationship, such as she might have found.

  Kirk appears, from Jill's account, to have been quite experienced in sexual matters. He built Jill up slowly to sexual desires-probably more for his own sexual gratification than because of any real consideration for the girl-with what Karl Bernhardt, in Natural Sex Techniques, calls "the Electric Touch." This, Bernhardt explains, is "the light but firm use of fingertips to trace the lips, eyes, under the ears, the throat, the armpits, the breasts, the navel dimple and the sex organ itself." Elsewhere Bernhardt suggested that "the Electric Touch" can be even more effective if done with the tongue-as Kirk seems to have used it.

  At their second assignation Kirk taught Jill some "new ways of making love" as he had promised her. This included cunnilingus and fellatio or mouth-genital contacts.

  The famed Kinsey reports, covering cunnilingus and fellatio of a man with a young girl, says: "In about one percent of the cases, the male made oral contacts with the female genitalia, and in about the same percentage of cases the male persuaded the child to make oral contact with his genitalia." Admittedly this is a small percentage, but it must be remembered that it represents only cases of molestation, not free and willing sexual association, as in the case of Kirk and Jill.

  In his book Sex Offenses, Manfred S. Guttmacher says that this form of sex, mouth-genital contact, is extremely common. "In many individuals these are the normal components of the sexual foreplay which precedes sexual intercourse and they are often indulged in sporadically by quite normal individuals as an end in themselves."

  Kirk also introduced Jill to the pleasures and excitement of the joint shower, which Bernhardt recommends as a stimulus to sexual activity, saying: "A shared shower is particularly effective (in arousing desire far sex) since the warm water serves as a mild stimulus while the body-plays in the shower are definitely erotic." It should be pointed out that Bernhardt "recommends" this for marital sex, though it can be applied, as in the case, for sexual arousal quite aside from any marital relationship.

  From Jill's account, Kirk also seems to have utilized a number of physical positions for varying the sex act. According to Bernhardt there are more than forty basic positions for coitus, with several minor variations under each category. In this section Berrt-hardt also qu
otes a noted authority on sexual matters, Th. H. Van de Velde as saying: "As the grade and locality of stimulation are different, according to the relative positions of the two partners to one another, so therefore the sensations arising from such stimulations vary also." Bernhardt interprets this in enlarging on Van de Veldt's statement: "Varying the positions is not merely a matter of novelty but one of actual change in the degree and type of stimulation." He goes on to say, of the female:

  The vaginal duct or canal is not a fixed tube with a specific angle to her pelvis and vulva… [it is] a semi-floating organ [which] can change that relationship as much as ten degrees… Each of these changes alters the position of the clitoris, one of the prime triggers of the sexual climax [so] varying positions make it more or less accessible to stimulation.

  Bernhardt and others in the field of sex psychology, generally agree that this "change of position" is desirable primarily to test each partner out for the most stimulating position or provide variety in the sex act that is itself stimulating. Jill scarcely needed "testing out" to discover the position most favorable to sexual stimulation. At that point in her life the mere act of sex was sufficient stimulation. Nor did she need variety. So Kirk must have been utilizing Jill and the varying positions to gratify his own jaded appetite rather than, as he maintained, to teach her new ways of sex.

  As he moved out of her orbit, he left a young girl erotically aroused, so that she continued to offer herself to her crude brother while trying to teach him the refinements of sexual acts she had learned from Kirk. This in turn led her into incestuous relationships with both her father and her mother and into seeking sexual gratification wherever she could find it-which, in the atmosphere in which she lived, was all around her.

  "Kirk really taught me a lot about sex-about how to enjoy it. He was a good teacher. Why not? He was a swinger, one of those who roam the world looking for new and more exciting thrills. Like my parents.

  "I don't imagine I was such a new thrill to him. He had probably had young girls before. Maybe even a virgin or two-if they're such a thrill. Except maybe for a guy who likes to think he's the first to throw it into her. Which is strictly a one-shot deal. After that she's no longer a virgin.

  "I think maybe he-just got an extra kick out of teaching me the things he'd learned-and they were many and potent Maybe he even got some sort of kick out of taking me along slow, teaching me something until I was really practiced, and then moving on to something new.

  "I don't think I need to mention that I'm cute and pretty well stacked, with a real nice little figure, slim but all there. I have one of those faces that are nice to look at, wide-spaced, gray-blue eyes, a small, slightly retrousse, nose and a pouty under-lip, which is supposed to be indicative of high sexuality. I don't know that it really is. Back home I know a girl with that pouty underlip who is cold as a fish-or so the boys say. But I've got one, and in my case it reads right. I'm sexy. Right from the start. Even my brother Stan's animalistic treatment didn't fob me off sex. It just initiated me and made me want to try it with someone who really knew how. That turned out to be Kirk.

  "We didn't use the cabana after that first time. It's rather public, since it faces right on the pool and anyone can see who goes in whose cabana. Not that it made any real difference at the club. That's what it's there for-for a real swinging, sexy good time.

  "It did make a difference to me. I mean, I didn't want my parents learning that I was learning to be a swinger, screwing my brother and an older man. Also, I guess maybe I was still a little shy. Funny. I'd been screwed by two guys-my brother and Kirk-and even in that club atmosphere I was shy.

  "Oh, I wasn't a bit shy about peeling out of my clothes and letting Kirk take me any way he wanted, some of them pretty far out. I was just shy about having other people know it, particularly my parents. As it turned out, I needn't have worried about them. But that came later.

  "Kirk fixed it with the club steward to have the use of a room that just happened to be right near mine. With the club stewards you could probably fix up anything, short of murder. And in some of the clubs maybe that, too. I was always leery of the one in Marrakech. It seemed sinister, but probably that was only atmosphere. The same with the one in Macao, with all those Chinese slinking around and the Portuguese brooding like piratical slavers in all the main rooms. For all J know Chinese just happen to slink and Portuguese look like pirates even when they're strict family men. Not that that's likely in the personnel of one of the transit clubs.

  "Those at the club in Marseilles, where all this started, were very French, very suave and, oh, so understanding. A man could order a steak dinner sent to his room-and a girl-and the steward would ask if he wanted his steak aged and his girl young. I understand they even had a sort of printed menu of girls, with pictures and specialties. But that may be an exaggeration. I never actually saw one. Not being a man, I wouldn't.

  "The room Kirk had the steward arrange for him was the least sexy thing I've ever seen. I've seen schoolgirl's rooms that were just about as chaste. It was just a room, with a big daybed that looked comfortable, and was. And some chairs and a table. Just a room. I guess I had expected something like a harem room, with silk drapes and cushioned lounges and maybe a perfumed brazier going. With everything set up for a big seduction scene.

  "Kirk said that would have been corny. And I can tell you, any of the jet-set would rather be de-balled than thought corny. He said the room was simple, but what went on there could be all the more exciting for that. Which may be true. It was certainly exciting to me.

  "Kirk was already there, waiting, when I came in, a little hesitant because I still wasn't quite sure of myself or of Kirk for that matter. I mean, I've been around with swingers most of my life but just around them, not part of the swinging, so I'm not sophisticated. Not realty. Or wasn't then.

  "I was wearing a kaftan I had gotten in Marrakech the season before, with about a zillion buttons down the front and nothing much under it. Moving in it gave me a breezy feeling around my legs, and knowing I was naked under it made me feel awfully daring and sexy. Which was pretty silly, really, since I'd already been screwed by Kirk and he knew what I looked like. But just moving in it, with that silk swishing around and creating breezes around my legs and hips and cunt, really did things to me. Or maybe knowing I was going to get laid was doing it.

  "I know I was already a little breathless and choky when I stepped into the room. Seeing Kirk sitting there, smiling a little lopsided and nodding, as if he approved, calmed me down some. He stood up when I came in. I walked across to him, managing a shaky 'Hi, hello' or something equally inane. He took my hand and led me to a chair.

  "When I was seated he smiled wider. 'I wasn't sure you'd come. I'm glad you did.'

  "I tried a smile, but I suspect it was a bit shaky. 'But I promised I'd come.'

  "Kirk dropped onto the arm of the chair, touching my hair. 'Girls often make promises they never intend to keep.'

  "I grinned up at him. 'I've heard that about men, too.' And felt a lot easier, just making the joke. And Kirk was making things smoother by just being casual, waving to the table where there were drinks set up, including Cokes, but I didn't really want any. There were a couple of real creamy looking cakes that I meant to get around to later. Only I never did. In between I acquired a taste for something very different-a man's cock-that made creamy cakes just little-girl stuff.

  "Kirk slid down into the chair, scooping me up as he came, and settling me in his lap, one arm around me and cupping a tit, interesting but not even very sexy. He sure knew the slow routine-and maybe all the others-but the slow routine worked with me. Not that I was scared or jittery or anything. But slow and easy, creeping up on sex gradually seems lots more interesting than just lunging at a cunt and doing some reaming. For both.

  "Kirk's hand just barely moved on my tit but it was so warm, or I was, that it really started things working in me. While he was talking to me he was undoing some of those zillion or so buttons, an
d doing it so smooth I almost didn't notice-only, of course, I did. I mean, I knew a man was playing around with his hands. And when I felt one hand slide under the kaftan, right onto one of my boobies I knew exactly what was happening.

  "Kirk just went on talking, saying nice easy things that didn't need much of an answer, and went on down the line of those buttons until that kaftan was wide open and I was as good as naked. And liking it.

  "I liked the way his hands moved so slow and smooth over my tits and across my stomach and down at my cunt and then off, maybe across my thighs or around my ass. Once in a while he'd lean over and kiss one of my boobies and maybe run his tongue around my nipple. And I'd rear back to push it up to him.

  "My legs were getting weak and opening up, which let his hand drift right up on my slit just sort of mooching idly, like it didn't really know it was on my cunt. He kissed my throat just as one finger slid in, rubbing gently all along the lips of my slit, not trying to ream in.

  "It was all so easy and casual I-almost didn't know I was getting hot and breathless, wriggling to get more feel out of his finger. He kissed the corner of my mouth and teased it with his tongue, sliding his tongue around to that pulse in my throat and then down to one tit, swirling it around the nipple, which was now really hard and standing up.

  "He was smooth all right. I could barely realize he'd slid my arms out of the kaftan and that I was all bare, down to my socks. I was like floating, not really knowing nor caring what was happening, so long as it went on happening.

  "I knew when he slid one hand under my ass, because I had to hump up a little to let him. Then he was teasing my asshole, just real easy, and pushing his hand up between my legs to get at my slit from behind, until I could feel it slide back and forth against the open lips. That's when I realized my cunt had opened up and was wet.

  "It was like I wasn't quite with it and yet knew everything that was happening and enjoying all of it. I knew his eyes were getting that hungry look and soon he'd be fucking me to a fare-thee-well. And I was all for it, without really understanding how I'd got there.


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