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Revelation: Kastor Blackwood Series: Demon Kin

Page 3

by T. R. Lester


  Luke snarls and lets a deep growl rumble under his breath.

  “That menace.” Luke says, and spits on the floor.

  It’s bad to be called a menace by anyone, but for a demon to call one that, it’s really bad.

  “Do you think someone in your ranks would have freed him?”

  “Of course they would. If they thought it may help them get ahead, then yes.”

  “He’s the one that keeps coming up as I search for answers.”

  “He’s probably a part of what’s happening, but he isn’t the main player. He has someone pulling his strings. Bazil is an idiot who doesn’t know how to manage anything without a hand thrust up his ass directing him.” Luke says.

  “Well, who have you pissed off this century?” I asked him.

  Luke snorts.

  “When we lost the War of Heaven and were cast out, my brothers were not prepared to live outside of His control. We were created by Him. He was all we knew. So, when we were cast out and found ourselves in hell, no one knew how to begin to put life back into perspective. I took that lead and set up a system of rules that are to be followed. I assigned each of the Seven an area to rule over and be responsible for those who chose to live among them. Many didn’t like that and did try to rebel against the new rule. They were destroyed. A balance has to be kept between good and evil. As I taught you, everyone has a choice, it’s up to them how they choose. It’s the same here in the underworld. Inhabitants know they have to abide by whatever rules have been applied by each of the seven. They know balance has to exist. Thus, to answer your query, I have pissed off many over the centuries.” Luke says.

  “So, maybe one in your ranks is releasing demons into the world.” I say.


  “But why?”

  “To gain control over hell.”

  “Is there another who could take hell from you?”

  “Perhaps. They would need assistance in doing so, however.”

  “Assistance from who?”

  “The rest of the seven.”

  I nod.

  “I need to go. I need to start the search for the loogaroo. I’m going to talk to the detective again to see if he has any new leads. And will you please put a portal in my apartment I can open when I need to come here. Going to get a ride from Charon then facing Cerberus is a pain in my ass.”

  “I did link your portal to the meeting room, remember?”

  “I am only human, and I can’t remember everything.”

  “Not really. I did give you some enhancements.”

  Ignoring his human comment, I ask, “Can I take the book? The one that lists all the demons and their ranks?”

  “It may not function above. It’s linked to hell.”

  “I’ll try. If not, I’ll bring it back tomorrow.”

  “I heard the others telling you I should know something. What is it that you haven’t told me?” I ask him.

  Luke gives me a long look as if he’s been dreading this moment.

  “It’s something I intend on telling you soon. However, it’s not time yet.”

  “Is it going to piss me off?” I asked him.


  “Great. Just great.”

  A portal opens and I step through right into my closet again. My closet is so small I can barely fit my clothes in, much less me too.

  Making my way out of the closet, I stop as I hear a shuffling noise in the hallway. Pulling out my dagger, I ease over to the door and listen. Again, I hear shuffling. No one has a key to my apartment, however, that wouldn’t keep someone out who wanted in. I gently pull the door open as it squeaks occasionally. Stepping out into the hall, I see a shadow go into the kitchen. A large shadow. I walk slowly up the hall to the kitchen and stop at the entrance. I hear footsteps coming towards me so I raise the dagger ready to strike.

  “Holy fuck man. You trying to kill me?” Greyson asks.

  “Dude, you’re in my house. How did you get in here?” I ask him.

  “With the key.” He said nonchalantly.

  “And you got the key from where?” I ask.

  “You gave it to me?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Where have you been?”

  “Don’t change the subject Greyson.”


  “To see Luke. I’m trying to find information on the recent murder and that was the best place to start.”

  “Find anything?”


  Greyson Riley is one of our triumvirate who fights demons. We have been friends for about ten years. I met him on my first trip from hell when I was sent to cast a succubus out. He was almost lunch. The succubus had set its sight on Greyson and was in the process of sucking his soul out when I got to him. He was celebrating his twenty first birthday and had met her in a bar. He took her home, and the rest is history. While I was sending her back to hell, Greyson was awake and saw me as I sent her back. He asked question after question and said he wanted to help me. I talked to Luke, and he agreed, so I started training him. He didn’t have an ideal family life either. His parents raised him, but didn’t pay much attention to him. He was more of a burden to them so they let him do as he pleased.

  The third of the triumvirate is Lucius. No last name. Asmodeus sent him to me when I still lived in limbo. He and I were trained in hell by Asmodeus. He is also Asmodeus’ son. Or so he says.

  Together, we try to maintain the balance of demons in the human world.

  “Where have you been lately?” I ask Greyson.

  “Here and there. Been looking for problems around town. You know there have been a lot of demons in the area, right?”

  “Yeah. I’ve sent a few succubi back. Luke thinks there is a major demon involved. He also suggested that the murder over at the Lyric was by a loogaroo.”

  “Holy shit. Those things are hard to catch.”

  “Yeah, and we need to start searching.”

  “I’m ready when you are.”

  “First, I’m going to see the detective. I need more info on the murder. I need to look around at the scene too.”

  “Let’s go then. We’ll use my truck.”

  “Have you seen Lucius?” I ask Greyson.

  “He’s in Tennessee. Visiting family, I believe.”

  Greyson and I head out and to his truck. As I get to the sidewalk, I notice a dark shadow behind the Twin Oaks Apartments sign that posted by the drive that leads into the complex.

  “Did you see that?” I ask.

  “See what?”

  “Never mind. Maybe it was nothing.”

  We get into Greyson’s Land Cruiser and leave.

  And I see that damn shadow again.

  Chapter 3

  When we arrive at the Lyric, I see Detective Jackson standing on the sidewalk in front of the theater. I remember hearing tales about a ghost named Antoine that inhabits the theater. He’s supposed to be non-malevolent and only moves things around to make disarray.

  From 1912 until the 1930s, it was used for live theatrical events, then converted into a movie house during the depression. It was also one of a few buildings that survived the tornado of 1936 that wiped out most of Lee county. During that time, it was used as a makeshift hospital and mortuary to house the dead after the tornado. It was bought in 1984 by the Tupelo Community Theater where plays and such are performed now.

  The Lyric is located on Broadway Street, which is the law center of Tupelo. It’s surrounded by the Lee county courthouse and law offices. There is also the Lee County Library, Museum of Art and the Bancorp South Arena. The area is not one that would be limited in visitors, which makes it hard to see how a murder could occur and no witnesses would be present at some point during the crime.

  “Hi Detective.”

  “Hello Kas and Greyson. You’re just in time. We’ve had another murder. This time, the body was found behind the Clarion Inn. A hotel employee found it while taking the trash

  “You heading over there now?” I ask.

  “Yeah. CSI is already there so I need to drive on over.”

  “We’ll just look around here and see what we come up with. I’ll head on over when we’re done here.” I tell him.

  “They just finished here and the body has been taken.”

  “Ok. See you in a few minutes then.” I say.

  He nods and heads over to his car.

  Greyson and I walk into the theatre and head down the hall to the stage area. The theater is filled with posters of past shows, Elvis Presley memorabilia, and other items. The body was found behind the stage in a small corner. There had been a pentagram drawn on the floor, sigils drawn at each corner and on the wall. I pull out my phone to snap a few pictures. Not being familiar with all the sigils each demon has claimed, taking pictures will allow me to have Luke take a look. I’m still trying to figure out how a summoning could go unnoticed here.

  “Exsanguination you said?” Greyson asks.

  I nod.

  “No blood was left. So, someone either drank it or was very careful not to spill any when she was drained. The heart was also gone.” I tell him.

  “Why remove the heart?”

  “As a sacrifice.” I say.

  “If it was a loogaroo, she took the blood for herself and will give the demon who is giving her magic some of the blood as payment. I need to see the body to determine if it was in fact a loogaroo or vampire. If it was a summoner who wanted the heart, they would need the extra blood and heart to summon a higher demon. They couldn’t summon someone on the seven’s level without a sacrifice.”

  “What do you mean by level?”

  “Well, their level of bad assedness.” I say with a smile.

  “Smart ass.”

  “I mean their level. Someone who is a brother who fell when they did. Someone equal to them, such as another fallen angel.”

  “Makes sense now.” Grey says.

  “How will you know if a loogaroo took the blood?”

  “She will have numerous bite marks.” I say.

  “So, this loogaroo will take blood and give it as payment to a demon in exchange for magical powers and the heart will be given to the summoner so they can summon their demon master?” Greyson asks.

  I nod.

  “Did Luke have any ideas?”

  “Not really.”

  “I say we look at the body then decide if it was a loogaroo or not.” Greyson says.

  “I agree. They’ve taken the body already but we can head over and look at the next scene before they take it.”

  I take a few more pictures of the pentagram and sigils and notice the edge of the circle has been broken, or scuffed. Like you would take the toe of your shoe and try to erase a small part of it. This would allow the demon being summoned to step out of the circle. Interesting.

  “Let’s go.”

  As we exit the theater, I catch a glimpse of Antoine from the corner of my eye. He stares at me as I walk but I ignore him hoping he doesn’t approach.

  When we leave the Lyric, heading down Front street, we have to get on McCullough Boulevard to get to the Clarion Inn. As we try to get off the exit to enter the traffic, we’re slammed from the rear.

  “What the fuck?” Greyson yells.

  “Just drive. Go, go, go.” I tell him.

  We are hit again before we get off the ramp and are almost pushed in front of an oncoming semi-truck. Grey stands on the brakes and jerks the steering wheel to the right to get us out of the way of the truck. That’s sends us onto the shoulder of the ramp where the grass has grown high from not being maintained. He jerks the wheel again to get us back on the ramp and floors it. The truck that rammed us pulls up beside us on the driver’s side. It has dark tinted windows and we can’t see in. The driver jerks the steering wheel and side swipes us, running us into the ditch this time.

  Greyson spins the steering wheel and we slide to a stop on the grass. The truck speeds off with the rest of the traffic.

  “What the hell dude?”

  “No idea. Can you drive?”

  “Yeah. I’m ok, how about you?”

  “I’m good.”

  “What the hell was that about?” Greyson asks.

  “Well, I would say someone doesn’t want us looking into these murders.” I tell him.

  “That’s just fucked up man.”

  Easing back onto the highway, Greyson makes his way to the hotel.

  We make it to the Clarion and the parking lot is filled with police cars, an ambulance, a coroner’s van and reporters.

  We find a place to park and get out heading over to Detective Jackson.

  “Glad you made it.”

  “We almost didn’t. Someone rammed and ran us off the road.” I tell him.

  “Really? Who have you pissed off?” Jackson says with a smile.

  “Someone who wants me dead or injured, apparently.” I tell him.

  “Come on. I want you to look at this.”

  He leads us behind the Clarion over to the trash bin. The bin is enclosed behind a wooden fence so guests can’t see it. The gate is open and the CSI team is in with the body.

  Upon entering, I can smell the slight hint of sulfur. The small enclosure is approximately twenty feet wide and has room for two trash bins, but only contains one. The pentagram is drawn beside the bin and the body is inside, head pointing to the south end of the pentagram. Blood has dripped from her mouth and ran down her cheek to form droplets on the concrete. Her chest, where her heart should be, has a hole the width of two hands and dried blood around the wound.

  “Exsanguinated and heart taken.” Jackson says.

  I nod and continue to look around. As I near the edge of the pentagram using my second sight, I can see sigils drawn at each point and on the wall. There is still a faint glow from the energy that was used to activate it. Normally, when one uses a pentagram to summon a demon, they use the sigils of the demon being summoned. If you summon one, having it inside the pentagram gives the summoner control, to an extent, over the demon for a short time. The summoner has to be practiced in summoning and strong to be able to hold a demon for even a short time in a pentagram. One flaw in the summoning or the pentagram could release the demon and most often, they will kill their summoner. I can see there is blood mixed with the chalk to draw the pentagram and it isn’t closed either in one small spot, which leads me to believe the pentagram is being used to summon the demon and let them have free reign while they are earth bound.

  “Has anyone touched the pentagram?” I ask the CSI women.

  “No. We have been very careful not to disturb anything.” One of them say.

  I get closer so I can see the sigils clearly. I pull my phone out to take more pictures as Greyson walks over to my side.

  “Who do those belong to?” He asks.

  Looking down at the sigil drawn at the top of the pentagram, my heart almost stops. The sigil has a line that starts at the top and goes down to curve to the right. Another line with a slight curve is next to that, making the first mark look like the number four with a small gap where the curved line would connect to the straight line. The same lines are repeated, only smaller with another smaller thicker line that curves to the right and has a dot in the middle. When put side by side, they look to be two number 4s side by side with a thick line capital L and a dot in the L.

  I snap some pictures and still can’t believe what I’m seeing.

  “Who?” Greyson asks.

  “Belphegor.” I say.

  “What? Isn’t he one of the seven?” Greyson asks.

  “He is.” I say.

  “Luke’s going to torch the whole planet when he sees this.” Greyson says.

  “He’s not going to be too happy.” I say.

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “You find anything?” Jackson asks.

  “Yeah. It’s a demon. I’m going to look for more information before I can say who it is. I need to put ever
ything together then I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  Jackson knows a bit about what Grey and I do. He prefers to stay as oblivious as possible, doesn’t ask for details, and says he’s not in a hurry to start having horrific dreams about hell and demons, so I only tell him things he specifically asks me to tell him.

  “Well could you hurry? We need to stop this before we have another murder.” Jackson says.

  “I agree. I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”

  Jackson nods.

  “Let’s go.” I tell Greyson.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To piss off the devil.” I tell him.

  Having to tell Lucifer that his comrade’s sigil showed up at a demon summoning and crime scene is not something I’m looking forward to doing.

  “But first, we go to the morgue.”

  “Dude, I so don’t want to go to the morgue at night.”

  “Why not? And it’s not like it pitch black dark. They have lighting.” I say with a smile.

  “It’s still dark.”

  “We’re demon hunters and you’re afraid of the dark?”

  “Hell yeah.” Grey snorts.

  On our drive to the morgue, we ride in silence. I’ve never been one to talk incessantly. I guess being raised in hell and having no humans to talk to may have caused that. Who knows?

  Arriving at the hospital, we get out and I stand there looking for a moment. I hate this place. It’s too big, and you get lost looking for what you came for. They have added on over the years and made it huge. There’s a permanent crane in place for moving building parts and sections. Construction work occurs daily. I’ve never been able to come here and not see construction going on. Along with expanding the building, they’ve inflated the prices they charge for their medical services. I guess they have to pay for construction some way.

  The coroner meets us at the information desk, because I can never find my way to the morgue alone, and walks us there.

  “Did they find anything specific on the body?” I ask.

  “Nothing other than numerous bite marks.” James, the morgue tech replies.

  We continue our walk. When we enter the double doors leading into the morgue, I immediately start seeing ghosts. Many ghosts. Men, women, and children. Some look to have been torn apart in life by an accident or something and some look whole, as if they just died of natural causes. I know before I leave I need to find a way to have a moment alone to send them away. Some ghosts will go naturally, some won’t because they feel like they’ve left things undone. So, they hang around. If they are willing to go, sending them on will be easy.


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