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His Perfect Bride

Page 4

by Jenn Langston

  Feeling better about the situation, Brianna stood up and smiled. “I think it’s about time I spoke with our new governess, do you not agree?”

  “What are we going to do about her?” Grace asked, looking away in embarrassment. “I mean, I actually think I like her, but if you don’t, then . . .”

  Brianna worked to conceal her surprise at Grace’s reluctant admission.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be nice this time and then we will see. I may find that I like her as well.” Brianna smiled encouragingly at her sister and was happy to see Grace return the smile.

  Since her sister had never warmed up to any governess or nanny in the past, this grabbed Brianna’s attention. Due to Grace’s aversion to the previous caregivers, Brianna had taken over her sister’s care, transforming herself into any role Grace required. When the governess found out Brianna was participating in raising her sister, she forbade Brianna from having contact with Grace. That was when Brianna decided it was her duty to rid them of the more bothersome women. Knowing she would be preparing for marriage in the near future, Brianna was happy Grace finally found someone whom she could accept and resolved to do everything in her power to keep the new governess around for her sister’s sake.

  As she watched her sister happily skip from the room, Brianna decided to forgo breakfast in preference to settling her business with the governess. Hoping to find Miss Ashley in the nursery-converted study area, Brianna made her way there.

  Luckily Miss Ashley sat inside, quietly sewing alone. Brianna politely knocked on the doorjamb to announce her presence.

  Miss Ashley’s head shot up in surprise.

  “Do you mind if I join you?” Brianna asked.

  “Not at all, please come in and have a seat,” Miss Ashley said with a false smile. “I hoped for an opportunity to speak with you.”

  Beneath the surface, Brianna could tell Miss Ashley was nervous about the coming conversation, which helped put Brianna at ease. Miss Ashley was obviously not a malicious person who loved doling out punishments.

  “I wish to speak to you as well. Do you mind if I start?” Brianna asked, sitting on the chair directly across from Miss Ashley.

  “Not at all.” Miss Ashley visibly relaxed as she set aside her sewing.

  “Well, I know my mother hired you to act as governess for both myself and Grace, although I’m no longer at an age that requires it.”

  “That is correct.”

  “I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you, but I don’t wish to have a governess.” Brianna paused as she noticed determination flash in Miss Ashley’s eyes as she pressed her lips together. “However, since you are here, I would not mind having another friend.”

  Miss Ashley’s eyes widened and her mouth opened, obviously not expecting Brianna to act civil. Her reaction had Brianna stifling laughter. Miss Ashley had no doubt heard the stories of how she and Grace managed to rid themselves of past governesses.

  “I’m delighted you feel that way,” Miss Ashley said, after recovering from her shock. “I do agree you no longer need a governess, and I would be honored to obtain your friendship, Lady Brianna.”

  “Please call me Brianna.”

  “And you shall call me Ashley. Now, I can only see one potential problem with us having a friendship.”

  Although she knew Ashley referred to her mother, Brianna furrowed her brows and tilted her head.

  “I don’t believe your mother will accept our new relationship,” Ashley continued.

  After a brief pause, Brianna responded, “You are correct, for I can’t imagine she would ever understand. Perhaps it would be better if we kept it between us.”

  “That would indeed be wise, but how will you feel when I must fulfill a certain task or request that would typically be expected from your governess?”

  Brianna pretended to take a moment to think the question over. “I believe it would be best if you told me about it first, so we can handle each dictate individually. I do understand we will have to keep up pretenses in front of my mother.”

  “Then I believe this plan is worth a try. Keeping that in mind, I do have an item to discuss.”

  “You have already been given instructions from my mother?” Brianna asked, drawing her head back and widening her eyes.

  “This morning your mother asked me to discover where you were for the majority of the ball last night. She believes you went off with someone to purposefully avoid her.”

  There it was, the part Brianna dreaded. The only consolation was that with Ashley attempting friendship, they could come up with a plausible excuse to satisfy her mother. Also, Ashley didn’t mention the “someone” was a gentleman, or that her mother suspected she’d kissed him. Relief spread through her body, making her sag in relief.

  Considering her mother had no details regarding the absence, Brianna realized she could fix this. Knowing partial honesty would work best, but still uncertain if she could trust Ashley, Brianna decided to change up her story.

  “Well, for the most part, I danced with different gentlemen. As for avoiding my mother, that came as a happy coincidence. When a handsome gentleman asked me for a walk on the terrace, how could I deny him?”

  “I see. So, in the interest of our new friendship, would you mind telling me how much of that is fact and how much is fabricated?” Ashley asked, giving her a knowing look.

  Brianna smiled at the accurate assessment and began to feel better about their friendship.

  “Perhaps avoiding my mother was more of a goal than a coincidence, but she does not have to know that. Now, we must come up with an appropriate story to report to her, so she does not feel the need to follow me around tonight at Lady Lamkin’s ball.”

  “I’ll help you and run interference with your mother, but in return you must be honest with me.”

  “I can agree to that,” Brianna promised, deciding to keep everything as close to the truth as possible. Between the two of them, Brianna hoped they would be able to keep her mother happy, as well as give her freedom to find her future husband.

  Richard swirled the amber liquid in his glass, watching as if it held the secrets of the universe. He leaned back on the sofa in Greyson’s study, grateful for his friend’s understanding of his need for silence. Richard went to Greyson’s townhouse hoping for a distraction from his preoccupation with a certain woman, but unfortunately his mind refused to release her. Thoughts of Brianna filled his head, and he had no desire to share her with his friend just yet.

  After exchanging pleasantries, Richard could find nothing else to say, and Greyson didn’t contribute much either. Greyson held the title of Viscount Merrick, but he was not by any means the typical lord. His father married, but his wife had been unable to produce an heir. When Greyson was left on his doorstep late one night, he discovered he had an illegitimate son. They took him in and declared Greyson to be the heir. His illegitimacy never posed an issue for Richard, as it did for the majority of society.

  “What is on your mind?” Greyson asked, after a long period of silence.

  Richard inwardly cringed at the choice of words. He didn’t know if his emotions were so transparent that Greyson picked those words deliberately or if it was a coincidence. Of all his friends, Greyson understood him the best. Normally it was that quality which brought Richard here, but today he felt less than thrilled at his friend’s insightfulness.

  “I’m not thinking on anything specific. I simply wondered after the club. I didn’t hear many details the other day, and I hoped you could fill me in.”

  “Everything has been running at its usual efficiency. We recently hired an additional butler. His name is Nathaniel and with his more substantial frame, he is a better deterrent against more bothersome behavior.”

  “Have there been problems recently to require such attention?” Richard asked, only remembering one fight from the past, the event that had encouraged them to be more selective in regard to membership. Originally, they hoped to not seclude anyone. However, they q
uickly learned the merits of being discriminatory.

  “Not since the one occurrence years before. I simply thought it best to be prudent, considering the number of men recently rejected for membership,” Greyson assured. “While we are on the subject, I would like to recruit your help gathering more information about some new applicants.”

  “Who are you looking into?”

  “The two applicants are Erik Langley, Viscount Tarrington, and Alan Parks, Earl of Kirkwood. I have heard very little, which isn’t unusual, considering my position within society. My information, however, isn’t favorable to either of them.”

  “What have you found out about them?”

  “Tarrington is young and only recently inherited, but other than his pretentious attitude, I know nothing of him. Kirkwood is some years ahead of us, and I understand he has had memberships revoked in the past. That is all I know.”

  “I have no knowledge of Tarrington, but I’ll do my best to find out what I can. Kirkwood, however, is never up to any good and should be an easy rejection.”

  “That is what I suspected,” Greyson said, nodding.

  The downside to Greyson being in charge of the club dealings was that his limited acknowledgment from society made information difficult for him to obtain. Although Greyson wanted nothing more than acceptance into high society, he was constantly denied. Richard pitied his longtime friend and would frequently bring him along to events as a guest, but he knew Greyson resented the necessity.

  “Incidentally, did you have an opportunity to stop at the club today?” Greyson asked.

  “I have yet to do so. Is there something amiss?”

  “No, but when I visited there earlier, Nathaniel informed me that your solicitor tried to contact you. He had been unable to locate you and hoped I would be able to pass on the message.”

  “Ah, yes. No doubt my solicitor needs to see me due to my efficient steward at Stonemede,” Richard replied sarcastically. “Well, I suppose I should go tend to matters. However, I shall inform you if I discover anything of interest in regard to the two applicants.”

  “Thank you. I do hope everything is well at Stonemede.”

  Richard nodded and then took his leave. He hoped his assignment from his friend, as well as the difficulties at Stonemede, would take his mind off of the most incredible hazel eyes he had ever seen.

  Chapter 4

  He’d failed miserably, Richard noted. He had spent the past hour hearing about all the troubles his steward experienced at Stonemede, but his mind remained on Lady Brianna Denton. Deciding to forgo taking his carriage home, he hoped the fresh air would clear his head of thoughts of her. The day, surprisingly clear and dry, was a pleasant change from the normally wet London.

  As he passed by the numerous shops down the busy street, he wondered what had possessed him to ask his solicitor to inquire about Lady Brianna. It should not matter to him how appropriate her social standing would be for the position of his marchioness, since she didn’t meet his requirements. Any lady bold enough to kiss an unknown man was not his idea of an obedient soft-spoken wife.

  Richard tried to think of the other ladies he met to determine which ones satisfied his requirements. Unfortunately, he could not picture a single one. His search was not being conducted favorably, and considering the nature of evening balls, the setting was not conducive to his purpose. At his next opportunity, he would pick several ladies to call upon to give him a better chance at determining their eligibility.

  “Mr. Richard? Is that you?” He heard a familiar voice calling from behind him.

  Not knowing anyone who would address him thusly, he ignored her, assuming she spoke to another gentleman. Then he stopped, suddenly realizing who the voice belonged to, for he had been hearing it inside his head all day.

  His mind must have conjured her, for the odds of her passing at the exact time as he was unfathomable. Richard felt anticipation welling up inside him as he slowly turned toward her voice. He sighed. She looked as spectacular in her day clothes as she had the other evening in her ball gown. The soft pink fabric taunted him as it encircled her perfect form.

  “Lady Brianna, what a happy coincidence to see you here,” he replied, enjoying the way her face lit up with a brilliant smile.

  “You remember me,” she said, pleasure clear in her voice.

  How she could possibly imagine he would have forgotten her, he could not understand.

  “I find it difficult to forget such a beautiful lady.” He omitted the fact that their unorthodox introduction would forever be preserved in his mind.

  “So, what brings you here?” she asked, cocking her head, unable to hide her blush at the compliment. “Are you looking for something in particular? I may be of assistance, for I’m quite familiar with the shops in this area.”

  Her companion, who appeared to be a maid, gasped at her offer, but Lady Brianna continued watching him expectantly. Would she ever cease to surprise him? From the companion’s reaction, this was not the behavior she typically exhibited, so why was she acting so now?

  He wondered if someone had put her up to this. Had she found out who he was, and now she would hunt him like the rest of them? If not, then why would she choose to associate with him, a proclaimed untitled gentleman? He had so many questions, and he felt the compulsion to ferret out all of her secrets.

  He’d been on the verge of allowing her to join him when he caught himself and realized what was happening. He was becoming too involved with this unsuitable lady, for she already fascinated him. If he didn’t proceed carefully, he could easily become engrossed until it was too late to escape.

  “Thank you for your kind offer. However, I’m merely passing through to attend to some business. It was lovely to see you again.” His voice came out more abrupt than he’d intended.

  “Yes, very lovely,” she replied, her smile falling.

  Richard didn’t hesitate long enough for her to question his sudden change in mood. With a polite nod, he turned and made his way back to his town house. All the while he reaffirmed his resolve to keep away from this fascinatingly beautiful lady.

  Brianna allowed her dance partner to lead her to her mother. The end of yet another ball neared, and she’d been unable to locate Mr. Richard. It had been too long since she’d last seen him, and she began to wonder if he was purposefully avoiding her.

  She’d felt so lucky the other day when she and Ashley had run into him on their way to the milliner’s shop. He appeared even more handsome in the light of day, and Brianna found herself wanting to spend the day with him. At first, she thought he seemed pleased to see her, but after her offer, his immediate departure confused her. Although not the worst she had done, she knew her behavior verged on improper. Still, her actions had not warranted his immediate departure.

  Now Brianna once again searched for him, while doing her best to appear nonchalant so as to not alert her mother. She desperately wanted to apologize to Mr. Richard if she offended him, and, if not, she wanted an explanation. Spending time with him was necessary in order to determine if he would be a suitable husband, and she tired of waiting.

  Casting him from her mind, she scanned the ballroom for another target. If Mr. Richard was unavailable, she would have to find another potential candidate for the position. Spending all her time looking for someone who was not there did nothing to aid her search. In addition, the activity only served to depress her.

  “Hello, Brianna. Has any gentleman caught your eye as of yet?” Jillian asked as she appeared by Brianna’s side. This was also Jillian’s first Season, and although Brianna had not spent time getting to know any of the other girls, she was on favorable terms with Jillian.

  “Not exactly, though my mother has found her pick.”

  “Mine, too. Let me guess, your mother has her sights on the Marquis of Stonemede?”

  “Of course, as I’m sure your mother has the same idea. Have you been introduced?” Brianna asked, although she suspected Jillian’s mother had been fi
rst in line. “I have not had the pleasure, much to my mother’s dismay.”

  “We were introduced, and I was able to share one dance with him. I must say, he is an exceptional dancer.”

  “How wonderful,” Brianna responded, trying to keep the surprise from her voice. She had imagined someone with his advanced years would have trouble walking, and therefore dancing would not be an option.

  “You will soon have your chance, although he has not appeared this evening.”

  “That is quite all right. My mother may hope for the marquis, but, between us, I have an entirely different agenda,” Brianna replied proudly.

  “Really? Then you would not be competition should I decide to pursue him?”

  “Certainly not, and I wish you luck, for I imagine you are not the only one who has shown preference to him.”

  As the two girls enjoyed their light-hearted conversation, Brianna allowed her tense body to relax. If the marquis was not in attendance, she had no reason to fear her mother tonight. She looked around and noticed a striking man walk past her. His hair shone like gold, and his face boyishly handsome. She had never seen him before, so she watched as he approached a chaperone. After a few words, she deduced he was being denied a dance with her charge. Brianna had never witnessed such a display, and her curiosity as to why he would be turned away piqued.

  “Jillian, do you know who that gentleman is?” Brianna nodded to him.

  “I believe he is Baron Marks’s youngest son.”

  “Why do you suppose Sarah’s chaperone denied him a dance?” She hoped Jillian would fill her in. It was commonly known that Jillian’s mother was a considerable gossip. After beginning her Season, Jillian saw the trouble such a practice caused, so she kept away from anyone she believed would spread gossip around.


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