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Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She watched Duggy as he exited the limo and began speaking with Simon. Duggy was one of Fenly’s associates. If he was here in the States then Fenly might be as well. Ava swallowed that slight feeling of anxiety she got whenever she thought about Fenly. But she wouldn’t be weak. She had been on the run now for two years, always looking over her shoulder, constantly wondering who was human and who was wolf. Friend or foe, she was suspicious of everyone. All Ava needed to do was get the information she needed to bring them down, or simply kill Fenly herself. That son of a bitch was sneaky and took major precautions to not be caught alone or off guard. He would screw up soon, and when he did, she would be there to get him. In the meantime she would do whatever she could to screw up his illegal activities. The O’Brian name was not going to be destroyed by Fenly’s obsession with money and power. Not if she had anything to say about it. Brennan would be upset with her if he knew what she was up to, but what choice did she have? She wanted to be free. She wanted to be back in Ireland in her castle with all her belongings. Ireland was her home.

  She remained close to the wall, wondering why Doolin set up the explosives near the building. What was his plan? Why was Simon here, and who were the group of lowlives in the lowrider? She waited and watched.

  * * * *

  “What is that?” Sean asked Kyle as they leaned against the building adjacent to the set of Tudor-style houses along the avenue.

  Sean inhaled, closing his eyes until Kyle softly growled.

  “I’ve never smelled anything like it before. It calls to my wolf,” Kyle added, taking a step nearly out of the darkness. Sean grabbed his shoulder.

  “Wait. We don’t want to be seen.”

  But before they could begin to explore, a situation broke out between Duggy, Simon, and some other guys they were conversing with. The two groups of men made their way toward the small building. Sean spoke into his mouthpiece and contacted the others.

  “Willy, we’ve got movement toward the adjacent building. What should we do?”

  “Remain in position. Pat, Mick, and I will make our way around the opposite side.”

  Sean looked at his brother, and he felt his eyes change and his wolf begin to push him to shift.

  “What the fuck?” Sean exclaimed as Kyle grabbed his arm.

  “Are you all right?”

  “No. That scent is stronger. I don’t believe this. Why now? Why in the middle of a mission?”

  “Hey. Look. Do you see that?” Kyle asked Sean as he pointed toward an area of darkness and what appeared to be movement away from the building that Simon and the others were headed to.

  “Let’s go,” Sean replied.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Sean nodded then raised his weapon and prepared to move as Kyle led the way.

  The closer they got to the shadow, the more intense the scent became. His whole body was aware solely of the shadow and who it might be.

  “I’ll go this way. You head straight for it,” Kyle stated through their link. Sean nodded his head then took a deep breath. He felt his body temperature rise, and his groin tightened in anticipation. Whatever it was, his wolf wanted it and wanted it badly.

  * * * *

  Ava was watching, waiting to see if her luck had changed and at least some of these pieces of crap would die in the explosion. Why was Doolin leading Simon and his men there? He had to have been the one to set up the trap. Maybe it was for the other group of men wearing their colors and trying to act like big shots. They were just a group of street dealers. They probably were one of many that worked for Doolin.

  She glanced around, debating about moving in closer to see what happened when she noticed a person in black moving through the darkness. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight. The one guy was heavily armed and not like some street dealer. Oh no, he was definitely military trained. Then she saw him make a signal with his hand, and she looked around, noticing the two other men in black. They were more heavily armed then Duggy and his men with AK-47s. The other spoke into his sleeve, and she realized just what they were. Cops! This is gonna be good.

  The instant she heard the noise she realized that someone was coming her way. She panicked. Maybe this isn’t going to be good after all.

  * * * *

  “Where the hell are Sean and Kyle?” William nearly growled through their link.

  “Fuck!” Sean stated just as gunfire was exchanged between Duggy’s men and a carload of other men who’d just pulled onto the scene. It appeared as if some other group had planned an attack on this meet up. Simon’s men were running back toward their cars along with Duggy. Something was happening near the building.

  “Move in now!” William ordered, and they moved in to intervene.

  * * * *

  Ava gasped at the sight. The moment she saw Simon’s men shift into wolves she felt her chest tighten and a panic attack begin. Slamming her hand over her mouth, she tried to silence her raspy breaths. The men headed into the building to safety, but not Simon or Duggy Doolin.

  But then her nostrils flared, and she just couldn’t seem to take in air. She turned and hit the wall, colliding against the concrete. With her hands splayed against the rough surface, she began to run in the opposite direction of the chaos. Growls echoed around her until there was one very loud, distinctive growl that seemed to cause an eerie silence.

  She swung her head around despite her inability to take normal breaths and saw two men standing around numerous bodies. Tires skidding down the roadway echoed through the avenue, and she knew that Duggy had more than likely escaped.

  She walked backward, her eyes glued on the two massive men in black standing under the street lights, when suddenly, they looked up and caught her gaze. Their eyes glowed yellow, and she clutched her throat then turned and bolted.

  Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

  She ran, stumbling over her own two feet and trying to maintain balance in the three-inch heels she wore. She hadn’t planned on this, and she wasn’t dressed for a quick escape. Maybe this was a really bad idea.

  As soon as she turned the corner to where she had parked her Jeep and the feeling of relief began to hit her chest, she slammed into a brick wall.

  * * * *

  Sean smelled the scent grow stronger, and nothing would stand in the way of getting closer to it. He heard the growl and knew that his brothers had things under control, but he and Kyle were glued in their position. They heard her coming. They stood side by side as the scent grew stronger, and suddenly a woman in high heels and long, sexy legs slammed into his chest. He lifted her into the air in order to catch her from falling. She kneed him in the groin, nearly hitting his family jewels, but luckily his wolf reflexes were quicker than her strike. He was about to restrain her further when he heard the choking sounds coming from her. She was gasping for air, and he was immediately concerned for her well-being. Well, that and her scent was so damn intoxicating that he needed to touch her and just breathe her in.

  “Whoa, honey, slow down. Where are you running to?” he asked as Kyle took position behind her.

  She looked so scared that the whites of her eyes nearly grasped his attention more than the emerald green. Frantically she tried to push against him as she turned her head back and forth between him and Kyle.

  “It’s okay. We won’t hurt you. What are you doing out here?” Kyle asked then looked her over from head to toe as Sean held her.

  “You’re dressed kind of classy to be a hooker,” Kyle stated, and even Sean was shocked at his brother’s insult.

  “Go to hell! Do I look like a damn hooker?” she asked as she wiggled in Sean’s arms.

  “Put me down,” she demanded as Kyle raised his eyebrows, giving her that look that his brother thought made criminals fear him.

  “You can tell us, sweetheart. We’re cops,” Kyle added sarcastically.

  Sean chuckled when the brunette stuck her tongue out at him and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  The move c
aused her breasts to push upward, revealing her deep cleavage. Sean felt his cock harden and his hold tighten under the cheeks of her ass as he tried to rein his attraction in. His beast wanted nothing more than to roll her to the ground and sink his cock inside her wet folds. What the fuck? I’ve never felt like this before.

  He sniffed the air. Despite her verbal resistance it seemed that she was turned on by Kyle’s demanding demeanor.

  “We’ll let you go when we’re sure you’re okay. What are you doing out here?” Kyle asked as he folded his arms across his chest. Sean was even taken aback by his brother’s authoritative tone.

  “None of your business,” she stated, but then she began to hyperventilate. He was concerned, but his brother looked untrusting.

  Sean eased her down onto her feet and began to speak softly to her, asking if he could do anything to help her when they heard sirens in the distance and some commotion going on down the street where their brothers remained. “Shit, Sean, we gotta go,” Kyle yelled as he took one last look at the woman.

  She looked across the street to where Willy and Pat began to walk toward the building with weapons drawn.

  “They’re going in. We need to go,” Kyle stated frantically.

  “You have to stop them,” the woman demanded as she grabbed Kyle’s arm. He locked gazes with her, and Sean leaned in closer.

  “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” Sean demanded to know with teeth clenched. His wolf was beginning to surface. He wanted this woman. He didn’t want to let her go. He was utterly confused by the strong need to keep her in his sights, especially since his brothers, his team, needed him and they came first.

  “Hurry or they’ll die. There’s a bomb in there,” she yelled then shoved him away.

  Sean growled low then released the brunette with the amazing green eyes.

  “Stay right here! Don’t move!” Sean ordered then took off after Kyle.

  * * * *

  Ava watched them leave then bolted toward her Jeep. She had been keenly aware of each man. She could still feel the one man’s touch against her skin and the way his solid body felt wedged against her own. Talk about sex appeal. Both men were exploding with it. As she climbed into the driver side and started the ignition, she looked into the rearview mirror. She was shocked at the feeling of guilt she felt. Why the hell should I feel guilty for not staying? Why did I warn him about the bomb?

  She shook the thoughts from her head as she stepped on the gas pedal. She wasn’t a cop killer, and those two cops looked quite intimidating. One more glance in the rearview mirror at the darkness behind her and again she felt guilty. As she drove farther and farther away from the two men, she began to think about them. They were both quite handsome, at least six feet four, and both had gorgeous blue eyes. But they were cops and perhaps wolves just like Simon, Fenly, and the others. She swallowed the lump of fear and gripped the steering wheel tighter as she headed for home. Then she heard and felt the explosion as a ball of flames instantly filled her rearview mirror.

  I hoped they listened to me. She began to slow down then reminded herself that no one could be trusted. She screwed up. She never should have warned them. She never should have run despite her fear of the wolves. Slamming her hand on the steering wheel, she prayed that she didn’t just jeopardize her identity.

  Chapter 2

  “Okay, so let me get this straight. You two decide to leave your post, to not come to aid your team in a battle with the bad guys, but instead flirt with some chick standing on a street corner? Willy is gonna tear you both new assholes,” Mick reprimanded as he leaned back in the chair at headquarters. They were all in the debriefing room waiting on Willy to return from speaking with the commander. Some civilians had heard fierce animal growls and called the police, who nearly stumbled upon all of them in were form. Despite Sean and Kyle’s odd behavior, they did get to the team in time to assist and get things under control before the humans arrived on scene, and before the bomb that exploded could have killed good guys, not just bad guys.

  “Well, you didn’t see her,” Sean replied with an attitude, and Mick raised his eyebrows in challenge.

  “When are you gonna stop letting your dick make decisions for you? This gig could have gone all wrong,” Pat added to the conversation, and Sean stood up, ready to challenge his brother. Just then the door opened then slammed closed as their brother Willy entered.

  “What the fuck is this? I leave you in charge for ten minutes, Mick, and these two are about to brawl?” William reprimanded Mick then pointed at Sean.

  “You sit your ass down. I’ve got an update on Simon and Duggy Doolin.”

  Mick listened in as his brother Willy explained about a new arms cartel and imports coming in through various sources. He shot a quick glance toward his brother Sean, and Sean stuck up his middle finger at Mick.

  “Cut the shit out now!” Willy yelled, and everyone looked at their commander and head Alpha.

  * * * *

  William wasn’t sure what was going on with his brothers, but today’s near-tragic error could have caused their removal as government operatives, never mind some serious problems with the leaders of the Warriors of the Brothers of Were. Being part of three individually intense and two secret organizations was an honor and involved being discreet. Tonight’s near screwup bothered him. Never mind the fact that they could have been killed in the explosion.

  William crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned his rear against the table.

  “So, would you two care to explain your behavior?”

  “Nothing to explain, Willy. They both let their dicks rule their minds,” Pat stated, and Mick started laughing, but Kyle and Sean began cursing and charging toward Pat. Mick stopped them, and Willy raised his voice.

  “Cut the shit! There are consequences to your actions and I’m going to be initiating a punishment once I allow you both the opportunity to explain. Now sit your asses down and speak.”

  William stared at his brothers, studying them individually and how much they resembled one another as brothers as he waited for their response. All four of them had fierce tempers on them and similar facial features. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that they were brothers despite their personality differences. William, Pat, and Mick had hazel eyes with dark, black hair while Sean had brown hair and blue eyes and Kyle’s hair was a very dark blond. They were all very large and muscular. They were all loyal to the Order and to their pack.

  Kyle looked at Sean, and Sean shrugged his shoulders. “We fucked up. Neither of us knows why her scent enticed us in such a way that we lost complete focus,” Kyle admitted then released a heavy sigh.

  “It was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. One minute we’re ready to do battle, and the next, we see this gorgeous brunette hiding in the darkness suddenly come running toward us. She slammed right into me,” Sean added.

  William felt some odd sensation run through his veins. His brothers were a wild bunch. They’d had their share of women over the years, but none ever made them lose focus while on a job.

  “She was probably some hooker. Didn’t you smell sex on her and other cocks? Man, you two need to reevaluate your priorities,” Mick said, sounding disgusted.

  “She wasn’t a hooker,” Sean stated firmly then clenched his teeth.

  “He’s right, Mick. She was definitely not a hooker. She was all dressed up, too, like she was at a dinner party,” Kyle added.

  “Or maybe some hot date as an escort, huh?” Pat asked then chuckled as he leaned back in his chair and chewed on a straw.

  “Yeah, did you feel any panty lines while your hand was plastered to her ass?” Mick teased as he and Pat winked at one another and chuckled. They knew they were getting Sean and Kyle riled up.

  “She saved your ass though. She knew we were cops and she told us about the bomb. If we didn’t get to you guys then…”

  Sean’s voice trailed off, and the others looked shocked.

  “This chick knew there
was a bomb in the building?” Pat asked, and Sean nodded.

  “You dipshit! She probably set the fucking bomb,” Mick stated, and Sean stood up.

  “Fuck you, she saved your lives.”

  “Enough!” William yelled. He needed to clear the air and move on with this investigation.

  “What are you two saying? Are you telling me that some gorgeous, classy woman just appeared out of thin air and somehow managed to snag both of your attention so much that Duggy Doolin and Simon escaped from our grasp? Then on top of that, she knows about the bomb and you let her go?”

  His brothers looked at one another and nodded. “If we didn’t then you would have been caught in the explosion,” Kyle replied.

  “You let her go and now we have to figure out who this chick is,” Willy stated.

  “Maybe she’s working for the one we’re searching for,” Mick said.

  “We’ve kept the woman out of the picture. As far as command knows, it was just us there tracking Simon and Doolin’s crew. We’ll let the arson and the bomb squads figure out more in regards to the type of bomb and expertise. This will give us an idea about who we may be dealing with,” William stated.

  “What about us?” Sean asked as he glanced at Kyle.

  “Well then, if you don’t have any more to say in your defense, then after this meeting come see me,” William told them then cleared his throat. He’d never seen either of his brothers act like this before. There was definitely something odd going on. “So it looks like Duggy and Simon are working together. Marcus, our customs agent, has been monitoring some extra barge deliveries being shipped from overseas. He hasn’t figured out where and that’s our next job. I want to split up on this one. I think we can cover more area and question our snitches in twos. The Organized Crime Task Force has some information on Duggy. Mick and myself will head there. Pat, I want you to go speak with Marcus and see if you can confirm where those shipments came in from. Then we’ll meet up here and see what we gathered.”


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