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Journey to Her Dreams

Page 22

by Iris Blobel

  Hollie turned towards him, and gave him a big hug. “Thank you, thank you so much for everything! We definitely have to invite everyone to show some of the photos.”

  “Sounds good.” As soon as he got out of Hollie’s hug, Alex gave him a big hug, as well.

  “Welcome home, Davo!”


  Hollie spent the rest of the day in a daze. Alex came over for the afternoon, and as much as Hollie was able to, she tried to tell Alex and her dad all she could possibly fit into the few hours—about Stephen and Linda, the whole story about how she had met Sam again, the days at the coast, the boring and long flights. She tried to not leave out any little bit, and Alex was glued to her, not wanting to miss any little detail.

  Alex came closer and gently took Hollie’s new necklace in her fingers. “Hollie, that necklace is beautiful.”

  She broke into a smile. “It is, isn’t it? Sam gave it to me as a thank you.”

  “She certainly has taste in jewellery.”

  Hollie’s stare lingered on her necklace for a little while longer before she remembered the souvenirs. “Hang on. I’ve got a few things for you both.” And with that Hollie unpacked everything she had bought for Alex and her dad—from T-shirts to all the luck-bringing knick-knacks, from little crystals from Waterford to an Aran sweater. Hollie enjoyed the happy faces.

  Contentedly, she leaned back in her chair, soaking up the atmosphere. It was good to be home! But exhaustion soon engulfed her, and it wasn’t long before she made her way upstairs to settle for a well-deserved sleep. Alex had promised to come back the next day for breakfast and to bring her up-to-date with all the news and gossip.

  She opened the door and stepped into her apartment, when she saw the big flower arrangement right in front of her.

  Welcome back home. Can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. – J.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  The next morning, Hollie got up, had a big stretch, and walked to the window to open the curtains. Ireland’s weather hadn’t been the warmest, but at least she had been able to enjoy some sunshine. The rain made her want to crawl up in her bed again. Her bed! She glanced around and noticed the clock indicating it was past ten o’clock.

  Wow, I can’t believe Dad let me sleep so long. A smiled tugged at her lips. She went over to the shelf and placed her mother’s photo in front of all the others. Good morning, Mum.

  When she heard voices outside, she went back to the window to find out who was there.


  Everything turned in her stomach. Already? Hollie wasn’t sure what to think. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted. She sighed, and even though she was still in her PJs, went downstairs—growing more and more nervous with every step.

  Murray placed a kiss on her forehead. “Love. You’re finally up.”

  Her bright blue eyes met his. “Morning, Dad.”

  “I’ll quickly dish up some bacon and eggs and will leave you two on your own.”

  She saw Jeremy coming nearer, and he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Welcome back, Twinkles.”

  Her eyes clung to his. “Thanks. And thanks for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”

  Jeremy moved his hands down her arms to hold her hands. “I missed you,” he said.

  Hollie saw her dad dishing up her breakfast. She slowly removed her hands from his. “Do you want a cup of tea?”

  Jeremy nodded and tried to reach out for her hand again. “Sweetheart.” He tugged on his earlobe. “I stuffed up.” Choking back a snort, he added, “Understatement. I stuffed up big time and I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hurt you. I honestly didn’t.”

  “I know,” she whispered, her eyes focused on the kettle she was filling.

  Jeremy came closer to her. He placed his arm on her shoulder to turn her towards him, but she just stared back to the kettle.

  “I’m sorry. I just…” He sighed. “I just missed you. It hurt…” Jeremy took a deep breath. “Came across as a selfish fellow, didn’t I?”

  Tears burned at the back of Hollie’s eyes. She knew she loved him, and she had missed him so much. All she wanted was for him to hold her close. A lot had happened over the previous few weeks. Not only finding Sam, or her feelings for Davo, which she still wasn't sure of, but she had also learned a few things she hadn’t known about Jeremy—and he hadn't told her. Well, not in a way, anyway. She knew he hadn’t done her wrong, but there still was that part inside her that kept nagging her with why didn’t he tell me? That part in her head took over to protect her from getting hurt again. I love you, too was all she wanted to say. Instead, she remained silent.


  “Milk?” She held up the milk bottle.

  Jeremy moved away a step and shook his head. “I’d better go.”

  Hollie nodded. “Give me a few days. I promise I’ll call.”

  Watching him leave was the hardest thing she’d done in a long time. With sadness engulfing her, she sat down at the table and poked at her food, but never actually ate anything. Her dad’s voice startled her. She hadn’t heard him coming in.

  “Your mum warned me. She said she’d come and haunt me if I tried the ‘it’ll be fine’ attitude.”

  Hollie brought her hand up to hold back her laugh.

  He sat down on the couch. “I did the ‘it’ll be right’ with what’s-his-name and it worked.”


  He flashed her a smile of thanks.

  “I take it Mum didn’t haunt you.” Hollie smiled as she joined him on the couch.

  Murray placed his arm around her and moved her closer.

  He sighed. “I’m just an old farmer, love. Not good at emotional stuff.”

  Leaning her head on his shoulder, she enjoyed his nearness and the gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “What I’m trying to say is, I left you to yourself last time when what’s-his-name left you, but I will try to help this time. I promise. Relationships aren’t all wonderful and full of bliss. You have to take the bad times, too.”

  “Did you have bad times with Mum?”

  “Oh yes.” The smile was apparent in his voice. “Lots of them.”

  “You did not!” Hollie protested.

  He touched the tip of her nose with his finger. “Yes, we did. Not often, but we did. We didn’t talk for a day and then we had to learn to say sorry and to accept each other’s apology.”

  Hollie sat straight and met his gaze. “It hurts, though.”

  “Life’s not perfect, love. Jeremy did start with saying sorry. Promise me you’ll think about accepting it! He’s a good lad and extremely fond of you.”

  “I will, Dad. It’s just…it’s…” She sighed.


  Hollie’s eyes widened. “What?”

  Her dad’s mouth twitched into a grin. “I know who Dr. Phil is now.”

  Hollie laughed and playfully whacked a little cushion at her dad.

  “Love, you spent three weeks with Davo, who’s a charmer through and through. Be careful!”

  “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Where does all this come from, Dad?”

  Murray shrugged. “Men don’t talk about this kind of stuff, but that doesn’t mean we’re blind.” He threw the cushion back at her. “Now go and eat the cold bacon and eggs. I could bet my house Alex will be here soon. I’d like to treat you two for lunch and we can get the photos done at the same time. They have these little machines—”

  Hollie smiled. “Sounds good. And Dad? About the bacon and eggs—”

  “The other thing your mother told me was not to spoil you.”


  He pointed at the plate on the table. “Go and eat the bacon and eggs.”

  Hollie rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

  Murray nodded to the microwave. “Apparently, these things heat up food.”

  With the plate in her hand, Hollie went to the kitchen and was reluctantly placing her breakfast into the microwave when she heard A
lex coming in.

  “Morning!” Alex greeted everyone.

  “Just in time.”

  Alex walked over to the kitchen bench and sat down. “What’s up?”

  “Dad’s making me eat cold bacon and eggs.”

  Alex chuckled. “What?”

  “Long story. Something to do with my mum telling him not to spoil me. Want a cuppa?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Hollie went behind the bench, took Jeremy’s cup, sighed and then emptied it in the sink. She grabbed another cup for Alex, and made the two cups of tea before heading upstairs.

  “Dad’s inviting us for lunch,” she said on the way up.

  “Wow. What happened this morning?” Alex laughed.

  Hollie turned to her friend. “Why?”

  Alex shrugged. “Not sure. Cold bacon and eggs, now an invitation for lunch—”

  “Dad did the mother-daughter talk, with him being the mother. He did well, though it’s a bit odd hearing some of the stuff from him.”

  The two women sat on the bed and Hollie continued with her stories from Ireland about the airports, the food in the airplane, Dublin, the coast, Stephen and Linda. She even mentioned Jeremy’s attraction to Linda.

  Alex’s emerald eyes opened wide in surprise. “Really? Is that why you—”

  “No. Well, initially I was…sort of…but that was a few years ago, so I can’t hold it against him, can I?”

  “Obviously something’s bugging you.”

  Hollie slapped her hands on her legs. “Anyway, enough about me. Tell me all the goss from here and all the juicy details between you and Ben.”

  “Juicy?” Alex laughed out loud.

  “Well, watered down a bit, please.”

  They shared a laugh, and Hollie knew Alex wouldn’t push the issue any further, so she started telling Hollie everything about everyone they both knew. She talked about how well everything was going with Ben and how they were planning a holiday together.

  “So anyway, we’re off to Queensland for a week in September to escape the Tassie winter and my parents.” Alex smiled.

  “I’m so glad everything’s working out so well for you.”

  “I know! I had no idea he was such a gem. Mum and Dad are happy as well, probably hoping the time’s come for me to finally move out.” Alex laughed and Hollie couldn’t help but join her.

  “Is he moving back to Launceston?” Hollie asked.

  “Man, you can be a pest.”


  “Everything’s great. I have the best time when we’re out or just sitting at his place watching telly.”

  Hollie smiled, although she didn’t understand. “So why am I a pest?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve only been together for a few months. Yes, I’m sort of hoping we’ll get that part organised soon, but I’m not sure whether he’ll get a job back here in town so quickly.”

  Happy for both Ben and Alex, she gave her friend a hug. “It sounds good and promising, though.”

  Alex stood and placed her cup onto the table. “Yes! All seems to have fallen into place.”

  By the time Murray knocked at the door to get going into town, the two women were exhausted from the talking and laughing.

  Hollie checked the time. “What? Midday already?”

  With a big smile on his face, Murray said, “I can hear you giggling all the way to the kitchen.”

  “Give us ten minutes, Dad, and we’ll be downstairs. I’m starving!”

  He gave a slow nod. “I can only imagine. I saw the breakfast in the chook bucket.”

  Feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, Hollie gave him a big smile.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Padraic stared at Sam, not at all believing what he was hearing.

  “Tell me you’re not serious.”

  She returned his stare. “I am serious, Padraic. I’ve had enough and need a break.”

  “Australia?” he asked in disbelief as he rubbed his face.

  “Yes. What’s wrong with that?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure. It seems like going a bit to extremes.”

  “These two Australians I met last week were fairly nice and invited me for a visit.”

  Shaking his head, he replied, “That is generally speaking, Sam. It’s like the check-out lady asking you how you are, without wanting to know.”

  Anger rose within her. “I’m going. I already handed in my leave.”

  His eyes widened. “Without asking me?”

  She stepped back and studied his face, trying to read his expression. Not really sure whether he was serious or desperate. Deciding he’d had his chance, she finally said in almost a whisper, “There is no you in my life anymore.”

  “What do you mean? What in the world happened while you went to the coast?”

  Wasn’t that the million-dollar question? She wasn’t sure either, but she knew, there was someone out there dreaming about her, and she wanted and needed to know more. There was also someone she wanted to get to know—both were on the other side of the world.

  “A lot happened. I had time to think and decided this is not what I want.”

  Padraic moved his hands through his hair, as if not believing what he was hearing. “What’s happening, Sam?”

  With a shrug, she said, “That’s it. I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Why Australia?”

  “I told you. I met these two Australians and they invited me.”

  Scared by the way he slammed his hand against the wall, she stepped away from him.

  “Don’t give me this crap,” he screamed. Crossing her arms in front of her, she stood her grounds. “I’m sorry, Padraic. I do love you, but I can’t cope with this anymore. I’m tired of being ignored when I say no, tired of you having sex with me when I don’t want to, but most of all tired of having to cover up bruises on my face. I have been reminded of how much life I’m missing out—”

  The blow stopped her from finishing her sentence. His backhand caught her off guard and the surge of the pain brought tears to her eyes. But Sam slowly stood up straight again and glared at him with as much loathing as she could muster. Her breathing was heavy now, but she would not falter.

  “I will be at Claire’s for the next few days, until I leave,” she said and turned to go.

  “Sam?” Padraic tried to take her hand.

  She didn’t want to turn and let him see her tears now rolling down her cheeks.

  His voice almost broke. “I’m sorry, Sam. Please, don’t go. Give me another chance. I know we can get through this,” he pleaded.

  She shook her head and went out the door. “I will get in touch when I get back. I promise.”


  She stopped and turned to face him.

  “I love you,” he said just above a whisper

  “I know you do. And I love you, which makes this even harder.”

  With that she left.


  Claire and Sam had known each other for years now, and Sam knew she could count on more than a place to stay and sleep. Claire’s eyes were full of fury when she saw Sam standing in front of the door—eyes swollen from the tears, and the red cheek from Padraic’s outburst.

  She prepared a hot bath for Sam, made dinner, and by the time they had drunk many cups of hot chocolate, Sam had told Claire all about Hollie, her dreams about Sam, Davo, and Sam’s booked flight to Tasmania. Relief settled within her, word by word, minute by minute. It was good to finally talk about the previous weeks so openly, but also have someone listening. She knew Claire had always had her suspicions about Padraic, but she was kind enough to hold back with her anger towards him, and Sam appreciated it.

  Claire placed her empty cup onto the table. “Wow. Well, what can I say?” A smile spread across her face. “It sounds…well…it sounds…well, I’ve no idea what it sounds like. ‘Unbelievable’ comes to mind!”

  “I know you don’t like Padraic,” Sam said quietly, “but he honestly is one of the kind
est men I’ve ever met…”

  “Except this new guy, Dave.”

  For an instant, her thoughts went to the man she was about to visit at the other end of the world, and her mouth curved into a smile. “Yes.” Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she added, “It’s so hard to comprehend, you know. It’s more or less the alcohol that’s the problem.” She gently touched her cheek. “Well, it was anyway, until yesterday.”

  “But you’re sure you want to visit them in Australia?”

  Sam nodded as she stood and walked to her bag, where she retrieved her phone. “If it turns out to be a mistake, I’ll come back wiser and older. But I need a break, and I need to know more about Hollie.” Sam held her phone in front of Claire. “This is Hollie and Dave.”

  “You’re kidding me, aren’t you? This guy looks, well, I can’t see any looks at all.” Claire furrowed her eyebrows. “For real? You like him?”

  Sam smiled more towards the phone than to Claire, ignoring Claire’s bump into her ribs. “Trust me. He’s one of a kind. He’s Hollie’s good friend. I liked him. He was nice indeed,” she added.

  Claire smiled. “Struck, aren’t you?”

  Sam sighed. “I don’t know. I’m not sure where this all is heading, but I think for the moment I’m enjoying and trying to heal.”

  Claire placed her hand on her friend’s arm. “Sam, you’re not healing by running from one man to the other.”

  Mixed feelings surged through Sam. Was she running away? She didn’t see it that way. Her husband hit and abused her. Although she loved him, she knew she deserved better than that.

  “I know. And I don't plan to do that. At least I hope not. But being courted again is nice. He’s so nice, Claire. Dave makes me feel alive and shows me how to live life again.”

  Claire took a deep breath as she drew in her lips. “You’re more than welcome to stay here for the time being. Let me know if I can help in any other way.”

  It’ll be fine. I know it will, Sam thought.

  She gave Dave a call later that night and couldn’t help but cry again when she heard his excitement about her plans to visit him.


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