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Scozzari: Deviant #3

Page 28

by Roberts, Jaimie

  I sit, waiting, my leg twitching as I bite my thumbnail. I’m like a man needing a fix, but the only drug that can cure me is the woman currently in that church, suffering. A woman I love more than life itself. I suddenly don’t care that she hates my guts right now. I need to be there for her.

  I’m just about to open my car door, decision made, when I spot her emerging from the church, wiping tears from her eyes. She steps down the stairs quickly, wrapping her coat tightly around her from the cold. When she reaches the car, she quickly drives off, so again, I resume my stalking, following five cars behind her.

  It’s about five minutes into the journey where the roads are dead quiet. Apart from her car, there’s only me and one other way ahead in front of me. When I pull back even farther, the car in front starts to drive erratically. At first, I think he’s drunk. I slow down a little more, wondering what this guy’s doing, when suddenly he overtakes Caitlin’s car and screeches to a halt in front of her. I see her brakes lights come on and the tires screech to a stop. The man in the car, who looks to be in his sixties, gets out and starts shouting at Caitlin. I speed up, racing toward them, the sound of my engine alerting the man to an oncoming car.

  I screech to a halt and get out. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I rage, racing up to the old man in slacks. I flit my eyes to Caitlin for a moment. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  The gray-haired, old dude tries to square at me, but he’s much shorter and looks as though he hasn’t exercised in years. “This has nothing to do you with...”

  “The fuck it is. I will ask again. Who are you?”

  “It’s Jack’s dad,” I hear Caitlin’s voice say.

  I glance at Caitlin. Her eyes are filled with fear. When I nod to tell her everything’s okay, she seems to relax a little.

  Knowing she’s okay for now, I turn my attention back to the old man. “So you’re the scumbag’s father, huh?”

  “Who the fuck are you?” he spits.

  “I’m the boyfriend, so leave her the fuck alone.”

  He attempts to bare his teeth, but it looks a lot more comical than it does intimidating.

  “I want to know where my son is. Where is he?”

  When I walk up to him, pointing my finger at his chest, his eyes widen. “How the hell would Caitlin know?”



  “The last time I heard from him he was in Virginia.”

  “And why the fuck would he be in Virginia when he’s not allowed to leave the state?” He looks toward Caitlin, but I poke his chest. “Don’t look at her. Don’t you dare fucking look at her.”

  “She knows something. I know she knows where he is...”

  I poke him again. “No, she doesn’t know where your waste of space son is, okay? And if you ever dare go near her again, I will personally see to it that you disappear off the face of the earth just like your son has. Got it?”

  Standing his ground a little, he spits, “I want answers.”

  “Well, you ain’t getting them here.”

  He looks me up and down. “Who the fuck are you?”

  I lean forward just so I can whisper in his ear. “My name’s Jeremy Scozzari. You may want to look up that name. Do your research on my family, and when you do, be sure to realize that if you ever cause this young lady or her family trouble again, Scozzari will be the last name you’ll ever know.”

  With that last warning, I step away, leaving the threat with him. I know for a fact he’ll look the name up and when he does, he’ll shit his pants so bad his whole family will end up leaving sticks and moving across state lines themselves. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

  I turn, hearing him quickly getting back into his car and scurrying away. When I hear the squeal of his tires, I look to make sure he’s leaving, before turning my full attention on Caitlin.

  “Are you okay?” I step forward, hesitant to touch her just in case she’s still mad at me. She quickly nods, her face a mixture of confusion and slight trepidation after what’s transpired. Immediately, I want to allay her fears. “He or his family won’t bother you again. I promise you that.”

  “You... you were following me.”

  Oh, shit.

  Yep. She’s still pissed. But she has to know that if I hadn’t followed her, then there’s no telling what could have happened here.

  “Listen, baby—”

  I have no time to get the rest of the words out, because as soon as they are, she grabs the back of my head, pulling me toward her lips. She crashes them against mine and instantly I’m lost in her. My arms encase her waist, tugging me to her as I explore her mouth. It’s only been seven days since I tasted her last, but it feels like a fucking lifetime.

  When we pull away, I’m breathless, wanting so badly to crawl inside her and never let go. “I’m so sorry about your—”

  I feel her finger to my lips stopping me. “Shh, it’s okay. I was really mad at first, but my dad explained and over the days I just... well, I missed you.”

  A big shit-eating grin spreads across my face. She rolls her eyes at me.

  “You missed me?”

  She nods her head.

  “How much?”

  She nudges me, causing me to laugh. “Don’t push it, Scozzari.”

  “Ooo, I love it when you say my name.”

  She pushes me away with her hand, but I don’t give her a chance to escape. I grab her waist, pulling her to me, a soft laugh leaving her lips. “This week’s been purgatory without you,” I admit, nuzzling my nose into her head. I inhale her coconut scent from her hair—a smell I have become accustomed to inhaling most days.

  “It’s not been easy here too.” Her sad sigh makes my heart ache.

  “We’ll get through this... together.”

  She lifts her head, smiling up at me. “I know we will.”

  My heart swells when she uses the word we in that sentence. Not that I would ever let her go. She’s stuck with me now.

  Forever and ever.

  “I love you,” I whisper softly, kissing her gently on the lips.

  And I all about die on the spot when she parts her mouth, sighs, then says, “I love you too.”

  Five years later

  Exactly one year, seven months, and six days after the day Caitlin and I got back together again, Frank died peacefully in his sleep. I say peaceful as he was on a lot of morphine for the pain in his last days.

  Caitlin and I hadn’t exactly got off to a great start in our relationship, but with all that’s been thrown at us, we stayed together. Anything life has to throw at us at this point will be a breeze in comparison.

  The police kept fishing, but with no evidence, and more importantly a body, Jack’s missing person case has remained so to this day.

  Amy has thankfully stayed away, like she eventually promised, and last I heard she was married to a rich banker from New York and about to have their first baby. I have no ill will against Amy, but I must admit, I am glad she is a distant point in my time—one I shall never look back on.

  Caitlin, she’s now working as a librarian. It’s a career she never thought she would follow, but one she’s extremely happy with. She passed her bachelor degree with honors, crying when, not only did she receive her reward, but also a letter from her dad, which he wrote to her before he died. He gave it to Cathy with specific instructions to give to her on the day she graduated. In it, he said how proud he was of her, and although he couldn’t be there in person, he was there in spirit.

  And as for me? Well, I put all my energy into that fight all those years ago and it paid off. After two rounds, I won, and from that moment on, I became a legend and soon fighting with the bigger boys. In between the fights, I worked hard to get my degree in Fine Arts. I know, a complete U-turn from Criminal Psychology, but Caitlin was right. I should have taken that as my degree all along. I guess I was just being a stubborn fool bac
k then.

  With the accumulated wealth from my fights, Caitlin and I moved to California and bought a granny annex on the grounds so that Cathy could come be with us whenever she wanted. Two years after we moved, Cathy became a permanent resident and hasn’t looked back since. She misses her husband, there’s no doubt about that, but she has us. She has us as long as she wants to stay with us.

  I also bought a few commercial premises around California and turned them into tattoo shops. I figure, when I’m thirty, I’ll retire from fighting and reconnect with my love for tattooing. I had added a few more to myself over the last few years, a recent one significant.

  The date Caitlin and I got married.

  Right now, we’re on a visit in Virginia. Last night, we saw Stacey and Calvin. They’re still together and still very much in love. Six months ago, Calvin popped the question and they’re now currently planning their wedding.

  As I pull up to the driveway of my family home, I switch off the engine and turn to take Caitlin’s hand. I bring it to my lips, kissing her tenderly. This girl... she gets more and more beautiful every time I look at her. She’s like a fine painting—never ages, but increases in desirability as she gets older.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “Yes, no... maybe,” I joke, laughing. I know my mom will be cool with the news, but my dad not so much. He already thinks he’s getting old. This will send him over the edge.

  “It’ll be fine. Come. Let’s go see them all. I know Isabella’s been dying for you to meet her boyfriend.”

  She gets out of the car and I grit my teeth. My once thirteen-year-old, hormonal sister, is now an equally hormonal eighteen-year-old.

  When I get out of the car and slam the door, Caitlin laughs. “Come on, Jeremy. It had to happen one day.”

  “Yes, as I say when she’s thirty.”

  She frowns. “I thought you said twenty-one?”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Oh, did I? I meant thirty.”

  She smiles, shaking her head, her golden locks bouncing on her rosy cheeks. “I really hope for our child’s sake we don’t have a girl.”

  I suck in a breath. “Don’t even go there, Caitlin. I’m already setting up a basement with no windows where I can lock her away for twenty-one years.”

  “Don’t you mean thirty?”


  She’s about to retort when the door opens and my mom comes squealing out of the house and in for a hug. “Here he is, my boy.”

  “Tyler, he’s twenty-four now,” my dad jibes, emerging behind her.

  “He will be sixty and still be my boy. That will never change.”

  All hugs and kisses over, we step into the house.

  “How was the journey?” my dad asks.

  “It was okay. The flight was delayed by two hours, so we were a little tired when we arrived yesterday. We’ve caught up on sleep now, though.” Sleep meaning being buried inside Caitlin for hours until we passed out.

  “Jeremy!” Derren shouts, looking a lot bigger than when I last saw him. He’s fourteen now and I’m pretty sure he’s bigger than I was at that age already.

  “Hey, big man. Look at you all grown up.”

  He lifts his right arm up, flexing his bicep. “Dad’s been teaching me boxing. You never know, I may end up going against the famous Jez Scozzari when I’m older.”

  “You better not,” Mom snaps, tutting under her breath. “I already have a heart attack every time your brother steps into the ring, young man. Don’t put me into an even earlier grave.” She ruffles his hair and my dad rolls his eyes. “Hey, I saw that!”

  My dad’s eyes widen. “I swear your mom has eyes in the back of her head. How the fu—”

  “Language!” my mom snaps.

  “Sorry,” Dad answers back, and he says it so submissively it makes me laugh.

  “Where’s Bells?” I ask, looking around.

  My dad’s lips thin into a hard line. “She’s on her way. The boyfriend’s bringing her home.”

  “His name is Eric and he’s very nice,” my mom corrects. “His parents actually run a chain of restaurants in Virginia.”

  “I don’t care if they run the goddamn town. Their son has eyes on my daughter and I don’t like it.”

  “At least she has a steady boyfriend,” my mom hits back. “Remember before he came along how many boys would come knocking? You were on a constant state of door patrol and even talked about getting a shotgun to keep beside it.” Now it’s my mom’s turn for rolling her eyes.

  “Anyway”—my dad sighs, looking from Mom to me—“you said you had some news to share with us. I hope it’s good news.”

  My smile grows wide as I glance toward Caitlin and grab her hand. She gives me a little squeeze of encouragement and that’s all I need.

  “Yes... Actually, it’s Caitlin and I who have the news.”

  My mom’s eyes light up and she’s already squealing before I’ve even said the words.

  “You’re going to be a grandad, Dad.”

  As my mom jumps squealing her congratulations, my dad inhales a deep breath and closes his eyes.

  “Oh. Fuck. Me.”

  I never expected to write another book in the Deviant series, but I also knew many wanted me to write one in Jeremy’s point of view. A couple of years ago, I started to think about Jeremy a lot and how he would have turned out when he was all grown up. I had this picture in my head of this buff tattooed fighter who got his talent of boxing from his father, Dean. I started, then I sat on it for a bit, then I continued and sat on it for a bit. Then, around three months ago, I sat down and I wrote, and wrote, and wrote. I didn’t stop until right up to my editor’s deadline. I’m glad that I set myself a deadline as it probably wouldn’t be finished.

  Anyway, enough of my waffling, I need to thank some people.

  Tracy Gonzalez, I want to thank you so much for reading it over and giving your American input to the story. I know there was a lot of British slang, and seeing as the book is based in the US, I needed to make sure it was as authentic as possible. Your input was truly appreciated. Love you, lady!

  To Emily A. Lawrence, from Lawrence editing. Thank you so much for editing and proofreading Scozzari. As always, your quick turnarounds amaze me. You did a fantastic job!

  To Paul Henry Serres Photographe for a fantastic photograph of the very handsome Mathieu LeCompte.

  To Kellie Dennis from Book Cover By Design. What can I say about you? You always do a kick-arse cover. You never fail to disappoint, my friend. Thank you.

  To Leigh Stone, from Formatting by Leigh, thank you so much for formatting Scozzari. You’ve done most of the formatting for me and also most of the time on a very tight deadline, so it was a no brainer. The inside—as always—looks beautiful.

  To Jo and Isa, from Read, Review, Repeat and Pure Textuality PR, thank you so much for working your butts off—as always—on promoting Scozzari for me. You guys rock. Also, a big thanks to Tracy Reads from Be My Book Boyfriend for the great cover reveal.

  Obviously, I can’t go without thanking my family. They support me one hundred percent, and for that, I’m truly grateful. I love you all to bits!

  And lastly, the readers. Thank you so much for sticking with me, through the good and the bad. I know some of my work hasn’t been loved by all, so I’m eternally grateful with your loyalty. I will be bringing out more books as the year progresses, so I hope you enjoy most. Whatever the outcome of what you think or feel, I value your opinion. I will always value a reader’s opinion. As I stated above, you are what helps me grow and develop as an author. I know I can do better. I can always do better.

  Love and light,

  Jaimie xx

  Book 1 from the Deviant series with Jeremy’s mum and dad.

  The George Pub, London, England, 2006

  “I’ve got a good one for you!” Mary’s squealing voice prompted our attention. “What is your darkest sexual fantasy? And I mean darkest. Don’t hold back. Betsy, let’s start with yo

  Everyone turned their attention to Betsy, to the right of Mary. She looked embarrassed. It certainly was an embarrassing question. Although it would be interesting to see if anyone would be honest with their answers.

  “Um, I guess I’ve always wanted to be tied up.”

  Betsy blushed and Justin shouted, “Fuck, this is going to be interesting tonight!” Everyone giggled.

  When it was Justin’s turn, he looked at Betsy with a raised brow. “I would say I’ve always wanted to tie someone up.” Everyone chuckled.

  “What about you, Ben?” Mary asked.

  Scratching his head, Ben looked extremely uncomfortable. “I guess I’ve always fantasised about a girl forcing herself on me.”

  “You are fucking kidding me, right?” Justin screeched. “You’d need to pay someone to force their arse on you.” Justin shook his head in dismay. “As if a woman could ever force themselves on anyone.”

  “It does happen,” I protested. All eyes turned toward me.

  “Nah, can’t believe that.” Justin’s tone was belligerent.

  “You’re telling me a man can’t be raped?”

  “It’s a physical impossibility.” Justin was laughing at how preposterous he thought this all was.

  “If you don’t believe me, look it up. I’m sure you’ll find some cases.”

  “Okay, clever clogs, how come you know so much about it?” Justin looked at me with an amused smile. Enjoying the banter, everyone listened attentively.

  “I did an article in one of my classes about rape, and how it not only pertains to women. I’m telling you, it happens.” Taking a sip of my drink, I stared Justin down.

  “Okay, tell me. What’s your darkest sexual fantasy, Tyler?” Mary said, trying to get them back on track.

  I bit my lip, unprepared for the question to come to me so quickly. I didn’t know whether I wanted to share my darkest fantasy. I had never told anyone before.


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