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Faithful John and the Dungeon Ravens

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by Giselle Renarde

  Mei stood before the king, admiring her handiwork. His free cock surged when she removed the silk from her chest, revealing two of the world’s most perfect tits. They were the perfect size to fit in the palm of the hand, their nipples hard and dark. Edward would certainly have grabbed them had his arms not been tied over his head.

  With the yellow silk in hand, she approached his raging cock. It was the only portion of his body not perfectly at ease. When she wrapped it around that swollen rod, the king released a deep sigh. She circled the silk again and again around his cock until it covered the precum-soaked tip, then wrapped it back down to the base.

  Mistress Mei’s great expertise in the art of bondage was revealed when she pulled on the two ends of the fabric. A thousand silk fingers massaged the king’s cock. They worked his erection in every direction, caressing its firmness. As his cockhead pumped creamy liquid into the wet silk against his tip, the fabric became a soft mouth sucking him. He groaned. The weakness in his knees was of no consequence as long as he was tied to the ladder.

  When the bondage specialist wrapped the loose ends of silk around his quaking balls, King Edward couldn’t help himself. Crying out in ecstasy, he released a load of hot cum into the yellow silk as Mistress Mei backed away. Holding the ladder, she watched him shudder and shake until he could barely hold his head up straight.

  When she untied him, he fell to the floor in a happy heap and lay there until Faithful John pulled him to his feet.

  ‘Do you want your silk back?’ he ventured.

  ‘Leave it,’ she demanded. ‘Wear it for the rest of the day, and every time you feel uncomfortable or aroused, you’ll think of me.’

  They offered each other shy smiles as they parted. Mistress Mei evoked feelings of warmth he’d never known, and she seemed to share his sentiments. He had to come back and see her. He would return after dark, when they could speak freely without Faithful John’s interference.

  From the rafters, little raven puzzled, ‘Why did Faithful John try to prevent the king from meeting her?’

  ‘Because of the curse,’ the biggest raven replied. ‘There is a good reason the Mistress performs her art as she does, with little human contact.’

  The other nodded. ‘Mistress Mei is a royal from a foreign land. As a child, the poor girl refused the advances of an evil sorcerer. If he couldn’t have her, no man would. Meaning to kill the child, he attacked her, but she quickly sliced through him with that dagger she keeps. As he melted into death, he declared that, should she ever be filled with any man’s semen, she would suddenly turn pale and fall down as if dead.’

  ‘What horror!’ the little bird expressed.

  ‘Yes,’ the first raven took up. ‘And if someone does not lift her up and draw three drops of blood from her right breast and spit them out again, she will die.’

  ‘But,’ the largest raven went on, ‘whoever saves Mistress Mei from death is destined to become stone from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot. After this, the curse will be lifted.’

  With consideration, the little raven asked, ‘Why does Faithful John wish to keep the king away from her?’

  ‘The three mountain deities have fated Mistress Mei as our next Queen. If she and King Edward fall in love, there is too good a chance one or both will perish.’

  But no sorceress or deity has ever succeeded in preventing two fated creatures from falling in love, and the undertaking was equally impossible for Faithful John. All he could do was follow the young King down to the dungeon every night. The servant watched from behind a secret curtain as Mei tortured Edward with longing gazes and harsh refusals.

  ‘You say that you love me, yet you reject my marriage proposals,’ he protested one evening, as she secured his wrists to the head of her cot with that trusted silk rope. ‘I don’t understand. What would it cost to buy your heart? I’ll pay it!’

  She turned from him, offering no reply as she tied down his feet. When she artfully fastened the rope around his chest, she left it loose at the bottom like the reins on a horse.

  ‘Is your view of affection so skewed that this is how you convey romance?’ he demanded. ‘By tying me down so I can’t escape?’

  She stood beside the cot, gazing at him with tears in her eyes. ‘I do love you. More than you realise.’

  Defeated by her downcast expression, he pleaded, ‘How can I believe that when you’ll barely touch me?’

  His cock surged when she glanced at it. Just knowing she was looking was incredibly arousing, and his tip gushed with precum as though she were pumping it with her fist. Her silk robe fell from her porcelain shoulders, revealing not only familiar breasts, but the cunt he’d never beheld. Pink lips swelled out of her slit between lines of trim, jet-black hair.

  He couldn’t speak. At least, he didn’t think he could, but he somehow heard himself gasp. Mei looked up and away from him.

  ‘All right, I’ll fuck you,’ she said as though she were speaking to someone across the room. She nodded, her brow furling as she shrugged her shoulders. It almost seemed she was having an argument with the mirror.

  Her gaze then returned to Edward and she smiled. ‘If you let me sit on your face, I’ll marry you too.’

  He would have leapt to his feet had he not been tied to the cot. ‘Yes!’ he cried. ‘Oh, thank you, Mei! I’ll make you the happiest Queen there ever was.’

  Mistress Mei sought a thickly braided rope. Slipping the loop at one end onto one thigh, she tossed the length up and over and above the rafters. The ravens hopped out of the way. Sticking her other foot into the loop at the opposite end of the rope, she propped herself above the king. She floated above him, her cunt nearly brushing his lips.

  ‘Is that some kind of swing? Ingenious!’ he cheered as she grabbed hold of his hair. To stifle his verbal ejaculations, she set her wet pussy down on his ebullient mouth. When his lips met hers, she released a great moan and rocked her body against his hungry mouth.

  He craved pussy, and he ate her hard. She held tight to his hair so she wouldn’t swing too far away from him. She trembled at the sensation of his warm tongue on her pussy lips. When he shook his head side to side, sucking her clit deep inside his hot mouth, she screamed with joy. In all her many encounters, she’d never been subjected to a loving caress. It was wonderful.

  Realising her fate, Mistress Mei leaned back to grab his legs. Using them to steady herself, she bounced her ass upwards to slip the rope swing back along the beam. When she was perched above his ready cock, she took hold of the segment of rope she’d left as a rein. Taking a deep breath, she let herself plunge to her death at the stake of King Edward’s cock.

  It pierced her, reaming her slim body, but it was the greatest sacrifice. Grasping the rein, she rode his cock weightlessly, her thighs never quite brushing his. She rocked his cock in smooth, deep motions. He filled her. The friction his huge rod generated in her pussy urged her to pick up the pace, move faster, even though this would only expedite her departure.

  ‘Do you believe that I love you?’ she begged, squealing at the pleasure he gave her.

  He grunted, thrusting his cock up at her cunt. His face contorted. ‘Yes!’

  His propulsion came to a halt with a deafening howl, and Mei dropped herself to the very base of his shaft. The king’s cock filled her body with hot cum. It was all she could feel as she clutched the silk rope, fighting the feeling of light-headedness. She felt faint, like she couldn’t possibly hold her head up. As she fell to the stone floor, she saw only a tunnel of light, and the periphery was all blackness.

  ‘Mei!’ King Edward cried as his beautiful Mistress collapsed in a heap. What happened? Had he killed her? His heart pounded in his ears as he fought the silk ropes. Her eyes were closed. ‘Mei? Can you hear me? Wake up!’

  Mei’s legs were still caught in the rope swing when Faithful John hurried
out from behind the curtain. Untangling the pallid girl, he knelt on the floor beside the king’s cot and took her in his arms.

  ‘Forgive me, King Edward,’ he pleaded, diving at Mistress Mei’s right breast. He sucked it, but yielded nothing.

  ‘What are you doing?’ the egregious king hollered, writhing against the ropes. He needed to escape, to fight off his servant, to save his beautiful queen. ‘Get off her!’

  Faithful John offered no response. Taking her nipple between his teeth, he bit as he sucked that tender bud. Soon he tasted a metallic liquid against his tongue. He spit it on the ground. Red blood.

  ‘Why are you doing this? You’re hurting her, can’t you see?’ Edward cried, trying frantically to escape Mei’s expert knots. ‘Get help! Send for the medic! Save Mistress Mei!’

  Ignoring the king’s commands, Faithful John kept sucking Mei’s right nipple until he managed to extract another drop of blood. He spat as the king struggled on the cot. Come on, just one more! Faithful John prayed as he went at her tit one last time. He tasted blood. He spat.

  With a frightful shiver, Mistress Mei bounced back to life. She looked with an expression of pure horror into the servant’s caring eyes. ‘Faithful John,’ she despaired. ‘Why…?’

  Before she could continue, a heavy paralysis crawled up his calves, then his thighs. Mei rolled onto the floor as the devoted servant turned to stone. For a moment, she didn’t believe it. As the reality of her curse ran like thorns through her veins, her heart burst with sorrow and she sobbed into the statue’s chest.

  In utter confusion, the king cried, ‘What happened? You fainted, and he came out of nowhere and started sucking your tits and I told him not to, but I couldn’t get free…’

  Mistress Mei wept as she untied the king. She told him the whole story of her curse and its only cure. The dejected ravens listened from the rafters above as the couple extolled Faithful John’s many virtues.

  The little one whimpered, ‘I once heard a sorceress speak about statue people. She said the only way to bring them back to life was to smear their chests with raven’s blood.’

  And before the older ravens could stop it, the young bird flew with full force into Faithful John’s statue. The generous creature issued a martyred caw when it crashed. As Faithful John’s chest ran with blood, his flesh regained its pallor. Where he was grey, peachy hues of his skin tone appeared. His fingertips moved. His eyelids blinked, their lashes fluttering wildly. His heavy head fell, then rebounded. Faithful John was alive!

  Rushing to his side, Mei kissed his cheeks. ‘You gave your life for me, you stupid, wonderful man! Don’t ever do that again.’

  ‘Yeah, you scared the shit out of me,’ the young king agreed. Unable to find the perfect words, he finally said, ‘You were willing to die to ensure my happiness. I’ll never be able to repay you for this.’

  Startled and aching, Faithful John replied, ‘It’s my duty to serve you and do what’s best for your kingdom. Of course I would die for you.’ Overcome by the couple’s arms squeezing his middle, he puzzled, ‘Why exactly didn’t I die?’

  Mei released him from her enthusiastic grasp. Reaching for the broken raven, she took it in both hands and sadly said, ‘This little fellow seems to have given his life for you.’

  Pressing the raven against her chest, she reflected on the bird’s charity. Incredible that something so small could have such a huge impact. Her eyes filled with tears. When the salty elixir fell into the little raven’s wounds, it issued a revitalized caw. Mei jumped, releasing it into the air. It soared a few laps around the room, confused but joyful to be alive, before settling on the rafter with its relieved fellows.

  ‘Come, Faithful John,’ the king proclaimed, picking his clothes off the floor. ‘Let’s go upstairs and get a glass of brandy into you. You too, Queen Mei.’

  She chuckled, looking around for something decent to wear in the world beyond the dungeon. The closest she could find was a long silk gown slit down the sides. ‘If I’m going to be your Queen, I’ll have to go shopping for some appropriate attire.’

  Faithful John and the royal couple left the chamber arm-in-arm-in-arm, partly in mutual need, partly in mutual support. Followed by three helpful ravens, they ascended the stone staircase. Though they would live out their daylight hours in the lush surroundings of the castle, at night they would always return to the dungeon.

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  Mistress of Torment

  Slave to the Machine

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