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Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance

Page 2

by Theresa Hodge

  But tonight, he asked me to get rid of the love child that we created in a moment of uncontrolled passion and lust. Fresh tears filled my eyes once again. I flip off the light switch and crawl into bed. The bed is as soft as it looks.

  I close my eyes and let the tears flow on the pillow beneath my head in a stranger’s home. I feel so alone, but I know I must be strong for this tiny life that grows inside me day by day.

  Chapter 3


  Baby It’s Cold Outside

  I had to leave Noelle in a hurry. I almost slipped up and told her my real name. She may be a reporter pretending her car broke down for all I know. It has been done before, but I promise myself that I will stay on my P’s and Q’s around this stranger.

  She says her name is Noelle Winters. Who names their child Noelle Winters? I laugh to myself. Yet, her name does become her for she is a rare beauty. Her caramel skin exudes warmth like a radiant sun. Her skin looks so soft that it took everything in my power to not reach out and touch her.

  Her hair hung in loose, soft curls around her shoulders. I am sure if I were to reach out and pull one, it would spring back into its perfect coil. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils by the time I opened the door and saw her standing there on the lighted porch.

  She looked like an angel with the snow painting her like artwork, the snow being the backdrop for the perfect scene. I walked down the stairs to grab a flashlight out of my drawer from the kitchen before easing out the backdoor to do a perimeter check around my property. The snow was falling heavily, but I didn’t let that deter me.

  I walk over to my four-wheel truck and climb inside before starting the ignition. I follow the path where Noelle said she abandoned her car. Two miles down the road, I came upon her lone car tilted in a snowy ditch.

  I back up my truck to make a U-turn to drive back to my house. Noelle was telling me the truth about her circumstances. I breathe a sigh of relief as I park and let myself into the house. I lock up tight behind me, but I leave a lamp burning downstairs.

  I enter the bathroom and shed my clothes to take a hot shower before turning in for the night. The steaming spray from the triple head shower revitalizes me. The hot water quickly heats me up from the cold as it hits my skin.

  I reach for the bath gel and lather my entire body. I use my soapy hand to cleanse my dick, causing it to harden in arousal. Noelle’s beautiful face with her big, beautiful, brown eyes comes to the forefront of my mind. I grunt aloud as I think about how her thick, silky thighs would feel wrapped around my waist at this very moment.

  I think about how her sweet, sticky nectar would feel coating my dick. My nine-inch cock stiffens and lengthens even more in length and girth. My fair skin against her darker tone would make the perfect blend as our bodies intertwine with our love making.

  Her full lips look so delectable to me, which makes me wonder how good it would be to sip from her lips. I have no doubt that they would be as soft as they look. My hand tightens around my length as my hand begins to move back and forth.

  I groan deep in my throat and bite back a curse as I come to the realization that I want to make love to this beautiful stranger that’s sleeping in my bedroom. And when have I ever had to resort to jacking off in the shower? I ask myself this question before rinsing the soapsuds from my body and shutting off the water to step from the shower.

  I know a number of women that would be happy to have my dick buried in their pussies. I also know that since I turned thirty last month, something has changed inside me. I am tired of the gold digging women and all of the women who want to sleep with me just because of who I am.

  It is not that I don’t appreciate my true fans, but the crazy groupies can be another thing all together. This is why I needed to get far away from everything for a while. For the last two weeks, I have been holed up out here where I know I can get some peace and quiet.

  The only person that knows my current residence is my music manager, Dave Dillinger. That’s why I became suspicious when Noelle showed up on my door step. I am glad that she is who she truly says she is and not some desperate journalist trying to cop a story to boost her career.

  I finish drying off and wrap a towel snugly around my waist. I walk out of the bathroom and towards my bedroom when I hear a loud crash come from downstairs.

  I forget my state of undress for a moment as I turn in the other direction and rush down the stairs with nothing but a towel around my waist. The noise sounded like it had come from the kitchen area. I walk through the swinging, saloon-style doors of the kitchen to find Noelle squatting down on her haunches, picking up bits and pieces of glass from the floor. She looks up at me in surprise and gasps aloud. Her eyes rake over my entire body. I can see redness appear on her cheeks as she quickly looks away from me.

  “I’m sorry that I broke a glass,” she says while still looking down at the floor. “I will pay for it,” she offers.

  “Don’t be silly,” I say, moving forward to a little closet, hidden behind a sliding door in the corner of the kitchen, to retrieve a broom and dustpan.

  I notice how temptingly my tee shirt has risen high around her thighs while she is in her stooped position. My mouth waters at her delectableness, and I can feel the beginnings of another arousal beneath my thick towel.

  I clear my throat loudly, trying to get my mind off such salacious thoughts before I embarrass myself in the middle of my own kitchen.

  “Let me handle the glass clean-up before you hurt yourself,” I direct her.

  She stands instantly to allow me to sweep up the rest of the broken glass. I make quick work of cleaning up the glass. I can feel her eyes on my back. I look over my shoulder to prove myself right as she quickly looks away from me.

  “I am sorry that I have caused such a mess,” she says again in a troubled voice. “I was thirsty, so I came down for a glass of water…I don’t know why I am so clumsy.”

  “Like I said earlier, don’t worry about it. It is only a glass, and there are plenty more where this one came from,” I say with a smile, trying to ease her discomfort. “I also think that I can offer you something more than water. I have coffee, tea, an assortment of juices, and also some hot cocoa with marshmallows if you like.”

  She returns my smile to reveal a set of perfect, white teeth. “I would love a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows, please. If it’s not too much trouble.”

  “It is no trouble at all,” I say as I dispose of the broken glass and place the broom and dustpan back into the closet.

  I gather the supplies to make our hot drinks. Noelle walks over to the breakfast bar to take a seat on one of the high stools. She watches me get the fixings for our hot drinks together. I retrieve a non-stick boiler from beneath the cabinet to heat our milk in before adding the old-fashion cocoa and stirring it in. I also add some sugar to the mixture before pouring it into two mugs and adding several miniature, colorful marshmallows from a bag.

  I bring our mugs to the breakfast bar and place one mug in front of her before sitting down across from her with my own mug. I watch her take one small, precautionary sip from the hot liquid.

  “This is delicious,” she says. “Drinking hot chocolate is one of my favorite things to do during the winter months…thank you, Barry,” she adds.

  I feel guilty about her calling me Barry when Beau is really my name, but I push the thought of my deception to the back of my mind and decide to engage her in conversation. I feel a great need to know more about her.

  “I am glad you like it. I don’t mean to be forward, but what brings you out this way on a Friday night, this being such an isolated area and all?”

  She takes another sip from her mug and looks at me with troubled eyes. I watch her carefully, noticing her reaction to my question and wondering if she is in some type of trouble. Is she running away from something or someone?

  She replaces her mug on the table and bites her bottom lip. My eyes quickly follow her every movement. Her pink tongue licks her bott
om lip. The swipe of her tongue leaves her lip glistening and temptingly wet.

  In this moment, I want it to be my tongue that swipes her lips. My dick hardens and lengthens against my towel at the thought. My eyes graze over her upper body. I realize that she is braless beneath my white tee shirt.

  My hands, which are wrapped around my mug, crave to touch her breasts. I can hear her speaking, but I don’t hear a word she says. I struggle to bring my mind away from the thoughts of ravaging this stranger’s body.

  “I am sorry. Can you repeat yourself?” I ask her.

  “I had a terrible argument with my boyfriend tonight. I had to get away from him…I couldn’t stay around him for one more minute,” she says as she wipes away falling tears.

  My heart plummets, and I want to reach out to embrace this beautiful woman when I witness her tears. What sort of man makes his woman cry and causes her to run around at this time of night, in a brewing snowstorm at that. Whoever the dumbass is, he doesn’t deserve a beautiful woman like Noelle in his life. I don’t know how I knew this from just meeting her tonight, but deep down I know this to be true.

  “What did the two of you argue about?”

  Noelle looks down at her hands as she wrings them nervously. I notice her hands are also trembling.

  “Are you cold?” I question her. “I can crank up the heat if you like,” I added, wanting to see to her comfort.

  “No, I am fine. I am just finding it hard to tell you about what Victor and I argued about.”

  “If it is too hard to talk about, I will understand. But, sometimes talking things out helps, even if it is with a stranger.”

  “I guess you are right. I wanted to talk to my best friend Shelby, but she was busy, and I didn’t want to interrupt her weekend with my problems.”

  Her tears intensify. I reach for a roll of paper towels and tear a section off before giving it to her. She dabs at her eyes before thanking me.

  “No problem,” I shrug off her thanks. I sit quietly and give her time to tell me what is bothering her.

  “I haven’t been feeling well lately. I just thought I was coming down with a cold or something. I hadn’t been able to hold much in my stomach, so I paid my doctor a visit. I found out that I am pregnant about three days ago, but I just told Victor about it tonight. I wanted to wait until I could fix us a special meal by candle light so the mood would be romantic. But things couldn’t have gone more wrong when I told him he is going to be a father.”

  “How did he handle the news exactly?”

  “He jumped up from the table in a rage and said I trapped him. Then he added that I must get an abortion at once,” she says in a trembling voice.

  I can feel anger rising in me from the thoughtless actions of this buffoon of a boyfriend. What man suggests his woman destroy his own seed? He doesn’t deserve this beautiful woman sitting across from me or the child she carries. Every man that impregnates a woman isn’t necessarily father material.

  “I don’t know this Victor from Adam, but he is a poor excuse for a man. You deserve so much better than the likes of him. Thank God that you see his true colors now instead of later.”

  “But I have wasted several years in our relationship.”

  “How old are you, Noelle?”

  “I am twenty-five,” she replies. “But what does my situation have to do with my age?”

  “You are very young. Trust me, you will get over this Victor character. In time…someone will come along one day to love you and your baby.”

  “I love Victor, and I want him to be a father to his baby. I thought Victor really loved me too…until tonight,” she says in a tone of defeat.

  “If you were mine, I never would have allowed you to walk out on me. Instead, we would be celebrating the wonderful miracle that we made together. Some men have no idea how lucky they are to have a woman in their lives who has no hidden agendas and isn’t trying to weasel money out of her man’s pocket.”

  “Well, your girlfriend or wife is very blessed to have you in her life.”

  “I have no wife,” I say and hold up my bare ring finger.

  “Do you have a girlfriend?” she asks with curiosity in her voice.

  How do I answer her truthfully? In truth I have slept with many women. Well protected, of course. I became closer to some more than others. “I have female friends,” I admit honestly.

  “Is that the same as friends with benefits?” she asks outright.

  “Something like that.”

  “At least you are honest about that fact. Most guys I know wouldn’t admit such a thing.”

  “Being honest is what separates the real men from the little boys,” I say, standing to carry our empty mugs to the sink.

  “How far are you into your pregnancy?” I ask, facing her once again as she slides from the stool to stand on her feet.

  “I’m around six weeks along.”

  “You are in the early stages of your pregnancy still,” I state the obvious.

  “Yes and before you ask, I am keeping my baby. I have a great job with benefits, and I will be a great mother to my baby all by myself.”

  “I don’t know you very well, but I don’t doubt your words,” I say, respecting this beautiful young woman who stands in front of me. “On behalf of all insensitive men, like Victor, I want to apologize because there are some good, upstanding men left in the world. Your boyfriend just isn’t one of them.”

  For the first time since Noelle started telling me about her situation, she looks up at me and gives me a watery smile. I wish there was something I could do to make her never cry again. She deserves so much better than her situation is dealing her. It took two people to create the little miracle growing inside of her, and it should take two to raise the little miracle into adulthood.

  “You don’t need to apologize for Victor’s behavior. As of tonight, he is no longer my boyfriend,” she says as she tries to stifle a yawn.

  I found joy in knowing that Noelle is letting such a loser go. I am glad she realizes she can do a lot better than Victor. If only Noelle could be mine. I shake my head trying to clear it from such thoughts.

  “I will walk you up to the guest room. It is late or should I say early?”

  “I think that’s a good idea because I need to see about my car first thing this morning when the towing business opens up. Then I can be out of your hair for good,” she says with a smile.

  Why did I feel a sudden sadness enter my heart at Noelle’s statement? The thought of her leaving so soon after she entered my life devastates me for some unknown reason.

  I leave a small light burning in the kitchen before leading the way back upstairs to the bedrooms. Noelle and I are quiet in our own thoughts as we walk up the winding staircase. Once we reach her bedroom door, I move aside to allow her to enter.

  She faces me and looks up into my eyes. “Thank you again for the delicious hot chocolate, and thank you for listening to my problems. For you to be so gruff when I first arrived, you have turned into a great host. How can I ever repay you?” she asks as I look down into her beautiful, big, brown eyes.

  “You don’t have to repay me for anything. Have a good sleep,” I say, backing off before I decide to do something that I would regret later.

  “You sleep well too,” I hear her say to my back as I saunter off in the direction of my bedroom.

  What the hell? I ground out before stalking back towards her bedroom.

  Noelle stands in the same spot, watching me stalk towards her. I stand face to face with her. She looks up into my face in wonderment. I place my hand against her jawline before dipping my head to capture her thick lips beneath my own.

  Her lips part voluntarily to allow the entrance of my tongue. My tongue sweeps inside her mouth, tasting her sweetness for the first time. I lift my head and she moans. She opens her eyes; I see they hold a look of confusion.

  “It’s true,” I mutter thickly.

  “What is true?” she asks, searching my eyes for an a

  “It is true that your lips taste as sweet as I had hoped,” I said before resuming the kiss.

  My hands slide down to encircle her waist to pull her even closer to me. My tongue penetrates her mouth deeper as our tongues intertwine in battle. I can’t seem to get enough of drinking from her sweet mouth.

  I capture every moan gladly and swallow it deeply inside so it becomes a part of me to have always once she departs. Noelle gasps when my hand slides further down to cup her luscious, round ass in the palm of my hand.

  She feels so soft and cushiony to my touch. I just want to inhale all of her. I want to taste all of her with my mouth and tongue. I wonder, in this moment, does her other set of slick lips taste as sweet as the set of lips that I am kissing now?

  “If you were mine, I would never tell you to abort our baby,” I mutter against her lips.

  I pull back once again to look into her eyes. I search her eyes deeply before speaking again.

  “I want you. Please tell me that you want me too.”

  “I want you too,” she says without hesitation.

  I waste no time in scooping her into my arms and carrying her into my master bedroom. I left a light on by my king-sized bed. I stand her on her feet on the thick carpet. My hands are greedy to see the gift of her body beneath that big tee shirt of mine.

  I reach for the hem of the shirt and lift it to reveal the curvy, voluptuousness of her body. She has a small waistline but full hips. Her breasts are a full, but perky, D-cup size. I am a breast and ass man. Luckily, she has both and all of it is natural.

  What man is stupid enough to throw away all of this? He is a damn fool. I continue to take in every part of her body. I want to commit every part of her to memory so that I can dream about her long after she walks out my door.

  She covers her breasts with her hands. I brush her hands away. “You are beautiful…all of you is beautiful,” I assure her before urging her into a sitting position on the bed.


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