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Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance

Page 8

by Theresa Hodge

  “Beau,” Noelle moans as I slide up her body and enter her wet heat.

  “I love you, Noelle,” I groan as I begin thrusting inside her in earnest.

  Her walls grip me so snugly that I have to fight back from cumming too soon. She wraps her thighs around my back to imprison me between her thighs. Our bodies dance as one as we war our way towards fulfilling each other’s desires to the fullest.

  “Ahh! Beau, I am cumming.” Noelle’s sexy cries send me over the edge with her as I release my hot seed, like lava, into her fiery heat.

  My hands cup her rounded ass cheeks to pull her closer as I thrust into her one last time as we simmer in the afterglow of love’s ecstasy.


  We step outside the hotel later that day. Charles is meeting us out front so that I can get Noelle back to her apartment, and I am going to meet the band later after I see Noelle safely home. I have Noelle glued to my side as I spot Charles across the way.

  “Mr. Barringer, can you tell us who this lovely lady is that you have on your arm?” A reporter steps out of nowhere to hold a tape recorder under my nose. Behind him is a cameraman filming us as we try to walk towards the waiting limousine.

  I look down at Noelle, and she has the “deer in the headlights” look on her face. I pull her closer to my side and hold up my hand to shield her from the bold reporter. “I am sorry about this, baby. Just keep your head down and ignore them. This is par for the course for these tabloid reporters,” I assure her as I thank God it is just one reporter and a cameraman so far.

  “Mr. Barringer, when did you decide to get jungle fever?” the bold reporter says with a chuckle.

  I clench my jaws tight as I try to control my temper. I don’t want to let Noelle see me lose control, but I won’t let anyone disrespect the woman I love by reducing what we just shared to mere rubbish.

  Noelle gasps loudly and stiffens at my side. I have had enough of this reporter, and I will not allow him to demean what Noelle and I mean to each other any further.

  I can see Charles moving the limo closer to us. He puts the vehicle in park and trots over.

  “Get Noelle inside the limo, Charles. I have to handle this reporter.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Barringer.”

  I let go of Noelle’s hand and urge her towards Charles. Once she is inside the safety of the limo, I turn my attention to the sleazy, tabloid reporter who is out to make a buck. I glare at him in anger before I knock the tape recorder out of his hand and stomp it with my booted feet.

  I jerk him by his collar and lift him off of his feet. “Don’t you ever disrespect the woman I love. You got that?” I growl out between clenched teeth as I fight to get my temper under control.

  The journalist’s face turns red as I release him. He stumbles and almost falls down before he rights himself. I turn towards the cameraman and stalk towards him with intent. The cameraman outweighs me by maybe a good sixty pounds, but I have the advantage of height and quickness. Plus, my anger sends adrenaline through my blood.

  “Turn the damn camera off,” I growl to the cameraman as I come face to face with the short, burly man.

  The nervous looking cameraman seems to back off quickly and shuts the camera off. “I am your number one fan, Mr. Barringer, and I am just doing my job,” he says nervously when my expression doesn’t change. “I will be in the van,” he says to his partner as he high-tails it out of there, leaving the furious reporter behind.

  “That was uncalled for. You will hear from my lawyer, Beau Barringer,” the reporter continues to fume as he sputters with indignation.

  “Yeah…yeah,” I say before reaching into my back pocket to remove my leather wallet. I grab five large bills and drop five hundred dollars in cash at the reporter’s feet. “In the meantime, buy yourself another recorder, but stay far away from me and my woman. You got that, buster?” I say to him so there will be no more misunderstandings, before walking off to join Noelle and Charles in the limousine.

  “Sir, I thought you were going to punch that reporter good. I haven’t seen you this angry in a long time,” Charles says as he navigates into the busy evening traffic.

  “Are you alright?” I question a flustered Noelle.

  “I am fine,” she replies softly. “Today makes me realize that reporters will be following you everywhere just because of who you are. When we are alone, everything seems so normal. How do you live like this without any sort of privacy?”

  “It was hard at first, but I got used to it. But what I will never get used to is obnoxious reporters like the one we just ran into.” I reach across the leather seat to enclose her hand in mine.

  Noelle looks down at our intertwined fingers and sighs. My heart plummets because I feel she is thinking too hard. She finally looks back at my face, and a sad look enters her golden eyes.

  “Don’t say it. I don’t want to hear whatever doubts you have about us,” I warn her with a sinking heart. I feel what she is going to say before she even says it.

  “Beau, please don’t take this the wrong way. I just want you to think about what I am going to say. I am pregnant with another man’s child. We seem to forget that fact when we get caught up in our little universe. I will start to show pretty soon, and I don’t want to worry about a reporter popping out of the bushes every time we are together…I think we should end things now before I get hurt in the cross fire of your lifestyle. I have to concentrate on having a healthy baby and being the best mother I can be.”

  I reach over and unbuckle Noelle’s seatbelt to pull her into my lap. I hold her tight and squeeze her like I never want to let her go. “I don’t give a damn if you are pregnant by another man. You are my woman now, and I don’t ever want to hear you talk that way again. This baby,” I say as I place my hand across her stomach, ”is a part of you. Therefore, I will love your baby and be there for you and your baby because I love you. Do you hear what I am saying to you?” I add vehemently.

  Tears form in the corner of Noelle’s eyes and leak down her cheeks. I kiss away each of her warm, salty tears with my lips. I am who I am by profession, but this part of me,” I say as I place her hand over my rapidly beating heart, “belongs solely to you. I am not going anywhere, so never try and push me away again. You got that, sweetheart?”

  Noelle stays quiet for a moment as her eyes search mine deeply. I implore her with my eyes and with my soul to agree. I can’t walk away from my angel, and I can’t let her walk away from me. After an intense moment, she finally speaks.

  “I got it,” she replies as she gives me a watery smile. “I love you, Beau Barringer. Things happened so fast, but I really do love you.”

  My heart soars at Noelle’s declaration. I capture her lips beneath my own as my heart rejoices at our new-found love for one another. Now that she has finally agreed to be mine, my soul sings and wars no more.

  Chapter 11


  Mr. Turkey

  There is no turkey with gravy and cranberry sauce for me. I sit in front of the television set with a big bowl of popcorn and a mug of steaming hot chocolate as my eyes focus on A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I am missing Beau so badly right now. He promised me that he would come to me as soon as he made it back in town after his last night of performing, which was tonight in another city.

  My cell phone rings and brings me out of my musings of Beau. I look at the caller I.D. and smile as Shelby’s picture pops up on the screen.

  “Hey, Shelby. Happy Thanksgiving,” I say into the receiver of my phone.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, love,” she replies excitedly into the phone. I can hear noise in the background and the distinctive sound of Erick’s voice.

  “Erick says Happy Thanksgiving too. He also says that you should have come with us instead of staying by yourself on a holiday that’s meant to be spent with friends and family.”

  I grimace slightly at Erick’s words as I think of my mother and father. Both of them have other families now, so I know I won’t be missed at ei
ther of their homes. My mother and stepfather are probably on some far away trip, and my father is more than likely enthralled by his wife and the family they have made together.

  “Tell Erick that I wish him the same, and tell him I appreciate him inviting me to spend the holiday with his family, but I am feeling kind of drained and need to catch up on my rest.” I didn’t dare tell Shelby that I didn’t want to feel like a third wheel.

  “Well, in any case,” Shelby sighs aloud because she knows me like the back of her hand. She doesn’t call me out though as she conveniently changes the subject, “have you heard from your gorgeous rock star today?”

  “Hey, I hear you,” Erick says aloud to Shelby in the background.

  “Cool it, babe. You know you have no worries. I have eyes only for you, my darling,” Shelby coo’s to pacify Erick.

  I laugh aloud at Shelby and Erick. They are so cute together, and I see first-hand how much they love each other.

  “You two are adorable.”

  “You and Beau are just as adorable, if not more so,” Shelby sighs again into the telephone. “I can’t get out of my head how he carried you away after you fainted,” she giggles.

  I join Shelby in laughter. “You know what I can’t get out of my head?”


  “I keep seeing you ready to battle Beau if he didn’t put me down. It took his security guards to hold you at bay, or you would have beat him to a pulp. The headlines would have read, ‘Little Shelby Munroe takes down the big bad wolf, Beau Barringer,’” I laugh uncontrollably at the thought.

  “Humph,” you are damn right. No one takes advantage of my Noelle.”

  “Now, get off of this telephone, and go enjoy Erick and his family,” I say, sobering up.

  “First, tell me what you are eating for dinner,” she says with suspension in her voice.

  I look down at the bowl of popcorn in my lap and the half-filled mug of hot chocolate and smirk. “I will grab me something in a bit. I may order a pepperoni pizza a little later.”

  “Shame on you. You have to eat better for my goddaughter or godson. You should have come with us. If I wasn’t two hours away, I would come and haul your ass here,” she huffs.

  “I can hear Erick calling you to dinner. We will talk when you come home on Sunday. I’m going to miss going shopping with you on Black Friday tomorrow, though.”

  “Me too, but we will make up for it next weekend. I promise,” she says before ending the call.

  I look at the television screen and watch the credits roll across. I have missed the ending of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. My stomach grumbles loudly, and I pick up the bowl of popcorn when my doorbell suddenly chimes. I untuck my legs from the sofa and place the bowl of popcorn on the table in front of me before walking to the door.

  I see a tall woman, with a dark complexion dressed in chef’s apparel, loaded down with bags in her hands. I apprehensively open the door to confront this stranger.

  “Hello, you must be Miss Noelle Winter’s?” asks the woman with a friendly voice.

  “Yes,” I respond, wondering why she is at my door.

  “I am Chef Sandra Ramsey. Mr. Beau Barringer arranged for my services today to fix you a personal Thanksgiving feast. He must really love you considering the amount he paid me to do this of all days,” she says bluntly. “May I come in?” She holds up her bags.

  My cell phone begins to ring again. I stand back to allow Chef Sandra in. “Of course, come on in,” I say and close the door behind her.

  “The kitchen is through those doors,” I point her in the direction of my small kitchen as I run over to answer my cell phone.

  “Hello,” I say in a rushed voice without checking to see whose calling.

  “Hey, baby,” Beau’s baritone voice speaks through the phone’s receiver, sending chills down my spine.

  “Beau!” I gasp in surprise.

  “Has your surprise arrived yet?

  “I can’t believe you did something so extravagant. No one has ever done anything this grand for me before,” I say, still in shock.

  “I wanted to do something special for you since I can’t be there with you for our first official holiday as a couple.”

  I still can’t get use to the idea that Beau and I are a couple. I pinch myself sometimes to make sure I am not dreaming.

  “I miss you, sweetheart,” Beau says. His voice brings me out of my musings.

  “I miss you too,” I say softly.

  “How much do you miss me, Noelle?”

  “I miss you more than you will ever know. I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, and then I hear your voice. I am no longer feeling so alone now,” I admit.

  “Damn, baby. I hate that I am so far away from you. Tell me what I can do to make it better.”

  “You calling me and you sending Chef Sandra here is more than enough. I still can’t help but wish that you were here in the flesh,” I say, twisting a soft curl around my finger tip.

  “You make me want to ditch my responsibilities and high jack a flight out of here tonight. Just ask me and I will do it for you. All you have to do is give me the word.”

  “Would you really do that for me?”

  “In a heartbeat, baby. I will do anything for you and that’s a promise.”

  I can feel tears in my eyes. Happy tears of the love that I feel from Beau. Happy tears of the love that I feel from him. I can smell the delicious smells of Thanksgiving permeating throughout my apartment as the aromas seep through from the kitchen.

  “Come back to me safe and in one piece, my rock star.”

  “Always, my angel. Always,” Beau replies. “I really need to get a move on, even though I don’t want to let you go. Throw me a kiss.”

  “Muah.” I blow him a kiss through the receiver of the cell phone.

  “Mmm, so sweet,” Beau says in a gruff voice. “Enjoy your meal, sweetheart.”

  “I will, and I will think of you with every bite,” I promise before ending the call.

  The herb-roasted turkey breast with apple cider gravy; the cornbread stuffing; the bacon-wrapped green beans sprinkled with crispy fried onions; and the mini, buttermilk, chocolate tarts composed one of the most scrumptious meals I have ever eaten. With every bite of the delicious morsels, I think of Beau.

  I thank Chef Sandra for preparing my meal before she takes her leave. I note that she even leaves the kitchen spotless. A smile plants itself on my mouth for the rest of the evening and into the night.

  I walk into the bathroom and rush through my shower because I can hardly keep my eyes open. I yawn deeply as I slip a night gown over my head before sliding between the sheets of my bed. I wonder if Beau is still on stage performing. If so, I know he is bringing much delight to his many fans. I stifle another yawn before I drift off to sleep, with Beau settled deep within my thoughts and in my heart.

  Chapter 12


  Bah, Humbug

  It’s Black Friday, and a mob of people run around snatching items off of shelves like there is no tomorrow. It is only one day after Thanksgiving, and it has already been forgotten, along with the leftover stuffing. I should have come out earlier instead of waiting until noon to get some shopping done. Then again, maybe it wouldn’t have made a difference from the look of things.

  The Christmas music follows me from store to store. Christmas trees are fully displayed with beautiful lights, and garlands are strung up in great supply, making the shopping mall one gigantic winter wonderland scene. Someone bumps into me, which causes me to bump into someone else.

  “Excuse me.” The words barely past my lips before the woman in front of me turns to glare in my direction.

  “Watch where you are going,” she says in a not-so-friendly tone.

  “It wasn’t my fault, ma’am. Someone pushed me into you,” I reply looking behind me, but whoever pushed me is long gone.

  The mean lady peers over my shoulder and gives me a pinched-face expression. I glare back at he
r before she rolls her eyes and marches onward without saying another word. “Scrooge!” I say to her back but not loud enough for her to hear me.

  I shrug off the attitude from the disgruntled shopper and continue to peruse the items throughout the stores. Hmm, shall I get a live tree this year? I ponder the question in my head before walking towards Shelby’s and my favorite shoe store. Well, one of our favorite shoe stores.

  Now why did I come out in this mess? I guess I just needed to get out and do something to keep from missing Beau. I silently answer my own question truthfully.

  Maybe I will stop by my favorite Chinese restaurant and get me an order of egg rolls and some egg drop soup to go with it when I finish shopping. I wait my turn in line to pay for this pair of boots that Shelby was admiring the last time we were together. I want to get them for her Christmas gift, along with her favorite fragrance.

  I have absolutely no idea what I will get Beau for Christmas. I smile from the inside out every time I think of Beau. I feel like a high school girl with her first crush. After paying for my purchases, I stop off at a maternity department store called Mommy’s Maternity. I need to get a starter set of maternity clothes so I can get prepared for my changing body shape.

  My hand splays over my belly as I think about the tiny life growing inside of me, as I take the escalator to the second level in the mall. My stomach grumbles aloud. I look at the time on my thin, wristband watch. It is almost three thirty in the afternoon and a whole seven hours since I ate breakfast.

  I am starving, but I join a group of people watching skaters that are skating on an ice rink located in the center of the second level. I smile as a figure in a white polar bear suit spins around with one leg high in the air.

  There are other people dressed up as cartoon characters, bringing the animated characters alive for the kids. I walk closer to the skating rink to get a better look at the performance. I smile and lose myself in the show until someone bumps into me again from behind.


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