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Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance

Page 10

by Theresa Hodge

  Noelle complies with my urgings without any protests. It seems she has missed me tasting her sweetness just as much as I have missed tasting her sticky, sweet nectar of delight. The first touch of my tongue to her small bud causes a moan to drift past her lips.

  My tongue swipes up and down her sweet heat as I entreat more delicious moans to conjure forth from deep in her throat. Her moans set a fire deep in my soul as I please the woman that I love with my mouth.

  Her taste is the equivalent of a love drug, highly addictive but pleasurably so. I worship her pussy as it deserves to be worshipped. My tongue swoops into her cove and scoops the precious jewels from her lubricious, sweet ambrosia. The moist heat of her juices coats my tongue, and I savor the spicy, delectable yumminess of her flavor on my palate.

  I can, and will, become a connoisseur of Noelle’s appetizing aroma and taste as she continuously feeds me this addictive flavor. Her moans are becoming louder with each swipe of my tongue, as well as with every gentle nibble of my teeth against her heated, shaven flesh.

  If I died sampling Noelle’s snatch right now, I know without a doubt I would die a happy man inhaling and tasting the sweetness of her love haven. Noel wails loudly as I grip her pliable ass in my hands to pull her even closer to my devouring mouth.

  Her orgasm gushes rapidly into my waiting mouth. I become drunk off of her confectionary syrupy. My mouth is glossy from her delectable delight as I climb up her malleable body. My lips connect with hers as I force my tongue into her mouth so she can join me in tasting herself on my lips.

  Noelle’s body squirms beneath my own as my shaft lies heavily against her thigh. Her thighs spread further apart to accommodate my hardness against her heat.

  “I want…I need you so much,” she gasps out as her body trembles from the effects of the gigantic orgasm she just experienced.

  My length throbs with need against her heat. I grind against the slickness between her thighs to torture myself just a bit before entering my final destination.

  “When I look at you…I see beauty personified. You are the embodiment of a naturally, beautiful woman,” I say, taking in her unruly, curly hair that frames her face like a halo. My hands tangle themselves in her hair as my fingers bury themselves in its luster. “I not only need and want you, but I love you with all that is within me, Noelle Winters,” I say to her before slowly entering her heated walls.

  She wraps her legs around my waist to imprison me in her being. Unlike a convict in prison walls, I happily become her inmate and she my warden. My girth plunges into her slick heat with precision.

  I play her body like I play my guitar. I fine-tune every nook and cranny of her honey cove to sing in harmony with each thrust of my shaft. A growl embeds itself deep in my throat as I throb inside her, readying myself for a release of my own.

  “Cum for me, Noelle,” I order her, switching roles as I become the warden, drawing her into my prison of undeniable pleasure and lust.

  On demand, Noelle doesn’t disappoint me as her eyes clash with my own. Her mouth jerks from mine as she gasps and forms a surprised O.

  “I got you, love,” I growl out as I bite back an expletive.

  I can feel her walls tighten and spasm around my hardness; she flies apart once again in pleasure as I continue to plunge into her over and over again.

  “I’m cumming, Noelle,” I spit out as I thrust into her for the last time. My seed breaks forth like a dam to splash without control against her walls. She sighs triumphantly beneath me as the last of my spasms dissipate into a pleasurable haze.

  I roll over onto my back with us still connected. I brush her hair away from her face to reveal a satisfied but sleepy smile. I pull the covers over our bodies before placing a kiss onto her lips. The long plane ride finally catches up to me as Noelle and I happily drift off to sleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 15


  God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

  A week has passed since Beau came home from his tour. We spent our time between my apartment and his getaway house whenever I wasn’t working, and he wasn’t in the studio. Beau and his band are currently putting the sounds together for their upcoming New Year’s album.

  Everything has been relatively quiet and idyllic. I haven’t even been spending much time with Shelby, except at work. She is beginning to pout about it, so I promised her that I will attend her Christmas party next weekend, and I will help her go shopping for a spectacular outfit that will knock her boyfriend off of his feet.

  “Thank you for coming with me today,” Beau says, drawing me from my reverie as I walk beside him.

  “I can’t think of any place I would rather be,” I tell him as the elevator doors open, and we arrive at the children’s ward at St. Catherine’s Hospital for terminally ill children.

  “Thank you for coming today, Mr. Barringer,” says a striking woman coming forward with her hand outstretched in greeting.

  “No problem,” Beau’s smooth voice sends chills down my spine. I can also see he’s having an effect on this striking-looking woman as well as she eats him up with her roving eyes.

  “My name is Greta Malone, and I am head of the activities department her at St. Catherine’s,” she divulges, all but ignoring me as her eyes skim over me and latch back onto Beau.

  “Miss Malone, this is Noelle Winters,” Beau says as he notes the beginnings of a frown on my face.

  “Nice to meet you, Miss Winters.” Greta gives me a curt nod before returning her attention back to Beau.

  Greta Malone’s smile is so wide, I fear her face will crack or her lips will split from her apparent lip injection as she looks up in wonderment at Beau’s handsome face. “If you will follow me, the children are already waiting and excited to meet the great Beau Barringer,” she says with a giddy laugh.

  I purse my lips. How unprofessional is that? I roll my eyes as she beckons for us to follow her.

  She has an extra sway to her hips as her butt sticks out from her fitted business suit. Her butt is probably inflated from surgery as well. Jealousy overcomes me as I witness the attention she is giving Beau. She even has the audacity to look back at Beau with flirtatious eyes to see if he is checking out the sway of her hips.

  “Look, darling,” Beau stops in his tracks and points towards a sprig of mistletoe hanging from a doorway we just entered.

  My musings drift away as I look up in the doorway where Beau is pointing. I look back at Beau and notice the twinkling glint of amusement in his eyes before he sweeps me into his arms like Rhett Butler swept Scarlett O’Hara into his arms on the old classic movie Gone with the Wind.

  Beau’s lips lock on mine. I gasp as he tilts me back and kisses me hotly, not caring who sees us. My gasp allows his tongue access to my mouth as he swirls his minty tongue against mine. I am breathless by the time he lets me up for air.

  My cheeks are flushed as some nurses and a few doctors give Beau a round of applause. I look over Beau’s shoulder to see Greta looking on with a pinched look around her mouth and a hard stare in my direction.

  “If the two of you are through putting on a show, you can follow me.”

  At least this time she sounds more professional.

  Beau gives the audience a wave and a cocky grin as he wraps his free arm around my waist. I feel as if I am walking on cloud nine from Beau’s exhilarating kiss.

  I touch my throbbing lips gently. I can feel the slickness between my thighs that Beau’s kiss caused. His delicious scent surrounds me as we enter the spacious room, where he will be performing for the terminally ill children.

  The doors swoosh open as Miss Malone allows us to enter. I notice some parents are seated on the carpeted floor, as well as the children. There are two beautifully decorated Christmas trees in each corner of the wide, expansive room. Garland, with twinkling lights, is strung around the room as well. The room gives off a festive feeling, even with the presence of so many sick children.

  My eyes swell up with emotion
as I think of my own unborn baby. I say a silent prayer that my baby will be born healthy with no ongoing health problems. Beau is greeted with the excitement and screams of the children. He takes time to look in each of the children’s faces and waves to those that are gathered to see him.

  I watch him take a seat on the high stool in the center of the room. He removes his favorite guitar from his old, battered guitar case and straps it across his broad, muscular shoulder. I take a seat on the floor with everyone else and cross my legs in Indian style fashion.

  “I am humbly grateful for each of you here today,” Beau’s smooth voice soothes the crowd. “If you know the songs, please feel free to sing along with me. I need all the help I can get.” He looks over at me and gives me a quick wink.

  Beau Barringer is too sexy for his own good. My body reacts instantly to his teasing wink. I turn to look at the sweet, happy faces of the children once again. I suddenly feel a little hand on my leg, and I look down at the face of a sweet, little boy whose head is bald. He is probably going through chemotherapy. The little boy appears to be about three or four years old. I give him a smile before I beacon him to climb onto my lap.

  The little boy feels as light as a feather in my arms. I settle him in my embrace as the first strums on Beau’s guitar penetrate the room with their beautiful sound. I whisper a prayer for a miracle that each child would be healed before Beau’s rich baritone voice begins to sing.

  I shiver from the sound of his warm, gravelly voice as he sings the Christmas song, “God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman.” Everyone listens intensely to Beau, including me. His soulful voice resonates the spirit of Christmas throughout the room.

  This Beau is so different from the rock and roller I saw performing in concert. This Beau is calm as he strums his guitar with surety. He has a gentle smile on his face as he takes in each of the children in the audience. Lastly, his eyes latch onto mine.

  I can see the glow of love flowing from his eyes as they rest on me. My respect level and love go up another notch for Beau. I think of how he takes time out of his busy schedule to spend time with these beautiful, sweet, sick children.

  I know he will make a wonderful father someday. In this moment of wishful thinking, I wish he was the father of my unborn baby. I wish that this is Beau’s seed growing on the inside of me. My life would be so much better if this were true. Beau’s voice fills me with hope for a wonderful future.

  Chapter 16


  The Nutcracker

  Noelle looks so beautiful tonight in her clingy, sequined dress that I had specially ordered from Bloomingdales. I wanted to surprise her with a night at the theater.

  This being our first official date, I need to make it special for her. Noelle means much more to me than a quick roll in the sack. I need for her to feel it and know it without any lingering doubts about my intentions.

  I am getting more attached to her than she realizes, but I must stay in control, lest I scare her away. I didn’t plan on falling this hard or fast, but it happened anyway. I have never felt this way about any woman that I’ve dated in the past. Noelle is the first woman to steal my heart besides my dearest mother.

  I look at her across the elegantly, set table that has her face glowing because of the specifically placed candles. She has the most beautiful smile on her face as she looks towards the stage. Her perfectly displayed food, arranged like artwork on the fine china, seems to be forgotten while she is enchanted with the ballet.

  I look towards the stage as Act 1 begins. Herr Stahlbaum and his wife are giving a Christmas Party. Clara and Fritz, their children, are greeting the guests. The actors portraying the parents distribute toys to the children. Dr. Drosselmeyer arrives suddenly to entertain the happy children with his magical tricks and wind up dolls.

  “Thank you so much for all of this,” Noelle says softly, gaining my immediate attention.

  I smile and feel total contentment from making her happy.

  “I remember the first time we met, you said you always wanted to see The Nutcracker as a child. It was in my power to make it happen, so I did it,” I say before reaching across the table to take her hand in mine.

  “I will never understand how you got this whole theater just for the two of us.”

  I bring her hand to my lips and brush a kiss on the palm of her hand before replying.

  “Never doubt my abilities to make things happen. When it comes to making you happy, this is all the incentive I need.”

  I am not trying to be cocky or arrogant, but I am just stating the facts. My sole purpose is to make Noelle happy and to make her forget the sadness and loneliness she felt as a child growing up. How parents could throw away a relationship with a daughter as beautiful and intelligent as the young woman sitting before me is far beyond my thought pattern. And how could Victor throw away a chance at co-parenting a child with her is also beyond my reach of thinking. Their loss is my gain. That’s one thing I know without any doubts whatsoever.

  Noelle blushes as I look at her with intensity exuding from my eyes. After tasting and seeing every inch of her body, I can still feel a shyness about her that she takes great pains to hide.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she finally asks.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Yes,” she says in a low tone of voice, as I can barely hear her over the music of the Nutcracker.

  “I am thinking about stripping you bare and placing you on this table. I am thinking of throwing your succulent brown thighs over my shoulders to feast off your sticky honey.”

  I can feel myself hardening beneath my dress slacks as I describe in great detail what I crave to do to my beautiful and sexy Noelle Winters. I can see that I surprise her by the way her mouth sets in a surprised O. I can see also how my words affect her by the hardening of her nipples underneath the sequined silkiness of her dress. My mouth begins to water, and I am sure that my eyes are dilating from my want to lick her nipples and suck them into the warm cavity of my mouth.

  “Beau!” Noelle gasps with a sexiness that makes my dick jump and pulsate beneath my slacks.

  I chuckle because I am finding pleasure in knowing my little angel is as hot and bothered as I am. What a pleasurable predicament to be in. I adjust myself as my hardness strains uncomfortably against my zipper.

  “Maybe we should finish our dinner before it turns cold,” I suggest.

  “Oh!” she says before looking down at her plate of untouched food. “I think that’s a great idea. Maybe I better pay attention to the stage as well, considering they are already into their second act,” she surmises with a teasing glint in her eyes. “I don’t want you to think I don’t appreciate your generosity.”

  “Point taken, my dear lady,” I say with a smirk before giving the ballet my semi-undivided attention, because there is no way that I will allow myself to not feast on the beauty before my very eyes.

  We eat our dinner for a while in silence. I look across at Noelle as she finishes up her meal. She has a crumb stuck to her shimmering, glossed lips. I reach across to wipe it away with the pad of my thumb. Noelle’s eyes instantly clash with my own, her warm brown to my icy, blue.

  Fire and ice collide, which causes immediate desire to radiate between us as it creates an inclusive haze of wantonness that surrounds us in its lust-filled web. Noelle opens her sweet mouth to capture my thumb between the warm, velvety softness of her mouth. She sucks on it as she would suck on my cock.

  It takes everything in me not to cum on the spot. My cock throbs with a neediness that is hard for me to control. Noelle has that effect on me; she has a tendency to make my emotions spiral out of control every time I am in her presence.

  Her tongue circles around my thumb. I growl aloud as I think of plunging into her dripping wet canal of love.

  By the end of act two and several glasses of champagne, sparkling grape juice for Noelle, I am ready to take her home to my bed. I am ready to be inside of her warmth once again and to
feel the beat of her heart as it becomes in sync with my own.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Barringer, will there be anything else you need for tonight?” asks the head waiter from the catering company that I hired for tonight.

  Noelle jumps and pulls her finger from my mouth. She looks guilty at being caught being naughty. I chuckle aloud, but I give Noelle’s hand an encouraging squeeze before replying to the waiter.

  “That will be all for tonight, and thank your company for a job well done. There will be something extra for each of you in the payment you receive,” I say, feeling generous.

  “Thank you, Mr. Barringer. Enjoy the rest of your night,” the waiter says before disappearing, giving us the privacy I crave.

  The last act of the Nutcracker ends. The music swells towards a crescendo as it comes to its conclusion. Noelle begins to stand, and I follow suit as we give the performers a standing ovation. The curtain closes, and my night becomes complete as I take in Noelle’s excitement.

  “I am finally in the Christmas spirit,” she says as Charles seats us in the waiting limousine. “I don’t even have a Christmas tree up in my apartment and Christmas day will be soon upon us.”

  “That can be easily remedied. I will have a tree sent over first thing tomorrow, and we can decorate it together,” I offer.

  She claps her hands in excitement like a small child that’s been handed the most expensive gift.

  “You will do that for me?”

  “I will do that and more for you, Noelle. Doubt me not,” I reply before pulling her across the heated leather seat into my lap.

  I can’t keep my hands to myself as we are enclosed in the warmth of the vehicle. Noelle looks up at the sunroof of the limo. My eyes follow the direction of her gaze.

  “It’s snowing again,” she gasps. “The snow looks so beautiful falling down on the sunroof.”


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