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Amusing Amanda

Page 11

by D. J. Manly

  Scott tore his open right away. He knew what it was of course. She had deposited some more money in the trust fund she had set up for him. He thanked her and put it back into his envelope, his eyes on Ciel. How could his eyes not be on Ciel? He looked gorgeous as always and there was something about him tonight, something almost vulnerable. He drew Scott’s eyes to him like a magnet. At the moment however, he looked shocked.

  “Amanda,” he stood up. “I can’t let you do this. This is a lot of money. It’s enough that I live here and you will be paying my tuition, giving the opportunity to work … I…”

  Amanda put up her hand. “You are my family, both you and Scott. One day after you finish university, you will leave us. You will need money to get started … and its nothing compared to what you have already given me.”

  Ciel closed the envelope and nodded. “Thank you,” he said, “although I’m not sure if I can accept this or not.”

  Amanda waved that away as Scott got up and went to the tree. He handed Amanda a gift. Ciel seemed to be watching as Amanda opened it, and squealed with pleasure. It was a very expensive diamond watch. “I love it,” she said to Scott.

  “You should,” he moaned, “you picked it out.”

  She laughed.

  Ciel stood up now and retrieved the gift he had put under the tree for her. He brought it over to her and smiled. “Merry Christmas, Amanda.” Amanda thanked him and opened to box. It was a pure silk scarf in winter white. “Ah, beautiful. You have expensive taste, darling. This will go with everything.” She stood up and kissed them both. “I have something to tell you both now, so please sit.”

  Ciel and Scott both sat on either side of her on the sofa. “I will be leaving for Cairo the day after tomorrow. My late husband had some investments there and I must see to them personally. I will be gone for about two weeks.”

  They both listened intently.

  “It’s not fair of me to expect chastity from you … so I’ve decided to loosen the rules for that period but when I come back, we will go right back to the original agreement.

  * * * *

  Ciel ran his eyes over Scott, whose eyes were on Amanda. Two weeks alone with Scott. He wondered what it would be like to have him all to himself in bed.

  “You may screw anyone you please, providing you do it safely, except for each other. You are not to touch each other without me being present. Is that clear?”

  Ciel’s heart fell. Damn her.

  “Perfectly,” Scott said, smiling. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Allowing me to be with other men is enough of a gift, Amanda. Thank you. It will be a nice change.”

  Ciel felt that like a slap in the face. He stood up, cleared his throat and walked over to the window. He doubled up his fists for a moment. Fuck you, Scott … fuck … fuck you.

  “Fine,” she laughed. “Ciel,” she called over to him, “I’m sure you’ve someone in mind.”

  Ciel turned from the window, his mouth twisting. “Oh definitely,” he managed, glaring at Scott.

  Scott walked over to the tree and made an unnecessary comment about how beautiful it was.

  “Good, that’s settled then. So,” she cooed, “how about my big boys meeting me upstairs for the last time before my trip?” She stood up. “Give me half an hour.”

  Ciel went to say something but Scott cut him off, saying they’d be there.

  “You don’t speak for me,” Ciel snapped as soon as Amanda was out of earshot.

  Scott sighed. “You don’t have a choice. She wants us.”

  “Maybe I don’t feel like it tonight,” he muttered.

  “Men like you always feel like it, Ciel,” he pointed out.

  “Maybe I just don’t feel like it with you,” Ciel spat.

  He shrugged. “Well, you’ll have your chance for a change soon … and I didn’t know that there was someone you were interested in already.”

  “What do you care?” Ciel asked softly, raising an arm to the mantle. “You’ll be fucking your trainer, I suppose.”

  “Not necessarily. He wants a ménage a trois.”

  Ciel laughed harshly. “Two’s company and three’s a crowd.”

  Scott didn’t reply. He just turned his back and walked out of the room. Suddenly he reappeared. “If you want your Christmas present, come with me.”

  “Is it your cock with a big red bow on the end?” Ciel was at his heels as they climbed the stairs.

  Scott paused and turned around. Winking, he said, “You can have that later in Amanda’s playroom.”

  Ciel didn’t comment.

  Finally they reached Scott’s room. Scott opened the door and walked in. He went into his closet, and brought out a package wrapped in Christmas paper. He handed it to Ciel. Ciel turned it over in his hands, then, tore the paper off of it. It was a black leather travel case, very chic and expensive. Ciel’s face drained of color, then, he started to laugh.

  “What? Don’t you like it?”

  “Not very subtle, Scott. While you were at it, why didn’t you just buy me a one way ticket back to Paris?”

  Scott folded his arms across his chest. “Check inside,” he said, “maybe you’ll find one.”

  Ciel squeezed the case in his hand. He met his eyes. “There’s no need to be threatened by me, Scott. After all, I’m the one leaving eventually; you’ll be here with Amanda until the end.”

  “I’m not threatened by you,” he returned, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well either you don’t like me, or you like me too much,” Ciel quipped. “Which ever it is, you’d like me to disappear.”

  Scott checked his watch. “Well, hate to break up the therapy session but Amanda will be waiting. I’d like to shower and change first.”

  “Right,” Ciel muttered. He dropped the case onto the bureau beside him, turned on his heel and left the room.

  * * * *

  Ciel made his way to Amanda’s room fresh from the shower. He resented being here tonight, resented having to perform for her with a man who despised him. As he stripped off his clothes, Amanda and Scott’s eyes were on him. Well, at least Scott seemed to want him. There was desire in his eyes as he walked over to him.

  Chapter Six

  Amanda was ready with her vibrator, perched on her leather chair, wearing a see-though red baby doll with crotch-less panties. She watched as Ciel took off his clothes. He didn’t smile. In fact, he looked a little sad.

  She decided to focus on Scott because his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as Ciel stepped into the room. He was already head over heels in love with him, but he would never admit to it. Love to him was something to be feared, not to be embraced … that’s why she wasn’t worried. He would be with her until the end.

  Ciel was a strong man, independent, and if he did feel anything for Scott, he’d soon recover from it. Eventually he’d walk out that door, and not look back. As she studied her two beautiful men, she decided that all this analysis was ruining the mood. She had known Scott would fall for Ciel the moment he saw him. Who could blame him? She sucked in her breath now as Ciel’s cock came into view,

  Amanda watched the way Scott was looking at it … as if he’d died and was transported suddenly to paradise … because that’s what Ciel’s body was … paradise. She felt her juices begin to flow as Scott walked over in front of him and traced around the head of Ciel’s cock with his finger.

  * * * *

  Ciel unconsciously licked his lips. His body was tight like a coil, his cock jolting suddenly at Scott’s touch. “What is it you want tonight, Amanda?” He demanded abruptly, shattering the intensity of the moment.

  “Go with what you feel,” Amanda murmured, moving the smooth head of the silent vibrator over her vaginal lips.

  Go with what I feel … he thought. What I feel is anger and bitterness and sadness. Should I tell her what her precious Scott gave me for a Christmas present? “So you’re anxious to get fucked by other men, are you?” he blurted, meeting Scott’s hungry eyes. There was the source
… not even that stupid gift could top that one.

  He gave him a cocky smile. “That seems to trouble you for some reason,” Scott said, circling around him and letting one hand brush across his perfect ass. “Variety is the spice of life.”

  “Fuck you,” Ciel whispered between clenched teeth, grabbing him and dragging him up against his chest.

  Scott laughed at him softly. “Jealous, Ciel,” he taunted, just as Ciel’s mouth came down hard on his.

  The laughter died in his throat, turning into soft moans as Ciel’s tongue slipped in between his lips and explored the velvet lining of his mouth.

  Then suddenly without warning, Ciel lifted his buttocks up in his hands, yanking his legs around his waist. They swayed together over to the wall, Ciel’s tongue caressing his as he slammed him into the mirrored wall. They slid together down to the hard floor, sounds they made sounding more animal than human. Ciel’s hands tweaked his nipples, slapped at his cock, and then he reared back and positioned his throbbing erection at Scott’s quivering entrance. Scott let out a cry as Ciel’s cock sliced into him.

  “Oh God … Oh God … Oh God…” He cried out as Ciel began to pump, grabbing onto both sides of his face.

  Ciel looked down at him, his black eyes intense. He made sure that Scott felt his stroke, driving his cock to the very core of him, saying one word with every thrust. “You … don’t … feel … anything … for … me … are … you … sure … baby? You … don’t … know … love … but … you … ah … ah … yes … you … ah … feel … it … don’t … you … don’t … you … Scott … damn … damn you…!” He exploded and collapsed on top of Scott’s body. For a moment, he pressed his lips against his chest, then, he pushed himself away.

  He stood up, and looked at Amanda. “Do you mind if we call it quits for tonight. I’m kind of … tired.”

  Amanda opened her mouth to say something but he was gone. He just walked out, leaving his clothes behind.

  * * * *

  Scott lay on the floor, his chest heaving, his body covered with sweat and semen. He took a few minutes to recover; then, he sat up, glanced over at Amanda and attempted a little shrug. It came out diluted. He stood up himself. “Everyone is a little tired I think.” He picked up his clothes, and Ciel’s, and then walked out of the room himself.

  * * * *

  Scott knocked on Ciel’s door five minutes later. He heard the shower turn off as he opened the door. Ciel emerged from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. “You forgot your clothes,” Scott said, holding them up.

  “What a surprise. I thought it was Amanda coming in to chew me out. Thanks,” he narrowed his eyes as Scott walked in and set his clothes on top of the bed.

  “What exactly was that all about tonight?”

  “You know what it was about. You’ve been just waiting to taunt me with it,” he replied, hands on his slim hips.

  Scott traced the rivers of water running down Ciel’s chest with his eyes. He almost envied those drops of liquid. For a second, he had the urge to lick them off, to lick him all over. He shook that away. “I was only teasing, having fun. God, Ciel, you take all this way too seriously.”

  “And you take this way too lightly,” he accused.

  “Look, I’ve fucked and been fucked by a lot of men. None of them meant anything to me. Why should you be different?”

  “Yeah, why should I be any different?” His voice sounded bitter.

  Scott avoided his eyes. “I had regular clients … men and women. Familiarity didn’t breed love, if anything it led to boredom, but that was business.”

  “Business,” Ciel said between clenched teeth. “And so is this … right? Business?”

  “Exactly, and you’d do well to remember that.”

  “And I would be able to remember that Scott,” he said, coming closer, “if you didn’t always remind me with your eyes, and your touch, how much you want me.”

  Scott took a step backwards, his knees feeling weak. “It’s a … a show … it’s a show for Amanda … we’re amusing her, that’s all.”

  Ciel reached out and touched his cheek. “You’re a liar.”

  Scott slapped his hand away. “Believe what you want, Ciel, but if you fancy yourself in love with me, get over it. I’ll never feel the same.”

  Ciel clenched his fist at his side. “Fine. Then we’ll go on pretending for as long as we can … but I might not make it. I’m not as good at this as you are. You see, God help me, I am falling in love with you.”

  There was dead silence in the room. All Scott could do now was turn his back on him and leave the room.

  * * * *

  When Amanda left, Scott and Ciel stood outside watching the limo drive away. Ciel sighed “Well,” he said, throwing a backwards glance at Scott as he went inside, “enjoy your fucking. I’m going to keep myself busy writing this week.”

  Scott followed him inside. The tight white shorts Ciel was wearing hugged his ass to perfection. Scott tore his eyes off his butt. “You’ll find someone to fuck I’m sure.”

  Ciel stopped abruptly, causing Scott to bump into him. Scott stepped away. “I plan to stick with the original set of rules. I’ll be sleeping alone.”

  Scott ran his eyes over him. “What a waste. Well, do what you want,” he shrugged and brushed past him. “As for me, I intend to have a blast.”

  “Well if you’re calling that trainer of yours, better hurry before his muscles deflate.”

  “Hah ha!” was the reply.

  * * * *

  Ciel did his best to avoid Scott as much as possible. Luckily Scott made that easy. He was rarely ever home. Ciel spent the time writing and preparing for the classes he had registered for at the university. It would feel good to work towards his goal again; hopefully it would help him keep his emotions in check. Once school began, he’d stick to himself and wouldn’t go out of his way to make friends.

  What could he tell them … that he lived with a rich woman and an ex-prostitute and they spent their time fucking each other for her amusement? No. Better to avoid getting too close to people while he was here. Besides when he wasn’t studying, he wanted to concentrate on his writing.

  So while Amanda was away, during the day he wrote and reviewed notes and class outlines, and in the evening, he stayed in his room, eating his supper and writing more. If Scott was off fucking other men, he didn’t want to know about it.

  * * * *

  A week had already gone and he’d hardly seen Ciel at all, not even to ask him how school was going. He’d gone out dancing every night, flirting with any gorgeous man he could, then come home in the wee hours in the morning alone. Many times he paused outside of Ciel’s door on the way to his room, but he pushed himself forward and went into his own. He was angry at himself. Here he’d waited for this very opportunity to have any man he wanted … to be with someone other than Ciel and yet, goddamn him, Ciel was all he wanted.

  One afternoon, halfway through the second week, Ciel came walking out onto the patio. He had peeled off his t-shirt and was wearing jean shorts. His hard chest gleamed with sweat. He didn’t even notice Scott sitting there for a second as he wiped the perspiration from his forehead and threw the t-shirt aside. He was unzipping his shorts when Scott said, “doing a show for me, lover?”

  Ciel looked up from his zipper and gave him a lopsided smile. “Hardly. I’m hot. I was going to go for a quick swim. I didn’t think there was anyone around. I’ll go and get some trunks.”

  “Don’t bother on my account. I’ve seen it. You may not want to scandalize the pool man however.”

  Ciel took a quick look over to the side of the pool where Scott was pointing and sighed. “Damn.”

  The “pool man” turned out to be a hottie in his mid thirties whose eyes hadn’t left Ciel since he’d come outside.

  “God, keep going,” he urged, then laughed, dragging the pool vacuum to the side of the pool.

  Ciel smiled at him. “It’s nice to be appreciated.”

“Oh I’d love to appreciate you,” he moaned boldly, letting his eyes travel over him deliberately.

  “Go ahead,” Scott said, “appreciate him. As long as you let me watch.”

  The pool man dropped the vacuum, and took a step towards Ciel.

  “Hey,” Ciel protested. “I…”

  “Let me help you with these,” the man said, smiling as he slowly pulled the zipper down on Ciel’s shorts.

  Scott gave him a smug look from the chair. “Come on, Frenchman, loosen up, have a little fun.”

  “French?” The man asked, running his tongue over his lips as he pushed Ciel’s shorts to the ground.

  “Um, yes, luscious isn’t he? Ciel is his name … heaven.”

  “I’ll say,” the man murmured, lifting Ciel’s cock out of his underwear.

  * * * *

  Fine, Ciel thought. If that’s what you want, Scott, that’s what you’ll get. “Yeah,” Ciel urged, “that’s it baby, take it out. Put it in your mouth. You want to, don’t you?”

  The pool man sunk to his knees and pressed the head of his cock between his lips. Ciel looked over at Scott who acted as if he were only mildly interested in what was going on in front of him. The pool man sunk more of Ciel’s cock into his mouth, one hand reaching up to run his hand over Ciel’s tight round ass.

  Ciel closed his eyes and let his head fall back. He thrust his hips forward, slowly beginning to face fuck the pool man while running his hands over his chest, tweaking his nipples. He moaned loudly a few times, exaggerating the pleasure he was feeling, trying to get some kind of reaction from Scott.

  * * * *

  Scott swallowed something dry in his throat. He watched the exotic display in front of him and tried to ignore the twitching in his own cock.

  Ciel now had one hand buried in the pool man’s hair. He was caressing it and for some reason that action was pissing Scott off. Fuck! Couldn’t be that the pool man was that goddamned good with his mouth. Ciel was pushing his cock deeper into the man’s mouth, causing the pool man to make pleasurable sounds in his throat.

  There was an increasing pressure in his shaft. When Ciel shot, he took a step away from the pool man which allowed Scott a full view. He stifled a moan. The pool man grabbed Ciel’s cock and positioned it so that the cum landed on his lips and in his hair.


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