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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

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by Rachael Tonks

  Copyright © 2016 Rachael Tonks

  Published: Enchanted Publications

  Cover Design: Simon Cooke @ SC Creative

  Cover Image Copyright: George Mayer @

  Interior Images licensed through

  Edited by Amy Gamache @ Rose David Editing

  Interior Formatting by Angela Shockley @ That Formatting Lady

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Enchanted Publications

























  Stopping dead in my tracks, I literally have no comprehension of what the fuck just happened. I’m frozen with fear.

  My heart slams against my chest and the fuzzy sound of voices echoing all around me are all I can hear. I can’t make out what’s being said, only the buzz of voices shouting at me.

  I feel someone shaking me furiously as I snap from my inner torture of the moment.

  “Cole, dammit, answer me.” I snap my head to the right and see Jake staring at me bug eyed.

  With a sudden sense of urgency, I sprint over to my truck.

  “Cole, man, wait up.”

  “Just get in the fucking truck, Jake. I need to catch up with that car.” I point in front of us. I see the beige colored Lincoln Town Car pulling out of the lot. That car will be imprinted in my mind until I find her.

  Jake jumps in the front seat and I hear the click of the rear doors as they open. I swing round to look at who it is and see Abbey and Ash rushing, desperately to get in.

  “We are coming too, Cole. Hurry! Drive before we lose sight of the car.” I hear the desperation in Abbey’s voice as I shove the gear stick into reverse and speed backward.

  My frustration grows at the sight of people standing around, blocking my exit. I press on the horn aggressively, desperate to catch up with the Lincoln, now out of sight.

  Jake rolls down the window. “Get out of the fucking way!” His hands gesture from side to side as he waves the people out of the way. Everyone is staring at the car as I strategically maneuver around them, through the parking lot, but I don’t care. I speed out as fast as I can get the truck to move.

  “Cole, dude, you really have to tell us what the fuck is going on. Who are we chasing?” Jake asks.

  “I have no idea, Jake! All I know is someone has taken Ken, and I’ll be fucked if I don’t try and stop the bastards.” I let out a heavy sigh before I bash my hands on the steering wheel. “I can’t believe this shit! Fuck! What if something happens to her!”

  “Dude, I don’t know what to say!” Jake’s voice raspy and uneasy.

  I feel a warm hand on my shoulder “Do you think it is someone from the cult?” Abbey asks, her voice straining and full of emotion.

  “It has to be, Abbey. Dammit, why didn’t I listen to her? She said they would come for her, but I thought it was just paranoia! Fuck, she was right.”

  I hammer my foot to the floor, accelerating heavy. The engine roars in response. I catch sight of the car in the distance as it heads toward the freeway.

  “There, Jake.” I point to the Lincoln in front.

  He puts his hand on my arm.

  “Let’s play this clever, Cole. Stay back so the car is just in sight. We don’t want them to realize we are tailing them. It will be much easier to track them if we stay inconspicuous.”

  “Good point.”

  “Then what!” Abbey squeals. “What exactly are we planning on doing?”

  “Fuck, I don’t know, Abbey, but if we can see where they are taking her we can do something. Anything!”

  “We really need to call the police, Cole,” Ash whispers, speaking for the first time. I look at his face and he looks totally shell shocked.

  “Not yet,” I snap.

  “But why, Cole? Shit, we’re not the police!” Ash shrieks.

  “Dammit! I know, but let’s work out what we are walking in to first! I don’t want the police getting involved just yet, causing us to lose the trail.” I dig into my pocket and throw my phone at Jake.

  “Here, text my mom and let her know what’s going on. I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a drive.”


  I feel the judder and motion as we drive. I lay bound and gagged on the back seat of Master’s car. A blindfold is wrapped so tightly around my head. The stiff cloth feels like it is cutting into my skin. My scalp tingles and I wonder if my blood circulation is being cut off. My whole head throbs.

  I want to scream or cry out but I can’t. Every part of me is bound so tightly. My movement is totally restricted. I hear the monotonous voices of the two men in the front as they talk between themselves. Their words are barely audible but I listen intently, trying to figure out what they are saying. I know wherever I go there’s only one thing waiting for me.


  Long, painful, excruciating death.

  I can’t stop the tremble of my body as I lay there with nothing but thoughts of what is to come. I knew I could never really escape the evil horror of the commune. I’m truly terrified. My breathing is rapid as I try to steady the tremendous thudding of my heart. I feel the pulse in my neck hammer as my clammy, cold hands clutch together. The motion of the car only intensifies the sickness I feel in the pit of my stomach. I hope that Cole saw me and realizes what happened, alerting the police. I have to hold on to the hope that someone will find me, to rescue me and my unborn child from the clutches of evil.


  I weave in and out of the traffic, trying to maintain the distance between my truck and the Lincoln. We try calling the police after the text from my mom struggled to deliver. We seem to have limited to no service. I roll my head to elevate the tension in my neck and shoulders. I feel like I have been in this tense position for such a long time. It’s freaking killing me.

  “Hey, man, I can take the reins if you need a break,” Jake offers.

  “No way. I can’t afford to lose them. Pulling over could end up in us being thrown off their trail.”

  “They’ll have to pull over at some point, right?”

  “I guess so. We’ve been
travelling for hours. Surely they’ll need to pull over for gas sooner or later.”

  “True.” Jake pauses, taking a deep breath. “How are you holding up?”

  I hold out my hand. It shakes uncontrollably. I see Jake’s face crease in reaction.

  “Shit, bro, you really think we are doing the right thing? Maybe the cops should take it from here.” He studies my face, waiting for the answer.

  “There’s no way they will find her if we lose them. And we can’t lose them. This is our only hope!” My head pounds as I try and understand the words which have just escaped my mouth. I am her only hope. Even if it’s the last thing I do, I will make sure we find her, and when I do, I intend to keep her safe and away from harm. I feel sick at the thought that they could hurt Ken or the baby.

  We continue to drive for hours at a steady pace, keeping track of the Lincoln.

  “How much longer are we going to drive, Cole? It’s been hours and I’m really starting to worry that this is a very bad idea.” I hear the strain in Abbey’s voice.

  “I don’t know, Abs. Fuck, I don’t know what to do. I’m not giving up though. I will never give up on her, dammit!”

  Ash leans forward, holding the side of the chair before saying, “And no one is asking you to, Cole. But fuck, we have no idea where we are or where we are going. Someone has to be the voice of reason here!”

  I hear Abbey sobbing in the back. I adjust the rear view mirror. She’s heaving through her tears. Fuck, I feel like such a dick. Ash has his arm around her, trying to comfort her. Jake unbuckles his seat belt, stands on the passenger seat, and jumps into the back of the truck to comfort her. Ash quickly jumps into the front, plonking himself next to me before buckling up. I hear Jake’s soothing voice as he comforts a distraught Abbey in the back.

  “Quick,” Ash exclaims. “Looks like they are taking the next exit. I bet they are stopping at the gas station.”

  “Shit, what should I do? I don’t want to get too close or they’ll realize we are following them. They’ve seen us all around school.” I glance down to the dash and notice we too need fuel. “Guys, we are gonna need gas too!”

  “Just take it slow from here. As soon as they are filled up, we’ll pull in, fill up as quickly as we can, and watch to see which direction they are headed. There’s only two options, and there’s no way we will lose them.” Jakes voice is reassuring, yet assertive.

  I ease off the gas, gradually slowing the truck. I pull into the gas station to the rear of the entrance, waiting. I see the greasy haired janitor running back to the car. Within seconds, the engine is running and they are on the move again. I rush out of the car, pumping the gas while Jake runs into the store ready to pay. As soon as the truck is as full as possible, I signal to Jake.

  I jump back into the truck, put it in drive, and pull up right outside the door of the store. Ash hops in the back, leaving the door open for Jake. He races out and dives in the passenger seat beside me.

  “Which way did they go, guys?” I bark.

  “Straight onto the freeway, Cole,” they all say in unison. I hear them frantically shuffling in their seats, trying to refasten their seat belts. Jake grabs hold of the door, trying to steady himself, as I steer aggressively out of the gas station. The tires screech as we round the corner. We bump over the curb as I race to catch up with them, trying to regain sight of the car which contains Kennedy and those evil fuckers.

  “Jesus, Cole, slow down. You’re going to get us killed” Abbey screeches from the back seat.

  “Dammit! Calm down, Abs. I know what I’m doing!” I yell back. I’m trying to hold it together. I don’t need to hear this shit right now.

  I wipe my palms down the front of my jeans, trying to regain a fixed grip on the steering wheel. I concentrate on the road in front of me, glancing to the speedometer, and back to the road.

  Shit! We aren’t going fast enough to make up the distance. I push down on the gas, the engine roaring in response. Pushing her into the red, I work to get optimum speed out of her. This is a goddamn truck, not a fucking racing car, but dammit, I am working every single last cylinder.

  I look through the windshield, craning my neck to get sight of the Lincoln that has to be up ahead. The lights of the freeway dazzle me as I look further down the vast road of tarmac.

  “I think I see them,” exclaims Jake, his hand out in front of him as he points directly through the glass.

  “Where, Jake? Dammit, I can’t see them.” My voice is frantic with frustration.

  “Look to your right, Cole!” He pulls my shirt until I’m leaning closer to his side. “Over take this car in front, man, and they will be in our sights. In clear view, yeah?”

  I hit the indicator and change lane, slightly over steering. I hear the squeal from the guys in the back as they thrash from side to side with the force of my maneuver. I slam my foot to the floor to get around the red SUV in front of us. The headlights momentarily blind me as I check through the rear view mirror. I see the beige car a few hundred yards in front. I steady the pace of the car as I let out a sigh of relief.

  “Shit. That was close, Jake. We could have lost them.”

  “I know, man. We’re lucky! Where the fuck do you think they are heading? Did Kennedy ever say exactly where the Commune was located?”

  “You think that’s where they are headed, Jake?” Abbey interrupts.

  “Makes sense, I guess.” Jake shrugs his shoulders.

  “I have no fucking idea. Ken always found it so difficult to talk about. I guess it’s totally understandable under the circumstances!”

  “I guess so, but we could end up driving for days, Cole. You do realize that, don’t you?”

  “Days?” Ash squawks. “My mom is totally going to flip!”

  “Calm down, guys. Shit, my head is all over the place. I know jack shit about what happens next. All I know is I’m not giving up on Kennedy.”

  I feel Abbey’s hand on my shoulder as she lightly squeezes, a certain sign that she’s trying to reassure me. “She will be fine, Cole. I just know it. She’s a fighter!” Abbey’s voice is soothing. I wish it would work to ease me.


  I’m being thrown around the car on the never ending journey that my captures are putting me through. My whole body feels numb from being tied up in the same position for hours. My senses totally impaired. I hear Master’s voice after a few clicks and a phone ringing. Some parts are more audible than others.

  “Yes, we have her.” There’s a long pause as he listens to the caller. “We need another car sent out. Prepare the Ford Tonka, Maurice.” The pause is shorter this time. “Hmm, I believe we are being followed. We need to throw them. Get the job done. I need to get off the line and get the jammer back on. I don’t need my tail calling for help.”


  We are being followed…

  Is it Cole? It has to be Cole.

  Dammit, I can’t believe he would be so stupid, but I love that he would risk it all for me.


  We’ve been following the car for over an hour since our last stop. We exited the freeway and are now driving for through endless countryside. The road is becoming dense with fog. There’s nothing around but fields and trees.

  I have no fucking clue where we are.

  “I don’t like this, Cole. It’s so freaking creepy.” Abbey’s voice trembles, and fuck, inside I’m just as scared as she is. Scared I will lose the car we are tailing. Scared I will lose Kennedy. Scared of the unknown.

  The realization that we might lose them fuels my annoyance. I turn to Jake, my brow furrowed. “We can’t fucking lose them, Jake. Not after all this time! Fuuck,” I yell.

  “Don’t panic. We won’t lose them, Cole. Stay on this road. It doesn’t look as though there’s going to be a turn off anytime soon. You never know, the fog might clear!” I pick on the positivity in Jake’s voice. I need that.

  I have no option but continue driving. My body aches, my head’s pounding,
but I must push myself to the limit. I don’t know how or when this nightmare is going to end. I can’t give up until I have her back.

  “Still no answer from mom?” I question Jake. It was unlike her.

  “Nothing, but it looks like we keep losing signal.” He grunts, pushing the phone between his legs.

  I shudder at the thought of Kennedy and what she must be going through. My heart drops and bile rises in my throat as the possibilities race through my fractured mind. I straighten my body, pushing back my shoulders, trying to shrug off the terrifying thoughts whizzing through my mind.

  Ash pops his head between the front seats, looking between Jake and myself. “You know, guys, I’m totally with you in wanting to rescue Kennedy, and as much as I hate to say this, we have to stop soon. We’ve been on the road for hours. It’s not safe for you to keep driving, Cole. It’s getting really dark. I don’t know how much longer we can do this!” Ash whispers out the last sentence. None of us want to hear it, even though we need to.

  I know he’s right…

  I can’t give up. I will never give up.

  “What do you suggest then, Ash? That this has all been for nothing? Driving for hours. You want me to what? Give up now?”

  “Maybe it’s time for the police to step in, Cole?”

  “And how exactly is that going to work? They will never find her. Jesus Christ, people go missing all the time and never get found!”

  Ash huffs, throwing himself back against the rear seats. “So what, Cole? We just drive endlessly until what…?”

  I narrow my eyes at him through the rear view mirror.

  “Nice to know where your loyalties lie, Ash. I don’t even know why the fuck you came along.”

  “I didn’t know it was going to turn into a nine hour fucking torture road trip, Cole. Did I?”

  “No one made you come, prick face,” I yell at him.

  “No, but…” Abbey interrupts, cutting off Ash, “Guys, come on. Remember why we are all here. This isn’t about us. Imagine how Kennedy feels right now! We need to do whatever we can to ensure she’s safe.” I glance at her though the rear view mirror. Her arms are flying all over the place, her body language as animated as ever.


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