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Double Life

Page 1

by S. Usher Evans




  Other Books



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Next Book in the series

  Thank You


  Double Life

  Book 1 of the Razia Series

  S. Usher Evans

  Line Editing by Julia Byers and Danielle Fine

  Copyright © 2014 Sun's Golden Ray Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-1311400321

  Smashwords edition

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The Razia Series

  Double Life




  Beginnings, a Razia Novella

  The Razia Short Story Collection

  Available now for eBook and paperback


  This book is dedicated to

  Anyone who has ever read anything I’ve ever written

  And the people who have supported me in my journey of self-discovery

  (I know that’s a big group)


  She let out a quiet, bored sigh.

  They'd been there for hours—or what felt like hours anyway. Time seemed to stand still in the center of Leveman's Vortex.

  It was hard to describe this place, even though she had been there more times than she could remember. There was nothing but white mist for as far as her young eyes could see. It covered the ground and filled the sky. In fact, the only real landmark in this entire place was this oasis. Giant boulders jutted from the misty ground, forming a small hill to a raised dais, atop which an old, weathered stone arch stood tall.

  The arch itself was strange. There was nothing to the side of it, nothing behind it, but a thin, silvery curtain fluttered every so often, as if pushed by an invisible wind.

  She'd learned in Temple that this white, misty place was called Lethe, and it was the beginning and end of life in the universe. Souls were created and given purpose by the Great Creator and shot out to the far reaches of the universe, where they were born. Because people, unlike souls, had free will, and could choose whether to be good or bad. But the souls eventually returned to the Vortex, passing through the Arch of Eron. In the scriptures, it was said that once a soul returned through the arch, it would be judged on the goodness and piety of the life it had led. If the soul had been truly benevolent, the Great Creator would allow it to ascend to heaven, and reap the rewards of a life well lived.

  But, if the soul was too heavy, weighed down by years of maliciousness and evil deeds, it would be damned to spend all eternity in a river of fire, cursed to burn for its sins. This was the fate that had befallen many of the icons in the scriptures. They'd tried everything, hiding behind their more pious brothers, using magic to transfigure themselves, bartering, pleading with the Great Creator. Each one got just as far as the Arch of Eron before judgment was meted out. Every one cursed to Plethegon, the river of fire.

  Her father didn't believe what the priest said in Temple—in fact, they'd stopped attending regular services some years ago. He believed there was a scientific explanation for everything in this holy place, and he was obsessed with demystifying the mystical. He was a scientist, a Deep Space Explorer, charged with exploring undiscovered planets, analyzing plants and sketching animals, to determine if a planet was suitable for human life. But instead, he used his considerable DSE talents there in the center of Leveman's Vortex, trying to understand why this phenomenon even existed—the physics, the chemistry, all of it.

  The vortex itself was gigantic. White arms extended from the center, stretching out as wide as some small solar systems. It was beautiful, but also deadly—ships, comets, even whole planets that orbited too close would be evaporated by the intense gravity. It was no wonder that some people, including her mother, believed that some all-powerful deity lived there, judging souls that were sucked into it and damning them to a fiery end.

  Although, to be honest, she'd never seen much of anything there, so she was inclined to believe her father's opinions. They'd been the only two souls around, after all, as he'd brilliantly discovered the precise mathematical formula to calculate the trajectory of entry without getting pulverized. It was a complex set of numbers and calculations, based on the weight of the ship, counter-propulsions, and other factors.

  He'd been bringing her there since she was a small child, but no matter how many times they came to and from this place, the journey was still terrifying. The ship would shake like it was going to explode; the gravitational pressure would grow so intense that she could barely keep her eyelids open. She wanted to be like her father—unfazed, calm, and collected—but she couldn't help the terror that ate at her and wouldn't quiet down until they'd landed in the white nothingness.

  Although it wasn’t always nothingness—more recently she'd begun to see things. Not real things, but in her mind. Her father had said there was a powerful magnetic field in this place, which cause the hallucinations and messed with his equipment—

  "Damn it!"

  Her father's voice startled her. He slammed the small sensor to the ground in fury before turning away and stroking his thick brown beard. After a moment, he turned back toward Lyssa and picked the offending instrument off the ground. He pulled a small leather-bound journal from his pocket and jotted down a few thoughts before stuffing it back in his pocket. As always, he said nothing to her.

  That was her father, always so focused on his experiments. She wanted to help him—to know what he was thinking and to do more than just sit quietly and wait for his patience to run out. He smiled, opening the back of his machine and pulling out a screwdriver to move around some wires.

  "Father, what's wrong with it?" she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

  Her voice startled him, and the machine slipped from his hands, loudly clanging on the stone below him.

  "Goddammit!" he screamed, turning to her. There was a violent anger in his eyes and his face flushed red. "What have I told you about interrupting?"

  She immediately hunched down, desperate to disappear, his angry words echoing in the empty air and in her head. He was always cross with her.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him angrily snatch up the machine and turn it over, shaking his head irately.

  "Well, it's broken," he said, the anger still in his voice. "There goes five hours of research. Are you satisfied?"

  "No, sir," she whispered, trying to keep herself from crying. That would just make him angrier.

  He walked around the space, picking up his instruments scattered around the archway, muttering angrily to himself. Every so often, he would speak out loud again.

  "You're so careless."

  "Don't listen to me. Don't listen to your mother."

  "Never d
o as you're told."

  She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, his words stinging her like hot pokers.

  "Impatient. Petulant. Selfish."

  "Don't know when to shut up."

  "I don't even know why I bring you with me."

  "I am about finished with you."

  She looked up at him, his last barb stinging more than they usually did. Her father had never shared the reason why he'd taken her, but the thought of him one day deciding she wasn't useful terrified her. Then she'd be at the mercy of the rest of the family whose jealous hatred of her had grown over the years. For as much as her father had no patience for her, at least he showed her some level of attention. The rest of her siblings, as well as her mother, weren't so lucky.

  "I tell you to be quiet, and you can't even do that."

  "Can barely even handle the simple task of excavating a planet."

  "Cannot follow simple directions."

  Anger surfaced in the back of her mind. She'd always been made to feel like there was something wrong with her. She'd even gone to the family priest once, seeing as he was the closest thing to the Great Creator, but he had the same opinion. She needed to become more subservient, more pious, less…her.

  The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She was who she was—she'd been born this way. Why should she have to change who she was to satisfy someone else?

  She sat up, looking at the arch behind her, watching the silvery curtain shimmer and wave lightly. In all the years they'd been coming there, he'd never even come close to this thing. She'd always thought he would make his way over there as soon as he finished understanding the rest of this place. But perhaps even he believed there was something mystical going on behind this old arch.

  Silently, she pushed herself upright and stood facing the arch, searching the other side for any sign of a god, or even anything beyond the shimmering veil.

  "What are you doing?"

  She ignored him with reckless abandon as she inched closer to the passageway. Her heart beating out of her chest, she reached up to touch the silver curtain—

  "Get away from there!"

  She felt softness between her fingers before she was jerked backward by the back of her shirt, tumbling off the dais and roughly onto the boulders below. In an instant, her father was down at her level, searching her face. It was the first time she'd ever seen him frightened.

  "What are you doing?"


  The ground trembled. Beside her fingertips, pebbles shook, dancing across the surface of the boulders before disappearing through the cracks. A loud boom echoed and a chunk of the arch broke off, tumbling down and narrowly missing them.

  "What did you do?" The fear grew in his eyes.

  The beautiful silver wisps on the arch turned inky black, then slunk to the ground almost like liquid as the arch crumbled around it. Her father yanked her out of the way of one large stone.

  But the arch wasn't just crumbling onto the dais, it was crumbling through it—leaving gaping holes in the ground. Steam and red heat burst through, and her cheeks began to burn. Against her better judgement, she looked down at the coursing river of fire below.


  It was all true. The Great Creator, the Arch of Eron.

  Her father screamed at her from afar, waving at her to follow him as he ran. She stood, unable to move, as the world disintegrated around her.

  A thousand voices shrieked in her head, all telling her the same thing.

  She had a terrible, bad, evil soul.

  And then the ground beneath her cracked and she was falling...


  Lyssa jerked awake, a lingering chill running down her spine. Her hands instinctively grasped at the grass, and slowly she came to remember she was safe on a relatively harmless planet in the farthest reaches of the galaxy.

  The sunlight streamed through the lush green jungle and cascaded over the mossy ground. Nearby, a rushing stream gurgled, and an obnoxious beeping sound was coming from the metal sensor that was testing the water for any known toxins and overall drinkability.

  She rubbed her face sleepily. She couldn’t remember what she’d been dreaming about now, only that she had a sleepy, lethargic feeling in the back of her throat that said she’d slept too long. Also, there was a tingle in her back from lying awkwardly against a tree. Yawning, she reached down and unhooked a small black computer with a single touch screen from her belt.

  She unlocked the device, bringing up a page of different application buttons. After flipping through the list for a moment, she found the program linked to the sensor in the stream. The water was relatively clean and most likely drinkable to ninety-eight percent of all known life in the universe, which was all she really cared to know about anyway.

  She ran a hand over her dark brown hair, pulled high in a ponytail. Her arms were dotted with freckles and odd tanlines from being planets in different shirts. She was small, but fit, with runner's legs and a pair of arms that could do at least fifteen push-ups and maybe a pull-up if she really, really wanted to.

  Now, all she really wanted to do was to keep sleeping, but that was inadvisable. Yawning, she absent-mindedly scrolled back and forth through her mini-computer. She’d been wandering around on this planet all day, hacking her way through dense flora, and trying to ascertain if there was any other life there except for her, a few birds, and one lizard.

  So far, the planet seemed rather ordinary—jungle, desert, plains, and nothing out of the ordinary. It wouldn’t be the most money she’d ever made, but it would fetch a fair—


  Lyssa’s ears jumped to attention. That could've been the wind, but she didn’t think so. She'd developed a good sense for when she was being watched. Or hunted. After jumping to her feet, she snatched her sensor out of the water and stuffed it into her backpack, which she slung over her shoulders. Just in case, she pressed the emergency call button on her mini-computer.


  The leaves were rustling all around as a breeze blew through the trees. She scanned the tree line for any signs of—

  There it was. She didn’t know what it was, only that she could see two shining eyes and a couple of gleaming white teeth.

  This could put a damper on her sale.

  The giant cat jumped out of the bushes, mouth open, teeth bared, drool dangling, just as Lyssa turned and leaped toward the swath of jungle she'd cleared earlier. The cat was fast, but this wasn't the first bloodthirsty animal that had ever chased Lyssa. She deftly sprinted through the jungle, flying over roots and making sharp turns around the path that she'd cut.

  And then, all of a sudden, she found herself at the edge of a deep ravine. She looked behind her and saw the cat flying toward her.

  Shit. She had no choice. There was only one thing she could do.

  With a small whimper and closed eyes, Lyssa leapt into the crevasse.

  The wind in her ears and her heart in her throat, she kept her eyes glued shut, waiting for what was coming next.

  Instead of hitting the ground, she was yanked upward roughly. A cord, magnetically connected to a clip on her utility belt, hung from her ship—a small, oblong hypermile vehicle that glinted silver in the sunlight as it reeled her in.

  She was close enough to grab the ramp at the bottom of her ship. After pulling herself up, she unhooked the cord from her belt and marched deeper into the lower level of her ship, a galley room with steel cabinets on either side. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she pulled off her backpack, tossing it uncaringly on the floor. Just above the now closed hatch, ladder rungs lined the back wall. She trotted over and hoisted herself up to the second level. This floor was much like the first, narrow with silver cabinets, but at the other end of this room was an opening that led into a small bridge.

  Bypassing the squishy leather chair, as she was covered in sweat, Lyssa hovered over the dashboard, tapping it once to engage the rainbow of buttons under he
r fingertips. The windows to the jungle turned more opaque, then with a few more taps on the keypad, displayed star maps, fuel and energy gauges, and other diagnostic information. She considered the star maps for a moment, calculating the best way to get back to civilization on the least amount of fuel. Her hypermile fuel was halfway empty, more than enough to get her back, but refilling her tank would be painfully expensive.

  After chewing her lip in thought, she reached up to the screen and with a finger, redirected the route over a bright white dot in the center of her star map.

  Immediately, a message blared at her.


  "Yes, I’m aware," she muttered, clicking out of the warning banner.

  She hated taking this route, but she hated having to pay for fuel more. She checked the clock widget on the top of her dashboard—she’d probably be back in six universal hours.

  The ship turned upward and headed toward the atmosphere of the planet. Lyssa leaned the back of her legs against the chair, balancing until the pressure and gravity stabilized. The blue sky faded quickly to pitch black, dotted by a billion stars. She locked the dashboard and walked back to her ladder to climb downstairs.

  Kicking her backpack out of the way, she headed to the bedroom, a small room with a closet and bathroom, a bed, and porthole window, currently filled with the streaks of stars flying by.

  Lyssa stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the steam wash away her stress and sweat.

  She held her doctorate in Deep Space Exploration from the Planetary and System Science Academy. As such, she was fully licensed to discover, excavate, and sell planets. She took care to only select projects with a temperate climate, no sentient animal life, plenty of potable water—so she could get in and out of the seller's room as quickly as possible. Prospectors were eager to buy these planets because they made for good residential planets, but Lyssa liked them because the were simple. A day and a half of wandering around and sampling plants and water, and she'd be good to go.


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