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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

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by Kora Knight





  Copyright © 2015

  Kora Knight


  Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the author. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional. Any similarity to real persons, living and or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.


  “No, no. Gah. You’re doing it all wrong. Lick first, then suck.”

  Tad sighed, watching Jay show his girlfriend for the umpteenth time how to take a shot of tequila. It really wasn’t that complicated. Lick salt off hand, down shot, suck lime wedge. He eyed Marcie and shook his head. The fact that she could barely sit up straight probably had something to do with it.

  Crammed around a table with his friends, he scanned the local nightclub. Brick walls, high archways, and a shit ton of black leather booths. The place was packed, the dance floor a tumultuous sea of bodies getting their groove on to “Poker Face.” It made Tad glad they’d gotten there early enough to snag a decent table. And fill his belly with lots of food before the drinking began.

  He’d made sure to eat his fill, too. Wasn’t particularly interested in getting wasted. In fact, it’d been quite some time since he’d gotten properly plastered. The night he’d almost asked one of his buds for a ride to Scott’s, to be exact. After having only met him once… for a bout of wicked flogging... and some crazy-ass, guy-on-guy sex. Talk about a night full of firsts. So, yeah, until he spilled the beans to his friends about Scott, there’d be no hardcore drinking for him.

  “Yo, Goldie Locks,” Breck shouted over the music. “Your girl downs any more of that shit and she’s gonna be barfing in your lap. Don’t make me witness that crap on my birthday.”

  Jay gave Marcie a wary look, then shrugged and drank her shot, too. Breck, aka Mr. Point Guard, smirked and shook his head.

  Tad couldn’t help laughing. “Thank fuck I’m not designated driver.”

  Across the table, Ned visibly tensed before pointing a finger at Jay. “If you or your woman projectile in my ride, I will kick your inebriated ass.”

  The lovebirds swapped looks, then cracked up laughing.

  “I’ll be good!” Marcie vowed, reaching for another shot.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Ned scowled and whapped her hand. “Drink more of that and you’re taking a cab.”

  “Brah,” Jay groused. “Don’t be such a buzzkill. Just ’cause you can’t drink, doesn’t mean Marcie and I…” His words dropped off as he glanced past Ned’s shoulder. “Get the fuck out. Look who just walked in. Breck and Tad’s BFFs and—” His brows shot into his blond, curly bangs. “Whoa. Another big fucker, too.”

  Tad froze. No freaking way. Scott at the same damn club? What were the odds? Across the table, Breck went just as still, his toffee-smooth skin visibly paling. Tad regarded him curiously for, oh, one point five seconds, then quickly glanced to the door. Surer than shit, there Scott stood, next to good ole Max… and Kai.

  A boatload of emotions surged in his gut, the first being a stupid kind of happy. Seemed no matter what, Scott just naturally juiced him up, the mere frickin’ sight of him like a shot of concentrated bliss. Making his insides all loopy, and his crotch nice and hot.

  But he also felt strong pangs of super-sized guilt. Scott had wanted to hang out tonight, but Tad had told him no. Said he wanted to hold off until he told his friends about them. Something he definitely still planned on doing— tomorrow. But Scott hadn’t been happy and, truth be told, Tad still felt bad about not inviting him along.

  And then there was the raw unease he felt upon seeing Max. Not exactly Tad’s favorite person. And definitely not his biggest fan. Hopefully he’d put on his happy pants. The last thing Tad needed was for the dude to get mouthy about closets and cases and shit.

  His stomach churned anxiously as his eyes moved to Kai. Another guy whose presence he could do without. Why was he here with Scott, anyway? It irritated Tad that he’d been a source of stress ever since meeting him Tuesday at the gym. Not that he and Scott had really given him reason. Neither one had acted overly friendly. Tad just didn’t like him being around Scott. It rubbed him wrong. And pissed him off. Throw in all their hush-hush “proposition” crap and he liked the dude even less.

  Ugh. Maybe he should stay under the radar tonight and not even let Scott see him. Because otherwise, he’d probably do something dickish.

  Ned turned to grin at Breck. “Let’s invite them over. You’d love that, wouldn’t you, big guy?”

  Breck cut him a warning glare. “Let’s not and say we did.”

  “Oh, come on!” Jay hooted, waving them down. “It’s your birthday! The more the merrier!”

  “Dude,” Tad growled. “What are you do—”

  “Ow!” Jay yowled, grimacing in pain. His angry eyes shot straight to Breck. “You kicked my shin, you birthday bastard.”

  Breck slipped Tad another smirk then turned and downed a shot. Tad grinned and glanced back at Shit Starter Number One. Thankfully, Ned was already distracted by two chicks grinding it out on the dance floor. Looked like he and Breck could rest easy. Even though he still had no idea what his friend’s issue was with Kai.

  His eyes returned to Scott. He and his boys were chatting it up with one of the muscle-stacked bouncers. Tad smirked and shook his head. Birds of a feather and all that jazz. Not that any of them looked as good as Scott.

  Shamelessly, Tad took in the sight of him. As usual, the guy looked fine, enough so to make Tad lick his chops. Those digs he wore just had that effect. Dark, snug jeans. A black Henley top. And some tough-ass Timberland boots. Tall, dark and sexy, with a growl of don’t touch. Which, hell yeah, Tad was totally cool with. No one needed to be touching that shit.

  As if feeling his stare, Scott’s gaze slid his way. Crap. It was a big-ass club, but not that damn big. If Tad could spot him, Scott could easily do the same. He should definitely turn his head and pretend he hadn’t noticed them.

  Ha. Yeah, right. Like he was even capable...

  Helplessly transfixed, he watched Scott pause as his big browns found their mark. Tad’s heart did a haphazard tumble in his chest. But he didn’t look away. Couldn’t. Like his focus was somehow tethered to the guy. Even over such a big stretch of space. Which was totally frustrating… and yeah... really cool. Because honestly, lost in that chocolate gaze was Tad’s favorite place to be.

  Scott’s lips slowly curved, as if thinking small world. And of course, Tad smiled right back. It was just so effing great to see him. They spoke a couple times since Tuesday, via phone or text, but their convos had always been short. Always ending up with Scott “having to go.” Tad suspected he was still a little sore. And not in the good way. Just frustrated that Tad was still dragging his feet when it came to voicing how he felt. To himself and to Scott, and to everyone else. Well, he wouldn’t be dragging those puppies for long.

  Tomorrow was the big day, no matter what.

  But as he gazed at the guy from across the room, part of him wanted to do it now. Just tell everyone everything and finally be done. Because this obstacle of secrecy between them really sucked. It unsettled his ass and made him feel sick. Like a restlessness building in his blood. One that was nearly compelling his ass to go plant itself next to Scott’s.


  Kai paused from talking to the bouncer to follow Sc
ott’s line of sight. Tad stared him down coolly the second their eyes met. Nope. Still didn’t like him. Kai tossed him a grin, then slid his gaze to Breck, his expression turning distinctly predatory. What the fuck? Tad glanced at birthday boy. Had he seen that, too? But, conveniently, his friend was looking anywhere but.


  Redirecting his focus back to Scott, he caught him elbowing Max and gesturing to the bar. Guess he wasn’t planning to say hello. Tad frowned in disappointment. Which was ridiculous. If anything, he should be relieved. Stupid backward brain. Still, he couldn’t help wondering, what if Scott didn’t want to associate with him when with his other friends? The prospect stung, but was probably for the best. Besides, Tad was guilty of the same.

  Thing was, he did want Scott around. Circumstances just didn’t permit it.

  Sighing, he looked away, only to find Breck eyeing him.

  Leaning in, the guy jerked his chin. “I know why I don’t want them coming over. But what’s your reason? Thought Scott was your friend.”

  Crap. Should’ve seen that one coming.

  Tad scrambled to think of an excuse. Fortunately, his scapegoats were sitting right beside him. Jay and Marcie, in their own little world, boisterously snorting and laughing. Perfect. Thumb-pointing their way, he made a face. “Not exactly anxious to subject him to that.”

  Breck looked at the two, then sat back and laughed. “Good call.”

  Tad grinned and took a swig of his beer, eyes shifting back to the door. Shit. The trio was headed their way. Ugh. Of course they were. His table was next to one of the only unobstructed walkways left that was still accessible to the bar. Which meant Scott would feel obligated to stop and say hi, whether he wanted to or not.

  Muscles tensing, he watched them approach. Oh, lovely. Max had spotted him. And by the way the dude was glaring him down, it was clear he wasn’t happy about this, either. Framed by haphazard locks of auburn, his green eyes bore into Tad’s. Damn, someone needed to lighten the fuck up. Maybe he should clock the dude with a bottle of happy pills.

  At least he wasn’t all decked out in his leather daddy garb. Granted, he was still in head-to-toe black, but that untucked button-up, boots and jeans definitely made him more approachable. Not that Tad expected to get chatty with the guy. Because he didn’t. Not until Max proved that he was more than just a dick.

  The three amigos stopped at their table. Tad smiled at Scott, then looked at Kai. As much as it irked him to admit it, he, too, was easy on the eyes. With a presence that was curiously impossible to ignore. Maybe because of his attire, but most likely because of his vibe. Just mix up some GQ and The Sopranos a pot and, voilà, tough guy Kai gravy. Bizarre, but whatever. Tad was just grateful he was looking somewhere other than Scott.

  “Tad.” Scott smiled, offering his fist. “Good to see you.”

  Tad bumped his knuckles and nodded. “Yeah, man.” Damn, that contact had been way to brief. “You guys hang out here a lot?”

  Scott shrugged. “When Max wants to dance and Kai wants to drink.” His expression turned wry. “Or both want to, you know, troll.”

  Red smirked darkly. Kai flat-out grinned.

  Tad shifted in his seat and eyed them uneasily. Hopefully their reason for coming tonight was all about the former. Didn’t like horny dudes hanging around his man.

  Not that Scott was actually his. There’d still been no talk of dating and shit. Which meant Tad had no room to be possessive.

  Scott nodded to Tad’s friends and gestured to Red. “You guys’ve met Kai, but this is Max.”

  Tad’s posse lifted their chins in hello —Breck’s greeting looking exceptionally stiff— while Marcie nearly tipped her ass over with a big friendly wave.

  And then Ned opened his big frickin’ mouth.

  “Pull up some chairs, dudes! It’s Breck here’s birthday and the night’s still young.”

  Tad and his buddy went motionless.

  “Yeah!” Jay chimed in, flashing birthday boy a grin. “Join us! We’ll squeeze you in.” Beer bottles teetered as he kicked Breck under the table. “Scoot over, brah! We need to make some room!”

  And didn’t that earn him one seriously nasty glare. Mr. Point Guard wasn’t happy.

  “Thanks,” Scott chuckled, sliding his eyes back to Tad. “But I think we’re gonna go harass the bartenders.”

  Tad exhaled with equal parts relief and shame. Scott’s decline had been innocent enough, but the look in his eyes was clear. He didn’t want to make Tad any more uncomfortable than he was. Which, ironically, made him feel worse.

  “Cool,” Tad replied, forcing a smile. “Maybe we’ll catch up with you later.”

  Scott nodded, Max saluted, and Kai inclined his head, those almond eyes lingering on Breck. And then they were off, melting into the current of patrons heading to the bar.

  Jay cackled his ass off the second they were gone. “What the fuck is up with your ex-instructor, dude? I can’t decide if he wants to eat you or murder you in some alley.”

  “Shit,” Ned laughed. “Or bend him over a couch.”

  Tad’s brows shot up. The guys were clearly just giving Breck hell, but now that they mentioned it, Kai did seem kind of taken with him. In his own weird mobster kind of way.

  Breck glowered and gave them both the finger. Which only made them laugh harder. Tad grinned and shook his head, too busy being relieved that no one noticed him staring at Scott to add a jab of his own. Besides, the subject matter was a bit too close for comfort.

  Taking another swig, he looked to the bar. Wow. The trio had already squeezed their way to the counter and hailed over the closest bartender. One of them must have some pull in these parts. Kai glanced over his shoulder and met his gaze. Tad considered breaking eye contact, but decided to stand his ground. Show the guy he wasn’t intimidated. Was made of tougher stuff. But Kai just smirked and gave him a wink, then focused his attention on Breck— was currently having a beer guzzling contest with shit-faced Goldie Locks. And losing rather pathetically. Not that Tad could’ve done any better. Jay was a freak. Half human, half beer bong.

  “Ha!” bong boy crowed, slamming down his mug. “Won again! Drink up, loser.”

  Breck rolled his eyes and downed a shot of tequila, then grimaced in disgust. “Man, that shit’s nasty.” Shaking his head, he added his empty glass to the pyramid forming on the table. “As the night’s VIP, I demand we change up the liquor choice.” His stern gaze cut to surfer boy. “And no Jägermeister, either.”

  Tad laughed, Jay scowled, and Ned merely grinned as he eyed their waitress approaching with a tray.

  “Blowjobs for the birthday boy,” she said, beaming on arrival. “Compliments of Mc Hottie Pants over at the bar.”

  Tad could guess on one freaking finger who she was talking about. Didn’t stop him and everyone at the table, though, from leaning around her to look. Surprise, surprise. With his back to the counter, Kai grinned their way. Scott was still talking to one of the bartenders, but even Max seemed pretty amused.

  All eyes turned back to stare at Breck. Nostrils flaring, the dude was downright bristling. Ned and Jay swapped perplexed looks, then threw back their heads and howled in laughter.

  “Yes!” Marcie cheered, brown hair bouncing atop her shoulders. “I love blowjobs! Baileys and Kahlua, come to Mama. Breck, you know how to drink these, right? You can’t use your hands. It’s like, against the laws of drinking or something.”

  Breck grunted and shook his head. “Nope. No way. Not drinking no damn blowjob. Especially one that came from that ass.”

  “Brah,” Jay chastised. “Stop being such a homophobe and show some fucking gratitude. C’mon…” He grinned to the rest of the table. “We’ll all do blowjobs together.”

  “Kinky,” Ned snickered, the odd man out, as everyone else grabbed a shot.

  Tad couldn’t help laughing. Regardless of what Kai’s deal was with Breck, this whole thing was funny as shit. His buddy’s expression alone was flat-out golden.
/>   Ned must’ve been thinking the same thing, too, because the next thing Tad knew, his phone was out and trained on birthday boy’s face.

  “Say cheese, muthafucka.”

  Breck narrowed his eyes and made a swipe for the cell, but his less-than-sober reflexes left Ned plenty of room to dodge.

  “On the count of three!” Marcie happily piped up. “And remember, no using your hands!”

  Grinning, Tad bent down alongside the others and closed his mouth around his shooter. He didn’t particularly like this kind of drink, but getting to watch Breck squirm like he was? Definitely worth the sacrifice.

  Shot glass between his teeth, he straightened back up and absently looked to the bar— where, damn, Scott was watching him really intently. Man, his gaze felt amazing. And had perfect timing, too. ’Cause now the guy was about to witness him downing a thick shot of cream… using only his mouth. If Tad’s lips weren’t so busy, he would’ve smirked. Time for a little bit of fun.

  Holding his stare, Tad tilted back his head. Slowly, so slowly, his Adam’s apple rose as the smooth liqueur eased down his throat.

  Scott went utterly still. Well, except for his lowering lids and subtly parting lips.

  Tad’s dick filled fast at the sight. Because, naturally, his mind was now in Gutterville with visions of another kind of blowjob— Scott drinking him down, or maybe the other way around. By that look on the dude’s face, Tad would bet the latter. After all, Scott had seemed pretty keen on the idea back in that room at the gym.

  His cock hardened. While the thought of going down on a guy still kind of freaked him out, doing it to Scott felt different. Besides, after all the shit he did to the man on Tuesday? With Scott bent down on all fours? Giving his dick a suck or two couldn’t be all that bad. Especially if it got his boy to make more of those insane little noises.

  Hands back in business —and eyes still on Scott— Tad set down his empty glass. Slowly, thoroughly, he licked his lips. Right on cue, the dude’s jaw clenched. Damn. This across-the-bar stare down was erotic as shit. But also serious torture. Kind of made him want to march over and grab a fistful of Scott’s shirt. So he could tug him close and smear his mouth with sticky residue, then lick the stuff back off. God knew he’d been wanting to kiss him again ever since that first one at the—


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