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Bull's Eye

Page 14

by Evelyn Vox

  Our mouths locked around each other so fast my hair was still dry. Her body pressed against mine, slick with soap, and I marveled at how well she fit against me. I pressed her back against the shower wall and licked her neck.

  Alexandra’s nipples were red and swollen. I kissed them with tender care. Her clit must be sore, too, which I knew would only maximize the sensation of her pleasure. My hands moved lower, cupping her mound, eager to enter her.

  “Stop,” she said, her body tensing.

  I growled, looking up at her, but my hand stilled on her mound.

  Her face flushed with embarrassment. “My period, remember?”

  “I don’t care, remember?” I inched my fingers closer.

  Her hands flew down to my wrist.


  I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of me. I stepped back, the water streaming down my back, put my hands on my knees, and bellowed. Alexandra crossed her arms in front of her and stomped her foot.


  “Of all the times you could have safe-worded,” I snorted, “this is what makes you do it?”

  Alexandra giggled too. Soon, we were both doubled over laughing. Tears leaked out of the corners of our eyes.

  “I’m not scared of a little blood, Princess,” I said.

  I stood and pushed her back against the wall. I silenced the protest on her lips with a finger pressed against them. I lowered my mouth to that spot on her neck, the one that I knew drove her wild.

  “We’re in the shower,” I murmured against that sweet spot. “It will all wash away.”

  “But,” she whined, her body melting against mine, despite herself, “you won’t think I’m sexy anymore.”

  “That’s ridic—” I began, but she kept looking down, full of shame.

  Oh, hell no. That wouldn’t do. No fucking way that would do.

  I took her head in both my hands and turned her to look at me. Our bodies pressed against each other, my cock a firm length between us.

  “Alexandra,” I said, staring into her wide eyes, “do you feel how hard I am?”

  She nodded. I slid my thickness against her abdomen. My hands stayed firm on her gorgeous face.

  “I’m obsessed with you. With every single inch of your body.”

  I let my cock slip between her thighs. She shuddered. Slowly, I pumped between her legs. We both bit back our groans of pleasure. The friction was so sweet, but not enough. Not nearly enough. I made sure her eyes were locked on mine.

  “There is never anything you could do to make me think you weren’t sexy.”

  Her eyes widened. For a second I thought she’d burst into tears. But one little sniffle, one blink, and the look was replaced with burning desire.

  “I never want you to feel ashamed of your body. It’s perfect. It drives me crazy. You drive me crazy.”

  My cock glided against her slick flesh.

  “Do you understand, Alexandra?”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Good girl, now turn the fuck around and stop your whining.”

  A smile twitched her lips as she spun. I pressed her against the wet tiles and the shower sprayed our backs. My cock honed in on her pussy like a heat-seeking missile. I sheathed myself inside of her, hissing at how good she felt. Alexandra’s fingers splayed against the wall.

  Every thrust had her moaning my name. Every moan made my cock lurch inside her. I snaked my hands around her, one to worship her tits, another to rub her clit, being as gentle as I could.

  “Oh god,” she cried as my hands worked her.

  Her body tensed, her pussy started to tighten, and I knew she was close. I was close too. I kept thrusting, deep and strong, kept moving my hands to pleasure her. She shook and trembled, and I knew it was time.

  “Come for me, Alexandra,” I whispered into her ear.

  Those walls clamped around me, convulsing in time to her high-pitched screams. I groaned against her neck, biting that sweet spot as I came with her. My cock pumped hot and my hips jerked beyond my control. We stilled, panting, our bodies perfectly in sync.

  I pulled out of her to spin her around. Her firm breasts pressed against me as I claimed her mouth in a deep, wild kiss. She beamed up at me and I nipped her lip before we parted to finish our shower.

  If there was any blood, I hadn’t noticed.


  The next morning, I was back on the train. I’d wanted to stay until Sunday evening, but Derek had convinced me it was time to leave. Something about me being too distracting. I supposed that was my own fault, what with the cage pic and showing up unannounced. He also made me promise not to do that again.

  I hated that I still had to wait almost a month before I got to see him again, but after this weekend, I felt like I could handle it better.

  I’d just needed a little taste of him to get me through the rough weeks ahead. And I’d gotten far more than a little taste. I stared out the train car window, watching the towns speed by, lost to memories of the weekend.

  It was amazing.

  Everything about it made my heart soar and my core throb. It was funny, how Derek could both degrade me and make me feel like the most special woman in the world. I’d left the supplies he’d gotten me at his place.

  Just in case there was a next time.

  Though, I knew his tone was more than just bedroom dominant when he told me not to ‘pull that shit again’. I really must have made work a living hell for him. Still, if it made him that angry, maybe it was worth it. I squirmed in my seat as the scenes from our weekend played like a movie reel in my head.

  I’d stopped wondering what it said about me that I liked that sort of treatment. If anything, seeing all those people at Club Midnight had made me begin to accept my kinkiness a bit more. The things he did to me were rough, brutal, and even violent. My whole body ached from his treatment of me. It was shocking to think about in the light of day.

  But still, my clit thudded. I loved being used. I loved pleasing him. The degradation, the abuse, it turned me on to no end. I couldn’t explain it and I no longer tried to psychoanalyze myself in an attempt to understand why I was like this.

  I just was. So, I figured I ought to enjoy it instead of feeling ashamed of it.

  Part of me thought it was just Derek, though. He was the devil who brought out the darkness in me. I’d never had these desires before I met him, not consciously at least, and even now, I couldn’t imagine myself acting on them with another man. I didn’t want to. Not even with Brian.

  He could participate, but I’d never let him violate me the way Derek did.

  Derek was my perfect brand of deviant. He just was. So, I figured I ought to enjoy him too.

  And, I did. I really, really did. Maybe too much.

  It was lunchtime when I opened the door to our apartment. Donnie and Coco jumped at my feet, and I frowned at their empty food bowls. My frown deepened when I spied the little yellow puddles by the door. Where was Brian? I wasted no time in getting them on their leashes and taking them for walks.

  My poor babies. They were fit to burst! After a nice, long walk, I brought them back inside, fed and watered them, and cleaned up the accidents. Brian was supposed to take care of them this weekend! I stomped into our bedroom to find him still sleeping. Well, that explained why they hadn’t been seen to this morning.

  It was well past noon. What time had he gotten home last night? I sat down on the bed next to him. His brown eyes opened and he smiled up at me through a yawn.

  “Welcome home, baby.”

  I stroked his hair.

  “Brian, you didn’t let the dogs out this morning.”

  “What time is it?” He sat up and looked blearily at the clock. “Crap, I’m sorry.”

  “Late night?”

  “Oh yeah,” he chuckled. “How was your weekend?”

  It was my turn to grin.

  “Good,” I said.

  His eyes narrowed in on my neck.

e looks like it was good.”

  Was I imagining it, or was his voice a little bitter?

  “What do you mean?”

  He pointed at my throat. “You haven’t noticed the giant love bite?”

  “Oh god,” I said, blushing.

  “I didn’t get any pictures,” he whined.

  “I know,” I said. “I’m sorry. But Derek told me he was sending you some instructions today.”

  Brian perked up at that. In his absences, Derek sometimes sent Brian detailed instructions for how to fuck me. Often, we’d put Derek on a video chat or send him a video, so he’d know we obeyed him to the T.

  From his fresh erection, I knew Brian was as excited by it as I was. I giggled and gave him a kiss.

  “Get up,” I said. “We’ll have lunch. I want to hear all about your adventures this weekend.”

  We chewed on our grilled cheeses. The dogs sat with hopeful eyes at our heels.

  “The first week of my class went really well,” I said, even though Brian hadn’t asked about it.


  We chewed our sandwiches in silence. I’d asked him about Club Midnight, but he was scant on details. Just kept saying he was exploring the levels and seeing all there was to see. I pushed, wanting to know more, but he insisted that was all there was to it. He did tell me he’d been to the stage where Derek had shown me off and that he couldn’t wait to go there with us.

  My birthday couldn’t come soon enough.

  A few days later, and I was sitting with Emma York, my best friend. I once wouldn’t have called her that, but she’d proved to be a tried and true confidant. She was the only one who knew about my situation with Derek. Seeing as how she was the one who recommended his contracting services to me, it seemed only right she should know about our sordid little arrangement.

  “Cuckolding,” she mused, sipping the ever-present glass of Pinot Grigio in her hand. “What a concept.”

  “I know,” I said. “But Brian gets off on it. Hell, I get off on it too. We both love being bossed around by Derek.”

  Her white, too-straight teeth gleamed in a wide smile. “You’re one lucky bitch, Lexie Hale.”

  I giggled. She didn’t have to remind me. I filled her in on my interior design course too. Em was nothing but supportive.

  “Cheers to that,” she said. “You need something to keep you busy until your babies come, honey.”

  “Right, babies.”

  “The clock is ticking dear. Which birthday is it coming up? Thirty?”

  “Twenty-eight,” I said, with mock outrage.

  “Be that as it may,” Em laughed, gesturing with her wine glass, “you’ll be popping one out soon.”

  I groaned. She raised an eyebrow at me.

  “Don’t you want kids?”

  As it so often happened with her, this was not the direction I’d imagined our conversation going.

  “Well, yeah,” I admitted, taking my own sip of wine. “Someday. It just doesn’t feel like the right time.”

  That eyebrow remained raised. “Hmm.”

  Emma was thirty-two. Those scant four years on me made her feel like it was her sworn duty to ply me with advice. She and her husband had a little girl. I’d failed to mention the ways I’d seen that child change her marriage. And her. That wine glass wasn’t always an ever-present accessory.

  “Anyways,” I changed the subject. “I have to tell you about last weekend.”

  So I filled her in on some, but not all, of the dirty details. I knew she liked to live vicariously through me. Knew she’d do anything to sink her claws into Derek. She hadn’t said it explicitly, but she’d hinted strongly that she’d had an affair or two of her own.

  Em did little to hide her jealousy that mine had not only been with the sexiest man she’d ever seen, but that my husband was into it too. By the time I finished, she fanned herself with one perfectly manicured hand. A few strands of chocolate brown hair swayed in the breeze.

  “On that note,” she said, standing up, “please excuse me. I have a date with a certain mechanical appliance.”

  I laughed, standing up to kiss her on the cheek. Her cinnamon eyes grew serious as she pulled away, keeping her hands on my shoulders.

  “I’m happy for you, Lexie, but be careful.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “From the way you were talking about Derek just now…” she paused as if taking the time to choose her words. “Just make sure you’re not catching feelings. Especially with him in the Hamptons for so long. ‘Distance makes the heart grow fonder’, or so they say.”

  I laughed her off, plastering a smile on my face. But as I sat back down at the table, an awful sinking feeling took hold of me.

  Was I ‘catching feelings’ for Derek?

  I sipped the rest of my wine. No way. That wasn’t possible. It was carnal, primal lust that bound us together. That unspoken thing between us was just unparalleled chemistry. Hormones and pheromones and all that. Not feelings. I finished my drink and got into a cab home, fully convinced that Emma was crazy.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I thought about her all the damn time.

  It was exhausting.

  It had been two weeks since the stunt she pulled at my house. Two weeks of looking at photos of her and jerking off to memories of her. Memories of the way she felt and tasted. The way she moaned my name.

  Brian was hardly around to obey my instructions for pleasing her. He was either working or at the Club, so she touched herself on video chats for me. But not even that was enough to curb the edge. Only Alexandra, my Venus in the flesh, could calm the beast.

  And the beast was furious. It did not like being kept from her for so long.

  It was hard to feel like I wasn’t getting the short end of the stick. She filled her time with her class. It was all she could talk about. She gushed over it. And as much as I enjoyed talking shop with her and seeing her work, it was hard to not feel jealous that she had such a huge distraction.

  Because all I did was work and obsess about her. And they were not mutually exclusive activities. I didn’t think it would be this difficult to stay away from her for so long. But it was fucking brutal.

  Just one more week, I reminded myself.

  If there was one good thing about this, it was that it fueled my work-ethic. I would finish this damn renovation this week if it was the last thing I did. Nothing was going to stop me from showing up this weekend for Alexandra’s birthday.

  She had no idea what Brian and I had planned for her.

  He handled the vanilla aspect and I made sure everything was ready for the three of us at Club Midnight. An afterparty of sorts. It was a shame I wouldn’t get her to myself, but I’d make do.

  I just had to get through this week.

  One more week, and I’d be with her again.


  “I’ll meet you for dinner at The Incata at seven,” Brian said, kissing me on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, baby.”

  “Fancy, fancy,” I squealed with excitement.

  I’d been dying to go to The Incata. Anyone who was anyone ate at the glamorous hotel. Big deal entrepreneurs like Landon Rhys even lived there. The five-Michelin star rating made their restaurant the stuff of legend. Emma had been hounding me to go there for weeks. It was the best birthday present I could have asked for. Well, that and the fact that Derek was meeting us at Club Midnight after.

  I twirled around my room, feeling like a little girl on her way to Disney World. Dinner at The Incata had a black-tie dress code. I rushed to my large walk-in closet and combed through the racks. I pulled out a royal blue chiffon gown. I bought it last spring, and never had a chance to wear it.

  I let the fabric fall over my head. It caught around my hips. Huh, that was weird. Last time I tried it on, it slipped right down. I pulled on the fabric. It was definitely tighter than I remembered it being. I frowned, trying to yank the zipper up. I took a deep breath and sucked in. The zipper finall
y gave way with a satisfying metallic zing.

  My victory was short-lived, however, as I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was way too tight. The fabric bunched, the seams stretched. What the hell? I shimmied out of it and looked at the tag. My usual size 2.

  I took out a few other dresses and was dismayed to find none of them fit. I sat down on the bed, frustrated and feeling that special-kind of awful inside when one’s clothes didn’t fit. I supposed I’d been neglecting my work outs the last few weeks. I tried to remember the last time I saw my trainer or even went for a jog.

  I couldn’t.

  I’d been obsessed with my interior design class. The last few weeks, I’d asked the teacher for supplemental reading, and I’d been a sponge. I absorbed as much as I could, as fast as I could, and it wasn’t enough. This week I read all about neo-classical style. I loved it.

  Loved it so much I chose to stay home and read instead of going to the gym. I sighed. Unlike these designer dresses that fit like a second skin, my usual clothes were generally loose-fitting. So I hadn’t really noticed that I was gaining weight. But I was twenty-eight now, and I’d always been warned that a person’s metabolism began to change around then.

  Well, fuck.

  I tried to look on the bright side as I hopped up and got dressed. I now had an excuse to go shopping! A little bounce back in my step, I jumped into a cab to Bloomingdale’s. As was usually the case, Derek was on my mind. I wanted to get a dress that he’d like. I’d wear it to Club Midnight, I’d decided, so it had to be sexy.

  I grabbed my phone as I walked into the store, unable to fight the urge to text him.


  I stopped by the shoe display, biting my lip. My thumb hovered over the ‘send’ button. Emma’s words echoed in my head. They’d been ringing in there ever since our lunch. I changed the message then hit send.


  Satisfied I’d kept it appropriately sexual, I waltzed to the dress department. I didn’t have to wait long before my phone chirped in my purse.



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