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Be Careful What You Witch For (Unexpected Witchcraft Book 1)

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by Ava Day

  “To be honest, we're more into the business end of running things. Maybe you could stop by and help us pinpoint some things that need immediate attention?” I request, the heat in my cheeks rising.

  “Yeah, I would love that. I mean, yeah, I'll stop by later and see what I can see.” Brent looks down at his feet as he runs his fingers through his dark brown hair. Joy has been walking around the store this whole time gathering the few things we came in here for. What did we need again?

  “So, if you two are done being awkward... Let's buy this stuff and head over to the Beacon. I'm excited to get started.” Joy starts plopping packages of light bulbs on the counter and she’s wearing a neat headlamp perched across the top of her head like a tiara. I help her put the items into a reusable shopping bag and grab a headlamp for myself.

  “You'll probably want some extra batteries, too. They're on the house. This time,” Brent offers and his last sentence is directed at Joy as he fixes her with a comical stare.

  “Thanks. You know where to find us if you ever want to see your precious hammer again,” Joy teases as she hands over the cash for the rest of the stuff. Grabbing a bag, I haul our supplies off the counter and make my way to the door. Joy is close behind and I want to kick her in the shin. Instead I let the door close on her after offering to hold it for her.

  “Whoops, it slipped.” Feigning disappointment, I look over my shoulder with an evil grin.

  “Hey, don't blame me. I'm just a lady who would like to get something accomplished today other than watching you flirt with Brent. Priorities, Penny.”

  I really it hate it when she has a point. Being in a small town is great. Everything is within walking distance. The Beacon is over a few blocks from the hardware store. As the two of us stroll through town, we greet a few other business owners who are tidying the sidewalks in front of their storefronts. The warm sun on my face is delightful and the chirping birds serenade us all the way back to the Beacon.

  “Holy crap, Penny! Look!” Joy drops her bags on the sidewalk and points up above the marquee. It takes me a second to realize that I'm staring at the dingiest pair of windows in existence.

  “Those are windows right? I don't remember any windows, do you?” To be honest I was pretty psyched about just getting inside last night and I wasn't paying much attention to anything outside the front door.

  “Those are indeed windows! And you wanted me to stand around all day while you swooned over Brent. I knew there was more to explore.”

  Joy digs into her pocket and pulls out the key. I pick up the bag she dropped. The lobby seems more inviting in the light of day. Putting the bags on the concessions counter, I turn to see Joy standing out in front of the building staring up at the windows.

  “There have to be stairs somewhere. It's probably an office. Theaters have offices right?” I shout to her.

  “Maybe,” she walks in the door and comes to stand by me. “We’re getting up there one way or another.”

  “I thought we had things to do. Like putting some lights in this place so we can actually see how much dirt there is.”

  “You're starting to sound like a broken record, Penny. Enough about the lights! We'll get to it.” Joy gives me a little shove.

  Securing my new headlamp, I turn it on and aim the beam in the darker corners and decide to uncover some of the large objects scattered around the lobby. Other than the exotic mirror I found last night, the rest of this stuff is still a mystery. I walk over to the closest thing and pull the tarp back. Motes of dust shimmer in the beam of light emanating from my forehead. Swatting the dust from my face, I realize that we should have bought dust masks.

  A large armoire stands in front of me. Running my hand over the door, I think it might be cedar but I'm not an expert. The handle is made of very delicate ironwork, a pair of leaves that curl into two small branches. I pull it open and peer inside to find nothing special, just a few drawers in the bottom and the place to hang clothes. I shut the door and move on to the next object which turns out to be a wicked looking chair carved from a type of black wood. Ebony maybe? The artistry of it is exquisite. Snakes twine around the back legs and come forward to create the arms with their heads where you would place your palms.

  I catch something glinting in the light and crouch down to inspect the eyes of the snakes which have small red gemstones set into them. Very nice. The seat has no padding, but is instead polished smooth. Is there something written on it? I can't tell but if they are words, and if they are it’s in a language that doesn't use any alphabet I've ever seen. The back of the chair rises high with lots of ravens carved, their wings overlapping. Sitting in it would make the ravens appear to be circling your head. I find the entire chair kind of frightening and decide to cover it back up until we can move it somewhere else.

  “Hey, Joy. Would you mind going back to the hardware store to pick up some dust masks? If I don't do something, my sinuses are going to be bothering me for days.” I call out. Where is she? I don't see her anywhere in sight so I pull out my phone and text her.

  Where did you go?

  Don't worry just trying to find a way to the second floor.

  Of course you are. I'm running back over to the hardware store for a dust mask. Need anything?

  Yea, bring back a ladder.


  You'll see.

  I just never know what she is planning. Pulling the headlamp from my forehead, I push the door open into the beautiful spring afternoon. As I pass by the alley, I see someone standing by the door to the basement. I have to rub my eyes because it looks like they are holding some kind of stick and waving it around.

  Chapter 5

  “Hey, what do you think you're doing? Get away from there!” I shout down the alley. Apparently I startled them but they don't look in my direction, instead they step into a shadow created by the old general store next door. That's not a hiding spot, buddy. “I'm not going to tolerate any vandalism of my property! Do you hear me!” my voice bounces off the walls as I approach where they are hiding cautiously.

  Taking my headlamp from around my neck, I click it on, aiming it into the dark recesses of the shadow. Nothing. To my chagrin, nobody is there. How did they get away? I was watching them the entire time. Is it possible that I was just imagining it?

  “Get yourself together, Penny. Of course you're imagining things. Where would an entire person have disappeared to?”

  Shaking my head, I turn on my heels and march back to the street, still perplexed by what just happened. By the time I make my way over to the hardware store, I've mostly recovered from my self-humiliation., I don't see Brent anywhere when I enter the store, so I shove my disappointment down and look for the dust masks on my own. I just happen to walk past the lighting aisle and notice there are all sorts of different types of bulbs. It makes me wonder if the Beacon even has modern fixtures. It's not something I would have thought about but now that I am, they are probably some rare type of fixture. Another problem to be solved later. I'm curious about Joy's request for a ladder. I know what I would use for it for, changing light bulbs.

  When I finally locate the dust masks, I find Brent in the same aisle stocking inventory onto the shelf. He looks ups from what he's doing and a smile crosses his face.

  “Back already?” he asks.

  “Yeah, dust masks.” I bend down and pluck a package from the hook they're on, showing them to him. “Oh, and by the way, do you happen to have a ladder I can borrow? I hate to be so needy, but we really don't have any tools yet.”

  “Sure, I don't mind. Let me finish up here and I'll drive over with some stuff to help get you started. I'll just start a tab for you. If that's cool?”

  “Yes, that would be awesome! You would do that for me?”

  He laughs, shaking his head, “That's what most businesses do.”

  “Oh.” His laughter is embarrassing. “You don't have to laugh at me for not knowing.”

  “Sorry, I didn't mean to. You're just so polite. And
I hate to admit this, but I can’t remember where you’re from?”

  “Maybe I never told you.”

  “You probably did.”

  “I'm from a tiny suburb outside of Chicago.”

  “I've always wanted to visit the Art Institute of Chicago. Have you ever been?”

  “Uh, that would be a yes. I just received my master’s from The School of the Art Institute. So you could say I know the Art Institute pretty well.” I'm really excited that he asked about art, it's my passion in life and one of the reasons I want to be self-employed. Free time to work on my art.

  “Are you pulling my leg? That seems a little too perf...” he stops himself in the middle of his sentence.

  “Why is that so perfect?” I ask him, “Seriously”

  “Well, it's not a big deal, but I try to carve wood in my spare time. I'm not professionally trained or anything. I like to think of it as art. It's definitely therapeutic.” Brent is talking as if he's sharing the most humiliating thing. “I could show you some of the stuff I've done. Your opinion would mean a lot to me.”

  “Sure! I like art in all of it's forms. There are actually some really nice vintage carvings scattered all over the Beacon. I'll give you a tour when you stop by later.” Brent is rising higher on my favorite persons list every day. “I have to get back to the theater, I left Joy to her own devices and who knows what trouble she's getting into.”

  “Okay, I'll be by in maybe a half an hour,” Brent replies.

  I take the pack of dust masks and head back to the Beacon. It's just a little after lunch time and the streets are bustling with activity. Mostly old people chatting, this place is a total retiree town. During the summer this place will be crowded with vacationers and I'm hoping that will be a good thing for us. Joy and I are determined to get our business up and running before the tourist season starts.

  When I arrive at the Beacon, I find the front door wide open. Inside, Joy is chatting with Irene from the courthouse the other day.

  “Yep, this is it,” Joy says while shooting a look in my direction that says please rescue me. I toss her the dust masks as Irene turns to greet me.

  “Hi, Penny. I was just telling Joy how this place is haunted. You two are so brave to want to be here.”

  “It's not as scary as it seems, just dusty and dirty. Mostly dusty. Are there any good ghost stories you can tell us about this place?” I ask. Over Irene's shoulder, Joy thanks me silently and scurries off towards the auditorium.

  “Oh nothing specific really. Just that most people who buy the place never end up owning it for long. I think you two are the first owners to actually get inside since, well, I don't remember that many people wanting to buy this place.”

  “So, it's haunted and no one has been inside since the 90's?” I inquire. Sounds like unfounded small town rumors to me.

  “I guess so. That was about the time the movie theater closed. I was pretty young actually so you'd probably be better of going to the library for more information or the county records department,” Irene suggests.

  “Well, thanks for stopping by. As you can see, we have a lot of work to do.”

  “Of course! I'm sorry if I kept you and Joy too long. Anyhoo, be careful in this old place, I just have a bad feeling about it.”

  I walk Irene to the door and wave to her as she fades down the street and around the corner. My face hurts from keeping a smile plastered on it. I don't want make any enemies just yet but I can see why Joy wanted to run away. She has a ‘bad feeling’ about this place? Screw that. Right as I'm about to go hunting after Joy, she pops up behind the concession counter from the secret stairs.

  “So, you got rid of her?” she asks.

  “Yes, she's gone. You can come out now. Any luck on finding a way to get upstairs?”

  “No, and I'm not too happy about it. I've been all over this place. I even found some storage rooms that we missed last night. And just for you Penny, I went and replaced light bulbs wherever I could. The basement is a lot less scary looking now.”

  “Thank you. Safety first.”

  “Did you get a ladder?”

  “Brent is going to bring one by in a little bit here, actually.”

  “Oh, falling in love again already? I know that look on your face.”

  “So, he's an amateur woodworker and wants to show me his stuff. He's really turning out to be the perfect guy. Let's just hope he doesn’t have some deep dark secret.”

  “Did you ask if he has a girlfriend?”

  “Nope. Wouldn't that be impolite?”

  “I dunno.” Joy shrugs. We both turn when we hear a car horn beep outside.

  “That's him now. With your ladder I'm sure.”


  The butterflies in my stomach decide to start fighting each other. I'm trying not to get too excited because Joy does have a point, Brent could already be taken. She sprints ahead of me and plows through the door. I quicken my pace to catch up with her. Outside, Brent is holding two large paper shopping bags and he hands one to Joy before reaching into the back of his truck for another one. We usher him inside to sit everything down.

  “So, this is the Beacon, huh?” he says, looking around.

  “Yea, I know. Totally scary and dilapidated, right?” I reply sarcastically.

  “Penny can give you the tour in a few minutes. I saw that ladder in the truck, let's get to work,” Joy interjects.

  “Alright. What's your grand plan with the ladder, Joy?”

  “Oh, you'll see. Come on Brent.”

  He smiles sheepishly at me as he follows Joy back out the door. Well, it looks like we're following Joy's orders at the moment. With Brent's help, she wrestles the ladder from the back of the truck.

  “So, where are we taking this?” he asks her.

  “Right here is fine.” She points to the marquee. Joy holds the ladder steady while Brent extends it so it can reach the small roof of the marquee. As soon as it's in place, Joy hops on the rungs and is up it in a few seconds. That was a good plan, Joy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Joy was a professional burglar. I cover my eyes from the sun as I watch her try to lift the window.

  “Hey, it's open! I'm going inside,” she shouts down at us while clicking her headlamp on. Her feet disappear through the open window. Brent and I exchange nervous glances. A few moments later, Joy sticks her head out of the opposite window. “Penny! You'll never believe it! There's a whole apartment up here, not just an office. I'm going to find the stairs. Meet me inside.”

  “Sure thing.” I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “She's a riot.”

  “That's an understatement,” Brent laughs. I help him take ladder down and we carry it inside. We set the ladder down just as we both hear footsteps coming from behind the wall on the left. As we approach the sound, a latch clicks and the large frame holding a Howard the Duck movie poster swings open. Joy is standing triumphantly behind the hidden entrance.

  “I knew there was some hidden passage, there just had to be,” she exclaims.

  “Well, are you just going to stand there or can we go see what you've found?” I ask.

  “You and Brent go up, I want to stay here and figure out how this latch works from the outside. I am not climbing on the roof again to get in there.” Joy steps out of our way. The stairs go straight up to a small landing with a door. I twist the knob and can't keep the excitement from my face.

  “This is so amazing!” I say, turning to Brent.

  “Yeah, I never knew the Beacon was so cool inside. Everyone in town just paints it as this dump,” he replies.

  We are standing in a long hallway and at one end I can see the kitchen and the opposite end looks like a living room. There are four doors along the hall. I step across and try the handle on the first door. It's the bathroom with a wonderful old clawfoot tub and a pedestal sink which I immediately walk over to and twist the handle. The pipes clang and groan for a few seconds before brown water starts to sputter out of the faucet.

bsp; The next door is open and it's the same room Joy climbed in through. It definitely used to be someone's bedroom based on the dusty brass bed. The dresser in the corner is large and made from chestnut, at least that's what Bent says. I assume right when we check the adjacent room and find an old desk shoved in the corner. No windows, so it is only good for an office. Brent is silent the entire time we've been searching.

  “What are you thinking?” I say to him.

  “I think you and Joy hit the jackpot! I would love to help renovate this entire building with you. The apartment seems to be in great shape. Strangely good shape. You could move right in after a fresh coat of paint and some cleaning.”


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