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Blind Encounter

Page 19

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Ron felt something was not right and in a round about way asked her what she’d been doing and she told him about writing in the morning then having a snack with his mother. Not a mention about the coming crisis with a mother in law that sent her back remembering the advice of his mother. Ron told her about meeting the people at the foundation and from all outward appearances it looked functional and professional.

  Sue said, “Ron I know this sounds a little crazy, but I would like to finish our motor home trip when you can set yourself free of family and what you are doing with your father.”

  “I like that idea honey, but what about little Ronny and Christmas coming?”

  “I was thinking we could take Lisa and little Ronny with us when we go. If our motor home is too small, than we buy a bigger one,” she said with an anxious voice.

  “Okay honey, let me get the foundation on track with my friend from New York and we will continue our adventure. I can learn taking pictures while we travel. Christmas never meant much to me anyway. But for now, let me tell mom and dad in a few days about our plans. Dad is anxious to see if someone is stealing from the foundation and I promised to help.”

  Sue climbed on top and kissed him with wet slobber kisses and he responded with in kind. Sweaty from a round of love making they headed for the pool for a swim. Sue felt better now and maybe this morning with Mabel was just a dream. However, the next day proved otherwise.

  The next day Ron had to meet his friend from New York at the airport in the early morning leaving Sue alone in the house with Mabel. Sue went to her computer and sat down ready to work when the door opened again with Mabel striding to her side. She said, “I see you are back to work again. Last night I thought Ron was a little put out as you paid him no attention after dinner. You know he is a sensitive man and needs his wife by his side at all times. If you can’t see it, oh excuse me, I forgot, please forgive me, but anyway, Ron has always had a roving eye especially for blondes. This is just friendly advice and don’t take it too hard. I know my family very well and thought it right of me to give you some of my special ways of taking care of a husband,” and with that she left Sue staring at the blank screen with more tears flowing down her cheeks.

  Unknown to either Sue or Mabel, Iris was hiding in a closet because yesterday she wondered why Sue came back from the pool crying and now she knew why. Mabel wanted Sue to quite writing and be a house wife to her children and let Ron do the work. This was not fair and then she realized there was nothing she could do to help her new friend. Iris watched Sue leave for her bedroom and quietly followed her making sure Mabel didn’t see her. Iris found Sue face down on the bed sobbing her eyes out. Iris sat on the bed and rubbed her back telling Sue it was Iris and don’t worry I’m here for you. Iris said, “Let me run a warm bath for you and relax for awhile until your husband comes home.”

  Sue said, “Thanks Iris. I would like that. Iris jumped up and started a bubble bath and laid out a giant towel for her. A few minutes later Sue had undressed and walked in naked stepping carefully into the tub while holding onto Iris. Iris had never seen such a white body naked before. Even though she knew Sue couldn’t see, she averted her eyes anyway. However, not before she had a look at her white skin with breasts pink unlike her dark brown almost purple nipples. And when she noticed the pubic area as blonde a slight gasp escaped her lips, but she cut it off quickly as Sue sat down in the hot bubbly water.

  Iris told her to lean forward and she would wash her back and Sue did as she beckoned. Iris took a wash clothe and with lavender soap with a perfume of flowers, washed her friend's back. Sue was telling her how nice it was and Iris had a feeling of pleasure and also making her forget the witch Mabel who when the servants were out of ear reach of the other members other than staff, would scold them no end for nothing. Now Iris moved down to the side of the tub and told her to put a leg up on the side and she would continue the washing. No more had she begun washing the leg when the door opened and Mabel stood there looking. Not two seconds went by and she gasped and said, “I knew it. You’re a lesbian and married my Ron under false pretenses. And to top it all off, you’re in my house making a love nest with one of our servants. Now I’ll tell you what young lady, we will have no more of this I tell you. Over my dead body you will leave here when my son comes home and you will take this whore with you,” as she slammed the door leaving two girls with their mouths hanging open not believing what they heard.

  Iris started crying and Sue wanted to, but held on to a brave face for the sake of her new friend and said, “Now don’t worry Iris, we will pack our things and take the first flight out of this place. Now I’ll take a shower while you pack your things and then I’ll only take what I need till we get to Seattle.”

  Mabel was only too happy to provide a car for them to the airport. An hour later they sat at the airport waiting for their flight to Seattle. While sitting she barely remembered saying good bye to Ronny and taking her disks with her. No note left and now they both felt like crying, but kept up a false pretense. Amy sat as usual near her and Sue didn’t have any trouble getting her on board.

  The flight was long and sad. She stilled love Ron, but was confused why mother acted the way she did. It was clear to her the mother was driving her away. She had her grandson and heir to the fortune so who needed Sue Lyons. She would keep the name for the time being and made a plan for her and Iris for the future. When the plane landed at SeaTac they checked into a nearby hotel. They were exhausted and went to sleep on a king size bed together with Amy lying on the floor next to her master as if it was just another day.

  While his wife was somewhere over the mid-west, Ron came home happy and anxious to see his wife. He quickly noticed his mother out by the pool as he first checked the computer room. Seeing it empty he went to their bedroom and found it likewise. Where is she, he thought. Maybe she was in the pool as he now walked more quickly to the pool. He was glancing around didn’t see Sue so he asked his mother, “Where is Sue mom?”

  Mother with downcast eyes said, “She left for Seattle with her lover Iris. I found them in the tub making love to each other. I told them to leave and they left for the airport about four hours ago.” A truck hitting him crossing a street would not have hurt so much as hearing his wife left without talking to him and the news she was having a love affair with Iris was so absurd it was laughable. Once he regained his senses, he said, trying to be calm, “You can’t be serious mother, she was a virgin when I met her and if I told you how much she likes sex, would burn your evil ears.” Now he was getting hot and continued saying, “What have you done. I want to hear the truth and either comes clean or I will walk out of here and you will never see me or Ronny again in your life,” he shouted. The gardeners and staff were all listening now.

  “Ron honey we don’t need her. We have little Ronny and we have a family now without a blind woman to take care of. Forget her and do the work at the foundation. You find another woman who is not handicapped and how would you feel if she made a fool of you in front of all your friends by sticking her pretty nose in the air when I tried to introduce her to them. I felt like a total fool and now they laugh at me behind my back.”

  About that time father came walking out and said, “What's all the shouting about I heard it from the front of the drive way?”

  Ron now was thinking hard what to do and said, “Ask mother here. She just ran off my wife and Iris saying they were having an affair.”

  “What,” he asked. “Wait minute here. Start at the beginning and let’s be calm about it.” He sat down and poured a drink of cool juice. Then he said to his wife, “What have you done Mabel. I knew you were bitter about having Sue make you look bad in front of those old Betties, but to accuse her of having an affair with the help is hard to believe.”

  Mabel with a look of importance and a voice the same said, “Yes, dear, I found them in the bathtub with Iris washing her leg near her private parts. I scolded them and said I would have none of this under my roof a
nd the next thing I knew they packed their bags and left for the airport,” as she sat back smugly looking around at nothing.

  “Jesus Mabel I think you’ve gone off the deep end. I just can’t b”…….. As he saw Ron up and walk to the house, “Hey son where are you going?”

  Ron never turned around and said, “To find my wife and then we will be back for my son.” Father got up and hurried after him. He found Ron in his bedroom throwing a few things in a bag.

  “Ron I’m sorry and should've watched closer over your mother. Let’s do this together and we will find her and explain your mother didn’t mean what she said.”

  “Father, she did mean it and I should've saw the signs a day or two ago. This was not the first day as when I came home yesterday I knew something was going on around here. Dad I’m leaving to find her and that’s the best way. We should never have come here and now I have no idea how to find her as the house is still not finished. I don’t blame you dad. I'll call and let you know the results. I need a ride to the airport if you will. Say goodbye to mother because I can’t face her now. There was no excuse for this and I’ll have a hard time forgiving her,” as he followed his father to the front door and a ride to the airport.

  His father said, “Stay in touch son. We love you and I’ll see to it your mother seeks some professional help. Meanwhile find that lovely girl. I for one have fallen for her and she's a lovely woman whom you could be proud of to call her your wife.”

  By the time Ron arrived in Seattle it was mid-morning. He couldn’t get a flight out of Florida until after midnight. His plan was to check the nearby hotels for Sue and by the time he called the hotels across the street from the airport, he found she had checked out just a few hours ago. Damn he thought, now what. Where would she go now? Her house is where she would go first and then maybe somewhere nearby the park. Ron rented a car and headed north driving too fast and then stuck in rush hour traffic made his blood boil.

  Finally pulling up to the home where it all began, he felt a love gone past. Suddenly he was back on the streets. It was a past now all too real for him. Maybe he should just forget it and let her live her life. She’d told him once that having a baby without a man would be fine with her. He got out and the security man told him she’d been here and left in a taxi not thirty minutes ago. The contractor told Ron he gave her a run down and time frame when she could move back in. After that she left with an Asian woman not saying where she was going. Ron asked if he remembered the name on the taxi and he told him no, he didn’t see the name. Ron checked with the security man and he shook his head knowing that was what he was paid to do: be observant.

  Now Ron sat in his rental and thought about what he should do next. Looking for her now would be like finding the proverbial needle. What he did know was he was tired to the bone and decided a rest with a clear head when he woke up would be the smart thing to do. He drove back downtown and checked into the Hilton where they stayed before. He was welcomed with open arms, with the staff asking where his lovely new wife was. He didn’t want the same suite so took another not wanting the old memories back reminding him of the nights of love in their old room.

  Riding the elevator up to his room all he wanted now was a shower and some sleep. But first he looked in the yellow pages and found a private detective service and called them. After making arrangements for services rendered and all the information he knew, taxi, blind woman, description, Iris and Amy his confidence grew that they shouldn’t be hard to find. After a hot shower he crawled into bed and fell asleep, but not before he felt a tear run down his face. He never really knew how much he loved her until losing her.

  Chapter XXI

  The phone rang at about noon and one groggy Ron Filbert answered it wanting to know who was calling. It was the PI on the case telling him what they were going to do and that her name was Candice Allen special agent on the case. Ron thanked her for calling and told her to put as many agents on the case as needed then hung up hungry.

  Even when he was on the streets he never felt this tired and depressed. His whole body ached and felt his life slip down the road way ahead of his mind. She would use her credit card and would the agency know how to trace it? He picked up the phone and ordered some lunch he didn’t want, but needed. Another hot shower and he was good to go. He thought, who does she know or might contact. No one he decided. He answered the tap on the door letting in the familiar person who not so long ago brought them after sex food much to their delight. But now he sat at the smaller round table and stared at the food.

  Meanwhile, Sue with Iris help located a small house for rent completely furnished in West Seattle. It was a perfect location next to a Safeway and other convenient shops. By that night they were tucked in with the help of a nice real estate lady. They ordered Chinese take out and settled in with Amy for the night. Sue had her laptop and after dinner did some work until tiredness over took them both. Sue by now had turned the corner thinking about what happened in Florida and she wasn’t sure she wanted to see Ron again. Hurt was hurt and never again would she be talked to or treated that way. For all intense and purpose, she went back into her dark world knowing she had Iris now to look after her. It was time to regain her past life and with the baby coming and the house almost finished, the New Year looked and held promise for all four of them. She knew Ron would be looking for her, but never mind; he was tied to his mother’s ways and came from a life very different than hers. Inside she was feeling sorry for his mother and just before she fell asleep, hoped Ron would find his way in life again.

  A week passed and no word about where his Sue was. He felt she was in Seattle and close to her home. All day and into the night he called real estate people, hotels, motels and on and on with no results of a blind woman with a dog and Asian companion matching his inquiry. His resolve was to wait until the house was finished and wait on the street if necessary for her arrival. He believed love was hard to stop and he counted on his love for her to regain its previous level. He went back to the phone and called again and again.

  Two weeks and now it was Christmas day. Ron was in his hotel room depressed and lonely with Sue across town enjoying the smells of Christmas with a real tree and Iris cooking in the kitchen. They’d been shopping and a few presents made a circle under the tree while songs of Christmas played on the radio. It was a cozy house, old but warm and comfortable. New carpet and fresh paint hid the smells of old mould and decay. Iris and Sue slept together, but on their own sides of the bed. Sue with her work was bidding her time until moving back to home. She’d left her cell number with the architect and told him under no circumstances give it out. Sue was sitting in an old rocking chair when her cell went off. The architect told her the house was finished and she could move in anytime. Sue told him to meet her at the house tomorrow morning and get her keys. She asked him if the interior designer was finished and he told her that even down to the sheets and towels along with all the latest in kitchen ware was a turn key deal. She laughed and thanked him so much. Sue told Iris they would move out tomorrow and go home. Sue was so happy and felt a pang Ron was not here to see the finished product.

  Ron had spent the last two days sitting at the house. Like a music scale running up and down his emotions ran the same course. It was like her running to him with open arms to not talking to him at all. What would he say to her that would mollify the past vulgar actions of his mother? Hindsight was twenty - twenty and life moved on like the movement in time never stopping or waiting for anyone. When it got dark he drove back to his hotel and the lonely room that seemed to close in on him. Tomorrow he would drive back again and wait for the woman he loved; but did she still love him, only the hated time would tell the outcome of contact.

  The next day parked across the street from the house, the architect drove up. Ron jumped out of the car and walked quickly across the street to talk to him. Ron shook his hand and asked about if he knew when Sue would come and take possession. He told Ron she was coming now and should be he
re anytime. He thanked him and walked back to his car and waited. It was cold out and the sky was threatening a cold rain or snow, he didn’t know which. He had the car running and heat on full when he saw a taxi approaching. His heart went somewhere he couldn’t describe. It pulled up in front and first Amy jumped out and Sue followed. Her hair was in a pony tail and her usual sunglasses on. She had on a down coat to the waist and blue jeans and Nikes on her feet. Iris followed dressed much the same. The architect shook her hand and Ron couldn’t breathe thinking about his wife standing across the street and him in a car unable to move. Fifteen minutes later the architect left and Ron with a super human effort of nerve got out and walked up to the front door. He rang the door bell and a in a few seconds Iris with a smile said, “Hello and come in please.” Ron meekly entered the same old house, but now vastly different. From the kitchen area Ron heard Sue ask who was there in a voice that almost sent him to his knees. Iris left him standing and walking back to the kitchen area told Sue it was Ron her husband. A complete silence incurred and the opposite inside Ron’s head came on with a roaring sound. A few seconds later Sue came around the corner and smiled at him saying hello. She bid him to the kitchen and told him to sit down and would he like a cup of coffee?

  Ron tried to speak, but looking at her left him speechless. He finally croaked out a yes please and sat down. Sue said, “I can’t see the house, but it feels like the old place with new furniture. What do you think?”

  Her voice always reminded him of honey and looking at her all he wanted to do was throw himself at her feet and lay his head in her lap crying out to forgive him. Instead he said, “It’s beautiful and very homey. Sue cans we…...” “She held up her hand to not speak now. Ron closed his mouth and waited for her to say something or maybe she was waiting for Iris to serve the coffee and tea.


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