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by Ingrid Walsh

  I thank God for inspiration. And my family for understanding the many times I had to turn me to write. I dedicate to all my readers, especially the beautiful princesses rockers, who accompany me both Facebook groups, Wattpad and other social networks. I want to send a big kiss for WhatsApp group of girls, my "lanéticas". I love interacting with all of you, your beautiful! Another work ended, my loves. I hope you enjoy the outcome of the love story of Mike and Ella. The book is full of intense and tense moments. Suspense, intrigue, revenge and a love so great that made me cry in several places. I loved giving life to this couple, who became the newest darling of mamis ... rs. Let's check? For those knowing my work now, be sure to check my other books: Series Princes Di Castellani: Prince of Vengeance (re-released in e-book by 3DEA publisher with everything new!); Prince of Lust; Prince of Doom, Ella: Princess of Innocence. Rock'n Rio series: Unstoppable (eBook and physical launched by Pandorga publisher); Irresistible, Flammable and unforgettable in e-book for now. All are in the Amazon. Good reading! Kisses in your heart! Lani PRINCE FIELD

  Princes Di Castellani: beautiful, proud, intense and ... in Love! 5/8 Envy ... Suspense ... Revenge ... and a greater love life ...


  I thought that was the way to win the game. A ring on her finger, claiming it publicly and we would have our own fairy tale. However, fate decided to play bizarrely with me and find that the game is just beginning. And whoever is on the other hand, is not to play. He also wants to win. I am technically a commoner. But I'm the luckiest bastard walking on Earth. I love the most beautiful princess and I will fight with all my strength to live each day to its side. He thinks he knows me. And that will be your downfall. Nobody knows me. There is nothing that is not for my girl. Absolutely nothing. By Ella I kill and die. Antonella I thought we were on our way to happily ever after. But things became confused, dangerous. Is there anyone out there wanting to hurt the man I love, my prince. We'll have to be strong to defend not only our love, but our lives. Traps are being revealed from where we least expect it ... I know you all think I'm a fragile princess. But what they do not know is that Mike I would kill and die. I do everything for him. Absolutely everything. In this second and final part, Mike and Ella will have to fight to achieve their torrid and intense love story. This is the fifth book in the series Princes Di Castellani, recounting the adventures and misadventures of the children of Leon (Prince of Vengeance), Dominic (Prince of Lust) and Jayden (Prince of Doom). Warning: Not recommended for children under 18 years. If you are sensitive to very detailed erotic scenes and strong language, the works of the author are not for you. There are free sex taboos, social conventions without any compunction. If this is your style, then welcome!



  Many years before ... London, England ...

  I stop in front of the building and extend the neck back to admire the glass facade. Wow, it's huge! The sun is reflecting in the windows and it offers an array of breathtaking colors. It is so beautiful that sigh. Yes, I sigh like a girl. I laugh at myself. I followed the construction of this building, away from watching the intense work of the works. Whenever he passed, I could not help snooping. I see a car with the eye corner stopping at the curb and I run, advancing the sidewalk. The foreman always shooed me every time we stopped here. They do not like street kids roaming around this part of town. Damned rich kids. I snort. When I'm around the corner, I stop and look over his shoulder. A couple is out of the car. They go hand in hand towards the entrance. A tall, burly man and a small red-haired woman. I backed me to the wall and watch them from afar. The woman is very beautiful and smiled sweetly at something the man is saying. The guy seems able to crush a head with his own hands, but his expression is melted as the looks. I find myself smiling at the odd couple. The man kisses her hair and the two enter the building. I walk out of the shadows and back to my position to wonder just a little the facade. - Someday ... Someday we'll build buildings as big as this. - whisper in the noise of the traffic. A blow followed by a pain of hell, through my skull and I hit the ground on impact. - I knew I'd find you here, you asshole! - the hateful voice of Tony makes me stiffen and straighten me, trying to get up. - You are a fucking little deer. I did not hit so hard. - mocks before I tripped and I fall again. I hate this stupid, it's cruel. It took me a few years ago in his gang. Three years to be exact. But loves to hit me for no reason, shit. I thought he was my savior when I found starving in an alley after he ran the last house where the fucking system threw me. Escaped a direct hell to another. Tony took me to a ramshackle house on the outskirts of London, where he was hiding with four boys and a girl, her sister. There was no furniture, just filthy mattresses strewn on the floor. We have been through a lot in the same style since. We invaded and when we discovered the neighborhood, we moved. The gang survives of petty theft and sales of drugs to a dealer do not know. Only Tony negotiates directly with his men. As for me, I ended up having to follow your playbook or starve. The son of a bitch made it clear from day one that eats only those who contribute. I snort getting up and advancing on him with everything. I do not care to be much larger and bulkier than I need to hurt him back. I learned early that if you lower your head, everyone will want to take a piece of your leather. Be weak on the streets is not an option. I give a punch right in the middle of his legs, reaching your bag full and am rewarded with his grunt of pain. - You have no fucking right to hit me, damn it! - growl, while it shrinks, leaning against the wall. Her brown eyes chispam at me, his teeth chattering. - If you touch me again, I'll kill you! I'll kill you, motherfucker! - cry, rage. I have these almost uncontrollable outbursts of anger when I am wronged. Crispus fists, breathing hard, looking at the same ominously my size do not mean much against him. At that moment, I want to skin him alive. Tony seems to realize this because straightens, but will not fight back. Instead, he laughs. It's a laugh with something cruel shining in the cold eyes. His look frightens me - is no life - someone who does not care about anything or anyone. - Well, well, the brat has guts, after all. - mocks again. I growl. He rolls his eyes and pulls a pocket pack of brand new jacket you bought last week. Bought with the money I and others did. He always gets the best clothes. I and the rest we get the second hand things or we think of cool rolling trash. - You should be on the spot, selling candy, asshole. - pushes the packet into my chest tightly, almost upsetting me. Are baptized chocolates, stuffed with drugs. High dosage. I was not warned the first time told me to sell them and almost died by eating only two. He and his cronies laughed at me while I was sick and threw up my guts. There were two days with diarrhea from hell. Tony said it was to learn the lesson and not to be proving the goods instead of bringing the money for it. Lately, I've thought of escape from the gang, but things are not good in the streets to a single kid my age. I must endure this shit a little more and pray not to die before making at least seventeen and give the foot. - Take it. - he growls. I hold the package, giving you a look of death. - Go make money for me and stop daydreaming watching the fucking buildings, idiot. It looks like a fagot, all dazzled when they see the buildings. I stretch, puffing his chest. - I'm going to build buildings like that when you grow up and go to college. - I say with conviction that I have inside me. His head shoots back and he falls into laughter. I want to kick their new balls. But at that time, his partners in crime bend the corner, joining us. I stiffen myself again, knowing they will make fun of and beat me because I am the smallest of the bunch. Tony stops smiling and straightens his jacket, pushing up the wall. Your posture makes me alert. - Did you know that we have a future engineer in the gang, guys? - he jokingly says without taking his eyes from mine. - We have? Who? - one of the largest and as son of a bitch as Tony asks in mockery tone. - Our little Mike. - Tony back to laugh, but it comes out as a grimace on his face gri
m. He comes closer and gestures to the other morons. Within seconds, I pressed against the wall. My arms stuck side, immobilized. - He thinks he's people. - ri more and others to follow. Before even prepare myself, I get a powerful punch in the gut. Pain radiating into my abdomen and I cough, groaning in pain. Do not cry, though. No, I never cry. I can not give this taste in my abuser. This annoys because then take a right hook to the jaw, making my head hit so hard on the wall, I see stars. Blood gushes in my mouth, almost drowning. Even groggy, I kick him in the knee and he staggers from the blow. The next thing I see is that I am lying on the floor and a hard kick reaches my ribs. I get out of breath, bending me, silently asking someone to stop them. But it never happens. Nobody cares about people like us. We are scum. We are nothing. One more shot and I'm soft, thinking that I will die before the twelve. A heavy boot settles on my neck and I open my eyes, struggling to breathe. psycho eyes stare at me back. - You think you do not know what you're thinking of running away, to escape from us? - Tony growls, intensifying its grip. - You ungrateful shit! We are your brothers! You are nothing without the gang. I saved! I fuck! - caught his boot with both hands, trying to escape, but he tightens. - An engineer ... - snorts, laughing sickly looking at each other, laughing together without the slightest remorse. - You are trash! Slag! You will never quit, do you understand? - it seems crazy now. - Nobody gets out of this alive gang! - directs his eyes dispossessed for others, once again agree with their leader. - If you dare to go out, I'm coming after you. - his voice drops to a deathly cold tone. - No matter how much time passes, I'm coming after you and I will pay. Ten, fifteen, twenty years. - his face is twisted while looking at me relentlessly. - Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell! I'm coming after you and I will pay. Ten, fifteen, twenty years. - his face is twisted while looking at me relentlessly. - Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell! I'm coming after you and I will pay. Ten, fifteen, twenty years. - his face is twisted while looking at me relentlessly. - Never make the mistake of thinking that will not go after you. I will chase you to hell!



  Current days...

  I sign the most urgent documents and I return to my desk. Ella returned to Ardócia with his parents last week. Arose issues and meetings that I thought important here in King's chair, then stood back. It was not an easy decision, though. Just eight days and I'm already dying of miss my doll. My uncle insisted on taking her back to the island and I chose not to tempt fate butting heads, given the circumstances in which he found our relationship. Must be controlled and understanding if you want to earn some points with my future father in law. Lucy nods, picking up the papers. - Lord, Vivian engineer is out there waiting to see him. she informs me and I wrinkling his eyebrows. Vivian? What the hell is she doing here? Thank you, Miss Carson. - I say in polite tone, but tense. - Send her in, please. She leaves and then Vivian parading into my office. - Good morning, Mike. I ... - What are you doing here, Vivian? - I grind, cutting her off. - Why did you let Ardócia without telling me? She stops in front of my desk, his face is a little dejected, I realize. The eyes are red as if he were crying. - M-my father ... - sobbing, leaning on the chair. - It went very badly at the weekend and had to come see it. I'm sorry I did not warn, it is that I was so distressed and everything else disappeared from my head. - it does seem bleak. Oh, shit, his father is sick, I remember. - I just prayed to God not to take me. I'm sorry ... - her voice breaking into sobs. Cum. - Sit down. - I say, forcing my softer tone. - Accepts a water, tea? She sits down, pulling a handkerchief from her purse. - A water's fine. - mutters. I get up and go to the tray on the side table. I fill a glass and back, handing her. - Thanks. - she catches him, sipping almost any content. - I'm sorry. I did not want haywire me that way. - mumbles. It's all right. - I reply, feeling bad about having it rebuked. - How is he now? His face brightens a little and she smiled weakly. - Better, thank God. - says and extends his free hand toward me, grabbing my. - Thank you, Master. - uses the submissive tone and takes my hand to her mouth, kissing her like an obedient sub. I pull my hand back and forth to my seat, I sit. - Good thing your father is right now. - I tell you. - I understand that it was an emergency, but do not get out of bed again without telling me. You are to assist engineer, I'm not there and do not appreciate that my work will be unattended in my absence. You're right, sir. - whispers softly. I stifle a growl. It irritates me that is still treating me like his gift. The subs treat the Masters and Domes with respect even when they are not your property but it just inside the club. Outside, the relationship is indifferent. - Do not address me that way out of the club. - use a more incisive tone. She opens her eyes wide. You know the rules, is not a newcomer. - You do not have that right. It's not my sub. His face shows sorrow, which is quickly replaced by a nod of apology. - I'm so sorry. It is a matter of habit, I guess. - he says, trying to smile. - Desacostume. - I still say in firmly. - Is there anything else you want to discuss beyond the unexpected with your father? Vivian rolled her hand on her ponytail high on her head and stares at me almost shy. Thing she definitely is not. - I thought you could catch a ride with you back to the island? - bites her lip, even this modest scenario. - is returning tomorrow, right? Almost snort with his seemingly innocent proposal. There's no chance of Ella I enjoy traveling with Vivian in my jet, alone. I do not feel any lust for woman in front of me, but my princess is so jealous and possessive with me as I am with her. - Yes, I'm coming back tomorrow, late afternoon, but I will not take it with me. - his face falls with my negative. - But why? We are going to the same destination. - inquires, trying not to show his disappointment. This time I did not secure an ironic sound. - You know very well why, Vivian. - I say in harder tone. - Ella would not like to travel together, even if there is nothing but professionalism among us. She sighs at length, waving. - Of course, I understand perfectly. - says opening a carefree smile. - I do not see any problem, but the princess might not like. All right, I'll go on a commercial flight today, do not worry. I close my eyes, analyzing it. I'm about to dismiss it when it continues.

  - By the way, I was shocked by the slander that one employee of the palace planted about it ... I growl, tucking me into the seat. I still get pissed off at how close I was to have the name dragged through the mud, or even be arrested. Parliament was already preparing to frame me, I learned through Dam. Well, I would be royally fucked in a short time and all this because a crazy thought it would be fun to make up lies about me. The newspaper published a retraction Ardócia note and with it the letter Celina left. It was also stated last week, thank God. I am free to take my love for Ella nothing spotting it, and I look forward to parade with my doll. I want to show the world who is my wife now. - This issue is none of your business. If it was only that, you can come out now. I have a lot to cover before the trip. - I'll cut. Vivian seems resentful, but rises smoothing her skirt too tight. - Can I ask you something before you go? - asks, his face softening slightly. - Two things, you mean. Just use the first question. - point out. She smile. - I love that his wit and intelligence. - mutters, making me feel uncomfortable by the way his eyes shine for me. - Ask or skirt. - I press. - I know that the princess is not my fan since that unfortunate event ... I snort and impatient growl. - Go straight to the point. She raises her hands, laughing at my outburst. - Okay, okay. You will take her to the club? - asks, his face turning serious. What? I wrinkling his brow, starting to get pissed. Who does she think she is to snoop around my relationship with Ella? - Again, this is none of your business. - respond with clenched teeth. - If you want to stay working at King's, never again ask stupid questions about my personal life. Do we have a deal? Vivian pales, waving. - Roger that, Mike. - says softly. - Believe, I'm not trying to be nosy or anything. We can be friendly with each other, can not we? I raise a skeptical eyebrow at her, crossing my arms over the table top in hopes take the hint and get out of my room. - Actually, I was going to propose was
... - she sighs, shaking his head. - I know the princess is inexperienced ... - Where the hell did she want to go? I wonder, tempted to throw her out of the room. - I could help her settle in at the club, in our world. I can train her to be the perfect sub for you, Mike. I can ... - Are you crazy? I growl, getting up in disbelief that has made a proposal as unreasonable as this. Ella would never accept this and I much less. She is startled, taking a step back. - It is not so strange. Colton Master uses his wife to train their future submissive. - says in defense of tone. I growl at the mention of more Colton. He is the most liberal and bizarre in our club. He is married for a long time, but still eating so many subs as give him the tile, while his wife is his alone. Unfair exchange. However, it is consensual. Wife trains future husband's subs. They form an odd couple fucking. I would never betray Ella and is sure as hell will not allow the princess even look at another man fucked. I'm crazy possessive about this girl. It's mine. All my. For her I will kill and die. - Do not you dare compare me to that asshole, Vivian. - I spit angrily. - It's in very bad taste to put a woman I fucked to train the woman I love. - his face falls again. - In addition, the princess did not need training. - grind. Not you, at least. Add to myself. Vivian like a perverse game. It is sadomasochistic. He likes to inflict pain and feel. I never submit my doll to something like that. - Mike, I know your tastes. - says, not disguising the satisfaction in his tone and countenance. - All of them. - whispers. - Let me train princess, shape it for you. - No way, damn it! You should leave. - shave, arranging the papers on the table, dismissing her. - I twist to this love and enchantment that all are feeling right now might be sufficient. But we both know that the dominating in you like, you need a heavy game. - continues as if he had not waived. - While the princess is not ready yet, you can get back to having sessions with me if you want. I promise that I will be confidential. I just want to serve the Master, do what you need and are not having the time ... and it's the last straw. I look with expanded nostrils. - Who says I'm not having what I need? - down and say coldly. - I just need to Ella, the woman I love more than anything in this world. - gasps softly with my strong statement. - I could make vanilla fucking for the rest of my life and it would still be happy. Do you know why? - spit angry. - Because I belong to Ella. I'm hers. I love her and never betray her, as are flippantly suggesting, damn it! Never! Vivian raises his hands again, his face showing no sign of annoyance. - I'm not ...


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