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Page 6

by Ingrid Walsh

  Mike helps me down the limousine in front of the museum. His arm wraps around my waist and immediately move the wide sidewalk. He is more casually dressed today. A white polo neck shirt and dark jeans. I'm guessing that will embody the badass every engineer in the middle of the work, bellowing orders to everyone. My vagina tightening in anticipation. I love watching him in his element and I have a thing for the white helmet too. I laugh stealthily. Maybe we should fuck the work sometime with him wearing the helmet. I see the two men in the peripheral vision to follow. Are your new securities. He explained to me that will not relax while the columnist is not caught by the agents. My father and Dam share these same suspicions and also increased my safety by placing two agents at my disposal, and Lorenzo. The sun is shining beautifully in the blue sky above us. The day is wonderful. I sigh and river softly, because my totally blown state is obviously influencing this analysis.

  - There are people taking our pictures. - I whisper to himself, trying to be discreet to indicate some more distant passersby pointing their phones in our direction, and at least three paparazzi also in scanning with their invasive flashes. Mike laughed dryly. - They always took pictures of us, baby. - whispers, kissing my temple. - Relax, my love. This is inevitable from now. Then he growls when one of the paparazzi is fast approaching, shouting questions all the press is doing since Sandra Lorenzatti released a statement stating that Mike and I are officially dating. - Highnesses, confirm the involvement? - How do you feel about the death of his maid, princess? - How long are dating, highnesses? The security advance, surrounding us quickly as bouncers and cry for meddling departing. Some questions are still thrown behind us, as we climb the stairs and crept in to the building fund. None of us said anything to the media yet. My adviser has received at least a hundred invitations for interviews in newspapers and online channels. I will not do such a thing. Bufo. I'm not a Hollywood celebrity, I'm a princess and I can not give myself the luxury of feeding the sensationalist media with details of my personal life. Mike and I should no explanation to anyone. We will make an announcement televised only when he asks me to marry him. However, this is for our people, does not have the purpose of feeding gossip about the royals, it's just a way to share our happiness with ardocianos. Moreover, it is tradition, the Royal engagements are announced on national television. I breathe sigh of relief when we went up the back stairs and into the hallway to our rooms. The men were out there ready. - Wow. It seems that things will heat up from now on. - I snort, ironic. In the next instant, I pressed against the wall of the corridor. Mike smiled, holding my waist, large body pressed against mine. I am dressed in a pleated black skirt above her knees and a red blouse very fine silk. - Yes, I would say that things are hot from the moment that appeared well dressed doll. - whispers with a vicious glare in his eyes, lowering his mouth to mine. I laugh, wrapping around his neck. - What? It's just a work clothes ... - I can not contain my naughty smile. He growls and bites my bottom lip. My panties wet. I'm sore all of your hunger and gross footprint of yesterday and this morning, but Dio, I want all the time. - I want to eat you on my desk. - grunts and diverts his lips down my chin down the neck. His cock hardening against my belly. Suck my skin so hot that I can not contain a loud groan. A movement to my left makes me turn my head a little. A wicked smile curve my mouth when I see it's none other than puttana clueless. Lift the right leg wrapping on Mike's hip and pull over. He growls and rubs on me, making me rejoice with puzzled expression Vivian. Si face. He is mine. Here's how to treat my man. I disdain it with my gaze. Mike back his mouth to mine and up a hand to my neck while the other takes my ass. Smile and blink towards Beelzebub before losing me in the wickedly seductive lips. He devours me as if he had not been inside of me most of the night and awake the same way this morning. Dio, he's so manly, insatiable. I was considering talking about a bitch today. Demand his head. But I've been thinking better. Mike has a surprise for the weekend. I will bring this matter now and ruin the mood. I'm sure it will make me the request. I do not want anything to take the shine that moment. Anything. So I can not wait to see the dog in the street. Meanwhile ... Well, in the meantime, I'll torture her at every opportunity you have. I smile and I deepen the kiss, sucking Mike's tongue. He roars, standing up the ass, smiling wickedly against my mouth. I embrace you with his legs and let him take me to your room.



  Two days later ... Rome, Italy ...

  I finish putting my Valentino in fine satin. It's a long silver casting my body in a way at the same time sensual and elegant, graceful. Sexy but not overly flashy. Well, that looking from the front. I turn and smile pleased to dangerously low neckline in the back. Mike will get mad when you see me using it. We are in Rome at the luxurious penthouse that Dam and Max gave gift for him on his thirtieth birthday. We arrived in the morning and I do not remember much of anything except my prince carrying me still half asleep in his arms out of the jet. We spent the afternoon resting and ... well, dating in bed and spa bath in the large terrace with a panoramic view of the city in toasting. Adjust the delicate straps, bodice fair value model my full bust. A draped down to my hips and the fabric opens skirt extending in a glamorous tail. My mother gave me making recommendations that the wear on the first night in Rome. Not sure a small smile, remembering the happy glow in her loving green eyes. I think we all suspect that Mike will order this trip. Anxiety and delicious excitement took me from the moment we entered the jet. He did not show me our destiny until we landed at the airport. Mike brings his real surprises. I check my coke made in the middle of the head. I put a thin and discreet tiara of bright, highlighting it. Just let loose fringe, seated, leaning to the right. I made a more heavy makeup as well. Red lipstick and smoky eyes shaded silver and brown background. My mother taught me a few tricks of hairstyles and makeup simple, although fine, as a teenager. She says that even a princess has to be able to make herself presentable. always depend on professional takes some pleasures of life, dear. Learn to be independent, my princess. It seems to be listening to his soft words while combing me as a young man. I grab my wallet and my silver fur stole, leaving the closet. My gaze slides the master suite until I find what I'm looking for. He is standing on the threshold of sliding doors that open to the terrace, a glass of whiskey in hand. I take my time admiring the way his broad shoulders fill the tuxedo. This view is something that has always struck me. My reaction to it never gets old. Mike exudes a sexual power, brutally exciting force, which is impossible to ignore. Way slowly, the sandal heels strips in the same tone dress making a soft clicking against the floor. He looks over his shoulder, his eyes widening and his body turns to face me. I stop in the middle of the room, calling my man to appreciate me. A small smile of approval turn one corner of his mouth and he walks, discarding the empty glass next sideboard. I drink your feline grace, while walking to me. The hair is shining, still damp, pulled back. I love in formal attire. Mike uses them with such confidence, pride, that leaves me breathless. Him to close. - Beautiful. - whispers, her hands grabbing my waist and pulling me gently. I lap him, almost moaning in rapture. Pure and complete perfection, my princess. - his eyes have a predatory gleam, but his voice is hoarse and gentle. - I do not think there is another woman so beautiful out there. My heart melts and quietly gasp supporting the free hand on his solid chest. - Grazie, but certainly there. - mutter, looking at him adoringly. A beautiful smile curved her lips and intensifies the brightness in his eyes. His face closer to mine, her mouth hovering over mine. - Not to me, doll. - mutters and I sigh. - Never to me. Dio, it melts me when it gets so all romantic. - Same here, amore mio. And his lips descend soft on mine. His tongue slips, licking my lips sensually, making me shiver. It's a good thing I'm using a lipstick proof kisses tonight. I delve into the kiss, entwining my tongue in his and he groans deeply, but departs, making me squeal in protest. Mike smiles, a mysterious glint in his eyes. - I have something for you. - says quietly and I hold my breath. Already? The expression on my fa
ce must have given me because he smiles more, something wicked glowing in the dark iris. He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out the gleaming object. I gasp loudly. It is one of the necklaces I saw in the games room. A leash. Bright surround on three strips in the center and an emerald stone. Sophisticated, but we both know what it symbolizes: my surrender and submission to him. - Turn around and let me put it, doll. - I do and hear your intake air to see the rear neckline. I smile, congratulating me and thanking my mother mentally. - Damn, Ella ... - his voice thickens. - This neckline will sabotage my romantic plans ... - says, while rubbing my shoulders and my skin shivers when I feel his hot breath on my neck. - Do not blame me if some idiot daring to look in his direction. - he gently bites my flesh and unabashed warmth slips into my belly, going down ... - You're being irrational, is not it? - I attic. He growls and I laugh. I love to tease him. - Just taking care of what's mine. - say, starting to hold the lock. His warm fingers and the feel of the jewelry in my neck makes me gasp softly. My nipples tingle with the meaning of it. I hear his sinful smile right into my ear. - sounds like something out of the cave to me. - causing it still. He turns me facing. - Semantics. - bow lips a seductive smile, his eyes down to my neck and are burning. A fierce glare taking it. - Worth every second waiting to see her using it. plays the jewel and down the hand through my lap, fingers creeping on my neck, his eyes holding mine. - Damn, you look beautiful too and the more I look, the more I want to see her kneeling, naked, sucking my cock, using only this tiara and my collar. I moan, satisfied that affect you that way. - You can. Mike lets out a low growl and knocks on my ass, making me moan shameless. - Yes, I can and I will have it so. - his voice and eyes are dark with depravity. - Over and over again, Ella. - I moan softly, thrilling me with the picture emerging in my mind. He laughs evil and then shakes his head as if to clear my head. - But not now. Today is all about you. - your hand up, stroking my face. - All for my princess. whispers with emotion marking his face. About thirty minutes later, the limo headed by Harry, with Lorenzo as a partner in the front seat to the reserved area near the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Mike bought tickets for the new version of La Traviata [1] which opens today. It is one of my favorite pieces. He knows this and is making this very special night. Mike leaves before and extend my hand, helping me out of the vehicle. There are rows and rows of cars everywhere. Our guards are following us quietly as we walk down the steps to the entrance. The flashes espocam in us and Mike spends an arm around my waist. A molten smile comes to my lips. It is. We are showing us as a couple to the world. Dio, finally! More clicks when professionals of the press and paparazzi, separated by cordons on either side of the red carpet, recognize us. There are a lot of people as might be expected in such an event. Famous around the world and Italian noble families are in sight. Mike loose me, holding my hand, lacing our fingers and walked down the carpet. Events like this never make me nervous. I'm used to appear in public as well as media attention. However, today, my stomach is doing somersaults. Not nervousness, but of happiness, excitement. I'm claiming my man publicly and vice versa. Smile for the cameras and wave as we pass. Of course we hear questions and more questions, but do not answer anything, just follow smiling and waving as we have been taught since childhood. We stopped in the area reserved for photos and Mike around my waist. This time, he pulls me in the face with both hands. Support me in your chest and lift my face to his. What I see there makes me weak in the knees. It has the most beautiful and satisfied smile wide open. His eyes catch mine and I gasp at the intensity in them. We stared at so enraptured, lost in each other under the incessant flashes. - A kiss for the photo, Highnesses!

  Someone asks and we laughed like two teenagers on a first date. - Una bella coppia [2] Grita another enthusiastic!. Our smiles are dying as his mouth moves closer to mine. I can hear the buzz around us, however, I get lost when his lips claimed mine. We groan softly to know that we can not exaggerate. That's just to give something real to the press. Mike gently suck my lower lip and almost whimper because he could not give in to the desire to delve into their sinful mouth. I smile when I feel great and thick column of his erection beginning to wake up against my belly. He also smiles of our situation. - You drive me crazy ... - growls against my mouth and whispers, half-closed eyes on mine. - We have to stop before I get completely hard and spoil our first public appearance. - According. - my voice is kind of frustrated and slightly breathless. He laughs, turning to look at me and with a peck behaved frees me from your domain. We turned to face the cameras, most offering some pictures to the thirsty clicks and waved before heading inside. We crossed the hall, coming to the reception hall, the room is lit by a huge chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. People dressed in the clothes of the latest collection of the most famous designers parading to and fro. As is also common in gala evenings, their noses are steep and their bulging breasts, as if the world owners. What gives me a certain perverse satisfaction is the fact that everyone, even reportedly snobs, bow when our eyes meet and recognize us. Anna also loves that part. We are greeted by some known, but they soon realize that we are in a double night and politely say goodbye and then leaving us alone. Mike pulls me toward the stairs and went up to our cabin. Harry and Lorenzo are still around, but a few steps away to give us privacy. If it is even possible privacy for any of us when we go out in public. After getting into our private cabin, a waiter brought us a bucket of champagne on ice. I walk to the rail, looking at the ornate space with elegance. People begin to fill the other cabins and seats on the ground in front of the stage. I hear the soft sound of the bottle being opened and moments later, a warm hand is slipping stole my shoulders, baring my back. A low, guttural groan rumbles very close to my ear. - I Love your body ... - Mike whispers, sliding his fingertips down my spine until it stops at the edge of the neckline. My engages breathing, warming my skin, tingling with his touch. Waves of pleasure engulf me and I moan softly. He laughs softly, pressing his body against my back. - I love this skin, that smell ... - growls low, running nose over my shoulder and a possessive arm wraps around my waist, his hand opening in my belly and pulling me to feel the volume growing in his groin. warm and sinful lips suck my skin, sliding up the neck, where nibbles above the collar. Whimper, moisture gathering in my panties. - I can spend hours inside and you'll still be hungry ... always starving for you, doll. - Dio, me too. - croak weakly. - Always hungry for you, mio sexy brunette. His laugh is soft and hoarse as it rises, sucking the shell of my ear. I turn my head to look at him. It brings the cup to my mouth and I drink a generous sip under his flaming look. Also takes a sip and dip the mouth on mine, probing seductively, licking my lips. Extend one arm behind your neck and let me prove unhurried, nibbling my mouth, rubbing his hard cock in my ass. Our tongues are, weaving and kiss warms. It is still slow, but full of sensuality. Protected by railing, his hand comes down and settles on top of my sex. He digs softly, holding and massaging my heart with your palm while devouring my lips. My vagina throbbing, pulsating with debauchery. I'm soaked and gasping as he departs, dragging my lower lip between her teeth and go. Damn it. I moan needed. Mike stares at me, the semblance of a wicked smile curving his mouth. - Later, love ... - promises thickly. - We will accommodate us, the play should not take the start. When we left the opera and we settled in the limo, Mike surprises me and excites in equal measure when it shows a sale. His eyes are soft but a wicked gleam shadowing his face. I lean without saying a word and he slides over my eyes. His warm lips caressing my temple in a tender kiss and intertwines her hand in mine. It is relatively soft and behaved tonight. I appreciate that side of him as well. The way it looks and touches me with pure devotion, makes me feel like a princess fairy tales. Except that my prince is a manly domineering, hard, wanton rather than delighted. Dio, I love. Some time later, the car and Mike leads me gently out. The night breeze caressing my skin, ruffling her. I hear the nearby propeller noise. It's a helicopter? I wonder lively. Always loved touring with him for the London sky. It looks even more manly
riding the machine. Always secretly fantasized that we were in when meetings take me to heaven. Mike holds me firmly, standing up in his arms and feel a bench beneath me. His hot breath is very close, his mouth on my breathing. - My good girl ... - praises with a touch of fun and indulgence his own. I snort softly. Of course it pleases me to see every submissive following his script without reason at any time. His firm hands hold my belt and then the door is closed. I force myself to stay calm, although anxiety and curiosity are almost giving me itching skin. He will order today, I feel it in my heart. The ride is not as time consuming. I see the aircraft landing not long after. Again Mike opens the door and holds me. I laugh, leaning his head on his broad chest. - I could get used to this. - mutter between dreamy and provocative. A soft kiss on my forehead falls. - Get used to it, doll. - he says in his deep voice, causing euphoria in my belly. - We are coming. After another short drive, it helps me to come down and hear male voices around, as if they were whispering that I should not hear. The guards, I suppose. The murmurs cease and Mike leads me again. The cool breeze is back and my senses come into full attention. We entered a building, I can tell by the way the air is contained. I raised again in his strong arms and climbed stairs. Many steps. A few moments later, the breeze running around in my skin, blowing like a caress. Mike walks a few steps and slips me to my feet slowly. His hands move away, its warmth slipping away before I can say anything. Reach out in front of me, looking for it and finding nothing. He smiles softly. - We arrived. - his voice is whispered with some emotion-swelling. - Remove the sale, my love. My heart starts pumping rushed to the expectation of what is to come. - You were so mean. - I make a pout. - You know how much I love when pilots. I hear his hoarse, deep smile, further stirring the emotions. You will enjoy the ride back, doll. Promise. - whispers. - Come on, take the sale. I raise my hands and pull the sides of the fabric. The first view of space assails me, I close my eyes and reopen to familiarize myself. We are in a huge balcony with stone railings, probably an old building. Lower down the mountain, the view of a huge lake is stunning. I smile, my chest swelling with recognition. He brought me to Bracciano, a small medieval town near Rome. We visited just after my sixteenth birthday. Mike had spent a long period in Egypt and when he returned we were dying to meet each other. My father left to bring me to Rome after the obligatory celebration in Ardócia. Three unforgettable days. We walked a lot, went to restaurants, opera and of course we slept together. Marejam my eyes at the memory of that day and how I've longed to be his. How dreamed I would be my prince. How happy being just went with it alone, like two lovers. A girl dreaming of the love of a man. I sigh and walk close to the railing, watching the vastness around. It is absolutely beautiful! Mike remembered how much I enjoyed our visit to this castle. It was sweet and attentive. Emotion warms my whole body. I love you so much. I jump scare me taking when fireworks go up exploding in the sky. Madonna mia! Smile, seeing more and more multicolored explosions spreading at various points, illuminating the balcony, which makes me realize the ground covered in rose petals. With her heart beating wildly, I turn and stare at him. Mike is very close, his dark, piercing eyes, his expression serious, solemn, then my breath hitching when I see him fall on his right knee. Oh, Dio! Dio mio ... It is now. I do not think I've seen anything more beautiful in my life. I choke, putting a hand to my chest, my eyes being inundated with tears. Her hands stretch, opening a small red velvet box. Gasp, watching the ring inside. It seems one of the pieces of my grandmother, Antonella. Drag my eyes to his and tears trickle down my cheeks. My heart is beating so out of control that I'm afraid to pass out before you even hear his words. - Ella ... - murmurs, swallowing audibly. - Our love was meant to be from the beginning. And it grew so much, so much, little doll. - more tears overflow in my eyes, listening to the slight tremor and emotion in his deep voice. - There is nothing I would not do for you. Absolutely nothing. - says fiercely. - I love you so deeply that mere words would never give account to express the extent of my feelings. - he swallows again, the very bright eyes, filled with love and tenderness so that leaves me breathless. - So give me the honor of showing you that every day, my princess. Marry me, my love. Be completely mine and I will take care and love you until the end of our days. Santo cielo. My legs are soft. My whole body is shaking. Seeing him so at my feet, my handsome prince evil and sexy, being all romantic, following the prince's playbook delighted asking me to be his forever, undoes me. Oh, Dio, I dreamed so much about it. I cry uncontrollably. - Mike ... Mike ... My - babble, fighting back tears. Mio Bello i amato Principi. - choking, not bothering to make a cardboard because this man is all that I have dreamed of since I was fifteen. - You Love, amore mio. Si. Si! Dio, you! a big smile spreads across his mouth, the onyx eyes getting even more intense. - I've always been yours. I belong to you since I can remember. - it's time for him to breathe loudly, his handsome face marked by my words. - Nothing will make me happier than to make it official in the eyes of God and the world. Mike


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